NN-CT651M 662M KPQ Operation Manual EN

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Panasonic Operating instructions and Cookbook Convection/Grill Microwave Oven Household Use Only Nn-oreste Model No. NN-CT651M/NN-CT662M IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Before operating tis van plaage read these instructions carefuly and keep for future reference, Contents Installation and Connection Warming Safely Instructions Important Information Outline Diagram Control Panel Setting the Clock/Child Safety Lock Microwave Cooking and Defrosting/Timer Defrosting Guidelines Grilling Combination Cooking Convection Cooking Auto Defrost Pointers to successful use of Auto Menus Auto Menu Reheat Menu Main Dish Side Dish (Gravy) Side Dish (Ory) ‘Soup/Snack Tandoori/Grill Japanese Dessert Cake/Cookie Questions and Answers Care of Your Oven, Technical Specifications Eng-t 39-47 48-54 55-58 59-63 64-68 69 70 71 Installation and Connection ‘Examine your microwave over 4 Unpack tha oven, remove ali packing materla, ‘and examina the even for any damage such 68 {enis, brokan door leichas or cracks n the door, tryout oven. Eerthiog inetructions IMPORTANT. THIS UNIT HAS TO BE PROPERLY EARTHED FOR PERSONAL 8 SAFETY. if your AG outa not grounds ts tha personal reaponstilly of tha customar to hava it Teplaced wah a properly grounded wall sockat, Operation voltage 9, “The votags has o be the samo as speoied on ‘he tbe onthe oven. Ifa higher voliaga than spected is used, Ima cause a fre or other damages. Placement ofthe Ovan 1. This oven intended for Household courter ‘0p ube ony. is nol edad for bulla usa orfor use inside a cupboard, Plaoe the oven Gna fat and sable surface more han 88 om shove te Noor, 2. When this oven is install, K shoul bo pany ‘lsolato tho appllnce fafa the siectclty supply By pullng out he pig oF operating ‘eu breaker. 3. For proper operation, nue a suffiient or circulation fortha avon, Countertop use: & Allow $S.om of space on tha op of he ‘oven, 10.cm at the back, Scm on one ‘So, andthe other slde muct be opened, b, Ife side of the oven ie placed fh to ‘all, the oer sida or top oust nal be Siocked, semage, rif your deater e nat instal a damaged mlorowave ™ Do ot place fis over naar an sect or gem ‘cookar range, ‘The feet should nol be removed. “This ovon only forhousohoid usage. Donat use outaoors. -Avold using the mierowawa oven i hgh ‘hamialty. “The power cord should not ouch that fhe oven Keep na cord away om not Surfaces. Bo notiet ha cord hang over ne ‘ge of abe or werk top. Do not meee ‘he cord, plug orcvan wat Do not lock the a vonts on the ef side and ‘ack ofthe oven. if these openings are ‘locked during operation tha oven may ‘overheat nts case tho ovon protected by ‘tharmel safety device end resumes ‘partion only aftr cooking down. 10.7his apptionce is nt intended to be operated ‘by means ofan extrnel timer or separate omete contol sytem, Warning Important Safety Instructions +. The door seals end see! areas should be clamned wih damp cloth ‘The appience shouldbe Ioepected for damage athe door sesle end door eect arses ond isco ‘areas are damaged the appliance should not be operated unl has beer repaired by a service ‘echnicien trained by the mamufecturer 2. Do not attempt to tarnpor with or make any adustmerts or repairs tothe door, control pana! housing, safety Inriock swiches or any other part of the aver. Do nol remove the outer panel ‘tom the oven which glves protection agains! emorure to microwave energy. Repairs should only be done bya quale service person. 3. Da not operate this apptance if #has a damaged CORD OR PLUG, I Ris nat working property, oF Ft has boon damaged of dropgad. tie dangorous for anyone other than a sores fecha ‘rained bythe manufacturer o perform repair sorvies. 