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Right to InformationAct-2005

Applicalion for Iniomation

Stile P$lic lnfomation Ofricer. (SPIO),

BlodkDevelolne Ofnc*(BDO),
Rursl Develophot & PmchayaliRaj,
PbchayalSmni-weir, Dist.:Bbanlpu-321403,Raj6thb

Subjcct applicationud€r Rigbi to Inforbation Acr- 2005,

I'drlicrlrr of infornation r€quired:

llec ne roo watersupply schen€s(oneoflhem is - 35 vs old ands{ond one is mav be rcdlv I0 v6 old which
is situatedolhd sideoflhe villase) at viltase SdlenpurKnurd-Tehsil weit BhararPM
The old orc is n€dby Resh swmi Nand dd a tlisJr prinrry School pEsnlly not l]mins bv dv dcpanrcni

? q r i r d l o . l o q . r ei d o m s r i o rr d q t l e J e d o D i e ' o f h e d o c t m e n F ' ' d " d r o d b o ' e r ' o \ a e - s r p p ) q l c m e '

' ' oDlol he,pplca.'onlrom L rl ' u d r o P r b ' ' H e a t h
t e S a J I ) d c l d d ( e c ' e r t r " oC r a mf r ' h v a rS a l e m p K
| 1eir;ins Dep; trerI (PmDr' lorM 'teseschenes tr dr r$E l' \otra

2. HoN nany Tubew€lls werenentioned i. tbe applicalion for ihes€abovetqo sch€nes?

to run
:1. Rcply dd approvalof the applicationfrom ih€ PHED lo hdd over lhe* schenesro the Cram Panchvat
underJmla Jal Yoina (aflesiedcopy is equir€d)
4. In rhe mlv liom the PllED. is il wilten thlt thev de h&dine over onlt a sinsle $hene to run underlanta
Yojm? IfYii, thenwhichschene'snahrewls notioned? I nceda copl olthc saDedacnnents'
to run
s. If !}iED apploaedmd smctionedlhe applicadongiver Bv Sarpmcha'd S@retarvfor dl tubew^ells
-a"' ror, :"i !":na. rt'* *t'y onlyasingiewrer supplvshde h tuminsud€r JantaJalYoina?

6 lf bolhschdes*rchmdedoveitothe?dchialSmniiorunundft Jml!Jal Yojnalhenhownuchno,ev

over bv PHED
*.*-t tJt n" tyear wis expendiiuEsfor emh schenre).si'e thes wde handed
"l ""1".*

aDDlicabttnane M. she!c'ncj Ve.ra raher''NMe thri Rar'd5d Meen'

P ; J h r a d d r e s ,B l . , s A \ c H . c N r s h A K l n \ A u c R V l \ l B A l 0 4 P l ! 4 0 0 0 4 4
Email/ ?hoN: shdinehsahlot@snlilcom (022)25591346(O).9969960129 (M)'

I h " v e d e D oesor \ e r e o l r i e t e o R ' ( ) L u n d e ' R l l A c r ' 0 0 r \

. o o r r h a 'rd d ' l o n a l l rI h a d d e p o i
l n e e d d E a f t e r eDoh o r ; ( o o " ' o l a lL h e d o c u n d d
*..,"oi"".in o.. r .j,"r.c R. 20 _ bJ w,v of lo rolorder' Po r 5e favonrcol " Blo& Dealopnen'
6F"*ii"*r o-a*.-t a nrrchayaii (PoNo: &lF rt J qq(t n
$i! pat n.nev forfie exrnpases.
i8 !0.2016).I
dated: ifrequiEd'

an a cili-n of Iidia, I tquest vou io ensre that the infomalion

exDiryof the 30 dayspeliod aner vor haveleceivedlhe spplication
Nme M, sh!.].silsh Me€tu
d a;rr(
Orde6of Rs2Ol.(Rs.l0 br nll+ 10for extmpaeen
sbl. Publiclnfomlio. Ofiier, (suo),
BlockDevelophertotrcar (BDo),
RuFl Drvcloptnenr& ?achayali Roi.
PochryatSmiti-Weir, Dist.i BhriaFu.t2t4o8, Roisihe

$ 'a.l.ha4 norrepm rr repbof rJ Rltappt.*,iono. neEdo, I tO.20tb,tnoia. Dor.or\ignmen

\o.:.RlV6r?J5dll3n{im )osof,ie. Morc$ar or andTI mo1.h.ha\ebeenpaqd sndtar er ;a ring
.opr oIrl. (labskdeFmsr (Ret numb.'5s1.;o5dat d OJ. .2Olb)
ot Eervingm) RTIappt!dronanda
copyofny RTI applicationarc afllchedheEwith.

