What Is A Dollar by Edwin Vieira JR

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What Is A "Dollar"?

An Historical Analysis Of The Fundamental Question

In Monetary Policy
Edwin Vieira, Jr.


Today, all thinking, informed Americans know their country is in trouble. Many haven't a
clue as to what went wrong with their government, while others can recite a litany of
reasons for their country's distress. Of course, no one reason is paramount; but surely a
debased, corrupt, and inflationary monetary system must be placed near the top of the list
of causes of America's woes.

What To Do About It?

This Monograph presents, in irrefutable fashion, the legal and economic history of the
"dollar,” and of the "dollar's" role in America's monetary system, as originally devised by
the Founding Fathers. It also analyzes the Coinage Act of 1792, signed into law by
President Washington, which put into effect the monetary system the Founders had
previously outlined in the Constitution.

This system helped make the United States "dollar" the safest, most sought-after currency
in the world, leading to the well-known saying "sound as a dollar.” However, in 1913,
Congress - in an unconstitutional act - relinquished its constitutional power and duty to
"coin Money and regulate the Value thereof" to a private banking cartel, the Federal
Reserve System.

The ensuing years witnessed a gradual abandonment of the Founding Fathers' system
(based on silver and gold coins) and the insidious substitution of a paper-currency system
based on irredeemable, fiat Federal Reserve Notes, which continue to circulate today only
because of the public's misplaced confidence.

What to do about it? is the question. Obviously, the Federal Reserve System's experiment
with fiat currency has failed. But we cannot have a sound economy without sound
money. That means we must return to a monetary system based on silver and gold coins -
as the Founding Fathers wisely specified. This will require action by Congress to rectify
its mistake of 1913, by abolishing the Federal Reserve System and reaffirming the
"dollar" as a coin containing 371.25 grains (troy) of fine silver.

We know that Congress will take no such action on its own initiative. Congress will
move only when the general public becomes aware of, and incensed by, the monetary
mess Congress and the Federal Reserve System have created. Therefore, everyone
concerned with "the money issue" must bring the facts to the attention of as many
Americans as possible.
This Monograph contains more than enough documentation to convince anyone of good
faith and an open mind of what a "dollar" is. This documentation should be used in every
possible way to generate public debate on the money issue: letters to the editor, call-ins to
radio talk shows, local citizens' meetings, and so on. All these offer opportunities to
present powerful arguments for a restoration of the constitutional monetary system, and
to wrest the initiative in the public forum away from the Federal Reserve System and its

As the Monograph concludes, "modern money has become a means for the total
confiscation of private property by the government.” It is, therefore, incumbent on those
of us who understand this issue to make the truth known to others. Nothing could be
more vital than to restore the monetary system with a proven track record: the one
devised by our Founding Fathers!

Richard L. Solyom, Chairman

Sound Dollar Committee

What Is A "Dollar"?

The question "What is a 'dollar'?" may seem trivial. Everyone knows what a "dollar" is -
or, at least almost everyone thinks he does. In fact, however, very few people could
correctly define a "dollar.” And even fewer know why a correct definition is vital to their
continued economic and political well-being.


1. Why is a correct definition of the term "dollar" important?

The United States has a highly advanced free-market economy. In a free- market
economy, the prices of almost all goods and services are stated in units of money. Under
present law - and, as will be described below, from the very beginnings of this country -
"United States money is expressed in dollars * * * .” Moreover, all "United States coins
and currency (including Federal Reserve Notes * * *) are legal tender for all debts, public
charges, taxes and dues.”2 Thus, all "coins and currency (including Federal Reserve notes
* * * )" that are "expressed in dollars" are both money and legal tender. For this reason,
accurately defining the noun "dollar" is mandatory, in order to know what is supposedly
the official "Money" of the United States and what constitutes "legal tender for all debts,
public charges. taxes and dues.”3

2. Do the present monetary statutes intelligibly define the "dollar'"?

Unfortunately, the present monetary statutes do not define the "dollar" in an intelligible

a. Federal Reserve Notes. Most people associate the noun "dollar" with the Federal
Reserve Note ("FRN") "dollar bill,” engraved with the portrait of President George
Washington. This association is mistaken.

No statute defines - or ever has defined - the "one dollar" FRN as the "dollar,” or even as
a species of "dollar.” Moreover, the United States Code provides that FRNs "shall be
redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States *
* * or at any Federal Reserve bank.”4 Thus, FRNs are not themselves "lawful money" -
otherwise, they would not be "redeemable in lawful money.” And if FRNs are not even
"lawful money,” it is inconceivable that they are somehow "dollars,” the very units in
which all "United States money is expressed.”

People are confused on this point because of the insidious manner in which FRNs
"evolved" - actually, degenerated is a more appropriate verb - from the late 1920s until
today. FRNs of Series 1928 through Series 1950E carried the obligation "The United
States of America will pay to the bearer on demand [some number of] dollars.” Prior to
1934, the notes carried the inscription "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United
States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank.” After 1934,
the notes carried the inscription "this note * * * is redeemable in lawful money at the
United States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve Bank" (post-1934). Starting with Series
1963, the words "will pay to the bearer on demand" no longer appear; and each FRN
simply states a particular denomination in "dollars.”

With and after Series 1963, the promise of redemption also vanished from the face of
each note.6 Thus, on their faces FRNs became, in the apt description of banking expert
John Exter, an "I.O.U. Nothing" currency. This change in the mere language printed on
FRNs could not transform their legal character, however. If FRNs were not "dollars"
when they explicitly promised to pay in gold or "lawful money,” they did not magically
become "dollars" when they stopped explicitly promising to pay in anything at all.7

b. United States coins. The situation with coinage is more complex, but equally (if not
more) confusing. The United States Code provides for three different types of coinage
denominated in "dollars": namely, base- metallic coinage, gold coinage, and silver

(1) The base-metallic coinage consists of "a dollar coin,” weighing "8.1 grams,” "a half
dollar coin,” weighing "11.34 grams"; "a quarter coin,” weighing "5.67 grams": and "a
dime coin,” weighing "2.268 grams.”8 All of these coins are composed of copper and
nickel.9 The weights of the dime, the quarter, and the half dollar are in the correct
arithmetical proportions, the one to each of the others.10 But the "dollar" is
disproportionately light (or the other coins disproportionately heavy). In this series of
base metallic coins, then, the questions naturally arise: Is the "dollar" a cupro-nickel coin
weighing "8.1 grams"? Or is it two cupro- nickel coins (or four or ten coins) collectively
weighing 22.68 grams? Or is it both? Or is it neither, but something else altogether, to
which the weights of these coins are irrelevant?

