Department Orders/Cfficulars: and Ministry

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{c) Radioteletype operator license.


ORDERS/CffiCULARS Sec. 3. Term of License - Commercial operator licenses shall be
issued for a term of not more than three (3) years,

F Sec. 4. Procedure. - An application for operator license must be

filed in duplicate with the Secretary of Public Works and Communication
DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 5) upon blanks furnished for that purpose. If the application is for renewal of
Serie• of1948) license, it must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of
expiration, together with the license to be renewed.
· September 22, 1948
Sec.5. General Qualifications of Applicant. - An applicant for
SUBJECT: RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVER NING commercial radio operator license must possess the following qali
COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS {a) He must bea citizen of the Philippines; Provided, however. That
operator licenses issued to American citizens prior t.o the date of elrectivity
Pursuant to the provisions of the Radio Control Law, Act No. 8846, as of these regulations shall be valid and operative the terms of such Ji.
amended by Commonwealth Act Nos, 3155 and 571, the following rules and censes: Provided, further, That a holdei; of a pilot license issued by the
regulations governing commercial radio operators are hereby promulgated Civil Aeronautics Board may be considered qualified t.o take an examina
to take effect on September 22, 1948. All rules and regulations which are in tion for third class commerciai radio-telephone operat.or license irreepec
conflict herewith are hereby revoked. tive of citizenship;

GENERAL {b) He must be at least18 years of age;