Thdkina yot,

Wi!I] bestregads,
$Q1S ,5a-oor(
Appxsrrtmde Mr.SheiSincrr Mtra Far., :Nffi.:shriRddhd Meena
rd&r ad{rs: B-r5.sA}tct{. ANUSHA,<TTNACA& MUMBAI.a4pN 4OO 004
rnrd /hooe sh.Finshcahlor@gn'it,@m.
r0rr )55o1&6{o,. ao6m6ot,2e

Serel.ry andPublicInfomarionOfticer(plor,
OmmPrnchhtr. Sat.hpu!Khud,
Tehsirwei!, Dist-Bhmgur 32142l, Rajsslhan

DeputyS@Ehry(Ad6,I ) & SptO

PanchayaliRajDcplrftcnr, vikas Khand,
sffraiat, Jaipu, Rajas$d 3o2oo5
PublicInfomarionOmer, (PIO),
Cnm ?rochryar- S,le@purKhurd,
Pan(hayd Suniti.w.ii Disr.:BhdrpuFr2l{ll. R8jEihad


A.De'dkecrionsi\enbvdrSPIOPanchaJai RdlDep0nmenL vik's<l-a.d S*FbiaL laip-' qEbftrn I

q l0 _
rJ llr.pp4lol Rll 'pp 'co or roru tlonEwithlndianPo'b Orceroftu20 fc ol
J n.endrne
6unde!RTIAct(200s)PlusRs, I0forqiraPases.

solar,IhavcnorreceiveddyFly ofmy RTIaptli€riondelivercd on3I 10.2016 (lndianPonConsignment

No RMo{71'4llsl}ohh; Bio ofiie, l'iFr rmind.' on lo l2 -0 6 rlP( "lo RMb47l"oo/Stq nrhe
\e.Tb4 cmm Pschhlol. SalemplrKhJd Thefi'{apphcauon6 roNadedon0J l|-016b) BDo
w.ir Sh;ntDurlRef. N;.: 593-595daledO3.lI 2016)Now moE lha. tB! monthshav. b€n passd andI am
nr r rerineio rie Rl lcDlr. Pkasercol)s of FIRST{PPEALol RI | 6pDli. a'ion
c o d o f d ; & b o . l e d s . ; ; t s r R e lN
. ;.:5ol ' a s d ae d0 l l l 2 0 l b& R c l \ o : ) 1 0 7 1 2D L2 0l 2 2 0 ' 6 r o r
Te;.ng ml Rr lBpp;r ontud a .op)o"m) o_isinalRll apD i@ior aft an.cheo neF$irhalonerifi m)

With b€stEglrds.

Qsillt . !!-, "^o

i;rl fl I \ane -hr' turohdnvera
ooou*.o ont", v, 51.,ffiwe1',
Al|,' nS H A K I N A C a cV L M B A oI {
? ; s i a t A d d € cB: - l 5 . 5 A N C H
Eblil /rhone shcsinghsahlo@gmoil.ooi, (022) 25s93346(o),9969960129(M)

L slatePubliolnromalionoffer, (sPlO),
Bl@kDevelopncnt ofiicer (BDO),
RumlDerelopm.nr & Pechat€liBa
Prchay.tsamili-Wen, Rajas$an

secr.r'r'&d PubhcInfomdionom.e'(PIo\'
C6m Panchhyat- SalenpurKhurd,
Tehsil l2l42l, Raianhan

