Leonin: Noble and Powerful

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r ace both beautiful and imposing, leonin are graceful
humanoids that share many traits with their lesser
cousins, lions. Possessing a long and storied—but
also mysterious—history, leonin may be found in many
different environments and walks of life.

Noble and Powerful

Leonin command attention wherever they go, their impressive
forms standing out in crowds and their loud roars marking
them on the battlefield. Although there is a good deal of
variation in leonin, all are larger and taller than humans,
usually weighing from 200 to 300 pounds and standing
between 6 and 7 feet tall.
The color of their fur and manes varies by bloodline and
individual, ranging from creamy white to gold to grey. Like
humans, their clothing varies greatly by environment, both in
terms of practicality for weather but also dependent on the
surrounding culture.
A proud race, leonin tend to place a great deal of importance
on tradition, ceremony, and maintaining appearances. Fortitude
in the face of adversity is praised and admired, even if it comes
at significant personal cost. For leonin living in the traditional
pride structure (more common rural and wild areas than urban
ones), the individual is a secondary concern, and the wellbeing
of the pride is the primary consideration.

A Splintered Race
Three different bloodlines of leonin have formed over the
course of history, each shaped by ancestors, environment, and
history. Although not naturally contentious, these separate lines
each have distinct cultures, and intermarriage between them is
somewhat unusual.
The dynamic between subraces might be compared to that
of aasimar or genasi cultures—each bloodline has its own
distinct traits and has adapted to its own circumstances, but
most leonin share the same basic approach to life. Although the
differences between types of leonin are obvious, they are not
imbued with any innate animosity. A Royal Leonin

