Office: The of The Secretary
Office: The of The Secretary
Office: The of The Secretary
Department of Health
AUG 06 201
No. 2015 - 0ag4-A
In compliance with Republic Act (RA) No. 11032 otherwise known as the “Ease of
Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018” and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and to ensure efficiency and continuity of public
services, particularly in the processing and approval of administrative issuances in the
Department of Health (DOH) as the DOH transitions to better normal, Department Order
(DO) No. 2015-0284 is hereby amended as follows:
Section IV. Definition of Terms, No. 2. Types and Hierarchy
is a missive, Memorandum (Memo) — is a brief
g. Memorandum (Memo) - g.
letter, note, communication, notification, written message between and among DOH
correspondence, notice, reminder, advice, units, officials and personnel. Instead of the
counsel, announcement and message usual letter, this is issued by a particular
between and among DOH units, officials office to another as a reminder of action,
and personnel. notification, advice or announcement. Since
a Memo is an internal communication, it is
not to be used as an official letter or
communication for offices and stakeholders
outside of the DOH
The electronic means of endorsement shall be recognized as equal and integral with
the traditional mode of endorsement of administrative issuances, both legally and
administratively. The Workflow module of the Document Management and Archiving
System (DMAS) shall be used for the electronic processing of administrative
issuances. A separate issuance shall be released by KMITS this purpose. for
Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila e Trunk Line 651-7800
local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 e URL:; e-mail:
2. To revise item No. 8. Endorsement Process, letter b:
b. Endorsement must follow the most b. Endorsement must follow the most
current issuances on the Delegation current issuances on the Delegation of
of Authority. Reference shall be Authority. Reference shall be made on
made on the latest issuances on the latest issuances on Assignment and
Assignment and Re-assignment of Re-assignment of DOH Key Officials.
DOH Key Officials. However, in However, in compliance to Section 9,
compliance to Section 8 of Republic letter (d) of Republic Act (RA) No.
Act (RA) No. 9845 otherwise known 11032 known as the “Ease of Doing
as the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007, Business and Efficient Government
the number of signatories in any Service Delivery Act of 2018”, the
document shall be limited to number of signatories in any
maximum of five (5) signatures document shall be limited to
which shall represent officers directly maximum of three (3) signatures
supervising the office or agency which shall represent officers directly
concerned before the final signatory. supervising the office or agency
concerned. Refer to Annex 1 for the
specific guidelines in the endorsement
process for each type of issuance.
10. Citation
a. The originating office shall cite all evidence used in the policy development
(i.e. research, laws, reports, published work and grey literature). This shall
provide ease in referencing and shall provide appropriate credit to the author
of the intellectual property used in the policy document. This also aligns with
the DOH target in tracking evidence used in policy development.
APA Citation shall observe five (5) indent spaces beginning in the second
line and lines thereafter. Exact APA formatting may have additional details
depending on the material being cited.
c. The citation shall be placed in the annexes of the issuance. Refer to Figure 8
of this amendment for the sample format.
4. To add item No. 11. Use of Digital Signature:
a. The use of digital signature shall be (a) allowed in the processing and approval
of administrative issuances, and (b) recognized as equivalent to the signature
of a person on a written document. Its implementation in the DOH shall be
guided by a separate issuance, pursuant to RA 8782, otherwise known as the
“Electronic Commerce Act” and its IRR, and other existing and applicable
laws, rules and policies.
b. The KMITS shall lead the implementation of digital signature in the DOH,
including the promulgation of the necessary policies, coordination with the
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) for the
issuance of digital signatures to concerned officials and employees, and
facilitation of capacity-building and change management initiatives.
1. To revise number 6
6. Subject, Body/content, Endorsement 6. Subject, Body/content, Endorsement
Process, Keywords Box and other Process, Keywords Box and Citation
provisions not directly stated shall shall follow the guidelines for all
follow the guidelines for all issuances issuances as stated in Section VI and
as stated in Section VI and Annex B Annex B.
b. Publication cost shall be borne by the concerned office. A letter of request shall
be submitted to KMITS indicating the administrative issuance(s) to be published
and the funding source.
2. To change number 2. National Administrative Register (NAR) Publication, letter c
c. A fee for the filing of
sharing c. A sharing fee for the filing of
administrative issuances at the UP Law administrative issuances at the UP Law
Center shall be charged against the Center shall be charged against the
KMITS....” concerned Office...”
V. Annex A
Interim guidelines for 2019 novel coronavirus acute respiratory disease (2019-nCoV ARD)
response in hospital and other health facilities. Retrieved from
1. In section A.3.4, refer to number 1 of Annex 1 of this amendment for the revised
endorsement process for AO.