(2) Similarly, the gold coinage consists of "[a] fifty dollar gold coin" that "weighs 33.931
grams, and contains one troy ounce of fine gold"; "[a] twenty-five dollar gold coin" that
"contains one-half ounce of fine gold"; "[a] ten dollar gold coin" that "contains one fourth
ounce of fine gold"; and "[a] five dollar gold coin" that "contains one tenth ounce of fine
gold.”11 The "fifty dollar,” "twenty-five dollar,” and "five dollar" coins are in the correct
arithmetical proportions each to the others. But the "ten dollar" coin is not. Therefore, is a
"dollar" one-fiftieth or one-fortieth of an ounce of gold? Or both? Or neither?

And what is the logical, economic, or other relationship between a "dollar" that contains
"8.1 grams" of copper and nickel, and a "dollar" that consists of 0.679 grams of gold

(3) Finally, the silver coinage consists of a coin that is inscribed "One Dollar,” weighs
"31.103 grams,” and is supposed to contain one ounce of .”999 fine silver.”13

What is the rational relationship between this "dollar" of "31.103 grams" of ".999 fine
silver,” a "dollar" containing 0.679 grams of gold alloy, and a "dollar" containing "8.1
grams" of base metals? Obviously, these are not the amounts of the metals that exchange
against each other in the free market - that is, the different weights of different metals do
not reflect equivalent purchasing powers. So, on what theory are each of these disparate
weights, and purchasing powers, equally "dollars"?

c. Currency of "equal purchasing power" The United States Code provides no answer to
this perplexing question. Indeed, it mandates that the question should not even be capable
of being asked. For the Code commands that "the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall
redeem gold certificates owned by the Federal reserve banks at times and in amounts the
Secretary decides are necessary to maintain the equal purchasing power of each kind of
United States currency.14

One need be no expert in currency transactions to know that a "fifty-dollar" gold coin has
significantly more purchasing power than a "fifty-dollar" FRN or than fifty cupro-nickel
"dollars,” and that a "one-dollar" silver coin has significantly more purchasing power
than a "one-dollar" FRN or one cupro-nickel "dollar.” Thus, one need be no expert in
administrative law to realize that the Secretary of the Treasury has defaulted on his
obligation to keep allforms of "United States currency" at parity with each other - that is,
to maintain a "dollar" of the same purchasing-power, whether it be composed of gold,
silver, or base metals.

The Secretary's default cannot be traced to a lack of power to perform his duty. For
"With the approval of the President, the Secretary of the Treasury may -
(A) buy and sell gold in the way, in amounts, at rates, and on conditions
the Secretary considers most advantageous to the public interest; and (B)
buy the gold with any direct obligations of the United States Government
or United States coins and currency authorized by law * * *."15

"The Secretary may buy silver mined from natural deposits in the United
States that is brought to a United States mint or assay office within one
year after the month in which the ore from which it is derived was

"The Secretary may sell or use Government silver to mint coins * * * .

The Secretary shall sell silver under conditions the Secretary considers
appropriate for at least $1.292929292 a fine troy ounce."17

"Except to the extent authorized in regulations the Secretary of the

Treasury prescribes with the approval of the President, the Secretary may
not redeem United States currency (including Federal reserve notes * * *)
in gold. * * * When redemption in gold is authorized, the redemption may
be made only in gold bullion bearing the stamp of a United States mint or
assay office in an amount equal at the time of redemption to the currency
presented for redemption."18

Thus, the United States Code simply presents another unanswered question: "Why has
the Secretary of the Treasury failed 'to maintain the equal purchasing power of each kind
of United States currency'?"

In sum, the present monetary statutes of the United States do not define the noun "dollar"
in an unique way. Instead of monetary law - which, by hypothesis, requires clearly
defined terms and rational relationships among those terms - the country's present
monetary code smacks of political psychosis - in which completely different things have
the same name, things unequal to each other are treated as equivalent, and things that
should have the same characteristics (e.g., "equal purchasing power[s]") are quite

3. What do American history and the Constitution identify as the "dollar"?

Reference to history clears away the confusion of present-day politics, by showing

beyond cavil that the "dollar" is a specific coin, containing 371.25 grains (troy) of fine
silver, and nothing else.

a. The "dollar" in the Constitution. Both Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 of and the Seventh
Amendment to the Constitution refer explicitly to the "dollar" - in the one case,
permitting "a Tax or duty * * * not exceeding ten dollars for each Person" the States saw
fit "to admit" prior to 1808; and, in the other, guaranteeing trial by jury "[i]n suits at
common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars.” The
Constitution does not define this "dollar.” But, in the late 1700s, no explicit definition
was necessary: Everyone conversant with political and economic affairs knew that the
word imported the silver Spanish milled dollar.

Indeed, had not such an understanding been catholic, powerful contending forces might
never have agreed to support the Constitution at all. For example, the traditional
interpretation of Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1 is that it elliptically refers to the slave-
trade, and represents a compromise between pro- and anti-slavery forces that was vital to
ratification of the Constitution.19 Self-evidently, those in the pro-slavery faction would
never have accepted the "Tax or duty" phrase unless they already knew that the "dollar"
identified as the measure of the "Tax" had a fixed value, and what its value was.
Otherwise, by monetary manipulation aimed at increasing the purchasing-power of the
"dollar,” anti-slavery forces in Congress might have eliminated the slave-trade altogether.

Similarly, the proponents of the fundamental right to jury-trial in the Seventh

Amendment would never have accepted the "dollar"-limitation on jury- trials unless they
already knew that the "dollar" had a fixed value, and what its value was. Otherwise,
monetary manipulation might have eliminated common-law juries altogether. Yet both
these groups also were aware of the doctrine that, if Congress had discretion to change
the value of the unit of money, there could be no legal limits to the changes it might
make.20 Therefore, their support of these provisions inferentially establishes what a literal
reading of them straightforwardly suggests: to wit, that the noun "dollar" refers, not to a
mere name applicable to whatever Congress whimsically might decide thereafter to call a
"dollar,” but instead to a particular coin so familiar in American experience as to be
beyond political transmogrification.

