Trubend 7000 Operator Manual
Trubend 7000 Operator Manual
Trubend 7000 Operator Manual
Edition 2008-11-19
Order Information Please specify when ordering this document:
Operator's manual
TruBend Series 7000
Edition 2008-11-19
Document number B631EN
All rights, in particular the right to reproduce, distribute or translate this docu-
mentation, are reserved to TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG,
even in case of patent and industrial rights applications. No part of this docu-
mentation may be reproduced, processed, duplicated or distributed by means
of electronic systems in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent
of TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG Subject to errors and tech-
nical changes.
Chapter 1 Safety
Delivery versions ........................................................ 1-3
Chapter 3 Description
Chapter 4 Operation
Chapter 6 Maintenance
Chapter 7 Index
Delivery versions ........................................................ 1-3
The machine with complete safety equipment is described in the
operator's manual.
Chapter Safety This chapter describes the safety concept of the machine and in-
dicate possible dangers and measures. The overview of residual
risks contains measures to be taken by the operator in order to
reduce the residual risks.
The operator must adhere to the valid safety and accident preven-
tion regulations of the respective country and the safety laws of the
state and of the region!
Warnings and danger signs Certain activities can be a source of danger during the operation.
The documentation contains warnings before the instructions for
these activities. Danger signs are attached on the machine (see
"Measures to be taken by the manufacturer", pg. 1-10).
A warning contains signaling words that have been explained in
the following table:
Suspended load!
Falling loads could lead to severe injuries or even death.
¾ Observe the safety regulations for the handling of heavy lo-
Danger ads.
¾ Never walk under a suspended load.
¾ Use tested and appropriately sized tackle and means of
¾ Employ qualified technicians to transport the machine.
¾ Carry out the transport in accordance with the transport re-
Machine The operator may only bend cold metal sheets using the machine.
The operator may use the machine only in the industrial sector.
The installation, operation and transport conditions for the machine
prescribed by TRUMPF must be adhered to and the maintenance
work must be performed. The installation of the machine and its
operation must comply with the national regulations valid in the
country where the machine is operated. The operator must adhere
to the national regulations.
Exemption from liability Any use, service and maintenance going beyond this is not in-
tended. TRUMPF does not accept liability for any damage to prop-
erty or persons arising from these. The risk is borne solely by the
operator. The machine guarantee will be voided.
Laser systems are divided into laser classes according to the Eu-
ropean standard EN 60825-1. The laser class corresponds to the
hazard level of the laser light emitted.
1 The accessible laser radiation is not dangerous under sensibly predictable conditions.
2M The accessible laser radiation lies in the visible spectral range of 400 nm to 700 nm. It is
not dangerous for eyes in the case of short exposure time (up to 0.25 s) as long as the
beam is not observed through optical instruments (magnifying glass, lens, telescope).
Eyes are normally protected from the laser light by turning away and closing the eyelids.
Overview of laser classes Tab. 1-2
BendGuard with block laser BendGuard with block laser is an optoelectronic safety device and
corresponds to laser class 1.
Line laser The line laser corresponds to the laser class 2M.
Fig. 25903
Fig. 25906
Fig. 53449
The workpiece and the gauge fingers of the backgauge can collide
if the workpiece is positioned incorrectly.
Depending on the processing strategy of the backgauge, the work-
piece must be positioned such that it does not collide with the
Electrical voltage!
Electric shock.
¾ Keep the switch cabinet closed.
Danger ¾ Each time before opening the switch cabinet: set the MAIN
SWITCH to 0 and wait for five minutes.
Hot surface!
¾ Keep the switch cabinet closed.
Caution ¾ Each time before opening the switch cabinet: set the MAIN
SWITCH to 0 and wait for the cooling phase.
Beam down foot switch with The BEAM DOWN foot switch has three positions:
stop function
Position Description
0 Not pressed The beam stands still or stops.
1 Pressed The beam moves downwards.
The axes motion stops.
2 Pushed through
The safety brake is activated.
Tab. 1-3
Emergency-up foot switch The EMERGENCY-UP foot switch can be used to move the beam
upwards. The EMERGENCY-UP foot switch is not active if
EMERGENCY STOP was triggered. The EMERGENCY-UP foot
switch has two positions:
Position Description
0 Not pressed No effect on the beam.
The beam moves upwards.
1 Pressed The control system remains set to
Tab. 1-4
Optoelectronic safety device The optoelectronic safety device monitors the area below the up-
(optional) per tool during a light field operation.
The beam moves at the maximum speed (up to 220 mm/s) be-
tween the upper dead point and the mute point The optoelectronic
safety device monitors the area in front of and below the upper
tool. If the light field is interrupted during operation, the beam stops
The beam moves at a reduced speed between the mute point and
the lower dead point. The optoelectronic safety device monitors the
area below the tool tip of the upper tool. If the light field is inter-
rupted during operation, the beam stops moving.
Side safety doors The side safety doors secure the area to the side of the beam and
the press table. When the safety doors are closed, the danger zo-
ne cannot be accessed from the side.
Rear protective cover The rear protective cover secures the danger zone inside the ma-
chine. The protective cover is firmly screwed.
The rear protective cover must be firmly screwed each time after
being removed.
Upper protective cover The upper protective cover secures the commuting area of the sa-
fety brake. The protective cover is firmly screwed.
The upper protective cover must be firmly screwed each time after
being removed.
Safety brake If the beam does not stop within the springback and the lag time,
the safety brake stops the machine drive. The beam movement
The safety brake locks the drive at standstill and prevents the
beam from falling.
Main switch The main switch is used to switch the machine on or off. The main
switch can be prevented from being switched on again using a
Key switch for service (only There is a key switch for the maintenance work performed by trai-
in USA and Canada) ned personnel.
The key switch is located on the switch cabinet and has two posi-
0 The machine is switched off when the switch cabinet doors are
1 The power supply of the machine is maintained when the switch
cabinet doors are opened.
Tab. 1-5
Safety control system The machine is equipped with a safety control system that corre-
sponds to the requirements of the EN 954-1 category 4.
Monitoring the programmed Individual bends of a program can be programmed with an in-
working speed creased working speed (up to 25 mm/s).
The working speed of the beam is monitored and can be more than
10 mm/s only under the following prerequisites:
• A tool with a permissible die width is selected.
• The bending angle is 90°.
• The correction of the bending angle is smaller than or equal to
• BendGuard Mode 1, 2, 3 or 4 is selected.
Processing strategy of the The backgauge can move upwards and downwards (R axis), for-
backgauge wards and backwards (X axis) and to right and left (Z axis) in a
CNC-controlled manner. The axes are controlled through the ma-
chine control system.
In order to avoid collisions and crushing, the backgauge drive is
run in the X direction with the force restricted to 150 N. If the gauge
finger runs into an obstacle in the X direction, the backgauge
stops. The axes can move freely.
Monitoring of the line laser The line laser projects a line on the sheet in order to indicate the
bending line.
During the bending process, the line laser is automatically switched
off when the beam moves down from the clamping point. This pre-
vents laser reflections during the bending process.