Sec.1. Licensed Operators Required. - Unless otherwise {c) He must beof good moral character;
authorized by the Secretary of Commerce and Industry, (now Secretary
of Transportation and Communications) the actual operation of any radio {d) He must have cQmpleted the high school course prescribed by
station for which a station license is required shall be carried on only by a
the Department of Public Instruction: Provided however, That experi
licensed radio operator. In the case of remote-controlled stations, licensed
enced radio operat.ors in the government rvice who have not completed
operators shall also be required in transmitting and receiving offices, as
the high school course, may be considered qualified to take the examina
well as in all tuning (transmitting and receiving) stations.
tion if for each year deficiency of high school they possess two years satis-
factory service as government radiooperator; and '
Sec. 2. Classes of Licenses. - Commercial operator licenses are,
classified as follows:
{e) He must have graduated from a Tadio school recognized and
accredited by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications or must
(a) Commercial radiotelephonegroup;
have had at least one year service as a government radio operator; Pro
(1)Radiotelephone third class operator license.
' (2) Radiotelephone second class operator license.
vided, however, THA'l' applicants for rad.ioteletype operator license shaJl
be ex.empted from the requirement of this paragraph. {As amended by
, (3) Radiotelepbonenrst class operator license.
Dept. Order No. 28 dated Sept.11, 1954.)
(b) Commercial radiotelegraph group; .
(1) Radiotelegraph third class operator license. Sec.6. Special Provisions, RADIOTELEGRAPH first Class. An
applicant for a radiotelegraph first class operator 1icense must be at least
(2) Radiotelegraph110cond class operator license. 21 years of age and must have been a holder of a second-class
(3) Radiotelegraph first class operator license. radiotelegraph 1icense for at least one year, with commercial service of at
least six months
in the aggregate, Provided. however, That a holder of a second class radio
telegraph operator license, who, prior to hie having qualified for such (c) Radiotelephone first class operator license:
license, had rendered at least five (5) years satisfactory service as radio (1) Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in Eng
operator in a government radio station may be considered qualified to take lish.
the examination for first claee commercial radiotelegraph operator license (2) Written examination elements 1, 2, 3 and 4.
without first securing the six (6) months service mentioned above and
J>rovided. further, That any person who has rendered five (5) years or (d) Radiotelegraph third class operator license;
more satisfactory service as radio operator in a government radio station (1) Transmitting and receiving code test of sixteen code
may be permitted to take examination for first class commercial radiotele groups per minute.
graph operator license provided he possesses the other qualifications re (2) Written examination elements 1, 2 and 6.
quired in Section five (5) hereof.
(e) Radiotelegraph second class operator license: _
Sec. 7. Examination Elements. - Written examination shall com (1) Ability to transmit and receivespoken messages in Eng
prise questions from one or more of the following examination elements: lish.
(2) 'I.ransmitting and receiving code test of sixteen code
(1) Basic Law - Provisions of radio laws and radio regula groups per rrunute.
(3) Written examinations elements1, 2, 5 and 6
(2) Basic TMOry and Practice - Technical matters appro (f) Radiotelegraph first class operator license:
priate for every class of license. (1) Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in Eng
(3) Radiotelephone - Additional matters, both legal and lish.
technical, including radiotelephone theory and practice. (2) Transmitting and rece1vmg code test of twenty-five
(4) Advanced Radi.otelephoM - Theory and practice appli words per minute, plain language; and twenty code
cable to broadcast station operation. groups per minute.
(5) Radiotelegraph - Additional matters, both legal and (3) Written examination elements 1, 2, 5 and 6.
technical, including radiotelegraph theory and practice.
(6) Advanced Radiotelegraph - Radiotelegraph theory and (g) Radioteletype operator license:
practice of wider scope, particularly with respect to ship radio matters (1) ) Ability to transmit and receive messages by
(direction finders, auto-alarms, ship radiotelephone stations etc.) radiotele type.
(2) Written examination element 1 (Basic Law). (As
Sec. 8. Examinati.on Requirements. - Applicants for original li amended by Dept. Order No. 28 dated Sept.11, 1954.)
censes shall be required to pass examinations, as follows:
Sec. 9. Place of Examination. - Examination for radio operator li cense
(a) Radiotelephone third class operator license: shall be conducted at such times and plates as the Secretary of Public and
(1) Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in Eng Communications may designate.
(2) Written examination elements1 and 2. "
Sec.10. Form of Writing.- Written examination shall be in English
and shall be written by the applicant in longhand in ink; provided that
(b) Radiotelephone second class operator license: diagrams may be drawn in pencil.
(1) Ability to transmit and receive spoken messages in Eng
lish. Sec. 11. Passing Grade. - A passing average of 70% of a possible
(2) Written examination elements 1, 2 and 3. 100% is required on all ·elements of a written examinations, provided that
no rating shall be below 50% in any element. An applicant who passes
the written examination elements but fails in the code test may be given
two chances to remove his deficiency within three months from the date he
is advised of the result of his examination. Failure to remove the
deficiency within the prescribed period shall invalidate the examination. for two months to take an examination for any class of license requiring
(As amended by Dept. Order No. 82, date July 5,1951.)
that element. Examination elements will be graded in the order listed in
Section 7 hereof, and an applicant may, without further application, be
Sec. 12. Special Provision - An applicant who fails in the examination issued the class of license for which he qualities.
for the class of license applied for may be granted a license of a lower class
if he obtains a general average of at least 70% on the elements required Sec. 20. Renewal of Operator License Without Examination.
for that lower class. An applicant who qualifies in an examination but
fails to secure a license within one (1) year from the date he is advised of
All commercial operator licenses may be renewed without
the result of his or her examination, will not be issued a license without re-
examina tion: Provided, That:
examination. (As amended by Dept. Order No. 82, date July 5, 1951.)