An interpretation of the term "dollar" as signifying merely the label the Constitution
gives to whatever Congress decides to make the unit of money, if consistently applied to
other undefined terms in the document, would render the Constitution nonsensical. For
example, the noun "Year" appears repetitively in Article I - particularly in Section 2,
Clause 1 ("The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every
second Year"), and Section 3, Clause I ("The Senate of the United States shall be
composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six

Self-evidently, the Framers used this term with the presumption that everyone would
implicitly understand it to mean the time the earth actually requires for one complete
revolution around the sun - rather than a mere empty shorthand for a unit of time within
the discretion of Congress to adopt or change. Yet, if the word "dollar" need have no
fixed, historically ascertainable meaning, neither need the word "Year.” The principle of
constitutional interpretation is precisely the same in both cases. And if the noun "Year"
need have no meaning more fixed than the noun "dollar" does in present-day monetary
statutes (as discussed above), then Congress could enact laws "redefining" the "Year" so
as to extend, for instance, the terms of the House and Senate to ten, twenty, one hundred,
or any other number of earthly revolutions.
Of course, Congress may, with constitutional propriety, appoint astronomers, physicists,
and other qualified experts to determine with scientific precision what the "Year" actually
is. Congress lacks authority, however, to decide for itself what the "Year" ought to be, or
to declare the "Year" to be whatever Congress may arbitrarily desire from time to time.
Analogously, Congress may, with constitutional propriety, appoint economists, monetary
historians, and other experts to determine with clinometric accuracy what the "dollar"
actually was in the late 1700s. In fact, this is what Congress did do, under both the
Articles of Confederation and the Constitution (as described below). Congress has no
authority, however, to decide for itself what the "dollar" ought to be.

Besides constitutional history and logic, economic analysis and history support an
interpretation of the noun "dollar" as referring to a specific thing the character of which
was an ascertainable historical fact that Congress was obliged to determine, rather than as
constituting merely a political label that Congress could assign to whatever it deemed
expedient. The nominalistic view that would treat the term "dollar" as simply a
convenient, historically vacuous term for whatever Congress chooses to declare to be
"money,” and set up as the "unit of value,” is incapable of answering the question: "What
is an abstract 'unit of value'?,” and passes over in silence the question: "Before
ratification of the Constitution, was the 'dollar' something that it ceased to be thereafter?"

Economically, of course, "abstract" (or "objective") value does not exist, in monetary
matters or elsewhere. In general, the notion that value is objective is "[a]n inveterate
fallacy"; and the allied concept that value is measurable in terms of some definedly fixed
unit is a "spurious idea.” Simply put, "[t]here is no method available to construct a unit of
value.” More specifically, "money is not a standard for the measurement of prices; it is a
medium whose exchange ratio varies in the same way * * * in which the mutual
exchange ratios of the vendible commodities and services vary.” Furthermore, money can
never arise ex nihilo. "The acceptance of anew kind of money presupposes that the thing
in question already has, previous exchange value on account of the services it can render
directly to consumption or production." In short, no governmental edict can make
something with no previously existing purchasing power either a "unit of value,” or
"money" in the economic sense.

Prior to ratification of the Constitution, no one conversant with economics and

commercial practices conceived of monetary values as abstractions. Rather, "money" was
generally synonymous with known weights of the precious metals, gold and silver, and
(to a lesser degree) the base metals, such as copper. In particular, Anglo-American
monetary history records that merchants traditionally tendered and accepted coins, the
standard monetary instruments of the times, not by tale without consideration of those
coins' qualities. but only as pieces of precious metal of specific weights and fineness.

Where commercial practice accepted payment of coins by tale, it was always with the
definite belief that those coins' stamps assured them to be of the correct weights and usual
fineness for their types. Absent grounds supporting this assumption, merchants regularly
resorted to weighing and chemical analyses. Thus, commercial practice always insisted
that the "value" of coins was not their face-values as abstract governmental tokens, but
only their market-values as pieces of actual metal. And whenever circumstances indicated
that a stamp no longer reflected a coin's physical content, merchants ceased relying on the
official monetary "value,” and substituted their own system for measuring the coin's
market-worth in precious metal.

From an early day, the law applicable to America conformed to this age- old commercial
understanding. Queen Anne's Proclamation of 1704, for example, spoke not of abstract
values, but of "the value of * * * coins which usually pass in payment in our said
plantations [in America], according to their weight, and the assays made of them in our
mint,” and specifically referred to the "Sevil, Pillar, or Mexico pieces of eight" (various
forms of Spanish silver dollars) as having "the full weight of seventeen penny-weight and
an half" - thereby recognizing that the value" of a coin lay in its "weight" and "assay"
according to a fixed standard, or "full weight.”22

Thus, at the time of ratification of the Constitution, no person with any understanding of
law and monetary affairs would have attributed to the noun "dollar" a meaning other than
(for example): "a silver coin with a value of such-and-so grains of precious metal when at
full weight.”23

b. Adoption of the "dollar" as the unit of money prior to ratification of the Constitution.
The actions of the Continental Congress itself prove that the foregoing analysis is correct.

The Founding Fathers did not need explicitly to adopt the "dollar" as the national unit of
money or to define that noun in the Constitution - because the Continental Congress had
already performed that task.

I. Use of the dollar as a standard coin and monetary unit did not begin with the
Continental Congress, however. Monetary historians generally first associate the dollar
with one Count Schlick, who began striking such silver coins in 1519 in Joachim's Thai,
Bavaria. Then called "Schlickten thalers" or "Joachimsthalers,” the coins became known
simply as "thalers,” which transliterated into "dollars.” Interestingly, the American
Colonies did not adopt the dollar from England, but from Spain. Under that country's
monetary reforms of 1497, the silver real became the Spanish money-unit, or unit of
account. A new coin consisting of eight reales also appeared.