If the beam is at the upper dead point for longer than five minutes,
the line laser is automatically switched off.
Monitoring of the BendGuard The BendGuard with block laser is installed such that it can be rai-
block laser sed by 25 mm. If the BendGuard with block laser is raised due to
an obstacle (e.g. trapped hand) during the bending process, the
beam stops.
Monitoring of the centrally Bending tools are clamped by a central, mechanical tool clamp
mechanical upper tool clamp (optional). The tool clamping is opened and closed by a detachable
(optional) lever. The beam cannot be moved as long as the lever of the upper
tool clamp is attached.
Refer to the operator's manual. Safety information for the case of body parts getting
trapped(see "Operation_Behavior in emergency").
Risk of crushing and risk of injury in the commuting area of the brake discs of the safety
Marking for the beam down foot switch with stop function
2, 4
Safety information
The operator must take the following measures before the per-
sonnel start working on the machine:
• Informing the personnel about potential dangers.
• If necessary, ensuring that the personnel wears personal pro-
tective gear.
• Defining responsibilties for safety, operation, maintenance,
setting work and service.
• Ensuring that the personnel read the technical documentation
of the machine. Recommendation: getting written confirmation
for instructing the personnel.
Additional measures:
• Ensuring that nobody wears long and loose clothes.
• Reporting necessary repairs to the operator.
Checking the danger zone The operator must always make sure that nobody is within the
and safety devices danger zone before starting up the machine.
The operator should operate the machine only with safety devices.
Safety devices should not be disassembled or switched off except
during maintenance or service work. After completing this work, the
operator must install the safety devices and switch them on.
Additional safety measures must be taken in order to process spe-
cial parts that cannot be processed using the available safety de-
All safety devices must be regularly checked for proper function.
• The operator must report the changes (including the operating
performance) arising in the machine immediately to the owner.
The machine must be checked for visible defects and damage
at least once per shift.
Observance of shutdown The described shutdown procedures must be observed for all
procedures tasks.
Using spare parts and ac- Spare parts and accessories that are not approved by TRUMPF
cessories are not checked. Installing and using external parts and accesso-
ries can change design-related properties of the machine and
weaken the safety.
Exemption from liability TRUMPF does not accept liability for damage arising from the use
of external parts and accessories or improper installation or re-
placement of original spare parts and accessories.
The machine has residual risks in spite of its safety devices, con-
ception and construction type .
The following overview of residual risks shows the main potential
hazards to life and health posed by the machine.
The measures that can be taken by the machine operator to re-
duce the residual risks are specified in the overview.
Customer Before the machine is delivered, you must make sure that all of the
conditions described in this chapter have been fulfilled.
If this is not the case, the TRUMPF Service personnel will not be
able to put the system into service.
The MAIN SWITCH on the machine may only be switched on by
TRUMPF Service personnel.
TRUMPF Service personnel The machine is put into service by TRUMPF Service technicians.
This includes:
• Installing, aligning, leveling and fastening the machine.
• Connecting the machine to the supplies (with the exception of
the electrical power supply).
• Performing a functional test.
• Instructing personnel.
Telephone connection
2-3 weeks, but not Feedback to the relevant TRUMPF department that the
later than week ... installation conditions have been fulfilled.
During installation Allocate qualified
Connect the system to the electrical power supply.
and start-up electricians
Tab. 2-1
If the requirements described below are not met, a structural ana-
lyst must carry out an evaluation.
Further data and information on floor requirements can be obtained
from TRUMPF Maschinen Austria GmbH + Co. KG.
Installation surface Quality of the entire installation surface for the machine with switch
• Base plate throughout the area of the load-bearing points.
• The floor must be oil-proof.
Flexible base plate • Carrying capacity of the subsurface at least ks = 5000 kN/m3.
• Minimum thickness: 200 mm/7.87 in.
• The reinforcement of the base plate should be at least equal to
or better than that specified in the tables below.
• Concrete quality (corresponding to tensile strength C 25/30):
7018 7036
Top lengthwise (xsi) cm /m 3.20 3.20
Top transverse (eta) cm /m 3.20 3.20
Below lengthwise (xsi) cm2/m 3.20 3.20
Below transverse (eta) cm /m 3.20 3.20
Reinforcement in the base plate Tab. 2-2
Ceiling plate/free span base If the machine is installed on a ceiling plate or a free span base
plate plate, a structural analyst must carry out an evaluation, taking into
account the specifications in the Weight Load (see "Weight load",
pg. 2-6) section.
Structural stress analysis The load capacity of the floor area must be subjected to a struc-
tural stress analysis prior to installation.
Weights of the relevant machine parts and load on the support
7018 7036
Total weight of the ma-
kg / lb 2000 / 4414 2600 / 5518
Structural weight load per
kN 35.85 48.77
support point in the front
Structural weight load per
kN 6.65 9.90
support point at the rear
mm2/sq 1875 / 2.91
Weight support front/rear 1875 / 2.91
Tab. 2-3
Ambient conditions for the Permissible temperature range for the control system during
control system transport or when the machine is switched off:
• -20°C/-4°F to +70°C/+158°F.
Grounding The machine and the power distributor system must be equipped
with a grounding line in accordance with NEC article 250, "Groun-
For further details on grounding power distributor systems and in-
dustrial plants, refer to the NEC standards or consult an electrician
or the power station.
Grounded power supply sys- Power supply lines in ungrounded power supply systems with delta
tem with star connection connection are not fail-safe by nature. Delta power supply systems
tend to generate transient overvoltages to ground. Delta power
supply systems can result in increased voltages being applied to
the connected devices. The control system or the machine can no
longer be reliably operated if a potential to ground develops in the
system. For this reason, a grounded transformer must be installed
in the star connection in delta power supply systems (see NEC
article 450-5).
Isolating transformer
Connected loads Before shipping, the system is set to the power supply voltage and
power frequency specified by the customer.
• Four-pole copper cable (L1, L2, L3, PE).
• Single strand or multi strand with wire end fer-
Cable rules.
• Connection must be protected against direct
• Clockwise phase rotation.
Design in accordance with:
Cable cross-section VDE 0100, Part 430 (IEC 364-4-47)
At least 6 mm2
Design in accordance with:
Ground wire VDE 0100, Part 540 (IEC 364-5-54)
At least 6 mm2
The connection point is indicated on the installation plan using this
Dimensions and weight of the Take into account the dimensions of the machine in accordance
machines with the installation plan during transport.
1. Check all machine parts after delivery for damage caused dur-
ing transit.
2. Record visible damage caused during transport on the cargo
note and have the record countersigned by the truck driver.
3. Report any hidden damage caused during transport to the in-
surance company and to TRUMPF within 6 days.
Fig. 54413
How does a press brake In order to use a press brake for bending, a tool is required which
function? is fastened on the beam or the press table. Typical tools used for
this purpose are punches and dies. Punches are mostly fastened
on the beam and dies on the press table.
Axis Description
Y Upward and downward movement of the beam.
