DMP Demystified Whitepaper BlueKai

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What is a DMP?
Do you need one?
Find out how DMPs can help you
achieve unprecedented targeting
precision and scale across all of
your online advertising programs.
Executive Summary
The term “data management platform” is tossed around lightly
by many advertising technology providers today, but true, robust,
scaleable DMPs are few and far between. In this whitepaper,
marketers and agencies learn:

• What is a DMP?

• What can a DMP do for you and your advertising program?

• Do you need a DMP, what should you look for and how do you
implement one?

• How do you integrate existing data assets, advertising platforms

and campaign performance systems?

• What can you achieve in terms of improved targeting, audience

segmentation and operational efficiency?

This whitepaper delivers an in-depth overview of DMPs and

provides actionable, useful information for marketers and agencies
hoping to implement a DMP to improve program outcomes.

Data rules...content may be king in media, but in

advertising, it is data.
Marketers Celebrate Glimmers of Recovery,
TANZINA VEGA, March 9, 2011

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified 2

Table of Contents
Section One: A DMP Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

What is a DMP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Who can benefit from a DMP?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

What can a DMP do for you?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

What can a DMP help you achieve? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Section Two: DMPs - A Deeper Dive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

What main features should your DMP offer?. . . . . . . . . . . 15

What do advanced DMPs offer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Section Three: Getting Started with a DMP. . . . . . . . . . . . 20

First Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Implementing a DMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

DMP Ecosystem Touchpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Common Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

! Who are your customers?

! What attributes define them?

! Which exact products are they currently

in-market to buy?

! What are they likely to buy next?

! How do you reach more of them?

! How safe is this customer data and are you

leaking gold without knowing it?

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified 4

By analyzing a wealth of both first-party and third-party demographic, contextual,
and behavioral data about customers and campaigns you can answer these questions.
Marketers, agencies, and publishers can utilize this data to deliver targeted, one-to-one
messages to consumers at the exact moments in the purchase process that customers
are ready to buy.

But collecting, analyzing, managing, and acting on this first-party and third-party data
is a complex challenge. As an advertiser, agency, or publisher, you need the right tool
to manage your critical audience data assets. If you want to truly understand your
customers, you need a Data Management Platform, or DMP.

Behaviorally-targeted advertising is 2.7 times as effective as

non-targeted advertising.
The Network Advertising Initiative
The Value of Behavioral Targeting, HOWARD BEALES, March 24, 2010

You’ve probably heard a lot about Data Management Platforms, but what exactly
are they and do you need one? This whitepaper will present a detailed look at DMPs,
providing insights into how they work, what they’re used for, and what results you
can expect.

At their core, DMPs are buyer-side platforms that allow advertisers and agencies to
take control of their own first-party audience and campaign data, and compare it to
third-party audience data, to make smarter media buying and campaign planning
decisions. Using a DMP, advertisers and agencies can slice and dice their own online
and offline first-party data to create audience segments for display, search, video, and
social campaigns; apply it to ad campaigns targeting audience across the purchase
funnel; and get visibility into the ROI each campaign delivered for each segment.
DMPs also allow marketers to pull in and analyze all audience data (including
third-party) – presenting a 360-degree view of how campaigns perform against
specific target audiences.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified 5

When asked what would encourage them to spend more online
advertising, 58% of large brand and agencies cited “better targeting of ads”
– followed in second place by 49% of respondents citing “research proving
that online advertising has a brand impact.
Forrester Research
The Audience Targeting Imperative, JOANNA O’CONNELL, October 8, 2010

A DMP can help advertisers and agencies solve their most pressing challenges.
By putting audience data at the center of all their online advertising programs,
a DMP helps advertisers and agencies answer the following questions:

• What are the specific targetable attributes of my audience

throughout the purchase funnel?

• How can I leverage my own first-party online and offline audience

data to more effectively target campaigns?
• How can I use insights from my data

to perfect audience segmentation

and increase campaign scale? PARTY PARTY

• How do I gain visibility

into cross-platform

performance metrics so BUY CREATE

I can adjust campaign
parameters in real time? CUT

• How can I effectively

analyze large quantities
of audience data to make
smarter media buying and
campaign planning decisions?

REACH *Sample media providers

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified 6

section one:


What is a DMP?
Simply put, a DMP forms the backbone of all online advertising operations for an
economy that has increasingly become more digital.

