155 Lic Part 1
155 Lic Part 1
155 Lic Part 1
REG.NO: RA1911004010155
Register No.:
Staff In-Charge:
3 Resistors 1.5K Ω 2
Ans) i)Voltage follower ii)Non inverting amplifier iii) Inverting amplifier
3. For the amplifier in Fig.(b) determine the following: (a) ACL(NI) (b) VO
(c) Vf
ANS) i)Acl=1/B=374 ii)Vo=Acl*Vin=3.74Vrms iii)Vf=B*Vo=9.99mV
1.5 SIMULATION (1) Non-Inverting amplifier
3. Find the value of Rf that will produce closed-loop gain of 300 in each amplifier in
4. Determine the approximate values for each of the following quantities in Fig.(j).
5. If a signal voltage of 10mV is applied to each amplifier in Fig.(k), what are the
output voltages?
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
3 Resistors 1K Ω 1
1M Ω 1
10 K Ω 1
470 Ω
4 Capacitors 0.1µf 2
In this laboratory experiment, you will learn several basic ways in which an op-amp
can be connected using negative feedback to stabilize
the gain and increase the frequency response. The extremely high openloop gain of an op-
amp creates an unstable situation because a small noise voltage on the input can be amplified
to a point where the amplifier in driven out of its linear region. Also unwanted oscillations
can occur. In addition, the open-loop gain parameter of an op-amp can vary greatly from one
device to the next. Negative feedback takes a portion of output and applies it back out of
phase with the input, creating an effective reduction in gain. This closed-loop gain is usually
much less than the open-loop gain and independent of it.
2.3.1 Integrator
An op-amp integrator simulates mathematical integration which is basically a summing
process that determines the total area under the curve of a function ie., the integrator does
integration of the input voltage waveform. Here the input element is resistor and the
feedback element is capacitor as shown in fig.2-1.
Where VC (t=0) is the initial voltage on the capacitor. For proper integration, R C has to be
much greater than the time period of the input signal.
It can be seen that the gain of the integrator decreases with the increasing frequency
so, the integrator circuit does not have any high frequency problem unlike a differentiator
circuit. However, at low frequencies such as at dc, the gain becomes infinite. Hence the op-
amp saturates (ie., the capacitor is fully charged and it behaves like an open circuit). A
practical integrator circuit is shown in Fig. 2-2.
VO =−RC dVs dt
For proper differentiation, RC has to be much smaller than the time period of the input signal.
It can be seen that at high frequencies a differentiator may become unstable and break into
oscillation. Also, the input impedance of the differentiator decreases with increase in
frequency, thereby making the circuit sensitive to high frequency noise. So, in order to limit
the gain of the differentiator at high frequencies, the input capacitor is connected in series
with a resistance R1 and hence avoiding high frequency noise and stability problems. A
practical differentiator circuit is shown in fig. 2-4.
• The output of the integrator cannot rise indefinitely as the output will be limited.
• The output of the op amp integrator will be limited by supply voltage.
• When designing one of these circuits, it may be necessary to limit the gain or increase
the supply voltage to accommodate the likely output voltage swings.
• While small input voltages and for short times may be acceptable, care must be taken
when designing circuits where the input voltages are maintained over longer periods of
Differentiator circuit
• Output rises with frequency: One of the key facts of having a series capacitor is that it
has an increased frequency response at higher frequencies. The differentiator output
rises linearly with frequency, although at some stage the limitations of the op amp will
mean this does not hold good. Accordingly precautions may need to be made to account
for this. The circuit, for example will be very susceptible to high frequency noise, stray
pick-up, etc.
• Component value limits: It is always best to keep the values of the capacitor and
particularly the resistor within sensible limits. Often values of less than 100kΩ for the
resistor are best. In this way the input impedance of the op amp should have no effect
on the operation of the circuit.\
(2) Differentiator
2.1 Assemble a differentiator circuit with R=1KΩ and C=0.1µf. Connect a resistor R1 of value
470Ω between the source and the capacitor. 2.2 Feed +1V, 500Hz square wave input.