Upward and downward movement of the back-
R1 and R2
Forward and backward movement of the gauge
X1 and X2
Movement of the backgauge towards the right and
Z1 and Z2
Description of the axes Tab. 3-2
Fig. 54383
Tools are secured in a tool clamping. The tool clamping has one
clamp for upper tools on the beam and one for lower tools on the
press table.
The upper tool clamp is self-centering. This means that the tools
are automatically aligned at the center above the press table dur-
ing the clamping.
The lower tool clamp is installed on the press table.
Fig. 54050
The centrally mechanical tool clamping clamps the tool using the
clamp piston.
The tool clamping is opened and closed by a detachable lever. The
beam cannot be moved as long as the lever of the upper tool
clamp is attached.
4.7 Backgauge
3-axis backgauge
Fig. 54411
Fig. 54057
The machine is operated using the TASC 6000 control system with
touchscreen. The control system is network-compatible.
The control system can be used for numerical or graphical (2D pro-
files, optional) creation of programs. All CNC-controlled axes of the
machine can be programmed using the control system.
Tools, materials and bend allowances are stored in the control
Tools Tools can be ordered using the E-Shop on the control system if the
control system has an Internet connection. The E-Shop on the
control system contains all standard and special tools of the tool
Also in the E-Shop: the Information Service for Bending. The In-
formation Service for Bending is a central platform with useful and
interesting facts about the TruBend and bending tools.
Online help and F1 help The operator's manual is stored in the control system in the form of
online help. The entire information about operation, maintenance,
setting work etc. can be viewed using the online help.
Brief help texts for individual functions and input fields are dis-
played in the F1 help. The F1 help can be opened and closed us-
ing the <?> key.
Fig. 54377
The slewable control panel can be bent towards the front. The an-
gle of inclination can be set using the control system.
Beam down foot switch with The BEAM DOWN foot switch has three positions:
stop function
Position Description
0 Not pressed The beam stands still or stops.
Emergency-up foot switch The EMERGENCY-UP foot switch can be used to move the beam
upwards. The EMERGENCY-UP foot switch is not active if
EMERGENCY STOP was triggered. The EMERGENCY-UP foot
switch has two positions:
Position Description
0 Not pressed No effect on the beam.
The beam moves upwards.
1 Pressed The control system remains set to
Tab. 3-5
The optoelectronic safety device monitors the area below the up-
per tool during a light field operation.
The beam moves at the maximum speed (up to 220 mm/s) be-
tween the upper dead point and the mute point The optoelectronic
safety device monitors the area in front of and below the upper
tool. If the light field is interrupted during operation, the beam stops
The beam moves at a reduced speed between the mute point and
the lower dead point. The optoelectronic safety device monitors the
area below the tool tip of the upper tool. If the light field is inter-
rupted during operation, the beam stops moving.
The transmitter of the block laser projects a light field on the re-
ceiver. The light field consists of individual laser beams. The trans-
mitter is installed to the left and the receiver to the right on the
The light field covers the lower part of the upper tool. The area
around the tool tip is monitored. The beam will stop if the light field
is interrupted in this area.
The side safety doors secure the area to the side of the beam and
the press table. When the safety doors are closed, the danger zo-
ne cannot be accessed from the side.
Fig. 54384
The comfort base plate is installed in the front on the press table
and supports the lower arms during sedentary operation. Its height
can be adjusted (eight different positions) and it can be folded.
Fig. 54385
Fig. 54058
The work area in front of the machine and the gauge fingers inside
the machine are illuminated by means of iLEDs. iLEDs provide
white, bright light that hardly generates any heat. The brightness
can be set using the control system.
The illumination unit for the work area in front of the machine is
installed in the front on the machine body.
Fig. 54412
The work area in front of the machine and the gauge fingers inside
the machine are illuminated by means of iLEDs. iLEDs provide
white, bright light that hardly generates any heat. The brightness
can be set using the control system.
Illumination unit for the gauge finger is installed inside the machine.
The iLEDs are swiveled by a motor such that the front edge of the
gauge finger is always illuminated.
Fig. 54378
The line laser projects a line on the sheet in order to indicate the
bending line.
During the bending process, the line laser is automatically switched
off when the beam moves down from the clamping point. This pre-
vents laser reflections during the bending process.
If the beam is at the upper dead point for longer than five minutes,
the line laser is automatically switched off.
Head-bearing and shoul- Head-bearing and shoulder-bearing tools are available. Shoul-
der-bearing tools der-bearing tools transfer the press force evenly onto the work-
piece, even with large tool effective depths or lateral forces (e.g.
with seams) that may appear.
Safety-Click safety element Head-bearing upper tools up to 100 mm in length are equipped
with Safety Click. This safety device prevents the tools from falling
out of the tool clamping. The lock can be released by pushing a
• The upper tools can be changed quickly and safely in vertical
• Short tool set-up times, because there is no need of sliding out
laterally from the upper tool clamp.
Tools of varying lengths All tools exist in various divisions and lengths that can be com-
bined with one another:
• Several tool stations can be used.
• Reduced tool costs.
• Time-efficient operation.
Can be used for folding over TRUMPF upper tools can be inserted on both sides.
Self-centering The upper tool clamp for TRUMPF tools is self-centering. The up-
per tools need not be aligned.
Beam down foot switch with The BEAM DOWN foot switch has three positions:
stop function
Position Description
0 Not pressed The beam stands still or stops.
1 Pressed The beam moves downwards.
The axes motion stops.
2 Pushed through
The safety brake is activated.
Tab. 4-1
Emergency-up foot switch The EMERGENCY-UP foot switch can be used to move the beam
upwards. The EMERGENCY-UP foot switch is not active if
EMERGENCY STOP was triggered. The EMERGENCY-UP foot
switch has two positions:
Position Description
0 Not pressed No effect on the beam.
The beam moves upwards.
1 Pressed The control system remains set to
Tab. 4-2
The beam has a USB connection outside on the right side.
Symbol in status
Description of the symbol
Program status:
• A program is being read.
• Program disabled.
• Pause.
• Execute a program.
• Stop.
• Program undefined.
Tab. 4-3
Message line The message bar is divided into 4 areas and is used to display in-
formation (gray), warnings (yellow) and error messages (red):
• The time at which the error occurred.
• The corresponding error number.
• A brief description of the error that occurred.
• Source of the error: control system or machine element that
caused the error.
Details about information text, notes and error messages are listed
under Diagnostics.
Login status Three informative fields are displayed to the right, next to the sta-
tus bar and the message line:
• Logged-on user.
• Current date.
• Current time.
TRUMPF logo The following functions can be initiated by clicking the TRUMPF
• Switch off machine.
• Change user.
• Creating programs.
• Modifying existing programs.
• Selecting tools.
• Making interventions in the processing se-
• Managing tools, materials and bend allow-
• Configuring ACB data.
• E-Shop (ordering spare parts and tools).
• Adjusting program parameters.
• Adjusting the illumination on the machine.
• Maintenance overview.
• Maintenance plan.
• Machine configuration.
• User management.
• Screen functions.
• Program backup.
• Viewing error messages.
• Sorting error messages.
• ACB status display.