Variously known as pesos, duros, piezas de a ocho ("pieces of eight"), or Spanish dollars
(because of their similarity in weight and fineness to the thaler), the coins quickly
achieved predominance in financial markets of the New World because of Spain's then-
important commercial and political position.24 Indeed, by 1704, the "pieces of eight" had
in fact become a unit of account of the Colonies, as Queen Anne's Proclamation of 1704
recognized, when it decreed that all other current foreign silver coins "stand regulated,
according to their weight and fineness, according and in proportion to the rate before
limited and set for the pieces of eight of Sevil, Pillar, and Mexico.”25

By the War of Independence, the Spanish dollar was, for all practical purposes, rapidly
becoming the monetary unit of the American people as a matter of economics. Not
surprisingly, the Continental Congress first used, and then took formal steps to adopt, that
dollar as the nation's standard of value. On 22 May 1776, a Congressional committee
reported on "the value of the several species of gold and silver coins current in these
colonies, and the proportions they ought to bear to Spanish milled dollars.” And on 2
September of that year, a further committee-report undertook to "declar[e] the precise
weight and fineness of the * * * Spanish milled dollar * * * now becoming the Money-
Unit or common measure of other coins in these states and to "explai[n] the principles
and establish the rules by which * * * the said common measure shall be applied to other
coins * * * in order to estimate their comparative values.”26

Meanwhile, Congress and its agents were carefully exploring the basis of, and possible
structures for, a national monetary-system. In his letter to Congress of 15 January 1782,
Robert Morris, Superintendent of the Office of Finance, commented that, "[a]lthough
most nations have coined copper, yet that metal is so impure, that it has never been
considered as constituting the money standard. This is affixed to the two precious metals
[i.e., silver and gold], because they alone will admit of having their intrinsic value
precisely ascertained.” "Arguments are unnecessary to shew that the scale by which every
thing is to be measured ought to be as fixed as the nature of things will permit,” wrote
Morris, concluding that"[t]here can be no doubt therefore that our money standard ought
to be affixed to silver.” Although Morris personally favored creating an entirely new
standard coin, he recognized that "[t]he various coins which have circulated in America,
have undergone different changes in their value, so that there is hardly any which can be
considered as a general standard, unless it be Spanish dollars.”

In a plan first published on 24 July 1784, Thomas Jefferson strongly concurred that "[t]he
Spanish dollar seems to fulfill all * * * conditions" applicable to "fixing the unit of
money.” "Taking into our view all money transactions, great and small," he ventured, "I
question if a common measure, of more convenient size than the dollar, could be
proposed." "The unit, or dollar," he wrote equating the one with the other, "is a known
coin, and the most familiar of all to the minds of people. It is already adopted from south
to north: has identified our currency, and therefore happily offers itself as an unit already
introduced. Our public debt, our requisitions and their apportionments, have given it
actual and long possession of the place of unit."28

Yet Jefferson recognized the necessity of certain practical steps to adopt the dollar as the
"Money-Unit": "If we determine that a dollar shall be our unit, we must then say with
precision what a dollar is. This coin as struck at different times, of different weight and
fineness, is of different values." This, though, Jefferson saw as a problem for economic
science to solve through objective measurement, not as a matter for politics to dictate
according to arbitrary policy. "If the dollars circulating among us be of every date equal,
we should examine the quantity of pure metal in each, and from them form an average for
our unit. This is a work proper to be committed to the mathematicians as well as
merchants, and which should be decided on actual and accurate experiments." "The
proportion between the value of gold and silver,” he added, "is a mercantile problem
altogether.” Given "[t]he quantity of fine silver which shall constitute the unit,” and "the
proportion of the value of gold to that of silver,” Jefferson went on, "a table should be
formed * * * classing the several foreign coins according to their fineness, declaring the
worth * * * in each class, and that they should be lawful tenders at those rates, if not
clipped or otherwise diminished.”29

Concluding, he encouraged Congress:

To appoint proper persons to assay and examine, with the utmost accuracy
practicable, the Spanish milled dollars of different dates in circulation with

To assay and examine in like manner the fineness of all the other coins
which may be found in circulation within these states.

To appoint also proper persons to enquire what are the proportions

between the values in fine gold and fine silver, at the markets of the
several countries with which we are or probably may be connected in
commerce; and what would be a proper proportion here, having regard to
the average of their values at those markets * * * .

To prepare an ordinance for establishing the unit of money within these

states * * * on the * * * principle[:]

That the money-unit of these states shall be equal in value to Spanish

milled dollar, containing so much fine silver as the assay * * * shall shew
to be contained on an average in dollars of the several dates in circulation
with us.

Jefferson's cogent and straightforward analysis of the problem of selecting and defining a
unit of money should be compared - contrasted, really - with the present mishmash of
monetary statutes that leave the definition of the "dollar" in a state of hopeless confusion

First, for Jefferson, the "unit" was to be "a known coin" that was
"familiar" to the people because it was "already adopted" in the
marketplace. None of the coins that Congress now authorizes - be it of
silver, gold, or base metals - was (before its authorization) a "known coin"
"familiar" to anyone in the United States, even in terms of its content of

Second, having settled on the "dollar" as the "unit,” for Jefferson the
problem of fixing the standard "unit" reduced to determining "what a
dollar is" in terms of "the quantity of pure metal" [i.e., silver] contained in
"an average" coin that actually circulated in the marketplace. Thus, for
Jefferson it was not the prerogative of Congress to create the "dollar" ex
nihilo, but the responsibility of Congress to determine what the "dollar" in
common use among the people actually was. Today's Congress assumes
that it may declare anything a "dollar,” and then impose that ersatz,
political pseudo- "dollar" on the people whether they want it or not.

Third, for Jefferson, to settle the relative values of silver and gold coins
was also a matter of studying actual economic relationships in the
marketplace: to wit, "the proportion of the value of gold to that of silver"
in the various coins in circulation. For today's Congress, economic
relationships between silver and gold are irrelevant. And, of course, there
is no rational economic relationship between the coins of base metals and
the coins of precious metals, either. Moreover, even within the sets of gold
and base-metallic coins themselves, rational economic relationships are
irrelevant to Congress!

Obviously, Jefferson's free-market, scientific approach is a world apart from the arbitrary
way in which Congress has set up the mutually incompatible and internally irrational sets
of silver, gold, and base- metallic coins that exist today.

On 13 May 1785, a committee presented Congress with "Propositions Respecting the

Coinage of Gold, Silver, and Copper,” which referred to the "Plan which proposes that
the Money Unit be One Dollar.” "In favor of this Plan,” the committee reported, is "that a
Dollar, the proposed Unit, has long been in general Use. Its Value is familiar. This
accords with the national mode of keeping Accounts.” Later, the report referred to the
"dollar" as the "Money of Account,” thereby equating that term with the term "Money-

On 6 July 1785, Congress unanimously "Resolved, That the money unit of the United
States be one dollar.”32 Almost another year elapsed until, on 8 April 1786, the Board of
Treasury reported to Congress on the establishment of a mint:

Congress by their Act of the 6th July last resolved, that the Money Unit of
the United States should be a Dollar, but did not determine what number
of grains of Fine Silver should constitute the Dollar.

