Canon Remote Controller RC-1

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The document discusses how to use a remote controller to take pictures from a distance without pressing the camera shutter button directly.

To remove the controller, press the red release button. To attach it, insert the bottom into the holder at an angle so the small tab fits into the hook and snap the top to secure it.

The remote controller has two modes - immediate release and a two-second delay release.



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The remote controller RC-1 gives you the freedom to
take pictures without pressingthe shutter button.This
allows you to set up the scene, and get in the picture,

Removingand attaching the controller


Press the red releasebutton to remove the controller
from the holderO.
o Attachthe holderto the neckstrapas illustrated@.

1) Holdthe controllerwith the red buttonup.
2) Insertthe bottomof the controllerinto the holderat a
slight angle makingsure that the small tab fits into
t h eh o o k @ .
3) Snap the top of the controller on to secure safely
with a click.

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1) Focus the subjectand set the focus mode switch on
the lensto "M".
o When focusing with the control button, stand
straightin front oi the lens.
2) Press the self-timer/remotecontrot button ( s)i ) on
the camerato actjVatesignalreception@ .
. The remote controllercan be used for four minutes
after the camera's " N)i " button is pressed. press
againto continueremotecontroloperation.
3) Choosethe desiredtime delay by slidingthe release
timing selector to the appropriateposition."2" pro-
vides a two-second delay and "o" is immediate
release.The "L" is lock,set herewhenfinishedO.
4) Pressthe control'sbuttonblack to take a picture.
The self-timer & remotecontrol operation indicator
o Signal transmissionmay be impossiblein strong

Use the holderas illustratedfor better camera posi-
The remote controlleroperates up to 5 m/16.4 ft
away from directly in front of the camera.The dis-
tance decreaseswhen shootingat an angle.
Because certain kinds of fluorescentlight tubes
may emit light at frequenciesthat are the same as
that of the infraredremotecontrollerof your camera,
there is a slight possibilitythat a picture may be
taken at randombeforepressingthe remotecontrol-
ler's button.

REMEDY:Placethe camera away from fluorescent


Mirror Up Photography
Mirror up photographyis possibleby pressingthe con-
trol buttonwhile usingcustomfunctionCF13 in case of
the EOS10 or custom function CF7 in case of the
EOS1OO/ELAN and with the releasetimingselectorset
Replacingthe Batteries
Replace the controller's batteries by two new 3V
CR122O batteries when the shutter will not release
from5 m/16.4tt.
1) Usingyour thumbs,slidethe batterycoveroff in the
directionof the arrowG).
2) Removethe batteriesusinga precisionscrewdriver'
3) Replace the batteries with the plus side on both
facing up and replacethe cover securely so that it
closeswith a click (9.
o Wipe the batterieswith a dry cloth before loadingto
ensure propercontact.
o Battery performancedeteriorates in temperatures
below O"C/32"F. Pleasekeep the remote controller ]rc
warm before using. Cold batteries can be reused gi.(€,1[

when restoredto roomtemperature'

Keep the batteriesout of reach from children.if ffiet$'-

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swallowed,contacta physicianimmediately.
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Type: Infrared remote control system consisting of a
remote control transmitterand a receiver built
intothe camera
Channels/modes:One channel,two modes
1) lmmediaterelease
2) Two-seconddelayrelease
Power Source: Two button{ype GR122O3V lithium
Shooting Capacity: Approx. 20000 transmissions
possibleat normaltemPerature
Size:60.0 (W)x 25.0 (H)x 12.3 (D)mm
2 - 3 / 8 ' , x 1 5 / 1 6 ") ( 1 / 2 "
Weight: 15.5 9/0.57 oz (withbatteries)
S i z e : 6 0 . 0( W )x 2 5 . 0 ( H )x 6 . 5 ( D )m m
2 - 3 / 8 ' , x 15 / 1 6 ' , x 1 / 4 "
W e i g h t :4 . 5 g / O . 1 5o z

All the data are based on Canon's Standard Test

Subjectto changewithoutnotice.
T h i s d e v i c e c o r n p l i e sw i t h P a r t 1 5 o f t h e F C C R u l e s '
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interferencere-
c e i v e d ,i n c l u d i n gi n t e r f e r e n c et h a t m a y c a u s e u n d e -
sired oDeration.

Do not make any changes or modifications to the

equipment unless otherwise specified in the instruc-
tions. lf such changes or modifications should be
made, you could be required to stop operationof the

This equipment has been tested and found to

comply with the limits for a class B digital device,
p u r s u a n tt o p a r t 1 5 o f t h e F C C R u l e s .T h e s e l i m i t s
'to provide reasonable protection
are designed
against harmful interferencein a residentialinstalla-
tion. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radi-
ate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand
used in accordance with the instructions' may
cause harmfulinterferenceto radio communications'
However,there is no guaranteethat interferencewill
not occur in a particularinstallation.lf this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or televi-
sion reception,which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the
following measures:

o Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna'

o Increase the separation between the equipmenl
and receiver.
o Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technicianfor helP.

This digitalapparatusdoes not exceedthe ClassB limits

for radio noiseemissionsfrom digitalapparatusset out
in the Radio InterferenceRegulationsof the Canadian
Departmentof Communications.

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