WL 00200 5 T4-8 de en
WL 00200 5 T4-8 de en
WL 00200 5 T4-8 de en
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Rail vehicles Rolling Bearings
Rudder shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8
56-57 Spherical roller bearings as rudder
shaft bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8
58-59 Spherical roller thrust bearings as
rudder carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8
60 Spade-type rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8
Ship shafts
61-62 Ship shaft bearings and stern tube
bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8
63-64 Ship shaft thrust blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/8
42 Axle box roller bearings of an Intercity train carriage
The type of axle box roller bearings presented here is Therefore misalignment must be corrected by angular
used for Intercity traffic in Europe. freedom of the housing.
The bogie frame is supported on the bearing housing
by a central coil spring, arranged above the bearings. The same cylindrical roller bearings are used for pas-
The wheelsets are guided by plate-type guiding arms senger cars and freight cars. This simplifies stockkeep-
which are bolted on one side. ing.
Thus the equivalent dynamic load per bearing is: Under these conditions the bearings are sufficiently di-
P = (A – GR)/iR · g · fz · fa mensioned. 5 million kilometres (lower limit) applies
today as a basis for dimensioning axle box bearings for
P = (16,000 – 1,260)/4 · 9.81 · 1.3 · 1 = 46,990 N passenger train carriages.
P = 46.99 kN
Bearing selection
Bearing clearance
Cylindrical roller bearings installed as axle box roller
bearings offer important advantages: The tight fit expands the bearing inner rings which re-
duces radial clearance. The air stream cools the outer
Mounting is simple and they are easy to check and rings to a greater extent than the inner rings during
maintain in main inspections. travel which leads to a further reduction in radial clear-
ance. Therefore the bearings have a radial clearance of
Axial clearance is irrelevant for radial clearance. Cylin- 120 to 160 microns.
drical roller bearings are pure radial bearings, but the
lips allow the safe accommodation of all thrust loads
(guiding forces) occurring in operation. Lubrication, sealing
Of all the roller bearing types cylindrical roller bear- The bearings are lubricated with a lithium soap base
ings have the lowest friction. Their speed suitability is grease. Lamellar rings at the wheel side provide for ef-
therefore greater than in the case of other roller bear- fective non-rubbing sealing. A baffle plate at the cover
ings. end keeps the grease close to the bearing. Despite the
small amount of grease (≈ 600 g) high running effi-
Cylindrical roller bearings do not, however, compen- ciency (800,000 km and more) can be reached due to
sate for misalignment between axle and bogie frame. the polyamide cages without changing the lubricant.
42: Axle box roller bearings of an Intercity train carriage
43–44 UIC axle box roller bearings for freight cars
The car body is supported by laminated springs on the from the air stream developed during travel which
wheelset.The laminated springs have the additional cools the outer ring more than the inner ring. There-
job of guiding the wheelset. To limit the swaying mo- fore, cylindrical roller bearings with a radial clearance
tion of the car body and to accommodate the thrust of 130 to 180 microns and spherical roller bearings
peaks, the housing features guiding surfaces in which with increased radial clearance C3 are chosen.
the axle support of the frame is engaged. Cylindrical or
spherical roller bearings are used as axle box roller
bearings. The housing boundary dimensions of the
UIC bearing are standardized. According to the latest
UIC conditions 130 mm diameter journals are speci-
fied for cylindrical and spherical roller bearings. In
some cases 120 mm journals are used for cylindrical Lubrication, sealing
roller bearings.
The axle box roller bearings are lubricated with a lithi-
um soap base grease. Felt seals combined with a laby-
Clearance rinth have proved most effective for cylindrical roller
The tight fit expands the inner ring thus reducing UIC axle boxes with spherical roller bearings invari-
radial clearance. A further clearance reduction results ably use only labyrinth seals.
Operating data 43: UIC axle boxes with 44: UIC axle boxes with
cylindrical roller bearings spherical roller bearings
45: Axle box roller bearings of series 120's three-phase current locomotive
46 Axle box roller bearings for the ICE driving unit
The bogie frame is supported by 2 coil springs each on Housing to: H7 (for GGG material)
the bearing housings. The wheelset with the housings J7 (for aluminium alloys).
is connected to the bogie by an arm. A setting mecha-
nism enables the mounting of the wheelsets in the
bogies without preload. The bearing units are axially
located by a cover.
Bearing clearance
Operating data A slight axial clearance is required for ideal running be-
haviour of the bogies at top speeds. It is between 0.2
Axle load: 19,900 kg and 0.5 mm after mounting.