We have concluded that Congress by their Act aforesaid, intended the

common Dollars that are Current in the United States, and we have made
our calculations accordingly.


The Money Unit or Dollar will contain three hundred and seventy five
grains and sixty four hundredths of a Grain of fine Silver. A Dollar
containing this number of Grains of fine Silver, will be worth as much as
the New Spanish Dollars.33

Shortly thereafter, on 8 August 1787, Congress adopted this standard as "the money Unit
of the United States.34
Again, stark and striking is the contrast between how the committee of the Continental
Congress - composed of the Founding Fathers - approached the problem of fixing the unit
of money, and how the modern Congress deals with the same matter. The committee
determined that an American"dollar" should contain a known, unchangeable weight of
silver, and would be "worth as much as the New Spanish Dollars" because it actually
contained this weight of precious metal, not simply because Congress said it was a
"dollar.” Today's Congress, however, assumes that the "dollar" need have no rational
relationship to a weight of silver, of gold, or even of base metals. Thus, today's Congress
assumes that the value of money has nothing to do with the substance that composes a
coin, but is merely the product of a political decree. In today's Washington, D.C., might
not only makes right, but also creates economic value!

Many of the same people who served in the Continental Congress participated in the
Federal Convention that drafted the Constitution. And even those members of the
Convention who had not served in the Continental Congress knew what that Congress
had done. Therefore, when the Convention used the noun "dollar" in Article 1, Section 9.
Clause I of the Constitution, it was with the tacit understanding of all the history
surrounding that noun. Thus, the lesson here is clear: The constitutional "dollar,” the
constitutional "Money-Unit" or "Money of Account" of the United States, is an
historically determinate, fixed weight of fine silver in the form of a coin - in essence, a
unit of measure - adopted, not created, first by the American market and then by the
Continental Congress well before ratification of the Constitution.

c. Adoption of the "dollar" as the unit of money immediately after the ratification of the
Constitution. Upon ratification of the Constitution. Congress and the Executive began
work on a national monetary system.

(1) Alexander Hamilton's Report on the Mint. On 28 January 1791, Secretary of the
Treasury Alexander Hamilton presented to Congress his Report on the Subject of a Mint.
"A plan for an establishment of this nature,” he wrote, "involves a great variety of
considerations intricate, nice, and important." Indeed, the erection of a mint was essential
to the continued integrity of the nation's coinage:

The dollar originally contemplated in the money transactions of this

country [i.e., the silver Spanish milled dollar], by successive diminutions
of its weight and fineness [in the Spanish mints], has sustained a
depreciation of five per cent, and yet the new dollar has a currency in all
payments in place of the old, with scarcely any attention to the difference
between them. The operation of this in depreciating the value of property
depending upon past contracts, and * * * of all other property, is apparent.
Nor can it require argument to prove that a nation ought not to suffer the
value of the property of its citizens to fluctuate with the fluctuations of a
foreign mint, or to change with the changes in the regulations of a foreign
sovereign. This, nevertheless, is the condition of one which, having no
coins of its own, adopts with implicit confidence those of other countries.

It was with great reason, therefore, that the attention of Congress, under
the late Confederation, was repeatedly drawn to the establishment of a
mint; and it is with equal reason that the subject has been resumed * * * .35

To form "a right judgment of what ought to be done,” Hamilton posed two questions, "lst.
What ought to be the nature of the money unit of the United States?,” and "2d. What the
proportion between gold and silver, if coins of both metals are to be established?"

Recognizing that "[a] pre-requisite to determining with propriety what ought to be the
money-unit of the United States" is "to form as accurate an idea as the nature of the case
will admit, of what it actually is,” Hamilton referred to the resolutions of the Continental
Congress on the subject, noted that they had resulted in "no formal regulation on the
point,” and concluded that "usage and practice * * * indicate the dollar as best entitled to
that character.” As to "what kind of dollar ought to be understood; or, * * * what precise
quantity of fine silver,” he surveyed the various pieces in circulation over the years, and
recommended that "[t]he actual dollar in common circulation has * * * a much better
claim to be regarded as the actual money unit.”37

Hamilton recognized that "[t]he suggestions and proceedings hitherto have had for object
the annexing of [the title of 'money unit'] emphatically to the silver dollar.” Yet, his
personal view was that "a preference ought to be given to neither of the metals for the
money unit" - at least "[i]f each of them be as valid as the other in payments to any
amount.” He realized, of course, that adopting equivalent, interchangeable "money units"
of both silver and gold would pose practical problems "from the fluctuations in the
relative [market-]value of the metals"; but he suggested that this could be overcome "if
care be taken to regulate the proportion between them with an eye to their average
commercial value.”38

Turning to "the proportion which ought to subsist between [gold and silver] in the coins,”
Hamilton proposed two "option[s]": namely, "[t]o approach as nearly as can be
ascertained, the * * * average proportion * * * in * * the commercial world"; or "[t]o
retain that which now exists in the United States.” The first alternative "requir[ing] better
materials than are possessed, or than could be obtained without an inconvenient delay,”
he recommended instead the domestic market-ratio of "about as 1 to 15.” "There can
hardly be a better rule in any country for the legal than the market proportion,” he
explained, "if this can be supposed to have been produced by the free and steady course
of commercial principles. The presumption in such a case is that each metal finds its true
level, according to its intrinsic utility, in the general system of money operation.”39

In the course of determining the method by which the government would defray the
expenses of coining silver and gold brought to the mint byprivate parties (the system of
"free coinage"40), Hamilton restated the traditional policy against monetary debasement
in emphatic terms:
[R]aising the denomination of the coin [is] a measure which has been
disapproved by the wisest men in the nations in which it has been
practiced, and condemned by the rest of the world. To declare that a less
weight of gold or silver shall pass for the same sum, which before
represented a greater weight, or to ordain that the same weight shall pass
for a greater sum, are things substantially of one nature. The consequence
of either of them is to degrade the money unit; obliging creditors to
receive less than their just dues, and depreciating property of every kind.


The quantity of gold and silver in the national coins, corresponding with a
given sum, cannot be made less than heretofore without disturbing the
balance of intrinsic value, and making every acre of land, as well as every
bushel of wheat, of less actual worth than in time past. * * *

[A debasement would cause] a rise of prices proportioned to the

diminution of the intrinsic value of the coins. This might be looked for in
every enlightened commercial country; but, perhaps, in none with greater
certainty than in this; because in none are men less liable to be the dupes
of sounds; in none has authority so little resource for substituting names
for things.