While several technology companies claim to provide DMPs, a “real” DMP provides
marketers with centralized control of all of their audience and campaign data, helping
them manage and analyze this data to craft, target, and optimize campaigns that reach
more of the right people and drive improved ROI from their media spend.

DMP [dee-em-pee] -noun

A DMP is a centralized data management platform that allows you to
create target audiences based on a combination of in-depth first-party
and third-party audience data; accurately target campaigns to these
audiences across third-party ad networks and exchanges; and measure
with accuracy which campaigns performed the best across segments
and channels to refine media buys and ad creative over time.

A DMP must be able to not only analyze a user’s first-party online and offline data,
but also pull in data from third-party data sources to give you rule-based control over
audience definition and ad distribution to DSPs, ad networks, ad exchanges,
and publishers.

Using a DMP as opposed to a spreadsheet, a marketer or agency account manager

can manage the day-to-day “plumbing” of all their online advertising campaigns in one
dashboard – from campaign creation, audience profiling, media buying, and targeting,
to optimization, measurement, and reporting. An enterprise-class DMP can scale to
billions of data points, enabling marketers to slice and dice data to get both high-level
and granular insights into which campaigns are working across various channels, which
exact audiences specific campaigns are reaching, and what changes to make to be
more effective.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - A DMP OVERVIEW 8

Who can benefit from a DMP?
Advertisers and agencies today are faced with
unprecedented challenges. With increasing competition Audience-targeted ads
and entrenched consumer “ad blindness”, brands must increase frequency
find ways to reach precisely defined audiences with and exposure to
relevant messages at the right time in the purchase the most relevant
funnel – or risk losing sales to competitors. audiences at the most
relevant times and
Yet few marketers are effectively analyzing all their
have been shown to
disparate audience and campaign data to make better
boost campaign ROI
media buying decisions, more effectively target
by at least 10%.
campaigns, and optimize creative to drive higher brand
awareness and conversion. Instead of taking a data- Rex Briggs, Author
ROI: Return on Investment or
driven approach to campaign management, many Return of Investment, 2009

marketers have increased their number of campaigns

across multiple channels (display, search, social, video,
etc.) in a bid to reach more consumers. This fragmented approach – made ever more
challenging by the complex ecosystem of ad networks, exchanges, DSPs, and bidding
platforms – has resulted in a decrease in overall marketing ROI.

Do you need a DMP?

If you answer yes to more than three of these questions, you need a DMP.
✔✔ Do you manage multiple online campaigns ✔✔ Do you want to better target campaigns
across different ad networks, exchanges, to improve response rates, conversion, and
and publishers? brand recognition?
✔✔ Do you want to ensure you have ✔✔ Do you buy media placements, third-party
control over your data assets, maximize audience data or bid on ad exchanges on a
segmentation, prevent leakage and regular basis?
monitor partners’ usage?
✔✔ Do you want to control advertising costs
✔✔ Do you currently run retargeting? Would and improve overall ROI?
you like to enhance your scalability, niche-
targeting and messaging capabilities?

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - A DMP OVERVIEW 9

Marketers of all kinds stand to benefit greatly from DMPs – because these platforms
help them achieve better campaign performance and overall ROI. Within a marketer
organization, there are three main users of DMPs, and each will use the platform
according to their unique needs. Below are some ways that specific users at a marketer
organization use DMPs to improve success in their everyday jobs.

• Empower my teams to buy audiences with • Mine my own audience data from my site
minimal waste and scalable insights to get an enhanced understanding of
• Test offline models online my customers and to improve campaign

messages and efficiency

• Leverage current CRM and LTV strategies
for real-time decisioning and campaign • Engage in brand-safe data mining and
enhancement usage that’s compliant (or ahead of)
• “Segment once, target anywhere”
• House all of my audience data in one place
• Tailor messages to audiences based on prior
where multiple partners can log in and
behaviors/interactions (on site and off)
utilize it based on pre-defined sharing and
• Find abandoners from my site and figure security parameters
out why they left

• Prevent latency and circumvent traffic issues • Increase conversions

SITE Operations/IT

on my site on my site
• Ensure the security of my site for all • Enable a support
customers team to quickly
• Own my own data and control exactly who address QA
has access to it issues
• Minimize amount of tags on my pages
• Analyze site traffic and patterns to get
insights into customer interaction

• Ensure that compliant and secure methods are

used for all data collection and usage

• Have a tight legal contract with restrictions

and compliance to company policy –
including a quickly executable opt-out clause
• Include info on privacy and marketing uses
of technology on my site (i.e. Privacy info)
• Be at the forefront of privacy
policy/impending legislation

