Principles of Criminal Laws
Principles of Criminal Laws
Principles of Criminal Laws
Purposes of Criminal Law resident and charges
1. To Reform (reformation) d’affaires.
2. To deter others (deterrence) But consuls, vice-consuls and
3. To prevent the offender from other foreign commercial
committing crimes (prevention) representatives can not claim
4. Self defense the privileges and immunities
5. Exemplarity according to ambassadors
Basic Maxims in Criminal Law and ministers and employee
1. Doctrine of Pro Reo
All dounts shall be Territoriality - Binding to all crimes
construed in favor of the committed within the National territory
accused. Presumption of (12 nautical miles baseline)
innocence of the accused
2. Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Applicability Outside territory
Lege Philippine ship or airship
There is no crime when Forging or counterfeiting any coin
there is no law punishing or currency note
the same. Introduction of the obligations and
3. The Actus act facit reum, nisi securities
mens sit rea Public officers or employees who
The act cannot be criminal committed an offense
where the mind is not Crimes
a. Mistake of Fact Irretrospectivity or Prospectivity - that
b. Misapprehension of fact on the law does not have any retroactive
the part of the person who effect
caused injury to another Exception: if it favors the offender
c. He is not criminally liable who is not a habitual criminal.
- Penal laws shall not be given
retroactive effect. Acts or
Characteristics of Criminal Law
omission will only be subject
to a penal law if they are
Generality - Binding to all persons who
committed after a penal law
reside in the Philippines
had already taken effect.
Penal laws operate only
a. Treaty stipulation
b. Laws of preferential
- Exception: if the penal law is
favorable to the accused
c. Principles of public
- Exception to the exception: if
international law
d. Examples: Philippines the accused is habitual
sovereigns and other head of
Ambassador, minister
plenipotentiary, minister