The Pride
The traditional social structure of leonin is built around Grey leonin vary significantly based on their location and
the concept of the pride, which is often viewed as tribal by opportunities that arise, while wild leonin are the most likely to
outsiders. It is, essentially, an extended family, composed of still function within the structure of the pride.
perhaps a dozen adult couples, their children, and a patriarch
and matriarch that are typically the oldest of the group. A pride Duty, Pride, and the Hunt
normally consists of between 50 and 100 leonin.
Leonin who take up the adventurer’s life are most likely to
Membership in a pride only changes via births, deaths, and
do so out of a sense of duty, whether that be to their pride,
marriages, with unrelated outsiders being accepted into the
their country, or their god. Others are driven by the thrill
group only very rarely and usually under unique circumstances.
of the hunt—the hunt for glory in battle, for power, or even
Traditionally, prides are nomadic and do nearly everything as
for knowledge. Some leonin are pulled by the past, keen to
a unit—traveling, hunting, crafting, and trading together. Over
discover the fading secrets of their ancestors. A leonin might
time, these traditions have been held to less and less strictly,
also set out to restore its own honor or that of its pride, or earn
with many prides leaving behind the transient lifestyle to
a place in a new pride after exile.
establish their own villages, or even join an existing one built by
other races.
Royal leonin are the most likely to have left the idea of
Leonin Names
the pride behind entirely, as the bloodline that has been Most leonin have three names: the first, their own personal
most integrated into the cultures and cities of other races. name; the second, their pride name; and the third, their
ancestral family name. Pride names are often omitted in each developed over time as the result of drastically different
general conversation, usually only brought up when speaking environments: royal leonin, wild leonin, and grey leonin.
with or being introduced to another leonin, and some very Choose one of these subraces.
liberal-minded leonin have begun omitting them altogether.
Ancestral names, however, hold a great deal of weight for Royal Leonin
leonin, and particularly so for royal and grey leonin. Royal Descended from an ancient line of now-forgotten kings, royal
leonin keep careful track of their lineage and how exactly they leonin retain an innate connection to the stately ways of their
are descended from their ancient kingly line, while grey leonin forebearers. Many of them prefer more urban environments,
place prestige on being able to link themselves back up to a and their natural grace and presence make them well-suited to
member of the original pride that entered the Shadowfell. politics.
While tradition rules a leonin’s two surnames, its personal Royal leonin have creamy white fur; males sport a rich
name might be nearly anything; parents often choose personal mane of the same color, and females have a shorter ridge of
names based on the trends of the time, borrowing from hair that begins between the ears and runs down the neck.
whatever cultures or languages appeal to them. They typically have bright golden eyes, although blue eyes are
not uncommon. Wearing gold jewelry or braiding it into their
Male Names: Alistair, Ander, Auftael, Bosric, Coeur, Dyalic, manes is a common practice.
Esaak, Hastan, Istaan, Loxley, Lyam, Nestor, Sigurd, Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Thenolor, Volheim Interpreter. You can speak, read, and write two extra
Female Names: Andrina, Astrid, Ausila, Besrana, Cecilia, Elisa, languages of your choice, and you have advantage on Charisma
Estor, Eva, Lillian, Mariel, Nystra, Osilan, Sigrid, Symrahel, ability checks made when you are the only one present who can
Tonya interpret for two or more parties of creatures.
Pride Names: Alstenfire, Darkeye, Goldmane, Greymane, Celestial Blessing. In ages past, the royal line of your
Heartrock, Hellshield, Hyrio, Keensorrow, Loxfield, Nirplaen, ancestors was blessed by a god. Remnants of the blessing still
Queensong, Raincaller, Shadesoul, Shesterfall, Whitemane, remain, granting you resistance to radiant damage.
Ancestral Names: Aasig, Bellamie, Daniau, Eide, Evardsun, Wild Leonin
Fylcoeur, Haugen, Holm, Lachance, Nivoka, Pethari, Ruud, As a wild leonin, you have sharp survival instincts and are well
Sesrenet, Solemn, Svetoly, Vonteneau suited to battle upon your native savannahs. Wild leonin, more
than their royal or grey cousins, tend to be dedicated to the
Leonin Traits concept of the pride, often traveling long distances and making
Your leonin character has a number of traits in common with or breaking their fortunes together. Others, however, have
all other leonin. broken with those traditions over generations, and primarily
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. retain the physical attributes of their kind.
Age. Leonin reach adulthood around the age of 15, and Wild leonin have rich golden fur; males maintain bright
generally live to be about 150 years old. manes, but females have no mane whatsoever. Piercing golden
Alignment. While the disposition of a given leonin depends eyes are dominant, and other colors are rare anomalies. They
heavily upon how and where they were raised, in general, often dress in looser clothing appropriate for warm climates,
the traditional structure of the pride gives leonin a tendency and many dye these articles in bright colors.
towards law. Loners, outcasts, or those simply disenchanted Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
with tradition might be neutral or even chaotic. Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee
Size. Leonin average between 6 and 7 feet tall and weigh weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice
between two and three hundred pounds. Your size is Medium. one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. critical hit.
Bite. Your strong jaws are a natural weapon, which you can Instinct. You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal
piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead
Grey Leonin
As a grey leonin, you are descended from a large pride that
of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
stumbled into the Shadowfell by accident, and remained
Roar. As an action, you can release a terrifying roar. Any
there for several generations before returning to the Material
creature within 20 feet of you that can hear you must make a
Plane. Their time in that land left its mark, and those changes
Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your
continue to be passed down.
proficiency bonus), or become frightened of you for 1 minute.
Grey leonin, aptly, have ashen grey fur; males have dark
The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
grey, black, or rarely even blue manes, while females one dark
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. You
stripe of black fur that runs along their entire spine. Many still
can’t use this trait again until after you complete a short or long
possess golden eyes, but others exhibit stronger signs of their
extraplanar history, displaying silver or even red eyes.
Regal Presence. Leonin are physically impressive, although
Ability Score Increase. Your choice of your Intelligence or
not all choose to channel that advantage in the same way.
Wisdom score increases by 1.
Choose proficiency in one of the following skills: Intimidation,
Legacy of Shadow. You know the toll the dead cantrip. When
Performance, or Persuasion.
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the dissonant whispers spell
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you
one other language of your choice.
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the
Subrace. There are three main kinds of leonin, which
shadow blade spell once with this trait and regain the ability
to do so when you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability
for these spells is either Intelligence or Wisdom, matching the
choice you made for your Ability Score Increase.

C redits
Designed by Fey Rune Labs. We do 5E homebrew as well as DM
& player tools like CharForge, a character sheet builder created in
Google Sheets. Check us out at feyrunelabs.com.
The leonin’s roar ability was based off of a draft of a lionfolk race
by u/Kamuisynchronize; the rest of the race was designed from
The art used is “Ajani Posting” by Anna Steinbauer.


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