2.3 Observe the input and output voltages on a CRO.
2.4 Determine the gain of the circuit and tabulate the readings in table.
Model waveform is shown.
2.5 Similarly Feed +1V, 1KHz sine wave input.
op-amp Wavefor m Input signal Output signal
configurati on / Amplitud Frequenc Amplitud Frequenc
circuit e y e y
Branch/section : ECE-c
Date of Conduction :
Date of Submission :
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Staff Name:
1. Design the comparator for a frequency of 1 KHz sine wave with 5 Vpp at the non-
inverting input terminal and apply 1V dc voltage as reference voltage at the inverting
terminal of IC741
2. Design a Schmitt Trigger and conduct an experiment to obtain VUTP and V LTP
for various values of R1 and R 2 for the specified design constraint with
upper and lower threshold should be ±1V, for the frequency range of 100 Hz to
4.2.1 Apparatus required:
3 Multimeter 1
4 Resistors 10 kΩ 2
4.2.2 Theory:
A Comparator is a non-linear signal processor. It is an open loop mode application of
Op-amp operated in saturation mode. Comparator compares a signal voltage at one input with
a reference voltage at the other input. Here the Op-amp is operated in open loop mode and hence
the output is ±Vsat. It is basically classified as inverting and non-inverting comparator. In a
non-inverting comparator Vin is given to +ve terminal and Vref to –ve terminal. When Vin <
Vref, the output is –Vsat and when Vin > Vref, the output is +Vsat (see expected waveforms).
In an inverting comparator input is given to the inverting terminal and reference voltage is given
to the non inverting terminal. The output of the inverting comparator is the inverse of the output
of non-inverting comparator. The comparator can be used as a zero crossing detector, window
detector, time marker generator and phase meter
4.2.3 Experiment
1. Connect the components/equipment as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supply.
3. Apply 1 KHz sine wave with 5 Vpp at the non-inverting input terminal of IC741 using
a function generator.
4. Apply 1V dc voltage as reference voltage at the inverting terminal of IC741.
5. Connect the channel-1 of CRO at the input terminals and channel-2 of CRO at the
output terminals.
6. Observe the input sinusoidal signal at channel-1 and the corresponding output square
wave at channel-2 of CRO. Note down their amplitude and time period.
7. Overlap both the input and output waves and note down voltages at positions on sine
wave where the output changes its state. These voltages denote the Reference voltage.
8. Plot the output square wave corresponding to the sine input with Vref = 1V.
4.2.4 Expected Waveforms: Comparator Input & Output Waveforms
3 Multimeter 1
4 Resistors 10K Ω 2
56 K Ω
4.3.2 Theory:
Circuit shows an inverting comparator with positive feedback. This circuit converts an irregular
shaped waveform to square wave or pulse. This circuit is known as Schmitt trigger or
Regenerative comparator or Squaring circuit. The input voltage Vin triggers (changes the state
of ) the output Vo every time it exceeds certain voltage levels called Upper threshold voltage,
VUT and Lower threshold voltage, VLT . The hysteresis width is the difference between these
two threshold voltages i.e. VUT – VLT . These threshold voltages are calculated as follows.
VUT = (R2/R1+R2) Vsat when Vo= Vsat
VLT = (R2/R1+R2) (-Vsat) when Vo= -Vsat
The output of Schmitt trigger is a square wave when the input is sine wave or triangular wave, where
as if the input is a saw tooth wave then the output is a pulse wave.
Schmitt trigger circuit using IC 741
Design Equations:
2 ( + )
V = V
R +R Sat
V = R2 (V − )
V =V -V = R2 −V
− )
(V +
R +R
Hyst UTP LTP 1 2 Sat Sat
4.3.4 Experiment:
1. Connect the components / equipment as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supply.
3. Apply 5 Vpp and 1KHz input sine wave using function generator.
4. Connect the channel - 1 of CRO at the input terminals and Channel-2 at the output
5. Observe the output square waveform corresponding to input sinusoidal signal.
6. Overlap both the input and output waves and note down voltages at positions on sine
wave where output changes its state. These voltages denote the Upper threshold voltage
and the Lower threshold voltage (see EXPECTED WAVEFORMS below).