4, ifthe supply cord Is damaged, mae be replaced bythe manufacturer orite service agent or & sifery quafied peraon in onder to evo « hazard. 5. Oniy allow ctdren to use the aven without supervision when adequate Inseuctons have bees (lo so thatthe child is abo io use the ovon na eafo way ang understands tho hazards of improper use, 8, LUquids ene other foods mustnet be hea in secled contsners since they ere Hable to explode, 7. This apotance is not intended for use by persans {ncudng chidran) wit reduced physical, sancor of capable, of lack a axporence and knowiedga Unlase thoy have Boon gan Import ey, Chiron ahold beeper ear that the ret py wah he ico. 8, DONOT attempt to touch healing device an top and back of inde cavity whi cavity shot. Heeling deviee mey be thot 8, Tho surfaces oro lable to got hot during use, 10. This apptence is intended to he used in household and similar applations such es: ‘suf kichen areas In shops, efflees end otver working environments, ‘Harm houses, ‘by clon In hot, motels and ther resident type environments; ‘+ Dod and breaitast type envrorenents, Eng-3 Safety Instructions Use ot your oven 1. Do not use the oven for any reason ater than the proparation cf food, This oven fs ‘pence designed to neat or cook fod. Dp not us tis van to heat chomieais oF ‘er non-food proguct. 2, Boforo us, check thal utens/contlners ‘ra ultable for se in mecrowavo ovens. 3. Do not attempt to use tis microwave oven {dry newspaper, cling or any other mates. They may est on 0. 44. When the even snot beng used, ds not store ay objects chor than von coasts nse tre even In 626 Its ‘ecient ted on, 5, The apllance shat nt be operated by MICROWAVE, GRILLING, CONVECTION 9 COMBINATION WITHOUT FOOD IN THE OVEN, ‘Operation nts manner may damage the apptance, 4. Hfemoks or afr occur in tha van, prose the STOPIRESET Pad and leave door logo. Disconnoct te power core, oF shut ‘ff power at abs oF cou breaker panel Hater Operation 1. Extaior oven surfaces, nckcing a vants ‘on th cabinet and the even doar wil got hat during GRILLING, CONVECTION and ‘COMBINATION, take core when opening ‘r claing the door and when insering or rerreing food ard abceasores, 2, Tha evon hee two heater stated in tho {op of he oven. Aer using the GRILL, ‘CONVECTION and COMBINATION. {unaton, these sureces wll be very hot, ‘Garo should be tak i avo touching the heaingelomens nade the oven. NB. Aftar cocking by these mode, the ‘oven acceseorlee willbe very hot. 2. The accassble pare may become hot, when the grits In use. Cidren should bo kept ower. 4, Wien the appliance is operted Inthe be checked before consumption fo avold bums. Eng5 Outline Diagram wy 1131 my 0 4] Tf] Door Opening Handa Pallto open ths door. When you open the oven door dung cookIng, the cooking Is stopped terngorarly without clearing oalr made eetings, Cooking resumes 28 soon ‘he dooris closed and Start is pressed. 1B] Oven Window $3] Door Safety Lock System 141 Oven AirVent 6] Control Pans! 6] Giass Tay 17 RollerRing 8] External Oven Alr Vents (Not shown) IB] Wire Rack (High/Low) 110} Power Core 111] Caution Label (Hot surfaces) 112} Power Plug 113} Menu Labate 114] Meau Sheet Eng6 Control Panel Dispiay Window NB. Mogals of NN-CTBSIMINN-CTEGM o @ ‘*lerowava Power Levels have dferences In oppearence, but the @ GritPad {anctionalty wal remain se sae, {5} Time Pacis (10 min’? min/t0 vec} (©) Auto Defrost Programe, {) Convection Pad {© Tmaniec ra {6} Rehest Programs {10) Auto Programs (Main Dish) {i Auto Programs (Side DistiGravy) {12} Auto Programe (Sido Dish/Dry) {93} Auto Programs (Soup/Saack) (14) Aute Programs (TandoervGrit) {95) Auto Programs (Japanese) (18) Aute