A general revolution in prices * * * could not fail to distract the ideas of

the community, and would be apt to breed discontents as well among
those who live on the income of their money as among the poorer classes
of the people, to whom the necessaries of life would * * * become dearer.

Among the evils attendant on such an operation are these: creditors, both
of the public and of individuals would lose a part of their property, public
and private credits would receive a wound; the effective revenues of the
Government would be diminished. There is scarcely any point, in the
economy of national affairs, of greater moment than the uniform
preservation of the intrinsic value of the money unit. On this the security
and steady value of property essentially depend.

In sum, Hamilton recommended two equivalent statutory money-units based on weight, a

gold coin of 24.75 grains of fine gold, and a silver coin of 371.25 grains of fine silver.
"[N]othing better,” he wrote, "can be done * * * than to pursue the track marked out by
the resolution [of the Continental Congress] of the 8th of August, 1786."42

Hamilton's Report thus restated the traditional monetary principles of American law, as
the Continental Congress applied them, and as the Federal Convention embodied them in
the Constitution. Congress, Hamilton urged, should adopt silver and gold as the nation's
monetary substances, at an exchange-ratio representing the average proportionate value
between the metals in the domestic free market. Congress should continue on "the track
marked out" under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution by employing the
"dollar" as the "money-unit,” or "money of account" - a silver "dollar" derived directly
from the Spanish milled dollar, and a new gold coin containing a silver-"dollar's" worth
of gold. The government should provide "free coinage" of both silver and gold for the
public. And it should guarantee the preservation of the intrinsic value of the coinage.

Of enduring importance is Hamilton's admonition that "[t]here is scarcely any point, in

the economy of national affairs, of greater moment than the uniform preservation of the
intrinsic value of the money unit. On this the security and steady value of property
essentially depend" Apparently, however, although Hamilton's statue stands before the
Department of the Treasury, his words have been forgotten in contemporary Washington,

(2) The Coinage Act of 1792. Little more than a year after Hamilton's Report, Congress
enacted its principles into law. The Coinage Act of 179243 initiated a new statutory
system embodying the constitutional principles that Hamilton had reaffirmed. First,
Congress followed consistent American common-law tradition by continuing the use of
silver, gold, and copper as "Money.” Second, it reiterated the judgment of the
Continental Congress and the Constitution that "the money of account of the United
States shall be expressed in dollars or units,” and defined the "DOLLARS OR UNITS"
in terms of weight, as "of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current,
and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of
pure * * * silver.”46

Recognizing that to adopt Hamilton's suggestion of a "gold dollar" would cause

confusion and require constant governmental supervision to "regulate * * * Value[s],"47
Congress created no such coin, instead mandating the coinage of "EAGLES,” "each to be
of the value of ten dollars or units,”48 that is, of the weight of fine gold equivalent in the
marketplace to 3,712.50 grains of fine silver. Following Hamilton's recommendation,
though, it fixed "the proportional value of gold to silver in all coins which shall by law be
current as money within the United States" at "fifteen to one, according to quantity in
weight, of pure gold or pure silver.”49 And it made "all the gold and silver coins * * *
issued from the * * * mint * * * a lawful tender in all payments whatsoever, those of full
weight according to the respective values [established in the Act], and those of less than
full weight at values proportional to their respective weights.”50

Thus, Congress did not establish a "gold dollar,” or enact a "gold standard,” as the
popular misconception holds. For example, the Encyclopaedia Britannica erroneously
reports that the "dollar * * * was defined in the Coinage Act of 1792 as either 24.75 gr.
(troy) of fine gold or 371.25 gr. (troy) of fine silver.”51 The Act did no such thing. It
explicitly defined the "dollar" as a fixed weight of silver, and "regulate[d] the Value" of
gold coins according to this standard unit (or money of account) and the market
exchange-ratio between the two metals. Nowhere did the Act refer to a "gold dollar,”
only to various gold coins of other names that it valued in "dollars.”52
Congress also provided free coinage "for any person or persons,”53 and affixed the
penalty of death for the crime of debasing the coinage.

Thus did the first Congress - which knew what the Constitution meant if any Congress
ever did - rigorously apply the Constitution's mandate: It determined as a fact "the value
of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current,” and thereby permanently fixed the
constitutional standard of value, or "money of account,” as a unit of weight consisting of
371.25 grains of fine silver in the form of coin. It coined American "dollars" as "Money,”
containing this intrinsic value of silver. It coined American "eagles" as "Money,”
containing a fixed weight of pure gold - and regulate[d]" their "Value" at so-many
"dollars" by comparing their intrinsic value in (weight of) fine gold to the market-
equivalent of silver. It gave both the silver and gold coins legal-tender character for their
intrinsic values in all payments. It opened the mint to free coinage of the precious metals.
And it outlawed debasement of the nation's new "Money.”

The handiwork of the statesmen who drafted and approved these measures is more than a
merely coincidental embodiment of the traditional principles of Anglo-American
common law, the experiences of the Continental Congress, and the explicit provisions of
the Constitution. Rather, taking into account the vicissitudes of the time, the Coinage Act
of 1792 perfectly reflects what the common law and the law under the Articles of
Confederation had been before ratification of the Constitution, and what the
constitutional law was then and remains today.55 It is a definitive interpretation,
elaboration, and application of the Constitution - with, in some of its sections at least, a
clearly constitutional character of its own: in particular, Sections 9 (definition of the
"dollar"), 14-15 (free coinage of silver and gold), 16 (legal-tender character for silver and
gold coins),56 and 20 ("dollar" identified as the "money of account").57

Most importantly, Congress' determination of the proper weight of the "dollar" is, for all
practical purposes today, a statement of constitutional law unalterable except by
amendment of the Constitution itself. For, at the remove of almost two centuries, to check
the accuracy of the conclusion that 371.25 grains (troy) of fine silver best represents an
average weight of the various Spanish milled "dollars" in circulation in the United States
in 1792 is most probably impossible.


