Manual E70prox2 en
Manual E70prox2 en
Manual E70prox2 en
You have acquired a w ind turbine for home and industrial use,excellent energy efficiency and
manufactured w ith high quality materials.
If you have any comments or questions to us, please contact our Customer Service department
by writing to:
In this manual you will find all the details of operation and maintenance of our wind turbines.
1. About Enair ................................................................................................ 4
5. Installation ................................................................................................21
5.1 Manual brake ..................................................................................21
5.2 Flanged endshield ............................................................................22
6. Maintenance ............................................................................................23
6.1 Tightening of screw s .......................................................................25
6.2 Revision of screw s ..........................................................................26
6.3 Brush inspection .............................................................................28
6.4 Revision of gaskets .........................................................................28
6.5 Greasing of critical parts ..................................................................29
6.6 Checking of the variable pitch ...........................................................29
6.7 Checking of the variable pitch ...........................................................29
6.8 Blade inspection ..............................................................................30
6.9 Paint checking ................................................................................30
9. Warranty ...................................................................................................37
9.1 Warranty activation ..........................................................................39
9.2 Maintenance and inspection plan .......................................................40
1. About ENAIR
Enair w orks w ith the illusion of collaborating in the transition to a sustainable energy model,
w hich increasingly have more in w eight renew able energy and distributed generation. For this
ambitious target, Enair has an important R & D department, composed of professionals w ith
extensive experience in the field of w ind energy. This team is dedicated to developing products
in w hich the design, reliability and efficiency are the main features.
Enair activity focuses primarily on small w ind energy pow er, w ith a range that is currently
composed of the models up to 50kW. For the development of this activity w e have various
specialized production centres in each of the subjects, spread throughout Spain, bu t mainly in
the province of Alicante w here ENAIR, has the headquarter a development centre and test field.
In Castalla Alicante, our products undergo a first phase of essay, development and verification
testing and then undergo successfully the most demanding certifications of the market.
This w hole development process of the product part is supervised by David Bornay; w ho is
dedicated since 1970 to develop different types of turbines of small and medium pow er until
today. With innovative base, the w hole team of ENAIR is continuously incorporating
improvements to our turbines. According to recent market studies, w e believe that you
purchased the best w ind turbine, w hich in his pow er range, and market available is.
The small w ind turbine is regulated by the manufacturing standards of IEC-61400. Within
these standards are subcategories of the standard such as IEC-61400-2, -12, -11, etc.
each feature sets that small w ind turbines must comply w ith robustness, pow er curve,
noise, etc. requirements. Compliance w ith these rules is essential to ensure that a " small
w ind" has the quality required therein. At present there are very few countries w hich
require manufacturing standards for w ind turbine installations. Countries that do not
require these fulfilments, are exposed to the option that any type of home w ind turbine
w ithout safety and w arranty standards can be installed. This should be avoided as it
should be ensured that only product installations w ith high performance and reliability are
Beaufort scale is a scale used globally to establish measures commonly used as a reference
for assigning names to certain currents of w ind. This scale is important to keep in mind,
especially from grade 8 upw ards, at w hich the w ind can cause damage to the w ind t urbine
by sw irling object .
Speed Speed
Grade usual name observable effects on land
(m/s) (km/h)
3 Weak -faint breeze The leaves of the trees are shaken the flags w ave 3 to 5,3 12 to 19
5 Fresh -fresh breeze Small trees move. Small w aves in ponds. 7,8 to 10,5 29 to 38
2.2 Applications
The applications for our w ind turbines are multiple and include different types of
installations, for isolated pow er grid installations as w ell as for installations connected to
the netw ork and through energy-producing facilities.
ENAIR is a w ind turbine w hich belongs to the field of small w ind, simple operation and
easy assembly.
Targeting is done passively by a rudder that w orks as a w eathervane, he alw ays keeps the
aero generator dow nw ind. Once the w ind impinges on the blades, the kinetic energy of
w ind is transformed into rotational kinetic energy. The variable pitch system regulates the
rotational speed for high w ind speeds. The generator converts this rotational kinetic energy
into electrical energy.
Structurally the w ind turbine has: a main body, w hich provides the connection betw een the
coupling of the tow er, the helm orientation, generator and the variable pitch system, is
isolated from the outside by the cone piece, a housing protects the internal mechanism.
Blade Cover
of Gondola Gondola Rudder
Variable pitch
New Design
ENAIR has been designed for a service life of over 25 years, even in the most adverse
conditions, such as extremely salty environments or locations w ith high average w ind
UV resistance:
All paints used have high resistance to light and UV radiation to protect aging and fading
caused by the sun.
