Servomechanism: PIA Training Centre (PTC)
Servomechanism: PIA Training Centre (PTC)
Servomechanism: PIA Training Centre (PTC)
Category – B1
Sub Module 4.3
4.3.1 INTRODUCTION- SYNCHROS The size and phase of the induced output voltage is dependent
on the direction and angular displacement of the primary and
SYNCHRO is a name given to a variety of rotary, secondary windings. The induced voltage is determined by the
electromechanical, position-sensing devices or transducers for maximum voltage times the cosine of the angle between the
measuring the angle of a rotating machine. primary rotor and secondary stator coils. As the angle between
the coils increases to 900, the induced voltage is reduced to
A basic synchronous system is analogous to a pair of pulleys zero.
joined together through some belt or a chain so that each and
every movement of one pulley is instantaneously and The relative magnitudes of secondary currents are measured
simultaneously transmitted directly to the other pulley. and used to determine the angle of the rotor relative to the
stator, or the currents can be used to directly drive a receiver
In earlier days direct reading instrument were implied but with synchro that will rotate in unison with the synchro transmitter.
the improvement in aircraft design and size the effectiveness of
the mechanical drive indicator became limited.
SYNCHRO SYSTEM CATEGORIES systems. Some torque units can be used as control
units, but control units cannot replace torque units.
The synchronous systems are divided into two categories
depending upon the source of electrical power (DC or AC) they BASIC TORQUE SYNCHRO
utilize for their operation. The DC powered synchro or DESYNN
have limited application whilst the AC powered AC SYNCHROS Like all synchros, a Torque synchro also comprises of
have a very wide application. transmitter Tx and a Receiver Rx unit, which are electrically
similar but not identical as the Rx synchro has an oscillation
SYNCHRO SYSTEM TYPES damper for preventing oscillation about the position before
coming to rest.
The Synchro systems are basically of two types called:
1- Torque Synchro systems and The rotors of both Tx and Rx synchros are energized from the
2- Control Synchro systems. same a.c. supply, so that excitation of both Tx and Rx rotors
match in phase and voltages.
Torque Synchro Systems:
The magnitudes of the voltages induced in the stator windings
In a Torque synchro system, the synchro provides a low- depend upon both the flux density and orientation of the rotor
power mechanical output sufficient to position an indicating with the stator coils and is determined by the max voltage times
device, actuate a sensitive switch or move light loads without the cosine of the angle between the primary rotor and
power. A torque synchro system is a system in which the torque secondary stator coil.
output from synchro does the usable work. In such a system,
accuracy on the order of one degree is attainable. Equal voltages are induced in the 120o and 240o stator windings
and max voltage in the 0o winding, since its axis is in line with
In a control synchro system, the synchro provides an output the rotor axis.
voltage signal which is converted to torque through an amplifier
and a servomotor, which does usable work. The control type If the rotor of the Tx synchro stays in the position as shown in
synchros are used in applications that require large torques or figure 4.3.2 the voltage E2 across stator S2 follows precisely the
high accuracy such as follow-up links and error detectors in supply voltage. When the two rotors are not aligned, the three
servo automatic control systems (such as an autopilot system). voltages induced in each of the two sets of stator windings are
different. Currents therefore flow between the two stators and a
Quite often, one system will perform both torque and control torque is produced in each synchro which is directed in such a
functions. Individual units are designed for use in either torque way that the two rotors must align themselves
or control
ISO: 9001 – 2008 Certified For Training Purpose Only
PTC/CM/B2 Basic/M04/01 Rev. 01
4.3 - 2 Nov 2017
Category – B1 Sub Module 4.3 – Servomechanism
Fig 4.3.3
The CT rotor is not energized from any source and rotor coils
are wound in a way that no torque is produced between the
rotor and the stator magnetic fields. Thus the rotor is not made
to rotate by the RMF of the input device, however a small
provision of its movement is allowed only for nullifying the error
signal mechanically by the position feedback signal geared
from the load.
The 00 position for the rotor occurs when the rotor coil axis is at
900angle with the resultant stator field. Fig 4.3.4
Signal voltages are applied to the CX stator resulting in the The voltage output from the CT is termed as Error Voltage
forming of magnetic field corresponding to the shaft position of because it exists only when the position of the load differs from
the input device. If the resultant magnetic field forms an angle that of the shaft of the input device.
other than 900 degrees with the position of the rotor, a voltage
would be induce into the rotor coil which amplitude and phase SYNCHRO SYMBOLS
depends on the angular difference between the resultant
magnetic field and position of the rotor.
BASIC DIFFERENTIAL SYNCHRO - DX The primary use of a differential synchro is, when it is inserted
between the Tx and Rx or CX and CT of either basic torque or
A differential synchro compares two inputs or shaft positions
control synchro system. This inclusion permits an additional
and produces an electrical signal output equal to their sum or
input to be added algebraically to the overall system thus
In construction the rotor of a differential synchro is different than
There are two such types of differential synchro system:-
ordinary synchros in a sense that it consists of three coils 1200
physically displaced from each other and connected together in
Torque differential Synchro TDX
a Y configuration.
Control differential Synchro CDX
The most important fact about all synchros and resolver signals
is that they present information about the angular position of a
shaft in the form of relative amplitudes of a carrier wave. All
signals, rotor & stator, input & output are at the same frequency
and in perfect time-phase synchronization. For any static spatial
angle Ө, the outputs of a synchro or a resolver are constant
amplitude sine waves at the carrier frequency. In resolver
format, ignoring imperfection the ratio of amplitudes would be:
Similarly from the diagram the vector r can also be defined in
= = TanӨ terms of x and y where:-
1- Loop structure
a- Open Loop Servomechanism Systems
b- Closed Loop Servomechanism Systems
I- Closed Loop Servo Manual
II- Closed Loop Servo Automatic
2- Control Nature
a- Positional Control
b- Speed Control
CAPACITIVE TRANSDUCERS: that has teeth cut axially and the matching shaft that has similar
The capacitive transducers are basically capacitors with teeth at its periphery.
variable capacitance and work on the equation of a parallel
Changing distance between the plates type
plate capacitor i.e. C = Eo Er A/d, where ‘ C’ is the capacitance
of the variable capacitance transducer ‘Eo’ is the absolute This is the most commonly used type of variable capacitance
permittivity and ‘Er’ is relative permittivity of the dielectric type transducer. For the measurement of the displacement of
material., ‘A’ is the area of plates and ‘d’ is the distance an object, one plate of the transducer is kept fixed, while the
between the plates. other is connected to the moving object. When the object moves
the distance changes hence the capacitance of the transducer.
Depending on the parameter that may change for a capacitive
This principle can also be used to measure pressure, velocity,
transducer, they are of three types, as mentioned below:
acceleration etc.
1- Changing dielectric constant type.
2- Changing area of the plates type.
3- Changing distance between the plates type