A.3.5. Citation
The originating office shall cite all evidence used in the policy
development (i.e. research, laws, reports, published work and grey
literature). This shall provide ease in referencing and shall provide
appropriate credit to the author of the intellectual property used in the
policy document. This also aligns with the DOH target in tracking
evidence used in policy development.
b. The citation shall follow the APA format as described below:
APA Citation shall observe five (5) indent spaces beginning in the second
line and lines thereafter. Exact APA formatting may have additional
details depending on the material being cited.
B.3.S. Citation
a. The originating office shall cite all evidence used in the policy development
(i.e. research, laws, reports, published work and grey literature). This shall
provide ease in referencing and shall provide appropriate credit to the author
of the intellectual property used in the policy document. This also aligns with
the DOH target in tracking evidence used in policy development.
APA Citation shall observe five (5) indent spaces beginning in the second
line and lines thereafter. Exact APA formatting may have additional details
depending on the material being cited.
¢. The citation shall be placed in the annexes of the issuance. Refer to Figure 8
of this amendment for the sample format.
C. Department Personnel Order (DPO)
2. No citation required
D.2.6 Citation
a. The originating office shall cite all evidence used in the policy development
(i.e. research, laws, reports, published work and grey literature). This shall
provide ease in referencing and shall provide appropriate credit to the author
of the intellectual property used in the policy document. This also aligns with
the DOH target intracing evidence used in policy development.
APA Citation shall observe five (5) indent spaces beginning in the second
line and lines thereafter. Exact APA formatting may have additional details
depending on the material being cited.
The citation shall be placed in the annexes of the issuance. Refer to Figure 8
of this amendment for the sample format.
E.3.9 Citation
a. The originating office shall cite all evidence used in the policy development
(i.e. research, laws, reports, published work and grey literature). This shall
provide ease in referencing and shall provide appropriate credit to the author
of the intellectual property used in the policy document. This also aligns with
the DOH target in tracking evidence used in policy development.
APA Citation shall observe five (5) indent spaces beginning in the second
line and lines thereafter. Exact APA formatting may have additional details
depending on the material being cited.
¢. The citation shall be placed in the annexes of the issuance. Refer to Figure 8
ofthis amendment for the sample format.
F. Memorandum Circular (MC)
2. No citation required
G. Memorandum (Memo)
2. No citation required
As thus amended, all other provisions stipulated in Department Order No. 2015-0284
dated December 22, 2015 not affected by this Order remain in effect.
In compliance with Republic Act (RA) No. 11032, the number of signatories shall be
limited to a maximum of three (3) signatories representing officers directly supervising the
office concerned. As such, the initials box shall consist of only two (2) boxes. Each box shall
contain only one initial/signature. The third signature shall be the approving authority.
The prescribed guidelines in the endorsement process of each issuance are as follows:
a. Initials Box
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the first
and second box shall appear in the initials box.
c. All pages of the original copy, except the signature page, shall bear only two
initials: the Head/Director of the originating office and the Director, Health Policy
Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB) or equivalent office in case of
changes in office nomenclature due to reorganization, as the clearing office, at the
lower right side of the page close to the last line.
Page 10f13
d. The concerned technical staff, HPDPB clearing officer, Executive Assistant (EA) of
concerned cluster/team and the Head Executive Assistant (HEA), Office of the
Secretary shall indicate in the routing slip or memorandum all actions/tasks done,
comments, recommendations or approval of the proposed policy.
Department Orders are signed and approved by the Secretary of Health unless
delegated to an Undersecretary through an official delegation of authority. In most
cases, policies and guidelines shall be approved by the Undersecretary of the
Cluster/Team concerned.
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in
the initials box.
¢. All pages of the original copy, except the signature page, shall bear only two (2)
initials: the Head/Director of the originating office and the Director, HPDPB or
equivalent office in case of changes in office nomenclature due to reorganization,
as the clearing office, at the lower right side of the page close to the last line.
7 7 Page 2 of 13
If to be signed by the Cluster/Team Head of the originating Office
a. Initials Box
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
initials: the Head/Director of the originating office and the Director, HPDPB or
equivalent office, as the clearing office, at the lower right side of the page close to
the last line.
a. Initials Box
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
4 77 Page 30f13
Figure 4: Sample Initials Box for DO on Fund Utilization
c. All pages of the original copy, except the signature page, shall bear only two (2)
initials: the Head/Director of the originating office and the Undersecretary of the
concerned Team/Cluster or delegated authority, at the lower right side of the page
close to the last line.
