9 Ideal Truss: Force Method
9 Ideal Truss: Force Method
9 Ideal Truss: Force Method
system is initially stable, one can always renumber the bars such that this
condition is satisfied) and partition B1 , B2 and F as follows:
B1 =[ B I B1 2 ]
Force Method- (ndx m)
B2 =BzlB2 1
(r m)
(ndx nd)
I (n
B2 2 ]
x q)
Ideal Truss F =
The bars corresponding to F1 comprise the primary structure and F 2 contains
9-1. GENERAL the q redundant bar forces. Using (9-1), the force-equilibrium equations ((a)
and (c)) take the form
The basic equations for the linear eometric case have the form
B1 1Fl = P - B2F2 (lid eqs.) (9-2)
P1 = B 1 F
(a) P 2 = B 2 1 F 1 + B2 2 F2 (r eqs.) (9-3)
e = BU 1 + B2 2 = eo + fF Since B111 0, we can solve (9-2) for F 1, considering P 1, -B as right
(b) 2
hand sides. The complete set of q + 1 solutions is written as
P 2 = B2 F (c)
F1 = Fl,o + Fl,F 2
where the elements of B1 and B2 are constants. Equation (a) represents nd linear
equations relating the nd prescribed joint forces and the m unknown bar forces. where F1, o and F 1, F2 satisfy
For the system to be initially stable, r(B1 ) = nd, that is, the rows of B must B lFl,,o = P1
be linearly independent. This requires m > nd. In what follows, we consider BItF,,F2 = -B 1 2
only stable systems. If m = nd, the system is said to be statically determinate Note that the kth column of F1, F contains the bar forces in the primary
since one can find the bar forces and reactions using only the equations of structure due to a unit value of the kth element in F2. Also, F, o contains
statics. The defect of (a) is equal to m - d = q, and is called the degree of the bar forces in the primary structure due to the applied joint loads, PI, with
indeterminacy. One can solve (a) for d bar forces in terms of the applied forces F 2 = 0. The reactions follow from (9--3):
and q bar-forces. We refer to the system defined by the nd bars as the primary
structure and the q unknown forces as force redundants. In order to determine P 2 = P 2 , o + P 2 . F2F2
F, q additional equations relating the bar forces are required. These equations P 2 .0 = B2Fl.o (9-6)
are called compatibility conditions and are obtained by operating on (b) which
P2, F2 = B2 1FI, F2 + B 2 2
represents m relations between the nd unknown displacements and the bar
forces. We consider next (b). Partitioning e, eo, and f,
The general procedure outlined above is called the force or flexibility
(nax 1)
method. This procedure is applicable only when the geometry is linear. In (n xl ) el 1
what follows, we first develop the governing equations for the force method e = --- eo e2 oj (9-7)
by operating on (a)-(c). We then show how one can establish the compatibility ( e2 J
(qx 1)
equations using the principle of virtual forces and discuss the extremal character (nd x nd)
of the force redundants. Finally, we compare the force method for a truss with
f = f,
the mesh method for an electrical network. [ ° ( f2
(q q)
and using (9-1), the force-displacement relations expand to 2. Determination ofF ,2 F, , andP 2
L 1 7-- 10 kips
e l , = {eo, , eo, 2 } = { - -i6,
e2 0 {eo, 3} =
U2 ={q-mT, -6 }
10 kips Equation (a) actually represents a restriction on the elongations. The original form of (a)
follows from (9-10).
20 kips e3 -e, - 2 =e -- +T (b)
Equation (b) reduces to (a) when we substitute for the elongations in terms ofthe bar forces.
We could have obtained the above results for Fl by solving
BiIF! - - B 2 F2 Step 3: Determination of the Displacements
which, for this system, has the form Suppose only u,, is desired. Using (9-15),
7 '
U 1U= F p,,el - (P.pL ,) (c)
--. 1 F3}=
8+ {20 [ F3
j= {o,-Ts}
Since only u3 2 and u4,, are finite, we can contract 02 and P2, We apply a unit load at joint 1 in the X, direction and determine the bar forces in the
P[= [P32, P41} primarystructure and the reactions (P32, P41) corresponding to the nonvanishing prescribed
12 =U 2. L141}
,,= ={-, 61J-6
and write
P2.,, = 0- 2
P2 ,F2 U2 = (P2, F2 ) U2
Substituting in (c), we obtain equations are independent of the material behavior. If the material is physically
u,, = +.185 - .033 = +.15 in linear, (i) leads to a set of q linear equations in F 2 when we substitute for the
elongations in terms of the bar forces.