Corrosion resistance:
Structural design w ith fiberglass and aluminium, as w ell as the application of surface
treatments allow the w ind turbine to be installed place w ith extreme conditions: desert,
marine environments, etc.
To prevent corrosion of metal parts, specific nautical paintings are applied, based on
protective rubber.
Type of parts Corrosion Protection
Made of aluminium Anodized + anticorrosion paint
The interior spaces are completely sealed to prevent moisture penetration that may
deteriorate internal components by placing a series of gaskets complete sealings.
Location of the joint Feature of the joint
Back cover
Performance curves
3,5 m 4,3 m
1,8 m
The ENAIR w ind turbine placement is as import ant as the available w ind.
Tower height:
In general, the produced pow er w ill be greater, as higher the tow er is because the w ind
speed increases w ith height. You must consider that a taller tow er is a major economic
investment w hich on the other hand is most often easily amortizable.
Land shape
Normally the highest point has the best w inds, although areas around river valleys, large
hills or mountains and large forests can affect the w ind resource.
Every obstacle that interferes the movement of the w ind is affecting both its direction and
speed. The most common obstructions are houses and trees. It is generally recommended
to install the tow er 10 meters above any obstruction and w ith a distance tw ice the height
of the obstruction.
For example, if you have a house 5 meters tall and a tree 7 meters near w here you w ant to
install your ENAIR, it should be allocated to 17 meters above ground (7 m the highest
obstacle + 10 m) 10 meters from the house (5 x 2) and 14 meters from the tree (7 x 2).
On buildings, before placing a w ind turbine, ensure that the structure of the building can
w ithstand the w ind turbines w eight and stresses during its operation.
The w ind turbine should be placed about 3 meters back from the facade of the building,
and about 2-3 meters above the highest point. Consider also the surrounding buildings and
the “ w ind rose” .
The dimensions of the area of turbulence in the dow nw ind area (over 10H), are
conditioned by t he w idth of the object (A):
Prevailing winds:
It is important to know from w here the most frequent and strongest w inds come from, in
regarding of the area w here you w ant to install ENAIR 70. To the extent possible, this
direction must be free of obstructions. In order to know this, data is gathered w ith an
anemometer and a w ind vane to measure the direction and w ind speed over a period of
time. The outcome of the measurements is called " w ind rose" . An example of the
aforementioned w ind rose is show n below , the right show s the w ind situation in summer
and the left in w inter. As can be seen, they are completely different, so a detailed study of
the demand for electricity in both seasons w ill be very useful.
Package 1:
o Tow er
930 mm 2260 mm
750 mm
List of parts:
- 3 blades
- 1 variable pitch
- 1 coupling: Variable pitch - generator
- 1 generator
- 1 main body
- 1 covering for the main body
- 1 rudder
- 1 coupling: axis of rotation – Tow er
- 1 set of brushes
- 1 set of copper rings
Screw s:
CAUTION: Apply the recommended values of pairs indicated in the table, use
torque meter wrenches to tighten them.
The ENAIR is designed and built for easy, quick and safe installation.
If a bigger torque than recommended is applied, it can damage the parts connected by
those screw s.
These safety recommendations should be taken into account during installation and during
maintenance of the ENAIR:
• ENAIR complies w ith international safety standards, to ensure that your installat ion
should never be dangerous.
• ENAIR is designed so that the installation is safe, but there are common risks like w ith
any electromechanical equipment .
• ENAIR must be installed according to the instructions of this manual and in compliance
w ith local and national standards.
• During installation make sure that your wind turbine is braking (with the 3 phases short-
circuited) and disconnected from the electrical installation.
• Perform installation operations a calm day, the w ind should be less than 6 m / s.
• During installation alw ays use proper safety equipment: helmet, safety shoes, gloves,
safety glasses …
ATTENTION: ENAIR is not responsible for the inappropriate use of the wind
turbine. The wind turbine should never be handled without the explicit
permission of the installer or manufacturer. Improper handling of the wind
turbine can result in electrocution and burns, and will be reasons for
cancellation of the guarantee.
The w ind turbine assembly is divided into five simple steps. These steps should be
follow ed in the order show n below .