• Diagnostics tools.
Using Help (online operator's manual).
• Search.
• Index.
• Bookmark.
Tab. 4-4
List selection Clicking opens a list from which parameters such as bending
method can be selected.
Dialog box Clicking opens a dialog box from which, for instance, tools from
a table can be selected. Filters can be set in the table in order to
limit the selection.
The selection made in the dialog box can be saved with Apply
or closed without saving with Cancel.
Operating Description
Foot operati- • One operator. • Trigger the stroke with the
on A foot switch is activated. BEAM DOWN foot switch.
Tab. 4-5
• The side safety doors of the machine are closed.
• The door of the switch cabinet is closed (USA and Canada).
• EMERGENCY STOP released.
• The side safety doors of the machine are closed.
• The door of the switch cabinet is closed.
• The CONTROL SYSTEM key switch is set to 1.
Keyboard is displayed.
The position of the BendGuard must match with the tool height
programmed in the manual operation.
6. Check the defined position of the BendGuard.
7. Press START.
The beam moves upwards to the reference point.
When should emergency-up • If a person's body part gets trapped in the machine.
be pressed?
• When are body parts at the risk of getting trapped?.
When should the main switch • If the malfunction cannot be eliminated within a short time, e.g.
be set to 0? in the case of maintenance work.
The downward movement of the beam at a rapid speed >10 mm/s
is only permitted when an optoelectronic safety device on the ma-
chine is used.
Transmitter and receiver of the block laser must be kept free of dirt.
1. Interrupt the light field with an object during the closing move-
ment at rapid speed.
Downward movement of the beam stops.
2. Check the mute point.
Correct alignment of the light field must be ensured after every tool
change and at regular intervals.
• The desired tool is loaded.
1 Display
Fig. 54610
The light field must be realigned if more or other LEDs light up.
Only tools that have been created under Technology, "Tool
Management" are displayed in the list. This also allows tool
lists from TruTops Bend to be viewed.
The selection of the list can be restricted using filters.
8. Select the desired tool from the list.
The selected tool is displayed under "Preview>".
9. To select an adapter or a holder, use to select the desired
The selected adapter or holder is displayed under "Preview>".
"BendGuard Mode" is only displayed if the corresponding op-
tion is activated under Maintenance & start-up, "Machine con-
8. Select "BendGuard mode".
9. For BendGuard modes 2 and 4: under "Nesting height", enter
the height of the lateral link plate.
10. Press Apply.
Switching off backgauge col- 11. To switch off collision check of the backgauge: press Safety....
lision check 12. Deactivate "Collision check".
13. Press Apply.
The working speed of the beam is monitored and can be more than
10 mm/s only under the following prerequisites:
• Tool with a permissible die width is selected (from die width 10
• The bending angle is 90°.
• The correction of the Bending angle is smaller than or equal to
+10° (values between 0 and +10 are permissible).
• BendGuard Mode 1, 2, 3 or 4 is selected.
The speed at which the beam moves downwards from the safe
opening width (6 mm above the sheet) up to the clamping
2. Enter speed under "Y safe opening".
– Possible values: 1 mm/s up to max 25 mm/s, depending on
the programmed die width.
Speed at which the beam moves downwards from the clamp-
ing point up to the lower dead point.
3. Enter speed under "Y press".
– Possible values: 1 mm/s up to max 25 mm/s, depending on
the programmed die width.
The beam moves from the safe opening width to the upper dead
point at an increased speed.
1. Press START.
2. Place the workpiece between the upper and the lower tool and
bring it against the backgauge.
3. To move the beam downwards: press the BEAM DOWN foot
• A separate bending characteristic is created for the selected
combination of tools, raw material, sheet thickness and open-
ing angle(see "Operation_Technology_Create bending char-
The separate bending characteristic can be used only if a separate
bending characteristic was stored for the combination of tools, raw
material and sheet thickness.
Under "Bending method", the User method is then shown.
Creating a program
Fig. 53199en
Creating segment:
• Enter "Angle".
• Enter "Side length".
Creating segment:
• Enter "Angle" and "Dx".
• or enter "Angle" and "Dy".
• or enter "Dx" and "Dy".
Creating a program
Creating profile
• Program (graphically, 2D) has already been created .
The settings are default settings. The selected values apply
either to all segments or to all the following segments that are
4. Defining Default settings.
5. Press Apply.
Drawing the first segment 6. Either
¾ Press .
¾ Press .
¾ To set the start point of the profile: tap on the drawing
¾ To draw a segment: tap on the drawing sheet once again.
7. Enter values.
A preview of the segment is displayed.
8. Use to open "Details...".
9. Select Settings.
10. Press Apply.
11. Press "OK" ( ).
The segment is drawn.
12. To cancel the procedure: Press Cancel ( ).
The segment is not drawn.
Deleting profile
• A profile is drawn.
Modifying profile
• A profile is drawn.
Segments can be modified directly in the profile editor or in the
profile table.
2. Either
¾ Press "Profile editor".
¾ Mark the desired segment.
¾ Modify values.
¾ Press "OK" ( ).
¾ Press "Profile table".
¾ Select the desired segment.
¾ Modify values.
¾ Press "OK" ( ).
The profile has been modified.
Creating development.
If the program was programmed with graphics shopfloor program-
ming (BendGraph), the tool stations are created automatically.
The segmentations of the tools that are actually present must
have been stored in the tool database.
8. To take into account the number of tools actually available du-
ring segmentation, activate "Consider tool storage position".
9. To create a new tool station: press New station...
¾ Press Copy station to copy a station.
An additional tool station is displayed.
10. Enter the data of the copied or the new tool station.
11. Press Delete station to delete a station.
Only tools that have been created under Technology, "Tool
management" are displayed in the list. This also allows tool
lists from TruTops to be viewed.
The selection of the list can be restricted using filters.
14. Select the desired tool from the list.
The selected tool is displayed under "Preview>".
Only TruBend series 5000: Only seaming tools that have been
created under Technology, "Tool management" are displayed
in the list.
15. Only TruBend series 5000: To use a seam strip: select the de-
sired seaming tool under "Lock seam type".
16. To select an adapter or a holder: use to select the desired
The selected adapter or holder is displayed under "Preview>".
If the program was created graphically (graphical shopfloor pro-
gramming or TruTops Bend), a 3D simulation of the bends is dis-
Rotate bending part and avoid collisions are possible only if the
program was created with the graphical shopfloor programming
(BendGraph) on the machine.
Modified settings are automatically saved.
10. Make settings.
The settings made previously are automatically saved.
11. To select a different/further strategy for collision avoidance:
press Back.
If collisions occur because of the design of the bending parts,
the only way to avoid these is by changing the design of the
bending parts in "BendGraph" or in TruTops Bend.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 until no further collisions occur.
13. Press Finish.
The collisions are eliminated.
Programming bendings
If the program was programmed with graphics shopfloor program-
ming (BendGraph), the bendings are created automatically. Chan-
ges in the bendings should then be made only in BendGraph.
If bendings created in a graphically programmed program are mo-
dified, these modifications are not applied to the profile. When the
bendings are regenerated, these modifications are overwritten.