If both displacement components are desired, we apply (9-15) twice. This is equivalent We determine the displacements by applying the general form of the principle
to solving (9-8). of virtual forces (see (7-10))
AFTe - AP2UJ2 = APIl j 1 (j)
9-3. GOVERNING EQUATIONS-VARIATIONAL APPROACH where the virtual forces satisfy the force-equilibrium equations,
We obtained the elongation compatibility equations (9-10) by operating on AP1 = B 1 AF
the elongation-displacement equations. Alternatively, one can use the principle AP 2 = B2 AF
of virtual forces developed in Sec. 7-3. It is shown there (see Equation (7-14))
that the true elongations satisfy the condition, Since only F1 is required to equilibrate P 1, we can take
and and (7-37) coincides with (i). We have written the expanded form of (i) as
B1 10F (e)
Bq _S f 2 2 F 2 = d2 (q)
Equation (i) is identical to (9-10). Note that the elongation compatibility ' See Prob. 9-8.
application of Kirchhoff's laws and is called the mesh method. Various phases oriented. The connectivity relations for a network are topological properties of the cor
of the electrical network formulation are discussed in Probs. 6-6, 6-14, and the responding oriented graph.
governing equations for a linear resistance d-c network are developed in Probs. Consider the oriented graph shown. We list the branch numbers vertically and the node
numbers horizontally. We assemble ._ working with successive branches. Finally, we
6-14, 6-23. We list the notation and governing equations for convenience:
obtain A by deleting the last column (col. 4) of s.
b = number of branches
Fig. E9-2
n = number of nodes 2
M=b-N=b-n+ 1
Vj = potential at node j with respect to the reference potential, n-.
k+, k_ = nodes at positive and negative ends of branch k
ik = current in branch k, positive when directed fiom node k_ to node 3
ek = potential drop for branch k = Vk - Vk+
eo, k = emf for branch k
Rk = resistance for branch k
The governing equations expressed in matrix notation are (see Prob. 6-23):
e = {el, e 2 . , eb
.- -, ib}
1 -1 +1
V = V , 2, , VN} .. 2 +1 A
R ,l 3 +1 -1
L R2
tivity matrix a'. Note that a has only two entries in any row. For row k 6 +1
(k = 1,2,...,b),
,4kk = +1
.dkk+ = -1 j k+ or k_ (9-19) Now, A has N linearly independent columns. Therefore, it is possible to
e.kj = 0 j= 1,2,...,N solve (9-16) for N branch currents in terms of b - N = M branch currents.
We suppose the branches are numbered such that the first N rows of A contain
Actually, d is just the matrix equivalent of the branch-node connectivity table.
a nonvanishing determinant of order N and partition A, i after row N.
(N x N)
------- In ---
(bx N) Al
A =
A network can be represented by a line drawing consisting of curves interconnected at
various points. The curves and intersection points are conventionally called branches and (M x N)
nodes respectively. Each branch is terminated at two different nodes and no two branches (Nx 1) (9-2U)
(bx 1) i
have a point in common which is not a node. Also, two nodes are connected by at least
i = -
one path. A collection of nodes and branches satisfying the above restrictions is called
(MX 1
(A X1
a linear connected graph. If each branch is assigned a direction, the graph is said to be
Introducing (9-20) in (9-16) leads to meshes. Let bT be the number of branches in a tree connecting n nodes. One
can easily show that
ATil = - A2i2 (9-21)
bT = - 1 = N (9-28)
Since AII = 0, we can solve for i in terms of i2. We write the solution of the We reduce a graph to a tree by removing a sufficient number of branches such
node equations as
that no meshes remain. The branches removed are generally called chords.
i = Ci 2 The required number of chords is equal to b - bT = b - N = M. Now, we
associate the branches comprising a tree with the rows of At. Selecting a tree
is equivalent to selecting N linearly independent rows in A. The M chords
V;= [I] i2 correspond to the redundant branches, that is, the rows of A2 . Note that one
Note that C1 is of order N by M and is related to Al, A2 by can always number the branches such that the first N branches define a tree.
Chord j and the unique path (in the tree) connecting the terminals of chord
C1 = -(A 2A t)T (9-23) j define a mesh, say mesh j. We take the positive direction of mesh j (clockwise
It remains to determine a set of M equations for i2. or counterclockwise) such that the mesh direction coincides with the positive
One can express (9-17) in partitioned form and then eliminate V, or alterna direction for chord j. Now, the current is constant in a mesh. Suppose branch
tively, one can use the variational principle developed in Prob. 7-6. Using r is contained in mesh j. Then, the current in branch r due to a unit value of
the first approach, we write (9-17) as ij is equal to - 1 (- 1)if the positive directions of branch r and mesh j coincide
(are opposite in sense).
el = A1V = el, + Rlil (N eqs) We have expressed the solution of the node equations as
e = A2 V = e2. 0 + R2i2 (M eqs)
(Nx 1) (NxM) (Mxl)
Once i is known, we can find V from il = C1 i2
A 1 V = el =el.o + Rtil (9-25) Now, we take the elements of i 2 as the chord(mesh) currents. Then i represents
Eliminating V from the second equation in (9-24) and using (9-23), we obtain the required branch currents in the tree. We assemble C1 working with the
columns. The column corresponding to i involves only those branches of the
e 2 + Cel = 0 (9-26) tree which are contained in mesh j. We enter (+ 1, -- 1, 0) in row k of this
Equation (9-26) represents M equations relating the branch potential differ column if branch k is (positively, negatively, not) included in mesh j.
ences (voltages). Finally, substituting for ej in terms of ij leads to
- . . ...