Hexagonal screw bonding toe: DIN 933 M-14x55 INOX A2
Pressure w asher screw M14 bonding.: DIN 127 zinc plated
Washers screw union: DIN 125 M14 zinc plated
Binding screw nut: DIN 934 M14 INOX A2
22 spanner, hexagonal of 22 and torque w rench
Tightening torque:
127 Nm oder 93.5 Lbf.ft
Step 3: Shovels
Allen screw scoop-holder: DIN 912 A2 M10x70 INOX 12
Allen screw scoop-holder: DIN 912 A2 M10x50 INOX 3
Pressure Washers screw union: DIN 127 M-10 zinc plated 15
17 spanner, hexagonal of 17 and torque wrench
Step 4: Rudder
Screw s:
Allen screw clamp: DIN 912 A2 M10x55 INOX 6
Clamp pressure Washers: DIN 127 M-10 zinc plated 6
Clamp Washers: DIN 125 M-10 zinc plated 6
Allen glass 8, extension cable and torque w rench
Allen screw casing: DIN 912 M8x25 A2 STAINLESS 4
casing pressure Washers: DIN 127 M7 zinc plated 4
casing Washers: DIN 125 M8 zinc plated 4
Glass Allen 8, extension cable and torque w rench
5. Installation
The tow ers must alw ays be certified by ENAIR prior to installation to ensure the integrity
of the machine and t he correct operation thereof. The installation w ill be out of w arranty if
the tow er does not have the proper accreditation ceded by ENAIR and screw s are not
correct to w ithstand the vibration and forces.
For customers w ho have their ow n tow er, below there is the coupling plane betw een the
rotation axis of ENAIR 70PRO and tow er. This coupling must be w elded to the top of the
tow er and bolted to the axis of rotation of the turbine.
The tow er must w ithstand 1000 kg at peak and load for the follow ing data for the design:
* The data provided has been obtained in accordance w ith IEC 61400 -2 and does not
include safety factors.
The straps w elding head of the tow er must be clean so that contact w ith the toe is good
and vibrations are not produced.
The connection betw een the top of t he tow er and the bottom of the w ind turbine has to be
done as such that the bolts can w ithstand the forces and moments calculated for the
w hole w ind turbine + tow er.
Screw : 8.8 galvanized M20x55 w ith 2 w ashers and lock nut M20
6. Maintenance
All hardw are elements that are handled during maintenance must be tightened w ith a
torque w rench according to the torque table.
The frequency of maintenance depends on the average w ind speed at its location.
Wind class:
CAUTION: Not following the plan of wind turbine maintenance voids the
Wind class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CAUTION: Do not follow the plan of wind turbine maintenance voids the
CAUTION: Before performing any maintenance, stop the mill, using the
braking contactor.
To perform maintenance operations, it w ill be necessary to remove the cone and the rear
Slide guide
With the proper tool, verify the indicated tightness
of the screw s.
3x DIN912 – M10 x 35
Allen wrench and torque wrench 8
6 x DIN931 – M12 x 50
6 x DIN985 – M12 Nut
end spanner 19, 19 hexagonal socket,
extension and torque wrench
4 x DIN912 – M10 x 80
1 x DIN912 – M10 x 50
Wrench and torque w rench 8
6 x DIN912 – M10 x 50
Wrench and torque w rench 8
22 end spanner, hexagonal of 22 and torque
w rench
Tightening: 91 Nm or 67 Lbf.ft
22 end spanner, hexagonal of 22 and torque
w rench
Tightening: 91 Nm or 67 Lbf.ft
Back cover
4 hexagon socket and torque wrench
Carbon brushes
Type of grease: Lubricating grease for extreme pressure and high temperatures.
1. Press w ith tw o persons the three torque levers simultaneously, resistant spring force must
be noticeable
2. The levers must reach the limit position.
3. Releasing the levers, should cause a return to their initial position
Review the surface of the blades, paying particular attention to the leading edge; it is
normal t hat a slight w ear is observable. If you find larger damage to the surface, than
you have to replace all the three blades.
Paint characteristics
White paint Polyurethane paint, RAL 9003 High resistance to corrosion and UV
Black paint Polyurethane paint, RAL 9004 radiation
The follow ing table show s a guide to w hich w ind turbine chosen depending on the
w ind and electricity consumption. For reference, a normal household consumes
about 4000kWh annually, w hile a large consumer can be about 6000 or
For Wind Turbine model suitable for installation have the eCon application of
calculation and design of facilities in 4 steps that w ill recommend the most
appropriate model for you. w w w
2. Why install a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine and 3 blades instead of other designs?
Horizontal 3-blade w ind turbines offer the highest efficiency based on their design
and the Betz Law , w hich defines the maximum theoretical conversion factor
betw een the energy carried by the w ind to pow er absorbed by the turbine blades.