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - A DMP OVERVIEW 10

Digital agencies today are in a competitive race to better serve their marketer clients,
creating and delivering high-impact campaigns that reach the right audiences at the
right time in the purchase cycle to measurably boost marketing ROI across segments
and channels. Agencies stand to benefit greatly from DMPs, because they can use them
to centralize client audience data to make better media buying decisions and optimize
programs based on up-to-the-minute campaign and audience analysis. Here’s how key
positions at an agency might use a DMP:

• Understand competitive landscape and • Innovate on campaign creative, targeting,

Account Director

client’s role and position and delivery

• Empower my planners to execute quickly, • Know exactly what kind of audience data
easily, and with intelligence I am buying and how it performs
• Streamline account management by housing
all client audience data in a central place
• Keep a record of the performance and
ROI of past plans and campaigns

• Spend client dollars efficiently and predictably – with the

best possible results
• Buy audience-targeted impressions (reach/scale/discovery)
and get access to flexible, graphical reports that
are easily shared
Media Planner

• Simplify planning to use fewer, stronger data,

media buying, and ad network partners
• Implement a smooth planning process from
RFP and launch to reporting/analysis
• House all client audience data in one
place for de-duplication, scalability,
and insights
• Optimize all media buys and
campaigns based on
detailed reporting

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - A DMP OVERVIEW 11

What can a DMP do for you?
DMPs not only help advertisers and agencies
improve the overall efficiency and ROI of their
online advertising programs, but DMPs can also
be used in specific cases to deliver targeted
results. Here are a few typical use cases that
advertisers can achieve with DMPs to improve
specific components of their digital advertising

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - A DMP OVERVIEW 12

What can a DMP help you

! Retargeting – easily implement customized re-targeting

campaigns based on specific activities and behaviors taken
on or offline

! Prospecting – seamlessly integrate with third-party

audience data source to acquire anonymous data to achieve
higher precision and scale with targeting campaigns

! Site optimization – use first or third-party data to

determine customized content for different consumers when
they come to your website

! Audience Intelligence – contrast your site audience

against third-party data sources to learn more about specific
audience attributes to target more likely converters

! Better ROI – Use centralized media performance

analytics to determine which audience performed and where
to double down

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - A DMP OVERVIEW 13

section two:

- A Deeper

What main features should your DMP offer?
Every DMP should offer a full-featured set of components that allow marketers to mine
their own first-party data to get a deeper understanding of their customers and make
more accurate audience buys. A DMP platform should allow you to “segment once,
target anywhere” – leveraging existing CRM and LTV strategies to make real-time and
long-term campaigns decisions. Here are five features every DMP should offer:

1. Data collection
Every DMP should allow you to easily collect your first-party audience data
in one place. This is usually done by placing a single tag on your site that
brings all of your first-party data into the DMP. Your DMP should also allow
you to import data from third-party data providers and other players in the
online advertising ecosystem, so you can compare these data points against
your own first-party data in one centralized place. Make sure you can also
import ‘offline’ data from your own CRM systems, so you can analyze in-store
behaviors and past purchases and target users anonymously online.

2. Data classification
Once you have all your first-party audience data in one place in the DMP,
it should allow you to quickly organize this data into taxonomies. How you
organize the data will depend on your business. An e-commerce site might
use a DMP to classify purchase data into descending taxonomies such as
clothing, kids, boys, shoes, sneakers, etc. Classifying your site data into
taxonomies like this is the first step toward building distinct audience profiles.

3. Data analysis
Once you’ve classified your first-party data into taxonomies, you can begin
to analyze it to more clearly understand customer intent. By analyzing data
about visitors’ past purchases, clicks, preferences, and propensity to respond
to certain offers, you can begin to use these insights to create specific
customer segments.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - DMPs - A DEEPER DIVE 15

4. Data transfer
Once you’ve collected, classified, and analyzed your first-party audience data
in your DMP, you should then be able to leverage that data by transferring
it directly to the largest ad networks, exchanges, portals, DSPs, and trading
desks to make accurate media buys targeting your pre-defined segments.
Your DMP should work seamlessly with the largest players in the display,
search, and social advertising ecosystems.