In the light of this history, the present monetary provisions of the United States Code
demonstrate that official Washington, D.C., has no conception of what a "dollar" really
is. The reason for this self-imposed ignorance is obvious. By reducing the "dollar" to a
political abstraction, the national government has empowered itself to engage in limitless
debasement (depreciation in purchasing power) of the currency. A "dollar" that contains -
and must perforce of the Constitution contain - 371.25 grains of fine silver cannot be
reduced in value below the market exchange value of silver for other commodities. A
pseudo-"dollar" that contains no fixed amount of any particular substance per "dollar"
can be reduced in value infinitely. As debasement of currency amounts to a hidden tax,
Congress' silent refusal to recognize the constitutional "dollar" amounts to the usurpation
of an unlimited power to tax through manipulation of the monetary system. Thus, modern
"money" has become a means for the total confiscation of private property by the

More ominously, this scheme of surreptitious confiscation remains hidden from the vast
majority of Americans, who seem blissfully unconcerned about the issue most important
to the soundness of the country's monetary system: namely, the character of the monetary
unit. One need not be overly pessimistic to predict that misuse by politicians of the
fictional, constantly depreciating pseudo-"dollar" to expropriate unsuspecting citizens
will continue until an economic crisis finally shocks an increasingly impoverished
American people out of its slumber, and forces the people to ask the simple question:
"What is a 'dollar'?" At that time, the answer will be no different from what it is today,
and has been since 1704 - but the opportunity to use that knowledge to prevent a
catastrophe may be long gone.

Therefore, those few who do know what a "dollar" is, and why that definition is
important, need to inform as many of their fellow-citizens as possible. If time has not
already run out for re-education of the American people in this area, it is racing towards
the historic exit. Under these circumstances, silence by the friends of sound money and
honest government is not "golden,” but potentially fatal.


Excerpts from the Coinage Act of 1792

Act of 2 April 1792, 1 Statutes at Large 246
[246] CHAPTER XVI. - An Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Coins of the
United States.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

States of America in Congress assembled, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That a
mint for the purpose of a national coinage be, and the same is established * * * .


[248] SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That there shall be from time to time struck and
coined at the said mint, coins of gold, silver, and copper, of the following denominations,
values and descriptions, viz., EAGLES - each to be of the value of ten dollars or units,
and to contain two hundred and forty-seven grains and four eights of a grain of pure, or
two hundred and seventy grains of standard gold. HALF EAGLES - each to be of the
value of five dollars, and to contain one hundred and twenty-three grains and six eights of
a grain of pure, or one hundred and thirty five grains of standard gold.

QUARTER EAGLES - each of be of the value of two dollars and a half dollar, and to
contain sixty-one grains and seven eights of a grain of pure, or sixtyseven grains and four
eights of a grain of standard gold. DOLLARS or UNITS - each to be of the value of a
Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and
seventy one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen
grains of standard silver. HALF DOLLARS - each to be of half the value of the dollar or
unit, and to contain one hundred and eighty-five grains and ten sixteenth parts of a grain
of pure, or two hundred and eight grains of standard silver.

QUARTER DOLLAR - each to be of one fourth the value of the dollar or unit, and to
contain ninety-two grains and thirteen sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or one hundred
and four grains of standard silver. DISMES - each to be of the value of one tenth of a
dollar or unit, and to contain thirty-seven grains and two sixteenth parts of a grain of
pure, or forty-one grains and two sixteenth parts of a grain of standard silver. HALF
DISMES - each to be of the value of one twentieth of a dollar, and to contain eighteen
grains and nine sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or twenty grains and four fifth parts of a
grain of standard silver. CENTS each to be of the value of the one hundredth part of a
dollar, and to contain eleven penny-weights of copper. HALF CENTS - each to be of the
value of half a cent, and to contain five penny-weights and a half penny-weight of

SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the proportional value of gold to silver in all
coins which shall by law be current as money within [249] the United States, shall be as
fifteen to one, according to quantity in weight, of pure gold or pure silver; that is to say,
every fifteen pounds weight of pure silver shall be of equal value in all payments, with
one pound weight of pure gold, and so in proportion as to any greater or less quantities of
the respective metals.

SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the standard for all gold coins of the United
States shall be eleven parts fine to one part alloy; and accordingly that eleven parts in
twelve of the entire weight of each of the said coins shall consist of pure gold, and the
remaining one twelfth part of alloy; and the said alloy shall be composed of silver and
copper, in such proportions not exceeding one half silver as shall be found convenient; to
be regulated by the director of the mint, for the time being, with the approbation of the
President of the United States, until further provision shall be made by law. * * *

SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the standard for all silver coins of the United
States, shall be one thousand four hundred and eighty-five parts fine to one hundred and
seventy-nine parts alloy; and accordingly that one thousand four hundred and eighty-five
parts in one thousand six hundred and sixty-four parts of the entire weight of each of the
said coins shall consist of pure silver, and the remaining one hundred and seventy- nine
parts of alloy; which alloy shall be wholly of copper.

SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any person or persons to
bring to the said mint gold and silver bullion, in order to their being coined; and that the
bullion so brought shall be there assayed and coined as speedily as may be after the
receipt thereof, and that free of expense to the person or persons by whom the same shall
have been brought. And as soon as the said bullion shall have been coined, the person or
persons by whom the same shall have been delivered, shall upon demand receive in lieu
thereof coins of the same species of bullion which shall have been delivered, weight for
weight, of the pure gold or pure silver therein contained: Provided nevertheless, That it
shall be at the mutual option of the party or parties bringing such bullion, and of the
director of the said mint, to make an immediate exchange of coins for standard bullion,
with a deduction of one half per cent, from the weight of the pure gold, or pure silver
contained in the said bullion, as an indemnification to the mint for the time which will
necessarily be required for coining the said bullion, and for the advance which shall have
been so made in coins.


[250] SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That all the gold and silver coins which shall
have been struck at, and issued from the said mint, shall be a lawful tender in all
payments whatsoever, those of full weight according to the respective values herein
before described, and those of less than full weight at values proportional to their
respective weights.

SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the respective officers of
the said mint, carefully and faithfully to use their best endeavours that all the gold and
silver coins which shall be struck at the said mint shall be, as nearly as may be,
conformable to the several standards and weights aforesaid

SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be
struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of
fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or value than the same
ought to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through the default or with the
connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for
the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, * * * every such
officer or person who shall be guilty of any * * * of the said offenses, shall be deemed
guilty of felony, and shall suffer death.

SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That the money of account of the United States shall
be expressed in dollars or units, dismes or tenths, cents or hundredths, and milles or
thousandths, a disme being the tenth part of a dollar, a cent the hundredth part of a dollar,
a mille the thousandth part of a dollar, and that all accounts in the public offices and all
proceedings in the courts of the United States shall be kept and had in conformity to this

APPROVED, April 2, 1792.


1 31 U.S.C. § 5101 (emphasis supplied). See Act of 2 April 1792, ch. XVI, § 9, 1 Stat.
246, 248.
2 31 U.S.C. § 5103.

3 Use of the modifier "supposedly" is necessary, because not everything that Congress
may declare by statute to be "money" may qualify as the "Money" Congress may "coin"
or "borrow" under the Constitution. See U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cls. 2 and 5.

4 12 U.S.C. § 411.

5 31 U.S.C. § 5101.

6 See Hewitt-Donlon Catalog of United States Small Size Paper Money (M. Hudgeons
ed., 14th ed., 1979), at 66-153.

7 The adverb "explicitly" deserves careful attention, because no matter what FRNs do not
state on their faces, they are required by law to be "redeemed in lawful money.” 12
U.S.C. § 411.

8 31 U.S.C. § 5112(a)(1-4).

9 31 U.S.C. § 5112(b).

10 One half dollar equals five dimes. One half dollar equals two quarters. And one
quarter equals two and one-half dimes.

11 31 U.S.C. § 5112(a)(7-10).

12 Based on this set of coins, a "dollar's"-worth of coined gold is one-fiftieth of the

weight of the "fifty dollar" gold coin ("33.931 grams"), or 0.679 grams.

13 31 U.S.C. § 5112(e).

14 31 U.S.C. § 5119(a) (emphasis supplied).

15 31 U.S.C. § 5116(a)(1).

16 31 U.S.C. § 5116(b)(1).

17 31 U.S.C. § 5116(b)(2).

18 31 U.S.C. § 5119(a).

19 E.g., 2 J. Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (5th ed. 1891),
§ 1335, at 211 & n.2.

20 See, e.g, McCulloch v. Maryland. 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316, 425-33 (1819).

21 L. von Mises, Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (3rd rev. ed.
1963), at 203-04, 351-52, 411. See also 1 M. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and
State: A Treatise on Economic Principles (1970), at 237.

22 See An Act for acertaining the rates of foreign coins in her Majesty's plantations in
America, 1707, 6 Anne, ch. 30, § I (emphasis supplied in part).

23 Cf NLRB v. Amax Coal Co., A Division of Amax, Inc., 483 U.S. 322, 329 (1981):
"Where Congress uses terms that have accumulated settled meaning under * * * the
common law, a court must infer, unless the statute otherwise dictates, that Congress
means to incorporate the established meaning of these terms."

24 See Sumner, "The Spanish Dollar and the Colonial Shilling,” 3 Amer. Hist. Rev. 607

25 Note 22, ante.

26 4 Journals of the Continental Congress, 1777-1789 (W. Ford ed. 1905), at 381-82; 5
id. at 725.

27 Propositions respecting the Coinage of Gold, Silver, and Copper (printed folio
pamphlet presented to the Continental Congress 13 May 1785), at 4, 5.

28 "NOTES on the Establishment of a MONEY MINT, and of a COINAGE for the

United States,” The Providence Gazette and Country Journal, Vol. XXI, No. 1073 (24
July 1784), in Propositions, ante note 27, at 9, 10.

29 Id. at 11, 12.

30 Id. at 12.

31 28 Journals of the Continental Congress, ante note 26, at 355, 357.

32 29 id. at 499-500.

33 30 id. at 162-63. After ratification of the Constitution, Congress made a more accurate
determination of the value of the dollar, setting it at 371.25 grains of fine silver (as
described post).

34 31 Journals of the Continental Congress, ante note 26, at 503.

35 Hamilton's observation that it requires no "argument to prove that a nation ought not
to suffer the value of the property of its citizens to fluctuate with the fluctuations of a
foreign mint, or to change with the changes in the regulations of a foreign sovereign"
should serve as a warning to those who rashly advocate a new "one-world" currency-
system in which the United States would participate.

36 2 The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (J. Gales compil.
1834), Appendix, at 2059, 2060, 2061.

37 Id. at 2061-63.

38 Id. at 2064-65. This is the source of the (unfulfilled) modern duty of the Secretary of
the Treasury "to maintain the equal purchasing power of each kind of United States
currency.” 31 U.S.C. § 5119(a). See ante, pp. 5-7.

39 Appendix, ante note 36, at 2066, 2068, 2069.

40 See Act of 2 April 1792, ch. XVI, §§ 14-15, 1 Stat. 246, 249-50.

41 Appendix, ante note 36, at 2071-73.

42 Id. at 2082.

43 Act of 2 April 1792, ch. XVI, 1 Stat. 246. See the Appendix hereto.

44 § 9, 1 Stat. at 248.

45 § 20, 1 Stat. at 250.

46 § 9, 1 Stat. at 248.

47 See U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 5.

48 Coinage Act of 1792, § 9, 1 Stat. at 248.

49 § 11, 1 Stat. at 248-49.

50 § 16, 1 Stat. at 250.

51 Vol. 7, "Dollar" (1963 ed.) at 558.

52 For the correct interpretation of the Act, see, e.g., A. Hepburn, History of Coinage and
Currency in the United States and the Perennial Contest for Sound Money (1903), at 22.

53 Coinage Act of 1792, §§ 14-15, 1 Stat. at 249-50.

54 § 19, 1 Stat. at 2.50.

55 Section 11 of the Coinage Act was clearly constitutional in 1792, representing as it did
a reasonable means of "regulat[ing] the Value" of gold coins as against the (silver)
"dollar" in an era in which financial data were uncertain and difficult to communicate
with dispatch. Today, such a statutorily fixed exchange-ratio for the precious metals
would be unreasonable. Given the technical sophistication of existing financial
institutions, Section 11 of a parallel modern act ought to read, perhaps, "That the
proportional value of gold to silver in all coins which shall by law be current as money
within the United States, on any particular day or days, shall be the proportion between
pure gold and pure silver, according to quantity in weight, existing at the beginning of the
business day or days in [here Congress would identify a financial market], or, if the
particular day or days is or are not a business day or days, on the last preceding business
day or days." Cf. H.R. 6054, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. (1982), § 4.

56 See U.S. Const. art. 1, § 10, cl. 1.

57 1 Stat. at 248, 249, 250-51.

©1994 - National Alliance for Constitutional Money, Inc.

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