Only USA: Mute points 1 and 2 can be modified only by the
"Customer administrator" user.
5. Press"Beam parameters".
6. Enter beam parameters for bending 1.
"BendGuard Mode" is only displayed if the corresponding op-
tion is activated under Maintenance & start-up, "Machine con-
Only USA:"BendGuard mode" is set to mode 3 (with stop at
the mute point).
7. If BendGuard is to be used for this bending operation:
press"Special functions".
8. Select the desired special functions for bending 1.
9. For BendGuard modes 2 and 4: under "Nesting height", enter
the height of the lateral link plate.
10. If the axis speeds are to be modified: Press"Axis speeds".
11. Modifying axis speeds.
Defining additional bendings 12. To create a new bend: PressNew bend....
¾ To copy a bend, pressCopy bending.
An additional bend is displayed on the left-hand side. The cur-
rent bend is outlined in yellow.
13. Enter the data of the copied or the new bend as described in
steps 2 to 8.
Deleting bending 14. Press Delete bending.
The current bend is deleted. The remaining bends are renum-
The working speed of the beam is monitored and can be more than
10 mm/s only under the following prerequisites:
• Tool with a permissible die width is selected (from die width 10
• The bending angle is 90°.
• The correction of the Bending angle is smaller than or equal to
+10° (values between 0 and +10 are permissible).
• BendGuard Mode 1, 2, 3 or 4 is selected.
If a user-specific bending characteristic is used, an increased wor-
king speed cannot be programmed.
The speed at which the beam moves downwards from the safe
opening width (6 mm above the sheet) up to the clamping
2. Enter speed under "Y safe opening".
– Possible values: 1 mm/s up to max 25 mm/s, depending on
the programmed die width.
Speed at which the beam moves downwards from the clamp-
ing point up to the lower dead point.
3. Enter speed under "Y press".
– Possible values: 1 mm/s up to max 25 mm/s, depending on
the programmed die width.
• A separate bending characteristic is created for the selected
combination of tools, raw material, sheet thickness and open-
ing angle (see "Operation_Prgramming_Separate bending
The separate bending characteristic can be used only if a separate
bending characteristic was stored for the combination of tools, raw
material and sheet thickness.
Under "Bending method", the method User is then shown.
1. Press Programming.
2. Press "Bendings".
3. Press "Geometry".
4. Select the desired bend.
5. Select the "Bending method"User.
1. Press Programming.
2. Press Bending part.
Detected errors are displayed in "Program check xxx", and can
be viewed under Diagnostics, "Pending messages " or "Mes-
sage history".
3. Press Check....
The program check is carried out.
Loading a program
Programs are always stored in subdirectories in the selected stor-
age directory (depending on the classification, e.g. customer)
(standard). The program storage unit can also be expanded in or-
der to store programs in nested directories. All directories of the
selected storage directory (e.g. C:\Programs) are displayed in the
expanded program storage unit. More directories can be created.
Example of standard directories: 'C:\Programs\Kunde\test.bnc'
Example of nested directories:
To activate the expanded program storage unit, contact TRUMPF
Customer Service Department.
The list of programs can be restricted using filters or search
4. To search for the designation, enter "Search string".
All programs that contain the entered search string in the de-
scription/file name, drawing number or in the comment are dis-
Only the classification names for which programs exist in the
storage unit are offered in the selection list(see " Opera-
tion_Maintenance & start-up_Criterion for management").
5. To search for programs of a special classification, use to
select the classification name.
All programs for the selected classification are displayed in the
6. To display additional search options, click the magnifying
"Description", "File name" and "Material" are displayed.
7. Use to select the "Material" to be searched for.
All programs that use the selected material are displayed in the
8. To show descriptions or file names in the list, activate "De-
scription" or "File name".
Description or file name of the bending program are displayed
in the list.
9. To sort the programs according to columns, click the column
– Description/File name.
– Classification name.
– Type.
– Date.
10. To search for programs of a particular date, enter "Date from"
and "to".
All programs that were generated within the specified period
are displayed in the list.
11. Select the program.
The selected program is marked in yellow.
All programs that are stored in the selected directory are displayed
in the bending parts list.
Programs are always stored in subdirectories in the selected stor-
age directory (depending on the classification, e.g. customer)
(standard). The program storage unit can also be expanded in or-
der to store programs in nested directories. In the expanded pro-
gram storage unit, all directories of the selected storage directory
(e.g. C:\Programs) are displayed. More directories can be created.
Example of standard directories: 'C:\Programs\Kunde\test.bnc'
Example of nested directories:
To activate the expanded program storage unit: contact TRUMPF
Customer Service Department.
Selecting programs(see "Operation_Programming_Load pro-
1. Press Programming.
2. Press "Bending part".
3. PressProgram management....
The "Bending parts list" is opened.
4. Use to select "Storage unit".
5. Press Import/Export...
"File transfer" is opened.
If a program is exported that is loaded in Programming, it is
automatically saved before export.
8. Either
¾ Use to export all displayed programs from the internal
¾ To export files created in TruTops, activate "Also copy
TruTops files".
¾ Select file in the internal directory.
¾ Use to export the selected program.
9. Press Close.
10. Press Close.
1. Press Programming.
2. Press "Bending part".
3. Press Program management....
The "Bending parts list" is opened.
4. Select the program.
The selected program is marked in yellow.
5. Press Delete....
The "Delete bending part " screen is opened.
If the bending program is deleted from the list, it is still stored in
the storage unit, but is no longer displayed in the list. The pro-
gram is displayed again the next time the storage unit is up-
dated. If the bending program is deleted from the storage unit,
it is deleted for good and cannot be recovered.
6. Either
¾ To delete the bending program from the list, press No.
¾ To delete the bending program for good (from the bending
part storage), press Yes.
1. Press Programming.
2. Press "Bending part".
3. Press Program management....
The "Bending parts list" is opened.
4. Select the program.
The selected program is marked in yellow.
5. Press Rename ....
"Rename bending part " is opened.
The file name of the program does not change when the "De-
scription" or Classification (e.g. "Customer") is modified.
6. Modify "Description", "Drawing number", or "Classification"
7. To modify the file name of the program or to move the program
(in the storage unit selected under "Classification"), activate
"Change physical file name".
The file name is changed according to the designation.
Programs are always stored in subdirectories in the selected stor-
age directory (depending on the classification, e.g. customer)
(standard). The program storage unit can also be expanded in or-
der to store programs in nested directories. All directories of the
selected storage directory (e.g. C:\Programs) are displayed in the
expanded program storage unit. More directories can be created.
Example of standard directories: 'C:\Programs\Kunde\test.bnc'
Example of nested directories:
To activate the expanded program storage unit, contact TRUMPF
Customer Service Department.
The list of programs can be restricted using filters or search
4. To search for the designation, enter "Search string".
All programs that contain the entered search string in the de-
scription/file name, drawing number or in the comment are dis-
Only the classification names for which programs exist in the
storage unit are offered in the selection list (see " Opera-
tion_Maintenance & start-up_Criterion for management").