Programs (Dessert) {17} Auto Programs (Cako!Cookie) {spew fr cgcoueg mane or wenn ong StopiReset ‘One poss clare your instructions. During Cooking: ‘One poss temporary stops the cooking program. Another press cancels al your instructions and ‘etme of day wi appear nthe cispay. (20) Start Pad. Eng? Setting the Ciock "Whon the oven ie frst plvaged in *88.88" appears n splay window. Press twice ne ag) 60 11250 =) —» a s[2] —» &) Prose claven times Prose fyo times (oset hour) (to sett mine) ‘*Koop pressing Timer! «Prose Time Pads -Entartime.of + Press Clock Pad once. ‘leek Pad unt 24H dey y pressing eppropriete ‘Time of dy is now looked appears, Conlinue press Tine pads (wer point ano the daplay ‘this padageln to selact below) ‘2H, NB 4 Toresettime of day, repeat stap through t step 3. 2. The Clock keep the tne of day as long 3s the avenis plugged in and electri s supplied. ‘8, When geting the cook, the 10 min pad works asthe hou pd, te 1 min pad works asthe 10min pad andthe 10 9c pad works ae tho 1 min ped. Child Safety Lock Using tie systom wil make the oven controls Inoparabe; however, tha door can be oper. Chk Lok an be eet won the capi chows a coon ortho ie. nese [EZ] resect ‘Prose Start Pad three times in + Prose StopRsuet Pad three mes in ‘Deconds JO second. “ao ts ncated nth capa. “or dlaeppear inthe nay. Eng-8 Microwave Cooking and Defrosting ‘The glace ray mus aways be in position when using the oven, peo boee) | hE] em S| Level Wattage ‘Press Max 00-900 Watts 2Presses Medium © P80 715 Watts 3Presses Low = PSO Ad Watts 4Preses Deus! 77 PSO 250 Watts SPresses Warm P19. 100 Watts ‘sPrass themicrowave ¢ Select cooking tims by pressing _—_—« Preas Start. Tho ‘power pad, Solect ‘ooking program aera power iol ~ ‘wiletantanaho “The microwave tine Inthe daptey Indoor ighte and the and Defrost power. Max power car. ‘wel ecunt xin. evel 100, PED, PSD, D8 Programmed for 30 nates, P30 or P10} appears in the dspay. ‘SAUZTION: Tire oven will sutemtically work on WAX microwave power if» cooking time te “entered without tha power level previously being selected. Multi-Stage Cooki ‘Tha ovan has 3 stage cooking, 80 you can program up o afferent instructions and the avan wit sich automsallenly from power to pawor (Repeal siops 7 and 2 above but only press Sart aftr bo ‘ages have been entered). na [Auto Menu or Avie Doras! carcictbe programmed. Timer “his feeture operates as 2 nate fet. During operation tare sno microwave energy. ee) ee ETS | ae OS | ‘*Prenothe TimeriCiock __« Set desired ime, ‘Prose Start. Tho ‘Padonce. Nothing appexs Maximum time fs ‘im inthe display Ine depley whdow. 189 minutve 50 seconds, vill count down. Eng-o Defrosting Guidelines Tips for Defrosting Chock the defrosting sovera tines, vn i you Use the auto programs. Observe the tandlg mes. ‘STANDING TIMES: tndvidual portions of food many be cocked almost immediately after defrosting. ls nornal {or farge portions a food to be frozen Inthe centre. Before ccoking, alow to lant for a tminimurs of one hour. During this landing ‘ime the temperature becomes evenly sdetroutod ard the ood is drrestod by onduetion. NB. the food is net gag to be ‘ooked immectaty, sore inthe ‘ Never refeaze defrosted food without frat cooking i CHICKEN PIECES < SEN x y chop and btn locos must sopra aa Sonas poset total hy doo cy Suge Fay pre and Oo once det more quick. Plecs them near the cents ofthe ‘ute or protec her. WHOLE CHICKEN bape per mone ea ates Eeericaneemavners projecting parts of this food with smell plecas of Bometa nce amena Se Seatac ace FISH, MUTTON AND VEGETABLES Since the outside of those foods quickly defross, itis necessary fo separate ther, break tie Blocks le placas Haquerty whle defrosting and rane thon when ny fa dotrosted, Eng-10 Grilling El — Se ‘Prana Gilpedto elect» Slee Cooking tins ‘+ Prooe Start. Tho ‘Time can be sot upto 99 minutes ‘ine counts down Fhece or ‘50 seconde. the dapiay, 2presees gall 2 “The gn indicator ghts tat grieve (G4 oF G-2) ‘eppenre inthe deplay. 