Weight of unsprung weight: 2,090 kg
Diameter of wheel 1,040 mm
Maximum speed 250 to 280 km/h.
FAG tapered roller bearing units TAROL 150/250 are The TAROL 150 is supplied as a complete unit which
mounted in the wheelset housings of the series vehicles is sealed. The sealing system consists of two parallel
with the designation ET 401. The main component of outer diameter seated lamellar rings and one single-
these units is a double row tapered roller bearing with web labyrinth acting as a pre-seal. The labyrinth is
the dimensions: 150 x 250 x 160 mm. shaped as a seal cap and pressed into the cup.
Bearing clearance
Operating data
Prior to mounting, the TAROL units of the standard
Vehicle weight 126,000 kg; two bogies each with three axle have an axial clearance of 0.665...0.740 mm and
axles; wheel diameter 1,120 mm; top speed vmax = the cylindrical roller bearing units a radial clearance to
140 km/h; C4 in order to compensate for heat expansion.
Power P = 5,000 kW at 25 kV AC
4,000 kW at 750 V DC
Tapered roller bearing units TAROL 150/250 with Both bearing types are lubricated with a lithium soap
pressed cages (JP) are mounted to the outer standard base grease. While the lubricant in the TAROL bear-
axles of the vehicles. The bearings are clearance-adjust- ings is only changed during the main inspections, the
ed, greased and sealed by the manufacturer. Fey lamel- floating axle bearings must be relubricated in between.
lar rings provide for sealing on the side facing the Due to the constant right to left displacement of the
wheel. A gap-type seal prevents rough dirt from pene- axle lubricant is removed from the bearing area and
trating the bearings. therefore has to be replaced regularly.
47: Axle box roller bearings of the Channel tunnel's freight engine, class 92
48 Axle box roller bearings for an underground train
A car has two bogies. Each axle box roller bearings is Machining tolerances
cushioned and guided by rubber-metal silent blocks.
These are arranged between the axle box roller bearing The bearing inner rings carry circumferential load and
and the frame opening. They are inclined to the verti- are therefore given a tight fit: journal to m6, housing
cal and have an angular cross-section. to H7.
Operating data
Bearing clearance
Weight and maximum payload of one car: 34,000 kg.
The inner rings increase due to the tight fit: the radial
Number of wheelsets per bogie: 2.
clearance decreases. The outer rings are cooled more
Wheelset weight GR: 1,400 kg.
than the inner rings due to the air stream during travel.
Supplementary factor fz: 1.3.
This leads to a further reduction in clearance and
Equivalent dynamic load P = 22.6 kN.
therefore a radial clearance C3 was selected.
Wheel diameter DR = 900 mm.
Top speed vmax = 80 km/h.
Lubrication, sealing
Bearing selection
A lithium soap base grease is used for lubrication. A
Two cylindrical roller bearings are mounted per axle combination of a felt ring and a labrinth was selected
box: One FAG NJ2318E.TVP2.C3.F2.H25 and one as a means of sealing.
FAG NJP2318ED.TVP2.C3.F2 (dynamic load rating The labyrinth is provided with two axial webs since the
C = 430 kN). axle boxes are subjected to extreme dirt.
The main component of the FAG bearing units Lubrication is with a lithium soap base grease. The
TAROL 90 used here is a double row tapered roller TAROL 90 is sealed at both ends with lamellar rings.
bearing whose main dimensions are (d x D x B overall The backing ring also has a collar which forms a gap-
widths cones/cup) 90 x 154 x 106/115 mm. type seal with the lid on the wheel side.
FAG supply NARROW and WIDE adapters accord- a: Rubbing radial shaft seal
ing to the AAR standards as well as special adapters de-
signed for the particular cases of application.
1 Locking plate
2 Cap screw
3 End cap b: Non-rubbing lamellar seal
4 Bearing cup
5 Bearing cone with roller set
6 Spacer FAG also supply TAROL units in metric dimensions.
7 Seal wear ring They (fig. c) have narrower tapered roller bearings and
8 Seal smaller sealing and retaining components than the
9 Backing ring AAR design. The relevant journals are also shorter re-
sulting in lower bending stresses with the same shaft
diameter than in the case of the AAR arrangement.
Higher wheel loads are therefore admissible.
7 8 5 6 4 7 8 9
Bearing selection During mounting the bearings and the space between
the webs of the outer spacer sleeves are completely
The bullgear is supported on the universal quill drive filled with a lithium soap base grease of the NLGI class
in two tapered roller bearings FAG 534052 (dimen- 2. They are relubricated after every 150,000 km. The
sions: 381.03 x 479.475 x 49.213 mm) which are grease is fed through the holes of the sleeve's web.
