Wednesday, April 2 7, 201 1: Wednes, 7 1

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Seahawk Scoop

Wednes , April 27
7, 2011
"Our great glory is not in never failing, but rising every time we fail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

**PARENTS NEEDED: Parent volunteers are needed to assist with the KG-5th grade “Literacy on the
Lawn” on Thursday, May 5 . Please contact Harolyn Walker @ 670-2800 for more information.

**PARENTS help us receive free books from “We Give Books”. Simply go to
create an account, choose a book, & begin reading. This is a great way to share books with your children or
grandchildren. –Harolyn Walker, Reading Coach
**SANTA PHOTOS: Elementary students who had their photos taken with Santa (yes, Santa!!!), but never
paid to pick up, you may still buy your photo for $3.00. See Mrs. Barber
**PROM PHOTO DISCS: Order your disc ASAP! See Ms. Buffkin. Cost: $10.00
**FCS FLAG CORPS Try-Outs: The Marching Seahawk Band is adding a Flag Corps for the 2011-2012
Season. Any student that is interested in trying out, please stop by Mrs. Duhart’s room (1210) for more information.
Eligibility requirements are as follows: • must be in grades 8-11, • have at least a 2.5 GPA, •no more than one referral
for the current school year. Practices will be held May 2-5.

**SCIENCE PROJECT BACK BOARDS: Now on sale - $6.00. See Ms. Buffkin or Ms. Sawyer to purchase.
Science Projects due next Wed, May 4.
**K-5 th
Grade: Soft Tacos w/ Meat & Cheese, Diced Pears, Side Salad, Fresh Fruit
**6th -12th Grade: Choice of above or Pizza, Chicken Item, Chef Salad, or Lite Alternative

**GCCC Dual Enrollment-Summer & Fall: Registration for the summer & fall terms will be April 11-May 6.
The dual enrollment office will be open 8:00am-4:00pm.
**Certified Nursing Assistant Program: Students interested in program need to apply NOW!!! April 29 is last
day to register. Contact Pat Wagner, GFC Nursing Secretary @ 227-9670 EXT. 5522.

-Florida Seafood Festival $1,000 Scholarship: Due by Fri, April 29. Applications in Mrs. Duhart’s & Guidance
-Forgotten Coast Builders Assoc. $1,000 Scholarship: Must be postmarked by May 6. Preference given to
student majoring in a construction related field, but is not required. Applications in Mrs. Duhart’s & Guidance
-JCI Senators Scholarship: Due by May 8. Applications in Mrs. Duhart’s & Guidance
NEW -Fairpoint Communications $1,000 Scholarship: Due by May 9. Applications in Mrs. Duhart’s & Guidance
-Apalachicola Bay Rotary Scholarship: Due by May 15. Applications in Mrs. Duhart’s & Guidance
NEW -Gulf Coast Foundation Scholarships:
Legacy: Due by May 15. Open to students whose parents obtained a degree from GCCC. See Ms. McGrath
Edward K Roberts- Due by May 15. For part-time students for tuition, board, books, child care, car
repairs etc. See McGrath
**Wed, April 27:
27: -Field Tip: 7th grade class to FSU marine lab from 8:00am-2:00pm
-Senior Cap & Gown Pictures
-SGA meeting during HS lunch
-Cheer Clinic in the gym from 3:30pm-5:00pm
**Thur, April 28: -Field Trip: 7th grade class to FSU marine lab from 8:00am-2:00pm
-HS Beta Club meeting in room 1217 during breakfast
-College/Career Day H/S from 9:30am-3:10pm in the gym
-Cheer Clinic in the gym from 3:30pm-5:00pm
-Varsity Softball Banquet in the cafeteria from 6:00-8:00pm
**Fri, April 29: -Cheer Clinic in the gym from 3:30pm-5:00pm
-Freshman Spring Fling at C-Quarters in C’belle 8:00-11:00pm
**Sat, April 30: -Saturday School – by invitation only – 8:00am-2:30pm, don’t be late & bring
your own lunch!
**Mon, May 2: -Band Flag Team tryouts in the band room from 3:30pm-5:00pm
-Senior Parent meeting,
meeting, regarding Senior Trip, in the cafeteria @ 6:00pm
-GED Test in the FCS library @ 6:00pm
**Tue, May 3:
3: -Field Trip: KG to Gulf Marine Specimen Lab, Panacea from 8:45am-2:00pm
-NHS meeting in room 1210 during breakfast
-FCA meetings in the gym during M/S & H/S lunch periods
-Band Flag Team tryouts in the band room from 3:30pm-5:00pm
-GED Test in the FCS library @ 6:00pm

Mark Your Calendars



**BOOK FAIR: May 9- May 13
**MUFFINS FOR MOMS (in library): May 20 (K-8th moms)
**KIDS AND COPS DAY: May 20 (K-8th)

**STAFF: Turn off all devices (computers, printers, lights) before leaving work!!!
This should be done every day when leaving your classroom/office.
**K-12 Faculty Meeting: Wed, April 27, in the cafeteria @ 3:20pm
**CULINARY CLASS CAFÉ: Fri, April 29 - Serving from 10:45am-1:30pm. Donation- $8.00
MENU: Greek Style Chicken, Souvlaki (Pork Kabobs), Greek Style Potatoes,
Greek Salad, Pita Chips & Tsaziki Sauce
DESSERTS: Baklava, Loukoumades (Fried Doughnuts)
**RTI MEETINGS: Every Tuesday **RTI Discussions- M/S & H/S: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of month
**PBS MEETINGS: 3rd Monday of month **FACULTY MEETINGS: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of month
**SCHOOL BASED LEADERSHIP MEETINGS: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of month

**Friday Night Movie: The Renovatio Youth Leadership Organization is doing a fundraiser for their educational trip
this summer. The group will be having a “Friday Night Movie Night” on May 13 at the St. Patrick’s Church in Apalachicola
from 4:00pm-midnight. Advance tickets are $5.00 or $7.00 if purchased at the door. To purchase tickets, please see
Deanna Quick, Adreenah Wynn or any other Renovatio member.
**DOE Social Media Access: The Florida Department of Education now has the resources to provide additional
Channels for the department to receive feedback from & communicate with educators, students, parents, & all Floridians.
Their new accounts are:
General Information:
Twitter for Public:
Blog for Public: (Florida Common Ground)
Twitter for Teachers:
Blog for Teachers: (Florida School Speak)

GED Classes have moved back to Franklin County School!

Classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays (except holidays) from 4:00pm-8:00pm in 1100 building.
To register, see Linda Bradley from 4:00-7:00pm on days above.
The next GED Test will be given May 2 & 3 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm.
To register for the test contact Linda Bradley during GED classes or Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481.
The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex,
National origin, age, handicap, or marital status.

**PARENTS – register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff
Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency
school closings, road closings). Go to , on the top right of home page- click
on “Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System” emblem & complete required information.

The Franklin Energy Bolt

(Powered by Progress Energy)
Tip of the day: Vines provide shading and cooling. Grown on trellises, vines can shade
windows or the whole side of a house.

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