1. lace food on wie smc an turntable. Pie & heatpnoat pate (Pyrex®) underneath to catch fat art rips 2. Never cover food when gillg. | DO NOT attemat fo preheat the gt, Pregl ony prio wth oan dor closed ts nt pase tun the gut ih open, ‘Thate sno icroweive power on the GRILL only program. Mast foads require turing hafway during cooking, Whan turning fond, open evan door and CAREFULLY remove whe tack using oven gloves. 7%. flor ting, return fod to the aver and lose door. After losing oven door, press START. The ‘ven clepay wil continua to count down the remaing griing time. tl qos bata open tha oven dota any tne to check the prograss of he food as tis ging. 2, The gl il glow on and eff during cooking «this ronal. Aways clean the even after using the Gritané befor verg tho microwave or cowisnation. 8. DONT attempt to touch heating davlos ontop and back of inside cay wile cay shot. Heeiing eevee may be sti hot. aiwaye rick from oven by holding the rack and heatproof dish firmly. Use oven gloves whon Famoving accessories. Never touch the outalde window or Inside matol parts ofthe door ‘or oven when taking food In or out due fo the high temperatures involved, Eng-tt Combination Cooking (Ris, —> (2 ‘*Prooe combination patito © Select cooking tims. + Praas Start ‘seloctievel The microwave” Time can be sel up © 8B minutes ‘and ail rcator Bghis and’ SN seconds. hi kl Pe] ‘camblpalion eval (4,62, 6-3,C-4,C-50r Ge} eppeare inthe ceplay. (spay ww ‘Convection _[E acow row | ‘G2 [Gombiz| a50w |tooow | 7z0w [Sprossee | ¢-3 [Combis 2s0w jasc w | r20w i presses. Gombid | 450 |7o0w | 500 Ww [Bproseee ‘Comat | 260 W |1000 (Spressse|"G-6"/Gomiie] - |4000w| 4400w. When cooking by combination, the misrowave power cooks food qulckly whilst tho gil gies radionel browring and elsing na. 1 The wire racks are designed to be used for Comblnatlon, Grilng and convaction. Never attempt to uso any alher mola accessory excep the ane provided withthe oven. Placa a heatpract dish Lert to ootoh any fal of dpe 2 Uso the wo ra0k only ae described. DO NOT use if operating he oven with fess than 0,2 kg of {ocd on a manval program. For small quartiles do not ecek by eomblnation, coox by GRILL, ‘conwoction of MICROWAVE ONLY for ost rests, 3. Naver caver foods win cooking on combination . DO NOT preheat the ofl on combination. . Arelng may oveur Fhe incorrect weight of fcod I used, the wir rack has been damaged, or ‘eta! contoiney hos been used acoldentally. cing I lashes of blue Ught seon in ths microwave, tt {ils ocoure, stop the oven Immecitay. 6. Some foods should be cooked on combination witout using the wire cack Le roasts, grating, los ‘atv puddings. The food should be placed ina healproof nonsteetaic ch and placed directly orto ‘he tamed 7. DO NOT vee pleato MICROWAVE cortsinare on combination programe (urls euitabte fr ‘comblneton cooking Dishes must be ble to wihsians the heal oF he tp gE eatproo glass ‘2 Pyrex® or ceramic ore eal. 8, DONOT uso your own metal dithos or tne, a the mlorowaves wll act penetrate the food oven. ‘CAUTION: Tha wire cock mist abiaye be used withthe glace tay in position. Romove = rack from oven by holding the rack and heatproof dish firmly, Use oven gloves when remoting eccesoories. Never touch the outelde window or nelde metal parta ef tho door for oven wher taking food In or out due to the high forapereturos tavalvod, Eng-12

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