Final Output in T.L.E-7: 5. Note: Idungan Pag Pass An Scrapbook Sa Pag Pass Nan Test Paper Sa December 8, 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XIII
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Carrascal II
Adlay National High School


1. Make a scrapbook of the different Kitchen tools and equipment.
2. You can use any materials and size of a scrapbook (eg. Color paper, bondpaper,) with 3-
5 pages.
3. You can download or take pictures of the different Kitchen tools and equipment then
paste it on a scrapbook and write their uses beside its picture.
4. Please do not forget to write your name at the front portion of your scrapbook.
5. Note: Idungan pag pass an Scrapbook sa pag pass nan Test Paper sa December 8, 2020
Scoring Rubrics
Criteria Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished Score
(1-3) (4-6) (7-8) (9-10)
Project layout Scrapbook has 1 Scrapbook has 2 Scrapbook has 3 Scrapbook has 4-5
page only pages only pages only pages only
My Creative Indicates little Indicates adequate Indicates clear Indicates distinct
Connection evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of ____ out
creativity/analytica creativity/analytica creativity/analytical creativity/analytical of 10
l work. l work. work. work.
[1-2] [3] [4] [5]
Overall Submits some of Submits most of Presents all items in Presents thorough,
Presentation the items in a the items. Portfolio a chronological clear and complete
____ out
disorganized form. is well presented. form. Scrapbook is items. Scrapbook is
of 5
Scrapbook looks well organized. neat and elegant.
Prompt Submits late (5-6 Submits late (3-4 Submits late (1-2 Submits on time. ____ out
Submission days). days). days). of 5
Total _______
score: 50)

T-I/Subject Teacher


Republic of the Philippines
Region XIII
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Carrascal II
Adlay National High School

Part of being a construction workers is making sure that you familiarize and you have
the most important tools that you need. In masonry for an instance, tools and equipment is a
must to ensure the quality of masonry works.
In masonry modules of week 4, we understand how important it is to identify and
familiarize each tool, materials and equipment in masonry. As part of the final output, you need
to do it again in a very common but unique way. Please read the instructions below for your
1. Make a video or picture presentation of identifying masonry tools, materials, and
equipment and their uses.
2. You can do it by pair but please observe health protocols and wear face masks all the
3. The content of a video or picture presentation must have the following:
3.1. Introduction( self-introduction including your names)
3.2. Actual or pictures of masonry tools, materials, and equipment and their uses
( introduce each tools, materials and equipment verbally)
4. Submission of video presentation will be on or before December 11, 2020 thru facebook
messenger (Roldan Buar Ciez) or in our chatbox.
Scoring Rubrics
Criteria Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished Score
(1-3) (4-6) (7-8) (9-10)
Accuracy to the instructions Th presentation is 70 % Th presentation is 80 % Th presentation is 90 % Th presentation is 100 %
accurate to a given accurate to a given accurate to a given accurate to a given
instructions. instructions. instructions. instructions.
Creativity and video content Indicates little evidence Indicates adequate Indicates clear evidence of Indicates distinct evidence of
of creativity/analytical evidence of creativity/analytical work. creativity/analytical work.
____ out of 10
work. creativity/analytical
[1-2] [3] [4] [5]
Overall Presentation The video presentation The video presentation The video presentation is The video presentation is
poorly organized is organized but organized but lacking well organized ____ out of 5
Prompt Submission Submits late (5-6 days). Submits late (3-4 days). Submits late (1-2 days). Submits on time. ____ out of 5
Total _______
(Highest possible score:

T-I/Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Region XIII
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Carrascal II
Adlay National High School

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