3. Depurys*retary(Adn.I) & SPlo

R.ja$hd 302005
! n \ l ! . F , s a D F l R T Ia p p $ r i o n d a F o 0 o 0 l ' 0 r r
2 o , i o i n a l R n i o o l i . a ' o 1 d d e d 203l 0 d a E " a ' e m d n d d e o 6 l ' ) 0 6
J Cop)oftheo.fioqkdrmrrs&cp)'iomBDO c "var"1r w_ BhmdDur
4 . c o ; v o i r h e R o h6 o n f i . s " l o , P a 0 , t r d F ' j \ p 4 1 t r
s e l e u r r a . . . a i onuar i.a ' m o:nm o 0 r( q . l r 4 L . 1'o
1 ' P R s\ { , 2 0 1 6 ' 0 0 D r2 2 1 _2 0 1 6 )
s. copt o" mr o*.eiemei rmmsl ' i Mtns:lghlak\ ec.trrnsm)RTlaooieuonon la l? 10 6 \nh
Right to InformationAct-2005
Appli€lion for lnfomation

Gdn ?rdchryal SrlenpurKnurd,
Panchayar Raja$hai
Smiri weir,Dist.:BhamipuF32l49l

Subie.t ApplicaiionnnderRighttoInforpationAcl- 2005

Pxrlicul.rol irlomali0n requjrod:

TheEarcnvowatr supplysohenes (oneof t\eD is - 35ys olddndsscond oneis nay bcnearlyl0 yN old
whichis siru.redol]1$sideofrhc viusce)at villase salcnplr Khurd,Tehsil-w.ir, Bha€tpur.
oLdMter supplyschene(nedby RameshSwamiNahar& a High prinary School),presendy not rutrning
bymy depatuent(neitberPHEDnor GFm Panchlat)aho il\ electrlcirybilh rerc norpaid.Thesecondone
h neffbt Gnk Prinary school(opposilesideof lnc fisl sheme in thevilage)andit is runni4 by CBm
Panchyar SalempurKhu.d, Und€rIanhJalYojna.

copiAollhe documents
l.equiredlollowin8infomationandsftesled relarcd

Copyofth. applicalian andSccrc.aryofcFm

lromtheSaeanch Panchya!SalempurKhurd
ro Public
fo' tunthes.shemesundrJanra
HcalthEngin€dngDcpanftent{PHED), JalYojna.

2. Hor nant Tubewellsweredentioned for rhcse

in lheapplicarion, abovetwoschcn.s?

i. Replyardapprclaloflhe applidrionliomlhePHEDto handoverrhese rotneGftmPanchyat

schemes for

4. In thereplyFon rhePHEDis it writtenthatlhet archandingoveronl] a singleschenc?To rununder

Js a JalYojna? IfYes,lhenwhiohschsdes namewrsmemioned? I needa copyoftheshe d@unenls.

whyonlya sinslewatersdpplyscheme
underJarl!JalYojna,Tnen is nnningunderJantd

6. ll bothschemes overto thePanohFtSamirirotunundorJanbJalYajnarhenhow$uch
morey16 spent onboththeschemesOar wkeexpendituresro.eaohscheDe),sincethese

Meena, FathelsName:ShriRamdhan
Applicatrt!mme:Mr. Sh€rSingh Mscia
(022)25t91346(o). 9969960129
Enril/ PhoDesheuinshsahlol@gnail.com, (M)

I havedeposnedtheEauisnefe€or Rs.l0r !s underRTIAcl (200t.

I needrheanesftdphot@opics andiortharadditionally
ofall thedocumenls $e conoffte
I haddeposited
photocopiesofR5.l0/.TohlingRs.20/-byNayolPonalOderinrhelavodn8of SARPANCH, CEm
Panch.yat- SalempurKhurd,Panchayat Sa6ili-wen,Bh@lDur (PO No.:otc 921951dated:06.01.2017).I
will paymoneyfor theexEapag€s,ifrequired.

I hercbydeclarelharI .d a citizcn of Indio,I ftqusdyouto ensurclhatthe

h prcvided
beforerhe€xpiryoi the l0 days periodaneryou have
re.eivedthe RTIapplication.
Dnle:06J.nu.ry,2017 NamsMr,
Phce: Munb.i Si8narure:

L PosblOde!ofRs 20l- d 6 . 41t 7

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