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August 4, 2004. I was born in Jakarta with the name Muhammad Ridho Halim Mattalatta. I
have one brother and one sister. As the second of 3 children, I am known as an active and
hospitable person in the family. Born with the last name Mattalatta which means
“uncontrollable” made me known as a person from Makassar. It's true, Mattalatta is a
Makassar clan that I got from my mother. I was born to a mother who is a Makassarese
named Andi Kusma Neswaty Mattalatta and a father who is a Javanese named Makmun
Halim Thohari.. Since I was a child, I have a simple dream, I just want to be like my father.
Which at that time I saw him as a hero who always made people around him happy. That’s
why my father is my own role model in life. I have several role models in life, my father in
his kindness, my mother in her way of thinking, my grandfather in his intelligence, and my
grandmother in her lovely affection. They become my life reference to be a better person.

My educational background is that I took playgroup, kindergarten, and elementary school at

Al Azhar Pasar Minggu. Then, I continued my junior high school education at Al Azhar
Pejaten. And now I am a high school student at Al Azhar 1. There is an academic
accomplishment that I'm proud of so far. It is when I get the first rank in class. However,
thats not an easy thing to obtain. there are many things that need to do to achieve that
accomplishment. It takes hard work, perseverance, patience, discipline, and strong intention.
And I can say that is my personal strength. I have made many positive changes by realizing
that there is a close correlation between education and career, by that, I think something must
be achieved with great effort. I plan to continue my education at the Faculty of Law,
University of Indonesia. The reason why law interests me is because law affects every part of
human life and I believe that law is the fundamental of life. For me law is not just about rules
and regulation, law is also about rights, justice, and understanding of human behavior and

My vision in life is I want to be a person who can prosper others. I want to achieve that vision
with a mission through the field that I'm interested in, which is the field of law. I want to
master the field of law so that I can have a career according to my passion. If I get a
scholarship, I will not waste this opportunity to be serious in studying law so that later it can
have a positive influence on the wider community. Education is a very important thing in life
to determine our future. Therefore the choice of where we will take our next education is a
difficult choice to decide. I believe that FHUI is the best step to prepare my long-term
journey and will help me in shaping and creating my future. I wish to study law as it is my
ambition to pursue a career in law.

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