5. Scalability
Today most companies face a data deluge. From audience data, CRM data,
campaign data, third-party audience data and beyond, marketers and
publishers have millions of data points at their disposal. A DMP must be able
to scale to millions of data points and analyze all of these simultaneously to
deliver critical insights.

Look for a Privacy Expert in your DMP Provider

Collecting and analyzing first- and third-party audience data requires 100%
compliance with privacy regulations. When choosing a DMP, a critical
deciding factor should be the strength and reputation of its consumer
data privacy and protection standards. Make sure the DMP you choose
offers a white-label registry, providing complete transparency
to consumers on the data that is collected when they
navigate your website. Lastly, make sure your DMP
providers can provide guidance and tactical
solutions on transparent consumer opt-
out option, data retention, and compliancy
recommendation around new policies and
browser do-not-track activities.

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What do advanced DMPs offer?
If you are a professional marketer committed to getting the
absolute most out of every campaign – striving for maximum ROI
and the conversion optimization – then you’ll want a DMP that
offers advanced features. If you need to maximize every marketing
dollar spent, you need a powerful DMP that delivers deep, brand-
safe data mining to empower media teams to buy target audiences
with minimal waste and scalable insights. Some of the features you
should look for in an enterprise-class DMP include:

Tag Management
This feature enables marketers to actively monitor all of the tags that
fire off of their sites, providing a robust interface for controlling secure
data transfer, protecting latency, and monitoring tags. Advanced tag
management should also enable marketers to set up a spectrum of
privacy and control measures for data access and sharing, provide the
ability to categorize and assign varying levels of rights to advertising
partners. Tag-based audience management also enables users to
consolidate disparate audience data from multiple sources into one
private hierarchical data taxonomy. Finally, look for features that will
enhance your users’ experience including the ability to monitor pixel
latency with policing features, so you can leverage complex logic that
turns off vendors who are slowing down page loads.

Audience Segmentation
You want the ability to achieve world-class audience segmentation by
leveraging your own private first- and third-party data assets. A DMP
should include a dashboard that allows marketers to “slice and dice” their
first-party data by taxonomy, segment, campaign, and/or ROI outcomes
compared against third-party data. Advanced audience segmentation
features go beyond simple targeting, enabling you to create thousands
of highly-relevant segments within the DMP to reach audiences with
the right message at different stages of the purchase funnel. These

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - DMPs - A DEEPER DIVE 17

audiences can be broad or quite granular. For example, you might create
an audience segment such as “women shoppers who frequently buy
shoes and respond to free-shipping offers”.

Media Integration
An advanced DMP allows marketers to easily share their audience
segments with ad networks, trading desks, portals, and DSPs to serve
targeted ads and reach audiences real time. By using your DMP to safely
and securely share your data with these partners, you can “plug and
serve” highly targeted ads to your pre-defined target audiences across
the web. Your DMP should also enable you to seamlessly and efficiently
share your audience data with your agency partners who make media
buying decisions.

Campaign Analytics
With all this critical audience data in your DMP, you need an easy-to-
use tool to understand it. An advanced DMP should provide one single
dashboard where you can measure and compare campaign performance
for specific audiences across digital channels (including display, video,
search, etc.) – replacing manually-aggregated spreadsheets and reports.
It’s critical this dashboard be easy to use for marketers – not made for
IT people – so you can clearly see campaign performance and optimize
media spend based on your findings.

Audience Analytics
Aside from just seeing how campaigns are performing, an advanced
DMP should show you how your audiences are performing. Your DMP
dashboard should provide clear insights into how any audience segment
is performing at any given time. You should also be able to measure how
specific audiences interact with campaigns on each channel (display,
video, search, etc.), so you can see which channels deliver the highest
ROI for specific segments. Your DMP should enable you to generate
reports showing all data attributes associated with a specific audience
from all available data sources – so you can engage in new audience
discovery, ongoing audience optimization, and expansion of your
campaign reach to new segments.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - DMPs - A DEEPER DIVE 18

✔ DMP Checklist
Many companies offer dashboards of standalone features they
claim are DMPs. Simple tools like this are not DMPs. A full-
featured DMP offers all of the below features.

