IB 1564 ORS Marijuana With Fentanyl Awareness
IB 1564 ORS Marijuana With Fentanyl Awareness
IB 1564 ORS Marijuana With Fentanyl Awareness
The reported incidents were dispersed across Connecticut. Several jurisdictions had multiple
overdoses with opioid symptoms attributed to marijuana, however no pattern was detected. In
early October 2021, Plymouth, Connecticut had several overdose incidents where naloxone was
required for revival and patients claimed to have only smoked marijuana. At one of these
overdose scenes, Plymouth Police Department was able to secure a sample of the marijuana for
testing at the state laboratory.
The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of Scientific
Services Forensic Lab confirmed that the sample of marijuana obtained by Plymouth Police
Department tested positive for the following:
This is the first lab confirmed case of marijuana
with fentanyl in Connecticut and possibly the first
confirmed case in the United States.
Based on the lab’s testing protocols they did not
determine the form (salt) of fentanyl. The CT ORS
Team will continue to work with the lab to see if
this testing is possible. We will update when any
new information becomes available.
The CT ORS Team is working with the
Connecticut State Police HIDTA Taskforces to
ascertain just how pervasive of an issue this is
across Connecticut.
Harm Reduction services are community-based programs that traditionally support persons using
substances and are available to assist first responders after an overdose occurs. They can
provide and link individuals who experienced an overdose to other important services, programs
and outreach. Please refer to the following link for harm reduction services available in your area:
Robert Lawlor, Drug Intelligence Officer Anna Gasinski, Public Health Analyst
Phone: 203-379-6517 Phone: 203-623-4716
Email: rlawlor@nehidta.org Email: agasinski@nehidta.org