5. To search for programs of a special classification, use to
select the classification name.
All programs for the selected classification are displayed in the
6. To display additional search options, click the magnifying
"Description", "File name" and "Material" are displayed.
7. Use to select the "Material" to be searched for.
All programs that use the selected material are displayed in the
A program check is carried out automatically when a program
is loaded. Detected errors are displayed in "Program check
xxx", and can be viewed under Diagnostics, "Pending mes-
sages " or "Message history".
12. Press Apply.
The program check is carried out.
The list of programs can be limited using a search string or one
of the filters.
The list of the programs can be sorted by table headings.
8. Select the desired program.
The program is selected in orange.
9. Press Apply.
The program is added to the production plan.
10. To add more programs, repeat steps 7 to 9 as many times as
necessary until all desired programs have been added.
Removing program 11. To delete programs, select the program and press Remove
bending part.
Updating Production plan 12. Select the desired production plan.
13. Press Update.
The programs of the production plan are updated.
Deleting production plans 14. Select the desired production plan.
15. Press Delete production plan.
The production plan is deleted.
Loading production plan 16. Select the desired production plan.
17. Press Load production plan.
18. Press Close.
The production plan is loaded and can be processed.
1. Press Production.
2. Press Set up plan....
The setup plan is displayed.
All the required bending angles programmed in the active pro-
gram are displayed.
5. Activate "Req. angle with".
6. Use to select "Req. angle with".
7. Enter "Correction".
8. Activate "Backgauge X".
All the backgauges positioned in the active program are dis-
9. Use to select "Backgauge X".
10. Enter "Correction".
11. Activate "Clamping point correction".
12. Use to select "Clamping point corr."
13. Enter "Correction".
14. To apply global corrections, even of already corrected values,
activate "Relative to previous adjustment values (Delta correc-
15. Press OK.
The corrections are entered.
"BendGuard Mode" is only displayed if the corresponding op-
tion is activated under Maintenance & start-up, "Machine con-
3. Select "BendGuard mode".
Switching off the collision 4. Under "Backgauge>", activate "Collision check off"
check between the back- 5. Press Close.
gauge and the die
• The desired program is loaded .
1. Press START.
2. Place workpiece between the upper and the lower tool and
bring it against the backgauge.
3. To move the beam downwards: press the BEAM DOWN foot
• Network connection of the machine.
The XML file for the production data can not be opened at the
machine, but only at an external computer via a network connec-
tion to the machine.
Tab Description
• Loading, creating, editing, copying and deleting tools.
"Tool manage-
ment" • Importing and exporting tools from a tool archive (e.g.
TruTops Bend).
• Creating, editing and deleting tool groups.
"Tool groups" • Importing and exporting tool groups from a TruTops
Bend database.
"Material mana- • Creating, editing and deleting material.
gement" • Creating, editing and deleting raw material.
• Creating, editing and deleting bend allowances.
"Bend allowan-
ces" • Importing and exporting bend allowances from a Tru-
Tops Bend database.
"E-Shop" Ordering tools online.
"Program para-
Making global settings.
Only Tru- • Setting brightness of the illumination.
Bend series 7000 • Modifying sloping position of the control panel.
:"Illumination" • Switching on the line laser to display the bending line.
"PDF viewer" Displaying PDF files.
"Bending curves" Creating user-specific bending characteristics.
Tab. 4-7
Importing a tool
Archive files (*.arv) of tools (e.g. from TruTops Bend) can be im-
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Tool management".
3. Press Import data record.
"Open file" is opened.
4. Use to select the storage medium.
5. Use or to select the path.
Exporting a tool
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Tool management".
3. Select the desired tool.
4. Press Export data record.
"Save as" is opened.
5. Use to select the storage medium.
6. Use or to select the path.
If the selected folder contains ARV files, these will be displayed
on the right.
7. Use to skip to the next level up on the path.
8. To create a new folder in the selected directory: press New
folder, enter the "Name of the new folder" and press OK.
The new folder is created and can be selected.
9. Enter the "File name".
10. Press Apply.
The tool drawing is saved as an ARV file and can be loaded in
TruTops Bend when adding a tool.
Deleting a tool
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Tool management".
3. Select the desired tool.
4. Press Delete tool.
"Delete tool" is opened.
5. Press OK.
The tool is deleted from the database.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "'Materials management".
3. Press "'Raw materials".
4. Press Create raw material.
"Raw material management" is opened.
5. Press "Raw material data".
The "Raw material name" can be freely assigned. The "DIN
description" must be unique, and may be used only once, since
it is used for internal calculations.
6. Select or enter values under "DESCRIPTION >" and "SPECI-
7. Press "Standard sheets".
8. For the desired sheet thickness in which a material of this raw
material is to be created, activate "Create".
9. For the desired sheet thickness in which a material of this raw
material is to be created, select "UT group" and "LT group".
10. Press OK.
The raw material is created.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "'Materials management".
3. Press "'Raw materials".
4. Select the desired raw material.
5. Press Edit raw material.
"Raw material management" is opened.
6. Press "Raw material data".
7. Modify the values under "DESCRIPTION >" or "SPECIFICA-
8. Press OK.
The raw material is modified.
Raw material and the relevant material are deleted from the data-
base if the raw material is deleted.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "'Materials management".
3. Press "'Raw materials".
4. Select the desired raw material.
5. Press Delete raw material.
6. Press OK.
Raw material and material are deleted.
Creating material
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "'Materials management".
3. Press "'Materials".
4. Use to select the desired raw material.
5. Press Create material.
"Materials management" is opened.
6. Enter "Sheet thickness".
7. Select the desired tool groups under "SPECIFIC MATERIAL
DATA >".
8. Press OK.
The material is created.
Editing material
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "'Materials management".
3. Press "'Materials".
Deleting material
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "'Materials management".
3. Press "'Materials".
4. Use to select the desired raw material.
5. Select the desired material.
6. Press Delete material.
7. Press OK.
Material is deleted.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Bend allowances".
3. Press Create factor.
4. Enter or select the values.
5. Press OK.
The bend allowance is created.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Bend allowances".
3. Select the desired entry.
4. Press Edit factor.
5. Modify values.
6. Press OK.
The bend allowance is modified.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Bend allowances".
3. Select the desired entry.
4. Press Delete factor.
5. Press OK.
The bend allowance is deleted.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Bend allowances".
3. Press Import data record.
"Open file" is opened.
4. Use to select the storage medium.
5. Use or to select the path.
If the selected folder contains ARV files, these will be displayed
on the right.
6. Use to skip to the next level up on the path.
7. Select the desired file.
8. Press Apply.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Bend allowances".
3. Select the desired entry.
4. Press Export data record.
"Save as" is opened.
5. Use to select the storage medium.
6. Use or to select the path.
7. Use to skip to the next level up on the path.
8. To create a new folder in the selected directory: press New
folder, enter the "Name of the new folder" and press OK.
The new folder is created and can be selected.
9. Enter the "File name".
10. Press Apply.
The tool drawing is saved as an ARV file and can be loaded in
TruTops Bend when adding a tool.