-r.v,,,l n
- -a
(R2 + CITRCl)i2 -e 2 , o- Cel.o (9-27) For the graph in example 9-2, N= n- 1 = 3 and b = 6. Then M=b-N = 3
The coefficient matrix for i2 is positive definite when the branch resistances and we must remove 3 branches to obtain a tree. We take branches 4, 5, and 6 as the
are positive. This will be the case for a real system. chords. The resulting tree is shown in Fig. E9-3. We indicate the chords by dashed lines.
The essential step in the solution involves solving (9-21), that is, finding C.
Note that C1 corresponds to F, F2 for the truss problem. Also, the branches Fig. E9-3
comprising A (and i) correspond to the primary structure. Although the
equations for the truss and electrical network are similar in form, it should be
noted that the network problem is one dimensional whereas the truss problem
involves the geometry as well as the connectivity of the system. One can as
semble C using only the topological properties of the oriented graph which I ~ 0 3SP
represents the network. To find the corresponding matrices (Ft, 0 and F, F)
for a truss, one must solve a system of linear equations. In what follows, we
describe a procedure for assembling C1 directly from the oriented graph.
I -'r I
A closed path containing only one repeated node that begins and ends at 4 v
that node is called a mesh. One can represent a mesh by listing sequentially s _ 'Of
For this selection of a tree, formulation of the network problem leads to the same system of equations
that one would obtain by applying Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws to the
i, = {il, i2, i3} i2= {i4, i5 , i6} various nodes and meshes. This, of course, also applies to the truss problem.
The meshes associated with the chords follow directly from the sketch: The two approaches differ only with respect to the assemblage of the governing
equations. In the conventional approach, one assembles the equations in
mesh4 @,-(O, +
(a) dividually. This involves repeated application of the basic laws. When the
mesh5 (), - ),f + )
equations are expressed in matrix form, the steps reduce to a sequence of matrix
mesh6 (, - ( , +O
To assemble C1 we list the branches of the tree vertically and the chord numbers hori
zontally. We work with successive columns, that is, successive chords. The resulting matrix REFERENCES
is listed below. Note that C1 is just the matrix equivalent of (a).
, - Chords 1. NORRIS, C. H., and J. B. WILBUR: Elementary StructuralAnalvsis, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1960.
4 5 6 2. HALL, A. S., and R. W. WOODHEAD: Frame Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1967.
3. MORICE, P. B.: Linear Structural Analysis, Ronald Press, New York, 1969.
RUBINSTEIN, M. F.: Matrix Con7puter Analyris o?'Structures, Prentice-Hall, 1966.
I -1.' 0 + 4.
5. PRZEMIENIECKI, J. S.: Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
of the 2 +1 +1 0 6. RUBINSTEIN, M. F.: Structural Systems-Statics, Dynamics, and Stability, Prentice-
tree Hall, 1970.
1 3 0 -1 -1 7. Di MAGGIO, F. D., and W. R. SPILLERS: "Network Analysis of Structures,"' Eng.
Mech. Div., A.S.C.E., Vol. 91, No. EM 3, June 1965.
8. FENVES, S. J., and F. H. BRANIN, JR.: "Network-Topological Formulation of Struc
tural Analysis," J. Structlues Div., A.S.C.E., Vol. 89, No. ST4, August 1963.
The matrices, At and A2, follow from Example 9-2:
-1 +1 0 PROBLEMS
A, = 0 + I 0
9-1. Show that the coefficient matrix f,,2 2 is positive definite for arbitrary
0 +1 -I
rank of F,1 F when f2 is positive definite. Use the approach suggested in
1 0 0 Problems 2-12 through 2-14.
A, = 2 -JI 9-2. Solve the following system using the procedure outlined in Sec. 9-2.
I2 E -1 Take X = {xl, x2})
One can readily verify that
C = -(A2A') 2 2 3 ]{}2
12 2 4 2 X3 (X13
The matrix, C = {Ct, Im}, is called the branch-mesh incidence matrix. Using
(9-23), we see that A and C have the property [2 {0y2
(N x M)
ATC= 0 (9-29)
Prob. 9-9
X2 0
4 5 (i) 6
(a) Determine A.
. 15' ' 15' i (b) Determine C.
(c) Verify that ATC = 0.
(1) Material is linear elastic and the flexibility factors are equal
(2) Only u42 is finite. Take U2 = {u14 2 } = tt 4 2.
(3) Only initial elongation for bar 4.