Bearing selection, dimensioning The cups have circumferential load and an interference
fit on the shaft. The cup or the angle sleeve in the
For a suspension bearing to have a long service life housing is given a tight fit (perhaps a drive seat).
(nominal life over 2 million kilometres) roller bearings
with a high load carrying capacity are selected. A me- Lubrication, sealing
dium drive torque and a medium speed are taken as a
basis for dimensioning. The index of dynamic stressing The suspension bearings are lubricated with a lithium
fL should be 3.5 at least. Usually it is well above it. soap base grease of penetration class 3 with anti-corro-
sion additives. Baffle plates hold the grease at the bear-
Two FAG tapered roller bearings are mounted their di- ing (grease storage).
mensions being 230.188 x 317.5 x 47.625 mm and The relubrication interval is about 200,000 to
231.775 x 336.55 x 65.088 mm. They are abundantly 300,000 km depending on the type of operation.
dimensioned because of the large shaft diameter. High Labyrinth gap-type seals protect the bearing from con-
loads due to vibrations and shocks are accommodated taminants.
Intermediate shaft
Operating data A spherical roller bearing FAG 22218E is mounted as
the locating bearing of the intermediate shaft. Its outer
Two step parallel shaft drive, helical/double helical ring is in a steel angle sleeve. The spherical roller bear-
gearing. Drive speed (input shaft) nmax = 5,860 min–1, ing accommodates chiefly axial forces from the gear-
step-up i = 11.025. ing. The floating bearing, a cylindrical roller bearing
FAG NJ2216E.C3, is directly in the light-metal hous-
The drive motor is flanged on to the transmission. A ing with the outer ring. The very tight fit in the hous-
universal joint coupling transmits the torque directly ing necessitates a bearing with increased radial clear-
to the wheelset from the transmission. The gearbox ance (C3).
case, which is split at axis height, is made of high-
strength cast aluminium. This is 25 % lighter than Output shaft
spheroidal graphite cast iron. The output shaft whose large spur gear has a double
helical gearing, is axially guided by the spherical roller
bearing of the intermediate shaft. The floating bearing
Bearing selection arrangement with two cylindrical roller bearings FAG
NUZ1848 is therefore sufficient for the output shaft.
Input shaft The NUZ design with an extended inner ring raceway
The rotor of the drive motor is firmly attached to the allows a large axial displacement of the hollow shaft.
input shaft of the transmission. An elastic coupling
which can be subject to bending, avoids constraining
forces in the shaft line which is supported in three Machining tolerances
positions by a locating-floating bearing arrangement.
The floating bearing in the motor is a cylindrical roller Angular contact ball
bearing FAG NU212E (not illustrated). A second bearing pair Shaft k5; pair housing K6
floating bearing, a cylindrical roller bearing FAG Spherical roller bearing Shaft m5; housing K6
NJ215E, is at the motor end of the input shaft. The Cylindrical roller bearing/
locating bearing arrangement of the input shaft is an intermediate shaft Shaft m5; housing N6
angular contact ball bearing pair FAG 7215B.UA70 in Cylindrical roller bearing/
X arrangement. Both angular contact ball bearings are output shaft Shaft n5; housing
fitted in an angle sleeve made of steel. Therefore differ- N6...P6
ent heat expansion coefficients of steel and light metal
cannot have a direct effect on the bearings. Lubrication
The bearings accommodate high speeds with a close
axial guidance at the same time. This means tight fits All the bearings of the transmission are lubricated by
for the bearing rings on the shaft and in the bore of the the oil circuit of the gearings.
Output hollow shaft
Intermediate shaft
Input shaft
Mean torques and speeds (hourly torque, hourly Oil sump lubrication provides the transmission bear-
speed) are calculated from the tractive force – surface ings with lubricant. The flinger oil is conveyed via the
speed diagram and the time shares for the various run- ring gear from the oil sump and fed directly to the
ning conditions. By means of the gearing data the transmission bearings via oil collecting bowls and sup-
tooth loads of the hypoid bevel gear step are calculated ply ducts. The special driving conditions for city trains
and, depending on the lever arms, are distributed to demand highly doped oils which are resistant to heat
the bearing locations. and corrosion.
A life of 20,000 to 30,000 hours is assumed for bearing
dimensioning. Assuming an average travel speed this
corresponds to 1.2 – 1.3 million kilometers.