This conversion factor is the pow er coefficient Cp Wind Turbine, and its maximum
value is Cp = 0.59, precisely by the Law of Betz.
Each type of w ind turbine design, w hether 2 -blade or multiblade vertical axis have
different coefficients limited by the design of the w ind turbine itself. In the
As show n in the chart, the best design according to physical law s is the 3-blade
model horizontal w ind turbine. This is the most common and w idespread design
w orldw ide.
In theory, a w ind turbine w orks better w hen less obstacles are in the path of the
w ind, but w ith a suff icient distance from the obstacles, the effect can be
A w ind turbine should be place at a horizontal distance of at least tw ice the height
of the closest obstacles and at least 10m higher than the closest obstacles. For
further explanations, please consult the chapter “ Installation” .
The ENAIR w ind turbines are designed to be silent as its rated speed is betw een
200 and 250rpm depending on the model. Considering the height at w hich they
are, they w ill be virtually unnoticeable by someone w ho is standing at its base.
Having a 33% low er rpm than other existing w ind turbines, it makes the longevity
3 times higher than the high-revving models.
It is unlikely that a bird impact s the blades of a small w ind turbine as ENAIR,
rotating at low speed (betw een 200 and 250 rpm depending on the model) and not
located at the height to w hich migratory birds make their long journeys, w hich
makes it even more unlikely.
Yes, you can use a w ind turbine to heat w ater. Simply connect the controller
output to an electric heater. What you should consider is that normally the heating
energy consumption is considerably higher than electricity, so you w ill need to
have larger equipment .
Small w ind turbines themselves can be connected to the distribution netw ork. This
requires using a compatible inverter w ith the netw ork and that the installation is
approved by the local utility company, w hich require compliance w ith the standard s
and regulation w ith w hich a connection to the grid can be built .
Each model of our turbines has been tested for this purpose in period of one year,
w ith a very good result.
This depends greatly on the chosen location, the average w ind speed and its
In a suitable location, a w ind turbine produces electricity about 75% of the time,
but not alw ays at rated pow er. For a year it is normal to produce betw een 20 or
30% of w hich w ould generate at nominal pow er running all the time. This value is
know n as capacity factor.
Our w ind turbines are designed to last more than 20 years. This is due to its robust
design, quality of materials, the anti-corrosion treatments and a completely sealed
design that prevents moisture and other particles from entering the system and the
inability of the birds nesting in them during w indless periods.
All this means that our design does not deteriorate even in aggressive
environments like near the sea, w here saline air and the sand particles usually
cause corrosion and erosion.
Small w ind turbines are the perfect choice for individuals, communities and small
businesses that w ant to generate their ow n energy. The chosen characteristics of
the location (average w ind speed, location and topography) determine the size and
type of w ind turbine used in each case
The w ind speed is influenced by the local topography and nearby obstacles such as
trees and buildings. Wind direction sometimes can be very variable w ith risk of
being affected by turbulence due to the nearby obstacles. So w hen in doubt , it is
best to contact professionals engaged in the installation of small w ind turbines.
Our technical department w ill inform you about the average speed at your
particular location. In order to do this, please fill in the contact form on:
Roughly a w ind turbine w orks as follow s: the blades take advantage of w ind
energy to generate a torque on the generator. This, depending on the speed and
the force exerted by the blades and its axis, generate electricity, w hich w ill reach
the controller and the inverter. These electronic components convert electricity
continuously for w hatever purpose its needed like charging batteries, direct
consumption or feeding electricity to the grid.
The tow er height can vary considerably, depending on the type of turbine and the
location. Generally, the tow er of small w ind turbines ranges from 10 to 20m. The
higher the tow er, the more constant and faster are the w inds.
Furthermore, to determine the total height of the system, one must take into
account the diameter of the blades, w hich typically ranges betw een 1.5 and 10m.
The installation of small w ind turbines may require some kind of permission. This
often depends on the height of the tow er, the autonomous region or the country in
w hich you w ant to install. When in doubt it is best to consult a professional or the
competent authority in each case.
The structural parts of our w ind turbines are made of stainless steel and aluminium.
Blades and other components are made of copper, plastic, polyester resin and
All parts are adequately protected against corrosion, either by hot dip galvanizing or
by various surface treatments aimed to have adequate protection even in salty
environments. Furthermore, the entire assembly is sealed to prevent ingress of
w ater, dust or any kind of substance inside. In this w ay the electrical components
are safe and w ell protected.
