Commissioning Checklist: S. No. Activities Tag Numbers Status Checked by Date Remarks

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Commissioning Checklist

Client: Equipment Included:

Project: Tag No.:
Date: Model No.:
Service: Serial No.:
Document No: Reference Document:
Loop: MMF Backwash
S. No. ACTIVITIES Tag Numbers Status Checked By Date Remarks
AV-03-2" = Open
1 Keep RO Dump Actuator Valve of both trains open
AV-06-2" = Open
AV-02-6" = Closed
2 Ensure RO Feed Actuator Valve of both trains is closed
AV-05-6" = Closed
Once favourable parameters are met after chemical
BFV-09A To BFV-09J = Open
treatment, open the product valve of all MMF Vessels
3 BFV-11A to BFV-11J = Closed
gradually and close the drain valves of all MMF
BV-04A To BV-04J = Closed
Vessels simultaneously
Monitor the drain pit and ensure proper flushing of this
4 -
BFV-10A = Open
5 Open the drain valves of 1st MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11A = Open
feed valve of 1st MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04A = Open
BFV-08A = Closed

BFV-10B = Open
6 Open the drain valve of 2nd MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11B = Open
feed valve of 2nd MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04B = Open
BFV-08B = Closed

BFV-10C = Open
7 Open the drain valve of 3rd MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11C = Open
feed valve of 3rd MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04C = Open
BFV-08C = Closed

BFV-10D = Open
8 Open the drain valve of 4th MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11D = Open
feed valve of 4th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04D = Open
BFV-08D = Closed

BFV-10E = Open
9 Open the drain valve of 5th MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11E = Open
feed valve of 5th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04E = Open
BFV-08E = Closed

BFV-10F = Open
10 Open the drain valve of 6th MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11F = Open
feed valve of 6th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04F = Open
BFV-08F = Closed

BFV-10G = Open
11 Open the drain valve of 7th MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11G = Open
feed valve of 7th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04G = Open
BFV-08G = Closed

BFV-10H = Open
12 Open the drain valve of 8th MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11H = Open
feed valve of 8th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04H = Open
BFV-08H = Closed

BFV-10I = Open
13 Open the drain valve of 9th MMF Vessel and close the BFV-11I = Open
feed valve of 9th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04I = Open
BFV-08I = Closed

BFV-10J = Open
14 Open the drain valve of 10th MMF Vessel and close BFV-11J = Open
the feed valve of 10th MMF Vessel to let it backwash BV-04J = Open
BFV-08J = Closed

BFV-10A To BFV-10J = Closed

Once all MMF Vessels are backwashed, close the drain
BFV-11A To BFV-11J = Closed
15 valves and open the feed valves of all MMF Vessels
BV-04A To BV-04J = Closed
BFV-08A To BFV-08J = Open
16 Test the water sample -
Ensure proper chemical treatment according to sample
17 -
test results
Parameter Pressure Flow ORP Iron
Tag No. AV-01-2" PT-02 PI-005 PI-006 PI-007 PI-008 PT-03 FT-01 ORP-01

Unit Minutes Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi GPM mV PPM
Acceptable 1000-
5-10 45-55 45-55 45-55 45-55 45-55 45-55 mV<=275 PPM<=0.1
Range 1100

Current Value



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