Sec.13. New Class: Additional Requirements. - The holder of a (a) The applicant has had at least 90 days' satisfactory service
during the term of the 6-month prior to the date the application for
license who applies for another class of license is required to pass only the
renewal of license is due to be filed 30 days prior to the expiration
added examination elements for the new class of license.
date, or
Sec.14. Transmitting Speed Requirements. - An applicant is required
(b) The applicant has had at least 6 months' satisfactory service
to transmit correctly in the International Morse Code for one minute at the
during the term of the license prior to the date the application
rate of speed prescribed in these rules for the class of license applied for.
for renewal of license is due to be filed, and
Sec. 15. Transmitting Test Procedure. - Transmitting tests shall be
(c) Provided, further, That holders of commercial radio operator
performed by the use of the conventional Morse key or an automatic code
li censes who are in the government service as radio operators
may be exempted from renewing their licenses while in the
government service as such radio operators and their licenses
Sec.16. Receiving Speed Requirements. - An applicant is required
renewed upon separation from the government service,
to receive the International Morse Code by ear and legibly transcribe provided that a certificate of satisfactory service signed by
consecutive words of code groups for a period of one minute without error their employers is presented with the application for renewal
at the rate of the speed specified in the rules for the class of license for license. (As amended by Dept. Order No. 82, date July 5,1951.)
which applicants is made. An applicant for a first-class radiotelegraph
license is required to receive and legibly transcribe consecutive word or
Sec. 21. Operator's Authority. - The various classes of commercial
code groups for a period of two minutes without errors.
operator licenses issued by the Department of Public Works and
Communications authorize the holders thereof to operate radio stations,
Sec.1 7. Receiving Test Procedure. - Receiving code test shall be except amateur radio stations, as follows:
written in longhand and either in ink or in pencil, provided that in the
case of the twenty-five words per minute code test a typewriter may be
(a) Radiotelephone third class operator license." • - Any station
used when furnished by the applicant himself. while using type A-O, A-3, A-4, F-O, F-4, or F-3 emjssion: Provided That
Sec.18. Computing Word Code Groups. - Each five characters shall
be counted as one word or code group. Punctuation marks or figures shall
(1) Such operator is prohibited from making adjustments that
be counted as two characters.
may result in improper transmitter operation.
Sec.19. Eligibility for Re-examination. - An applicant who obtains
(2) The equipment is so designed that none of the operations
a rating of less than 60% in an examination element will not be allowed
T)ecessary to be performed during the course of normal rendition
of service may cause off-frequency operation or result in any
unauthor ized radiation.
(3) Any needed a<ljustments of the transmitter that may affect (e) Radiotelegraph second class operator license. - Any station
the proper operation of the station are regularly made by or in the while using type A-O, A-2, A-3, A-4, F-O, F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, or P-3, emis
presence of an operator holding first or second class license, sion, but holders thereof are not authorized to act as chief operators on
either telephone or telegraph, who shall be responsible for the passengers vessels or on cargo vessels in the international trade or in
proper op eration of the equipment. broadcast stations other than relay broadcast stations, and radiotelephone
stations licensed to use power in excess of 100 watts output.
(f) Radwtekgraph first class operator license. - Any station while
(1) The license is not valid for the operation of any of the usii;ig type A-O, A-1, A-2, A-4, A-3, F-O, F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, or P-a
various classes of broadcasting stations other than a relay broadcast emission, except broadcast stations other than relay broadcast stations, and
station. radio telephone stations licensed to use power in excess of 300 watts
(2) The license is not valid for the operation of a coastal tele output.
phone station or a coastal harbor station.
(g) Radioteletype operator license. - To operate printers of radio
(b) Radiotekphone second class operator license. - Any station teletype stations. (As amended by Dept. Order No. 25, dated Sept. 11,
while using type A-O, A-4, A-5, A-9, F-3, F-4, F-5, or P-3 emission, but 1954.)
holders thereof are not authorized to act as chief operators in standard
broadcast stations, international broadcast stations, or high frequency a nd Sec. 22. Special Privileges. - (a) Any operator may conduct the
television broadcast stations, or ship stations licensed to use power in operation of any station in the experimental service while using
excess of 100 watts (output) and type A-3 emission for communication frequencies above 300,000 kilocycles.
withcoastal telephone stations.
(b) Subject to the limitations set forth herein the holder of any class
(c) Radiotekphone first class operator license. - Any station while radiotelephone operator license may operate a radiotelephone point-to
using type A-3, A-4, A-5, A-9, F-5, F-9, or P-3 emission, except ship sta point station, a coastal harbor station or a coastal telephone station using
tions licensed to use a power in excess ofl00 watts (output) and type A-3 A-1, A-2, F-1 , or F-2 mission for testing or other transmission entirely
emission for communication with coastal telephone sta tions. secondary and incidental to the service of such station.