• Universal container tag • Ability to pass data with server

Tag Management

• Latency protection • Pixel-less integration with

• Ability to set custom web ecosystem
latency windows • Ability to audit pixels
• Anonymous data pass with • Taxonomy tools to organize
user privacy protection user data
• Ability to ingest 1st-party data • Data organization
from site • Universal ID synching

• On-demand 3rd-party data • Ability to ingest 1st-party data

• Complete access to 3rd-party • Pre-integrated with major
Audience Management

Intent data platforms

• Exclusive 3rd-party data • Inter-platform segment sharing
partners • End-to-end audience platform
• Ability to organize 1st-party • 1st-party data modeling with
data scale against large audience
• User interface for audience • Custom audience
management segmentation
• Searchable data taxonomy • De-duplication against
• Data accounting 3rd-party intent data
• Ability to integrate 3rd-party • Boolean segment logic (And,
data partners Or, Not)

• Campaign data ingestion • User interface for visualization

• Campaign data ingestion and reporting
Marketing Analytics

via APIs • Shareable real-time reporting

• Less than one week for • Offline data match technology
dashboard setup • Optimization modeling
• Scalable data storage and • Audience analytics: lookalike
processing modeling and discovery
• Robust interactive reports
dashboarding • Audience inventory forecasting
• Exportable reporting and projections
• House audience data and
media data in one platform

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - DMPs - A DEEPER DIVE 19

section three:

Started with

Now that you’ve decided a DMP is right for you,
it’s time to get started. Implementing a DMP
should be simple, as most DMP platforms are
SaaS-based and require just a tag or two to be
installed on your site. However, there are some
critical steps you’ll want to consider before
diving into the DMP game.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - GETTING STARTED WITH A DMP 21

First Steps
Identify Your Data
Valuable data exists in many shapes and forms, be sure you don’t leave a cookie
unturned! Data types you will want to analyze in your DMP include: page metadata,
search queries, category names, product names and IDs, product prices, cart totals,
order confirmations, data in your cookie, user engagements (video views, downloads,
posts, comments), offline store data, etc. The sources of this data can be: your website,
microsites, apps, email, CRM, web analytics, a data warehouse, or third-party marketing
tools. Make sure to find all of your critical data, even if it means digging a bit.

Protect Your Consumers

Ask yourself, would I be comfortable showing my consumer every detailed piece of
data I am collecting about them? If the answer is no for any data element, exclude
it from your DMP data collection efforts. As a guideline, do not store data related
to these general categories: personally identifiable information (PII) such as email
address, phone number, full name, or anything that can be traced back to an individual;
sensitive browsing behavior such as violence, drugs and alcohol, pornography, medical
conditions, etc.; any data on minors.

Let Experts Help You

You should make sure your DMP provider is staffed by data, privacy, and marketing
experts who can help you collect and organize your data, while ensuring it respects
consumer privacy.

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Implementing a DMP
Data Collection Implementation
First, you will need to implement a pipeline between your data
sources and your DMP. For web-based data, this typically means
implementing a data collection tag across areas of your site where
users portray meaningful behavior. For offline data, this involves
utilizing a “match partner” to match against a non-PII key that is
present for users both offline and online.

Bucket User Actions

Begin to classify user actions from the perspective of intent.
Based on your data, organize users into four categories:

Merely interested in your Has purchased the
product/service, such product/service
as reading an article or or submitted their
watching a video related contact information.
to your product/service.

INTENT Is about to complete a purchase,
Has the intent to buy, such having added the product/
as viewing a product page, service to their cart, began to fill
conducting a search, or building/ out a lead gen form, etc.
customizing a product or service.

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Structure Your Data
Take a crack at organizing your data into a taxonomy that makes
sense for your business and advertising initiatives. A good starting
point is your taxonomy. Think about the basis that you currently
use to customize advertising messages to your consumers – such
as by product category, by product, by loyalty, by price point, by
engagement level, etc.

Classify Your Raw Data

Every raw private data point will need to be mapped to your
data taxonomy. You may have such a mapping established, but if
not, have no fear, most DMPs will offer professional classification
services to help you with this or completely take it off your hands.

What is a taxonomy?
A data taxonomy is a hierarchical visualization of your
audience data. It’s essentially a site map for organizing
all of your data assets
vs. web content.
For example, an
e-commerce marketer
may organize their
high level taxonomy by
product category and

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DMP Ecosystem Touchpoints
A DMP touches many different aspects of your company’s business and many different
external partners. Here’s an overview of the critical points in your DMP ecosystem.