To check the static safety of the bearings the maximum
torque (slippage torque) is taken as a basis.
Pinion shaft
A single-row cylindrical roller bearing FAG
NJ2224E.M1A.C3 (120 x 215 x 58 mm) is mounted
as a floating bearing at the pinion end. It accommo-
dates the high radial loads. The machined cage of the
bearing is guided at the outer ring. The bearing has the
increased radial clearance C3 since the bearing rings
have a tight fit on the shaft and in the housing. Two ta-
pered roller bearings FAG 31316 (80 x 170 x 42.5
mm) are used as locating bearings. They are mounted in
pairs in O arrangement. The bearing at the motor end
accommodates the radial loads as well as the axial loads
from the gearing; the other tapered roller bearing only
accommodates the axial loads arising during a change
in direction of rotation. A minimum bearing load is a
requirement in order to avoid harmful sliding motion
(slippage) and premature wear. The cups of the
tapered roller bearings are therefore preloaded with
Axial load 115 kN (weight of rudder and shaft), radial Shaft taper 1 : 12, housing H7.
load 350 kN (driving force of steering engine and
rudder). Lubrication, sealing
56: Rudder shaft bearing FAG RS3052KS.1..... 57: Rudder shaft bearing FAG RS3052KW.1.....
58–59 Spherical roller thrust bearings as rudder carriers
Spherical roller thrust bearings are used when the top Powerful springs under the bearing outer ring provide
bearing mainly has to take up the weight of the rudder a permanent positive contact of rollers and raceways.
and shaft. This is the case for all rudder drives not The supplementary plain bearing also accommodates
loaded by lateral forces, such as for rotary vane steering radial forces, if for example a cylinder in a four-cylin-
gears and four-cylinder engines, which do not operate der steering engine fails.
spade-type rudders.
The two designs, N and W, for rudder carriers, differ
only in their sealing.
Machining tolerances
58: Rudder carrier bearing FAG RS9284N.1..... 59: Rudder carrier bearing FAG RS9284W.1.....
60 Spade-type rudder
Design The radial sealing rings run on a sleeve made of sea-
water-resistant steel. The lips form a grease chamber
The slewing motion is accommodated by a top bearing permanently pressurized by an automatic grease pump.
and a bottom bearing. Both bearing locations are Some of the grease (lithium soap base grease of the con-
equipped with rolling bearings since they are inside the sistency number 2 with EP additives) penetrates into
ship's hull. The top bearing or rudder carrier is de- the housing keeping the initial grease packing under
signed as the locating bearing due to the locating ring constant pressure.
between cover and bearing outer ring. The bottom
bearing is the floating bearing. Spherical roller bear- The seal above the bearing (shaft sealing ring and V
ings are used at both locations and the bearing ring) protects it against water which may either run
arrangement is therefore statically defined and not down the shaft or collect in the rudder trunk.
affected by misalignment of housing bores, warping of
the ship's hull and rudder shaft deformation. Both The top spherical roller bearing, an FAG
spherical roller bearings are mounted on adapter 23188K.MB.R50.130 (or 23188K.MB.C2), is
sleeves which are mounted and dismounted by means mounted on the shaft with an adapter sleeve FAG
of the hydraulic method. The relevant adapter sleeves H3188HG. The adapter sleeve is fixed axially; below
(HG design) have connecting holes and grooves for by the shaft shoulder and above by a split holding ring
the pressure oil. which is bolted into a circular groove in the shaft. This
upper bearing also takes up the weight from rudder
and shaft as well as the radial loads. A shaft sealing ring
Operating data is fitted at the upper and at the lower shaft diameter
for sealing purposes. There is also a V ring at the upper
Top bearing: shaft passage.
Axial load 380 kN (weight of rudder and shaft).
Radial load 1,700 kN (load from rudder and steering When relubricating with an automatic grease press, the
engine). initial grease filling is kept under pressure and the seal
rings are lubricated at the same time.
Bottom bearing:
Radial load 4,500 kN (load from rudder and steering
Machining tolerances
Lubrication Oil sump lubrication1) Oil sump lubrication1) Oil sump lubrication1)
Sealing Shaft sealing rings Shaft sealing rings Shaft sealing rings
1) Non-aging oil with pressure additives (viscosity 150 to 300 mm2/s at 40°C)
63a: Complete ship shaft thrust block FAG BEHT.DRL.110.1..... (SGA plummer block housing)
64b: Complete ship shaft thrust block FAG BEHT.DRL.200.1..... (SUB pot-shaped housing)