Using separate bending cha- The separate bending characteristic can be used only if a separate
racteristic bending characteristic was stored for the combination of tools, raw
material and sheet thickness.
Under "Bending method", in the Manual operation(see "Op-
erarion_Manual operation_Bending characteristic") and Program-
ming(see "Operation_Programming_Separate bending characteris-
tic")User can be selected.
• The desired tool is loaded.
Under "Raw material", the DIN description of the raw material
is displayed and not the raw material name (see "Opera-
tion_Technology_Create raw material").
5. Select or enter "MATERIAL DATA >".
6. Enter the "Bending angle, req.".
7. Press START on the control system.
The bend should be performed centrally on the machine.
8. Perform the bend.
Enter the lower dead point of the beam (Y axis) under "Pene-
tration depth".
9. Measuring the opening angle.
10. Enter the measured angle under "Actual angle".
11. Press Save.
The measuring point is entered.
Creating further measuring 12. Repeat steps 6 to 12 until all the desired measuring points ha-
points ve been created.
A bending characteristic will be created. The bending charac-
teristic applies to the range between the measuring points with
the smallest and the largest nominal angles.
Updating measuring points 13. Select the desired measuring point in the list.
14. Press Update measuring point.
The measuring point is outlined in orange. The values are en-
tered under "MEASURING POINT >".
15. Repeat steps 6 to 11 .
16. Press Save.
The measuring point is overwritten.
Deleting measuring point 17. Select the desired measuring point in the list.
18. Press Remove measuring point.
The measuring point is deleted.
Displaying an overview of the 19. Press Overview.
measuring points An overview of material and tool combinations for which at le-
ast one measuring point has been created is displayed.
Bending tools and spare parts can be ordered online directly from
the control system via the E-Shop.
• Internet connection (via modem, ISDN connection or network).
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Program Parameters".
3. Modify the default values under "Press force".
4. To save the settings, select Save settings.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Program Parameters".
3. To Switch on the functions, activate the box.
4. To Switch off the functions, deactivate the box.
5. To save the settings, select Save settings.
1. Press Technology.
2. Press "Program Parameters".
3. To switch off the graphics collision check completely, deacti-
vate "Graphics collision check".
The opened file is closed when the main activity is changed.
Tab Description
No function
• Select the default language and unit of the user inter-
"Machine confi- face.
• Activating options (e.g. block laser).
"Machine opti- Isolating and activating options (e.g. ACB, bar code rea-
ons" der...).
• Managing and selecting users and user groups.
"MMI configura- • Modifying user rights.
tion." • Defining storage location for bending programs.
• Modifying the 3D simulation display.
• Setting the screen brightness.
• Modifying the touch-click behavior of the touchscreen.
Tab. 4-8
Defining a user
The newly created group can be based on all the groups cre-
ated, including the group to which the active user is allocated.
The rights of the selected basic group are adopted.
6. Use to select "Basic group".
7. Use to select the "Language"
applicable to this group.
8. Use to select the "Unit"
applicable to this group.
9. The number of allocated users is displayed under "Members".
Creating a user 10. Select "User management".
11. Press New user.
A new user is created.
12. Enter "User name" and confirm with <Enter>.
The user can only be allocated to the groups defined under
"Group management".
13. Use to select the "User group" to which the user is to be
14. Use to select the "Language" applicable to this user.
15. Use to select the "Unit" applicable to this user.
Assigning/changing a pass- 16. Select the desired user.
Only the passwords of the subordinate users can be assigned
or changed. Your own password cannot be changed at this
17. Press Change password.
18. Enter "New password".
19. Enter the password again under "Confirm password".
20. Press Apply.
The password is assigned or changed.
The groups created under "Group management" can be se-
22. Use to select.
23. Select "Activity".
The selected activity is marked in orange.
Rights of the same or a lower level can only be assigned. The
logged-on user cannot assign any rights that are superordinate
to his/her own position.
If the user has logged on as Customer administrator (pass-
word: trumpf), the rights of the user group can be extended
as well as modified.
24. Select "STATUS".
– Normal.
– Write-protected.
– Blocked.
– Invisible.
The status is modified for the selected activity and for all lower
level activities.
If "User-specific setting" is deactivated, the user-specific folder
paths of the currently selected user are deleted. Therefore, first
define the folder paths that apply to all users and then create
the user-specific folder paths.
5. If the added directory should apply to all users, do not activate
"User-specific setting".
¾ If the added directory should apply only to the selected
user, activate "User-specific setting".
6. PressAdd directory....
The classification defines the criteria for storing the bending pro-
grams in the selected storage unit. If Customer is entered as clas-
sification, a customer name can be entered when creating a new
program. A subfolder is then created for the bending program in
the storage unit that is named after the customer who was entered
during programming. All bending programs, for which the same
customer name was entered, are stored in this folder in the se-
lected storage unit. The classification can be selected freely.
The definition of a classification establishes the desired order in the
program storage unit.
Tab Description
"Pending mes-
Displaying all current messages.
"Message histo-
Displaying all messages.
"CNC di- Starting the dynamic brake test and displaying the status
agnostics" of the CNC axes.
Only Tru-
ACB diagnostics, ACB modules and ACB sensor values
Bend series 5000
are displayed.
"Software versi- Information about the software version in use is dis-
ons" played.
"Remote di-
Switching remote diagnostics on and off
Tab. 4-9
1. Press Diagnostics.
2. Press "Pending messages".
All current messages are displayed. Different types of mes-
sages can be filtered out from these messages.
3. Press "Info", "Warning" or "Error".
Only the message types with a check mark are displayed.
4. To display the details of a message: select the desired mes-
sage and press Details.
The "Message details" screen appears.
5. Press "Cause", "Effect", "Measure" or "Error location".
6. Press Close.
1. Press Diagnostics.
2. Press "Message history".
All messages are displayed. Messages can be filtered out from
these messages according to the types of messages and the
period of the message.
3. To filter out certain types of message types: press "Info",
"Warning" or "Error".
Only the message types with a check mark are displayed.
Setting work
The upper tool clamp for TRUMPF tools is self-centering.
6. Upper tools that are not self-centering must be aligned by
means of an idle stroke before the first bending.
The upper tool clamp for TRUMPF tools is self-centering.
6. Upper tools that are not self-centering must be aligned by
means of an idle stroke before the first bending.
The mute point must be defined manually for the following mate-
rial-tool combination:
• Sheet thickness <1 mm.
• Die width ≥40 mm.
1. Attach the magnetic plate to the side of the lower tool to cover
the die width.
The magnetic plate can be moved upwards for the processing
of corrugated sheets by the anticipated corrugation height. This
prevents time-consuming stroke interruptions.
2. Slide the magnetic plate upwards by the amount of the sheet
3. Press the BEAM DOWN foot switch.
The beam moves downwards.
The receiver is fastened to the right on the beam.
1. Release the Velcro fastener of the folding bar (1) on the re-
ceiver and push the folding bar upwards.