8. Electrical diagrams
To determine the cable section dow nstream separating the w ind turbine controller battery
charging, check the follow ing table, w here you can see the cable copper conductor,
associated w ith the model of Wind Turbine:
Section mm2 10 16 25 35 50
Section AWG 7 5 3 1 0
To determine the cable section dow nstream separating the w ind turbine controller battery
charging, check the follow ing table, w here you can see the cable copper conductor,
associated w ith the model of the w ind turbine:
9. Warranty
ENAIR ENERGY SL ensures that the ENAIR w ind turbines are free from defects in material
and w orkmanship for a period of 48 months from the date of purchase or 60 months from
the manufacture of that product, under normal and individual use proper installation,
commissioning and periodic maintenance.
The w arranty covers repair or replacement of damaged parts and labour in our w orkshops.
This w arranty shall not apply if the client or user previously not been returned duly
completed w arranty card. The w arranty does not cover w ind turbines that have not passed
the periodic maintenance indicated in the manual and is properly sealed.
Generally, they are exempt from the guarantee rights established herein, damage and
malfunctions or service of w ind turbines ENAIR originating in:
2) Failure to observe the instructions for installation, use, maintenance and periodic
review s established in the equipment manual, and technical and safety rules in
force, local, national or international standing, w hich w ere applicable at any time
(Electrotechnical Regulation of Low voltage, and Technical Instructions,
electromagnetic compatibility, etc.)
Intervention costs arising from dismantling the faulty equipment or the subsequent
reinstallation of equipment parts w arranty rights established herein do not cover
transportation costs of w ind turbines or defective items, of returning to ENAIR ENERGY
S.L. It does not cover, also.
ENAIR ENERGY S.L w e reserve the right to supply a different model of w ind turbine or
component to resolve claims accepted under guarantee, as a replacement and if the
original model is no longer manufactured. In this case, the new model w ill be of equal or
higher performance.
ENAIR ENERGY S.L it undertakes to make use of the obligations described in the
conditions of this Limited Warranty, and in the event of repair or replacement of default
attributable to the manufacturer, cover the transport costs of the subsequent return to the
address registered customer and have them available w ithin a maximum period of 60 days
from the date of receipt .
Si ENAIR ENERGY S.L w ere to determine that the problem of the w ind turbine is not due to
a defect in materials and w orkmanship, then t he Customer shall bear the costs of testing
and processing generated.
Defective complained Products w hich do not meet the specifications w ill become the
property of ENAIR ENERGY S.L., as soon as they have been replaced or paid.
Any return of material and replacement by ENAIR ENERGY SL under w arranty conditions,
constitute full settlement and release of all subsequent claims of any person covered by
damages or other relief, and w ill be an impediment to any I dispute subsequently presented
to the person w ho accepts an agreement of this type.
ENAIR ENERGY S.L it w ill not be liable to the customer, directly or indirectly, for any
failure or delay in the implementation of its w arranty obligations, w hich may be caused by
majeure force or any other unforeseen incident to the w ill of ENAIR ENERGY S.L.
ENAIR responsibility for ENERGY S.L. arising from this Guarantee Certificate is limited to
the obligations expressed above, expressly excluding any liability for consequential
damages such as loss of income or operating profits.
When the subject of the claim is the result of improper installation, ENAIR ENERGY S.L.
shall be liable only w hen explicitly that installation w as part of the scope of supply of the
sales contract .
Any other security that is not expressly mentioned in this certificate is excluded.
To activated the w arranty of the w ind turbine, it is necessary to send this duly signed and
stamped by the installer document. Once the document is registered, the w ind turbine w ill
have 4-year w arranty up from the moment of installation or 5 years since manufacture
Send this duly completed, signed and stamped document scanning and copying : or postal address
Avda. de Ibi Nº 44 C.P. 03420
A.P. 182 Castalla (Alicante) ESPAÑA
It is necessary to fill in the user' s data in order to inform you w hen to carry out the
preventive maintenance
Once the w arranty is activated, the mechanical parts of the w ind turbine w ill have a 4 -year
guarantee from the invoice date or 5 years from the date of manufacture. The w arranty of
the associated electronics is 2 years from invoice date
Periodically by mail you w ill be notified of the date of the next maintenance, remember
that the non-execution of the maintenance cancels the w arranty.
Once the maintenance has been done, it has to be registered on the w eb for validity, non-
registration, voids the guarantee
The application allow s to obtain a list w ith all the maintenance done to the w ind turbine