Your Agency Your Company

If your agency does all your Your DMP solution will touch
media planning, they will most several points of your infrastructure
likely need to be from both a technical and business
educated on perspective. On the technical front,
your DMP your DMP will touch
solution. Your your site, your apps,
DMP vendor your offline data
Agency Your
should offer store, etc. On
such training Company the business
or may already
have a partnership
Your front, your DMP
will touch your
established with DMP marketing team,
your agency, in Ecosystem your analytics team,
which case your your development
agency will be fully team, and your
versed on the solution. operations/media
planning team if you
Sources handle media planning

Your Media Sources

In order to transfer your data to your media sources, you will need
to establish a business and technical handshake with your media
sources. The business relationship will most likely already exist, but the
technical integration may need to be implemented. A good DMP will
have both a solid and pre-existing business and technical integration
with your key media sources.

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Common Pitfalls
If you have the right DMP partner, the road to implementation is
usually smooth, but there are a few pitfalls to avoid. Make sure to
avoid the following problems by picking only a high-quality DMP.

Inflexible Technology
If your DMP solution requires you to sign in blood when it comes to
setting the structure of your taxonomy, the DMP will inevitably turn
into an expensive paperweight that limits your marketing team as
your business expands and your marketing strategies evolve. From
the beginning, make sure your taxonomy structure is as flexible as
a yoga instructor with the option to change the data mapping (e.g.
productName=Basketball_Shoes now gets bucketed into Active Apparel
rather than Sports Equipment) as well as the physical structure of the
taxonomy (e.g. moving, deleting, or renaming nodes).

Spreadsheet-Based Analytics
A robust DMP solution will include flexible reporting and analytics
dashboards that enables real-time data computing and audience
intelligence. DMPs should have real-time computing capabilities that
allow you to store grouping and renaming of placements or creatives,
save custom reports that are automatically updates, and create
flexible custom metrics that are tailored to your needs. Do not accept
complicated spreadsheets as a substitute for sophisticated data

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - GETTING STARTED WITH A DMP 26

Lack of Additional Data
A DMP is not only about organizing your own data, but also combining
your data with third-party sources to drive more robust analytics,
insights, and targeting. If your DMP does not naturally tie into third-
party data sources from a technical and business perspective you may
encounter the following issues:

• Need to strike net new business deals with third-party data providers
• Need to implement one-off technical integrations with multiple third-
party data providers
• Additional third-party data cost hurdles
• The ultimate inability to integrate with a valuable third-party
data source

A Flash-in-the-pan DMP
The DMP market is being flooded with new players. Analyze the
business model, the funding, the reach, the services and execution, and
brand strength of each DMP provider and make sure you are confident
they will still exist 5-10 years from now. It is also important to examine
the vision of the company and determine whether DMP is a key focus or
an afterthought.

Not Having a DMP

The bottom line is that a DMP is essential to organizing and managing
your valuable first-party data assets. It will play an instrumental role in
taking your online and offline advertising to the next level. With a DMP,
you can begin to more deeply understand your consumers and their
needs, and deliver to them relevant and compelling marketing messages
via any marketing touchpoint – including display, search, email, TV,
radio, and mobile.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - GETTING STARTED WITH A DMP 27

Advertisers and agencies today are engaged in an all-out battle
to find, target, and engage key audiences. In a world of increasing
advertising ‘noise’ and consumers who ignore one-size-fits-all
messages, marketers need the most robust tools in their arsenals
to effectively connect with audiences. To elevate their brands
and products above the noise, smart marketers are putting data
at the center of every advertising decision. With a data-driven
approach to marketing, everyone wins. Consumers get relevant,
timely, engaging messages that resonate with their wants and
needs. Advertisers connect with the right audiences at the right
time in the purchase cycle, generating more sales and higher
marketing ROI. And all of the players in the advertising ecosystem
– marketers, agencies, ad networks and exchanges, DSPs, data
providers, and publishers – are able to more efficiently manage
their inventory and processes to deliver best-in-class results.

DMPs are the glue that hold all of a marketer’s key advertising
data together, providing one comprehensive platform to help
marketing organizations and their agencies take control and
make sense of their private first-party data, achieve world class
audience segmentation, reach targets everywhere and create a
closed-loop feedback for optimized media planning.

Whitepaper: DMP Demystified - GETTING STARTED WITH A DMP 28

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Designed from the ground up for advertisers and agencies,
the BlueKai Data Management Platform is the industry’s most
comprehensive solution for collecting, managing, segmenting,
sharing, and analyzing private audience data from a single integrated
interface. For more information about how your organization can
put data at the center of every advertising decision to achieve
unprecedented ROI, visit to find
out how BlueKai can help.

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