April 15 WHS Good News Letter 2011
April 15 WHS Good News Letter 2011
April 15 WHS Good News Letter 2011
April 15, 2011
May 30th – No School – Memorial Day May 7th SAT’s to be given at WHS. Additional SAT
June 3rd ‐ Graduation Day opportunities will be June 4 at various schools in the
June 8th –Early Release Day area.
June 10th ‐ Marks Close
June 17th ‐Grades are input
June ‐ Report cards will be mailed home WHS has formal and semi‐formal dresses available
for the upcoming prom season. These dresses were
SENIORS: made available by generous donations throughout
May 23rd ‐Marks Close the community and the recent dress‐drive from, The
May 27th ‐Grades Input Old Company Store. Anyone interested in borrowing
June 3rd ‐Report Cards Issued with diplomas a dress from the dress closet should contact the
school at 508‐291‐3510 ext. 242 and leave a
message. Students can stop by room 242 or leave a
WHS CONCERT CHOIR note under the door and we will set up an
appointment to try on some dresses. This service is
The WHS Concert Choir will be presenting their available to all students regardless of financial status
Spring Concert on Thursday, April 28, 2011, at 7:00 and can be confidential if preferred.
P.M. Tickets will be $3 in advance and $5 at the
door. Songs include Welsh Lullaby and “I Will STUDENT OF THE MONTH
Remember You.” Please plan to come and support!
January 2011
The Mr. Wareham Competition will be taking place Congratulations to Kaitlyn Rogers who was voted
again this year on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. It will January Student of the Month! She was nominated
be held in the WHS Auditorium at 7:00 P.M. because of her excellent leadership skills and her
excellent standing as a student and a role model.
DECA DODGE BALL TOURNAMENT She is very involved in many behind the scenes
activities at WHS and is willing to help wherever
The Annual DECA Tanya Borges Memorial needed. Congrats Kaitlyn!
Tournament will be held Thursday, April 28, 2011, at
6:00 P.M. in the WHS gymnasium. Donations will be February 2011
accepted for the Tanya Borges Memorial Samantha Putzig
Congratulations go out to Samantha Putzig who was
CODE CLUB TWIST‐O‐RAMA chosen as the February Student of the Month!
She was nominated because she is an excellent
The WHS Code Club will be hosting a Twist‐O‐Rama academic student and is very active in clubs and
in the gymnasium on Friday, April 29, 2011, from 3‐5 athletics. She is willing to pitch in wherever needed
P.M. This is a Twister Competition where students and is a “go‐to” person for a lot of staff members.
pay to play and the money raised will be going Congrats Sam!
towards Cystic Fibrosis.
March 2011
Felicia Thomas
Congratulations to Felicia Thomas who was chosen
as the March Student of the Month! Felicia is a good
role model for her peers and a very active student.
Wareham High School Good News
April 15, 2011
She is a positive influence in classes, a hard worker PARENT NIGHT
and a soccer captain that is heavily relied on for
help. Congratulations again Felicia! College admissions night for parents of juniors was
held on April 5th in the high school auditorium.
MA REHABILITATION COMMISSION Co‐sponsored by MEFA and the high school guidance
department, topics covered included current trends
On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 from 6‐7 P.M., Wareham in the admissions process, college entrance exams,
High is honored to have Ms. Alice Oliveira, the college visits, financial aid and much more. All
Director of MA Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) in parents received a copy of MEFA’s Guide to College
New Bedford to come to Wareham High and talk Admissions and a copy of the guidance department
with parents and students. Other MRC rehabilitation power point presentation. Any parent of a junior
counselors will also be available as well to parents unable to attend may receive extra copies of these
and students. materials by having their son/daughter come down
to the guidance office and ask for them.
MRC is located on 888 Purchase Street in New
Bedford. MRC is a state agency that can assist COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES
qualified persons with disabilities to develop
employment opportunities. There can be training Giasson, William Wentworth Inst. of Tech
and a range of services for individuals with Irving, Harry Colby College
disabilities for the goal of employment. MRC can Jones, Kayana Fitchburg State University
also help qualified persons with transition from high Bridgewater State Univ.
school to various post secondary options including Central Conn State Univ.
job placement, training opportunities and schooling. King, Brianna Curry College
Kinsky, Sean Mass College of Art/Design
Ms. Alice Oliveira will meet with interested students Mares, Samantha Montserrat College of Art
or parents in the Wareham High School Library from Macdonald, Leanne Providence College
6‐7 P.M. on May 24. The application process and McCrillis, Sean Mass Maritime Academy
services offered will be explained. McDowell, Ashley Bridgewater State Univ.
McLaughlin, Kayla Bristol Com. College
All are welcome to attend! If there are any Medeiros, Lateisha U/Mass Dartmouth
questions, please feel free to contact Ann Clifford, Bridgewater State Univ.
WHS School Psychologist/TEAM Chairperson at 508‐ Murphy, Mykaela Keene State College
291‐3510 x707. Thank You for your interest!
This annual event is in full swing at WHS. There is
In March, all juniors participated in group guidance
information posted throughout the building for all
sessions on the college admissions process that
students to read and look at. Teachers have the
mirrored the parent night. Topics covered, included
opportunity to show a variety of DVD’s to bring
choosing a college, evaluating the application,
information into their classroom and encourage
recommendations, college visits, time lines,
their students to ask questions about ASD. We are
admissions testing and more.
also running two contests this month, giving the
students an opportunity to win gift cards for opening
their minds and learning something about people on
the Autism Spectrum. Information is available in the
foyer and through their advisory class.