Materi Bab 4 B. Inggris Kls 8

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Materi Bab 4 Bahasa Inggris kelas 8

A. Giving Instruction (Imperative)

Untuk membentuk kalimat imperatif, kita gunakan kata kerja (verb 1) bentuk
pertama (present) juga di sebut infinitive tanpa to.
- Open the door!
- Peel the apple!
- Wash the vegetables!
- Pour the water!
- Type the message!
- Listen to me!

Kata yang dicetak tebal adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk membuat kalimat
Untuk memperhalus perintah kita dapat menggunakan kata “please” sehingga
kalimat ini disebut Request atau permintaan/permohonan. Contoh: Close the
windows, please. Please clean the class room!
Terdapat 2 jenis kalimat perintah:
1. Command
- Boil the water for 15 minutes!
- Put the sugar and the coffee into the cup!
- Open the windows, please!
- Just wait a minute, please
- Let’s sing a song together!
- Please sweep the floor!
- Be patient to wait your computer to load!
- Be careful!
Kalimat perintah yang diikuti kata sifat atau kata benda diawali –to be
Be careful!
Be brave!
Be a good boy!
2. Prohibition (Larangan)
Untuk membentuk kalimat larangan biasanya kita dapat menambahkan kata
“do not” atau don’t, atau no.
- Do not eat before it is warm.
- Do not log out your account!
- Stop smoking/No smoking!
- Don’t enter the room!
- Do not cheat in the examination!
- No entry!
- Don’t be angry!
- Do not be jealous!
- Don’t be lazy!
Untuk membentuk kalimat larangan yang diikuti kata sifat(adjective) atau kata
benda (noun) ditambahkan –be/to be.
Don’t be shy!
Do not be late!

Dialogue 1
Adnan : Udin, let’s go out. Don’t be lazy. Get up and have some exercise outside!
Udin : Okay. Wait. Let me put on my shoes.
Dialogue 2
Shidqi : It’s hot dark in this classroom. Please turn on the lamps, Fatimah!
Fatimah : Sure.
Shidqi : Thanks, Fatimah.
Fatimah : You’re welcome.
Dialogue 3
Ani : Mom, I have to go now.
Mother : Okay, Don’t forget to bring the umbrella, honey. It’s going to rain.
Ani : Yes, mom.
Mother : Be careful, honey.
Ani : Thank you mom. Good bye

B. Asking and giving permission

Asking permission berarti meminta izin dari seseorang,
giving permission sebaliknya memberikan izin.
Giving permission
Asking permission
Accepting Refusing
- May I....? - Sure - I’m sorry. You can’t
May I use your computer? - All right - I’m afraid you can’t
May I wash my hands? - No problem - No, please don’t
May I borrow your money, please? - Here you are
- Can I....? - Yes, please
Can I ask you a question? - Please feel free
Can I open the door, please?
Can I help you?
- Do you mind ....?
Do you mind if I turn on the fan?
Do you mind if I smoke here?
- Is it okay....?
Is it okay if I eat here?
- Would it be all right ....?
Would it be all right if I come in?

Dialogue 1
Roni : Tan, It’s very hot in this room. Can I open the windows and the door?
Tania : Sure. And you can turn on the fan, too.
Roni : Okay tan, Thank you.
Tania : You’re welcome.
C. Expression of Invitation
Untuk mengundang atau mengajak seseorang melakukan sesuatu bergabung dalam
suatu aktivitas, atau mengajak pergi ke suatu tempat, kita menggunakan expression
of invitation.
Beberapa phrase yang sering digunakan dalam expression of invitation antara lain:

1. Would you like to join us?

2. I would like to invite you to...
3. Would you like to come...
4. Could you join us?
5. Could you come to...
6. Let's jump together!
7. Let's go to Wendy's birthday party!
8. Why don't we...
9. Would you mind...
10. Shall we...

Contoh penggunaan phrase diatas dalam kalimat:

1. I would like to invite you to my wedding party.
2. Would you like to come to the parents meeting?
3. Why don't we join the English club?
4. Shall we walk home now?
5. Could you finish your project by tomorrow?

Respon terhadap invitation ada dua kemungkinan yaitu menerima

invitation (accepting Invitation) atau menolak invitation (declining Invitation).

Menerima Invitation (Accepting Invitation)

 Thank you for inviting me.
 Yes, I would like to join.
 I'd like to come.
 Sure, I am coming.
Menolak Invitation (Declining Invitation)
 I'm afraid already had another plan.
 Unfortunately I can't join.
 I'm very sorry, I am not feeling well at the moment
 I'd like to join but...

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