3.1 Learning and Development Intervention (LDI) and Learning and Development
(LD)-related Activity
All DPOs on LDI and LD-related activities shall be cleared by the Health Human
Resource Development Bureau (HHRDB) or equivalent office in case of change in
office nomenclature, pursuant to AO 2021-0007 or latest issuance in case the existing
AO is changed or amended.
b. Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
“77 Page 4 of 13
Figure 5: Sample Initials Box for LDI and LD-related DPO to be signed by
the Secretary of Health
. Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
Figure 6: Sample Initials Box for LDI and LD-related DPO to be signed by
Cluster/Team Head of the originating Office
d. The concerned technical staff / Division Chief and LDD-HHRDB clearing officer
and Executive Assistant of concerned Cluster/Team shall indicate in the routing
slip or memorandum all actions/tasks done, comments, recommendations or
approval of the issuance.
’ 7
) 50f13
If to be signed by the Director/Head of the concerned Office
a. Participants to the activity include Division Chief and below within the same office
b. Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
d. The concerned technical staff and LDD-HHRDB clearing officer shall indicate in
the routing slip or memorandum all actions/tasks done, comments,
recommendations or approval of the issuance
b. Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
/ Page 6 of 13
Figure 8: Sample Initials Box for Non-LDI DPO to be signed by the
Secretary of Health
Office Originating Office Cluster/Team
(Head/Director) (Undersecretary or
delegated authority)
b. Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in
the initials box.
d. The concerned technical staff / Division Chief shall indicate in the routing slip or
memorandum all actions/tasks done, comments, recommendations or approval of
the issuance.
Page 7 of 13
If to be signed by the Director/Head of the concerned Office
a. Participants to the activity include Division Chief and below within the same office
b. Initials Box — shall contain only the initial of the concerned Division Chief
Figure 10: Sample Initials Box for Non-LDI DPO to be signed by Head/Director
of the originating Office
b. Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in
the initials box.
Figure 11: Sample Initials Box for DPO on Local Travel of Execom Members
4. 80f13
actions/tasks done, comments, recommendations or approval of the proposed
Initials Box
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
Figure 12: Sample Initials Box for DPO on Personnel Movement to be signed by
the Secretary of Health
Initials Box
/ Page 9 of 13
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
Figure 13: Sample Initials Box for DPO on Personnel Movement to be signed by
the Undersecretary of Cluster/Team concerned
d. The Division Chief and Head/Director of the originating office, PAD-AS clearing
officer, shall indicate in the routing slip or memorandum all actions/tasks done,
comments, recommendations or approval of the issuance.
b. Initials Box - shall contain only the initial of the concerned Division Chief
Figure 14: Sample Initials Box for DPO on Personnel Movement to be signed
by the Head/Director of the concerned Office
d. The concerned staff shall indicate in the routing slip or memorandum all
actions/tasks done, comments, recommendations or approval of the issuance
a. DPOs granting special entitlement shall pass through the office concerned for
clearance such KMITS for cellular phone allowance and PAD-AS for RATA,
among others.
b. Initials Box
/ To of 13
b.2 Second box: Director, clearing Office
b.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the
first and second box shall appear in the initials box.
Figure 15: Sample Initials Box for DPO on Special Entitlements to be signed by
the Head/Director of Cluster/Team or office concerned
d. The KMITS or PAD-AS clearing officer shall indicate in the routing slip or
memorandum all actions/tasks done, comments, recommendations or approval of
the issuance.
a. Initials Box
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the first
and second box shall appear in
the initials box.
Figure 16: Sample Initials Box for DM/DC to be signed by the Secretary of Health
“GV 110f13
in the routing slip or memorandum all actions/tasks done, comments,
recommendations or approval of the proposed issuance.
a. Initials Box
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the first
and second box shall appear in the initials box.
A Memorandum or Memo is a brief written message between and among DOH
units, officials and personnel. Instead of the usual letter, this is issued by a particular
office to another as a reminder of action, notification, advice or announcement. Since a
Memo is an internal communication, it is not to be used as an official letter or
communication for offices and stakeholders outside of DOH.
a. Initials Box
a.3 To comply with the ARTA, only the signature of the official indicated in the first
and second box shall appear in
the initials box.
/ Page 12 of 13
Figure 18: Sample Initials Box for Memorandum to be signed by the concerned
Cluster/Team Head
¢. The concerned technical staff/Division Chief of the originating office shall indicate in
the routing slip or memorandum all actions/tasks done, comments, recommendations
or approval of the proposed issuance.
a. Initials Box - shall contain only the initial of the concerned Division Chief
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