(d) Radiotelegraph third class operator license. - Any station while Sec. 23. Operator's Responsibility. - The licensed operator
using type A-O1 A-11 A-2, A-3, A-4, F-O1 F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, or P-3 responsible for the maintenance and operation of a transmitter may permit
emission: Provided, That in the case of equipment designed for and using other persons to adjust the transmitter in his presence for the purpose of
type A-3, A-4, F-3, F-4, or P-3 emission. carrying out tests or making adjustments requiring specialized knowledge or
skill, provided that he shall not be relieved thereby from responsibility for
(1) Such operator is prohibited from making a<ljustments that may the improper operation of the equipment.
result in improper transmit ter operation.
(2) The equipment is so designed that none of the operations neces Misce llaneo
sary to be performed during the course of normal rendition of us
service may cause off-frequency operation or result in any un
authorized radiation. Sec. 24. Issue of Duplicate License. - An operator whose license or
(3) Any needed a<ljustments of the transmitter which may affect permit has been lost, mutilated or destroyed, shall immediately notify the
proper operation of the station are regularly made by or in the Department. A sworn application for duplicate should be submitted to the
presence of an operator holding a first or second class license Department of Public Works and Communications embodying a statement
either telephone or telegraph, who shall be responsible for the
attesting to the facts of the loss thereof. If a license has been lost, the
proper operation of the equipment.
applicant must state that reasonable search has been made for it and, that
in the event that it be found, either the original or the duplicate will be
returned for cancellation. The applicant must also give a statement about
the service or services obtained under the lost license.
telegraph or radiotelephone first or second-class operator license who is employed
Sec. 25. Posting of Licenses or Verified Statement. - The license of as a service and maintenance operator at stations operated by holders of their class
each station operator, except aircraft radio station operators, and opera operator license shall post at such station his opera tor license or a verified
tors of a portable mobile station, shall be posted in a conspicuous place in statement from the Department of Public Works and Communications in lieu
the room occupied by such operator while on duty. The holder of a radio thereof. In case of a lost license or a license which has been submitted for renewal,
the application for duplicate or renewal shall be exhibited by the license.
Sec. 28. Suspension or Revocation of License. - (a) Violating any
Sec. 26. Examination and License Fees. - The following examination provision of Act No. 3846 as amended or any regulations promulgated
and license fees shall be paid to the Radio Control Board: thereunder.

(a) For examination: (b) Making any false statement in the application for license or in
any reports required to be submitted by these regulations.
(1) First class, radiotelegraph or radio
telephone................................................................. Pl2.00 (c) Failing to comply with the conditions under which a license is
(2) Second class, radiotelegraph or issued.
radio telephone............................................................8.00
(3) Third class radiotelegraph...........................................6.00 (d) Maliciously and intentionally causing damage to the radio equip
(4) Third class radiotelephone..........................................3.00
ment in a radio station.
(5) Radioteletype..................................................................3.00
Sec. 29. Penalty Provision - Section 12 of Act No. 3846, as amended,
(b) For License: provides that any person who violates any provision of this Act, or any
regulation prescribed by the Secretary of Public Works and
(1) First class, radiotelephone or radiotelegraph Communications or any provision of the International Radio Regulations,
for one year...............................................................12.00 shall be punished by a fine of not more than two thousand pesos or by
(2) Second class, radiotelegraph or radiotelephone for
imprisonment for not more than two years or both, for each offense. (As
one year.......................................................................8.00
amended by Rep. Act No. 584, approved Sept. 18,1950).
(3) Third class radiotelegraph for one year .......................6 00
(4) Third class radiophone for one year...............................3.00
(4-a) Radioteletype operator license for one year

(As amended by Dept. Order No. 28, (SGD.) CORNELIO BALMACEDA

dated Sept. 11, 1954.)................................................3.00 Secretary of Commerce
and Industry
(5) Duplicate license, any class............................................5.00 ,

Sec. 27. Aviation Service Endorsement. - If the operator has con

ducted the operation of more than three stations in the aviation service,
the service may be shown by giving the name of the aviation chain or
company, in lieu of listing the call letters of the several stations.

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