2. Loosen screws (2) and remove the cover.
3. Slightly loosen the nuts (1) and lock nuts (2) on the Bend-
The BendGuard may only be moved minimally.
4. Align the receiver until the middle LED lights up.
Tab. 5-1
The light field alignment is correct if the middle LED lights up.
5. Tighten the nuts and lock nuts on the BendGuard carefully.
6. Place the cover and tighten the screws.
7. Move the folding bar downwards and fasten it using Velcro
Notes on lubrication Refer to the lubrication chart and maintenance instructions for the
lubrication of the machine. The following points should also be ob-
• Use only lint-free cleaning cloths and a thin-bodied spindle oil
("scavenge oil") to clean lubricating points. Do not use cleaning
wool, kerosene or benzole.
• Do not mix synthetic lubricating oils with mineral oils or syn-
thetic oils from other manufacturers, even if the synthetic oil in
question has equivalent properties.
• Dispose of waste oil appropriately.
3.1 Overview
1 Spindle of slewable control panel 3 Rack for X and Z axis backgauge 5 Guide for Z axis backgauge
2 Guide carriage, Y axis 4 Beam drive
Lubrication chart Fig. 54416
Lubrication Visco-
Recommended lubricants Identification
point sity
ARAL Degol BG 220
ARAL Deganit BG 221
BP Energol GR-XP 220
BP Maccurat 220 D
CASTROL Alpha SP 220
CASTROL Magnaglide D220
Spindle of ELF Reductelf SP 220
slewable con-
trol panel ELF Moglia 220 CG, CLP, ISO VG
Rack for X and ESSO Spartan EP 220 CGLP 220
Z axis back-
gauge ESSO Febis K 220
FUCHS Renolin CLP 220
FUCHS Renep 220 K
MOBIL Mobilgear 630
MOBIL Vactra oil No. 4
SHELL Omala oil 220
SHELL Tonna oil 220
Guide carriage, SHELL Alvania EP2
Y axis
MOBIL Mobilux EP2 KP2K-20 NLGI 2
Guide for Z
axis backgauge Klüber HEL 46-450
Beam drive Klüberplex BEM 41-132 KPHC2N-30L NLGI 2
Tab. 6-2
1 Grease nipple
Fig. 54388
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Loosen the screws on the rear protective cover slightly.
3. Pull the rear protective cover downwards and remove it.
4. Lubricate the guide carriage using a grease nipple.
5. Move the backgauge manually to left and right.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 three times.
7. Place the rear protective cover and screw it on.
1 Rack
Rack, Z axis Fig. 54398
1 Grease nipple
Fig. 54392
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Loosen the screws on the rear protective cover slightly.
3. Pull the rear protective cover downwards and remove it.
4. Lubricate the guide carriage using a grease gun until the old
grease comes out on the guide rail.
5. Remove the old lubricant using a slightly oiled cloth.
6. Place the rear protective cover and screw it on.
7. Switch on the machine and move the beam upwards and
8. Repeat all the steps twice.
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Loosen the screws on the rear protective cover slightly.
3. Pull the rear protective cover downwards and remove it.
4. Loosen the screws on the upper protective cover.
1 Grease nipple
Beam drive from below Fig. 54414
For TruBend 7036, lubricate both the drives.
1 Grease nipple
Beam drive from above Fig. 54415
1 Spindle
Fig. 54395
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Loosen the screws on the rear protective cover slightly.
3. Pull the rear protective cover downwards and remove it.
4. Clean contaminated spindle with a brush and kerosene.
5. Apply rack grease on the spindle using a brush.
6. Place the rear protective cover and screw it on.
4.1 Overview
Switch cabinet
No filter mats should be used in the air conditioning units, be-
cause these reduce the effectiveness of the air conditioning
1. Pull off the covering.
2. Check fins and fan wheel for contamination.
3. Mount covering.
• The main switch on the switch cabinet is switched off and is
secured against being switched on again.
Effect on the eyes and lungs due to whirling dust and dirt!
¾ Wear suitable protective gear when blowing the air condi-
tioning unit (safety glasses, dust protection glass).
Do not use any abrasive or aggressive agents for cleaning.
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Clean the lamp with window-cleaning agent.
1 Guide
Fig. 54393
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Open a side safety door.
3. Clean contaminated guide using a slightly oiled cloth.
4. Move the BendGuard back and forth on the guide a few times
5. Close the side safety doors.
Do not use any abrasive or aggressive agents for cleaning.
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Clean the panes of the transmitter and receiver with win-
dow-cleaning agent.
Do not polish the panes.
3. Dry the panes.
Do not switch off the machine.
Safety brake
1. Move the beam upwards up to the upper dead point using the
EMERGENCY-UP foot switch.
2. PressDiagnostics, "CNC diagnostics", "PCSS brake test" >.
3. Press"Dynamic brake test".
4. Press Production.
5. Press START.
Structural brake test is conducted. A loud noise can be heard.
1 Guide
Fig. 54394
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Always clean the right and left guides with a slightly oiled cloth.
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Clean the upper and lower tool clamp with a slightly oiled cloth.
5.1 Overview
1 Backgauge power cables 2 BendGuard with block laser 3 Side safety doors
Fig. 54607
Safety doors
Do not switch off the machine.
1. Switch off the machine properly, set the main switch to 0 and
prevent the machine from being switched on again.
2. Loosen the screws on the rear protective cover slightly.
3. Pull the rear protective cover downwards and remove it.
4. Check the electrical supply lines for defects. Possible defects:
– Damaged or brittle insulation.
– Deformed supply lines (e.g. kinks, crushed supply lines).
– Improperly laid supply lines.
5. Check whether all electrical supply lines are laid within the en-
ergy supply chain.
6. Place the rear protective cover and screw it on.
Do not switch off the machine.
1. Trigger stroke and interrupt using an object during the rapid
The beam stops. The control system switches to STOP.
2. Confirm the error message with the BEAM DOWN foot switch.
The stroke can be resumed.
3. Resume stroke.
Accessories 1-20 EC Declaration of Conformity 1-4
Align light field 5-5 Emergency stop impact button 1-11
Authorized use 1-5 EMERGENCY-UP 1-11, 3-17, 4-5
Exemption from liability 1-20
Beam parameters 4-35
Bend Group management 4-67
• copy 4-35
• Create new 4-35
Bending program folder: 4-69
Bending program folders
• Add directory 4-68
Bending programs: 4-68
• Set brightness 4-49
CE marking 1-4
Classification 4-39, 4-43, 4-44
Collision check 4-47 Joint speed 4-35
Control panel, slewable
• Modify sloping position 4-49
• Angle 4-47
• LDP 4-47
• Parallelism 4-47
• X 4-47 Line laser
• Switch on/off 4-49
Danger signs 1-14
Danger zones Manual incremental switching 3-12
• Protection 1-10 Message history 4-70
Display messages messages
• Display pending 4-70 • Current 4-70
MMI configuration 4-67, 4-68, 4-69
MSC 3-12
Segmentation USB connection 4-6
• automatic 4-30
Signs 1-14
Spare parts 1-20
Step change 1-13
Working speed 1-13
Tool group