7. Verify that these practical threshold voltages are almost same as the theoretical
threshold voltages calculated using formulas given in the THEORY section above.
8. Sketch the waveforms by noting down the amplitude and the time period of the input
Vin and the output Vo.
Observation Table
R +R1 2 Sat
UTP LTPR +R1 2 Sat
[10k/(10k+56k)]*15 [10k/(10k+56k)]*-15
1 56k 10k
= 2.2727 = -2.2727 2.27 -2.27
Branch/section : ECE-C
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Signature :
a. To study the operation ofwave shaping circuits (clipper and clamper) using op-amps, such as
half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier
1 r 741 Refer data sheet in
4 Semiconductor(Diode) IN4002 2
Clipper is a circuit that is used to clip off (remove) a certain portion of the input signal
to obtain a desired output wave shape. In op-amp clipper circuits, a rectified diode ma be used
to clip off certain parts of the input signal. Fig. 2-2-4 (a) shows an active positive clipper, a
circuit that removes positive parts of the input signal. The clipping level is determined by the
reference voltage
(b) (c)
Fig 4 (b) input & output wavefonns mth + Vr.f, (c) mput & output waveforms with -Vref
With the wiper all the way to the left, Vref is o and the non-inverting input is grounded. When
Vin goes positive, the error voltage drives the op-amp output negative and turns on the diode.
This means the final output Vo is 0 (same as Vref) for any positive value of Vin.
When Vin goes negative, the op-amp output is positive, which turns off the diode and
opens the loop. When this happens, the final output Vo is free to follow the negative half cycle
of the input voltage. This is why the negative half cycle appears at the output. To change the
clipping level, all we do is adjust Vref as needed.
Active clamper
In clamper circuits, a predetermined dc level is added to the input voltage. In other
words, the output is clamped to a desired dc level. If the clamped dc level is positive, the
clamper is called a positive clamper. On the other hand, if the clamped dc level is negative, it
is called a negative clamper. The other equivalent terms for clamper are dc inserter or dc
A clamper circuit with a variable dc level is shown in fig (a). Here the input wave form
is clamped at +Vref and hence the circuit is called a positive clamper.
R=4.7k, Rp=10k
Fig S (a) Peak clamper circuit
The output voltage of the clamper is a net result of ac and dc input voltages applied to the
inverting and non-inverting input terminals respectively. Therefore, to understand the circuit
operation, each input must be considered separately. First, consider Vref at the non-inverting
input. Since this voltage is positive, is +Vo is positive, which forward biases diode DI. This
closes the feedback loop and the op-amp operates as a voltage follower. This is possible
because Cl is an open circuit for dc voltage. Therefore Vo = Vref. As for as voltage Vin at the
inverting input is concerned during its negative half-cycle DI conducts, charging Cl to the
negative peak value of the Vp. However, during the positive half-cycle of Vin diode DI is
reverse biased and hence the voltage Vp across the capacitor acquired during the negative half-
cycle is retained. Since this voltage Vp is in series with the positive peak voltage Vp, the output
peak voltage Vo—2Vp. Thus the net output is Vref +Vp, so the negative peak of 2Vp is at
Vref. For precision clamping where Rd is the forward resistance of the diode DI
(IOOQ typically) and T is the time period Of Vin. The input and output wave forms are shown
in figure.
a Ut(R1_) u u'(RL)
(i) (ii)
UI(RL (iii)
Fig 6(b) Input and output waveforms (i) with Vref=OV, (ii) with +Vref; (iii) with -Vref
Resistor R is used to protect the op-amp against excessive discharge currents from capacitor Cl
especially when the dc supply voltages are switched off. Negative clamping at a negative voltage
is accomplished by reversing diode DI and using the negative reference voltage —Vref.
l. Connect the components/equipment R=2.2KQ use N4002 diode. Sinusoidal input amplitude 3v
and frequency I Khz.as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supply.
3. Apply I V dc voltage as reference voltage at the inverting terminal ofIC741.
4. Connect the channel-I of CRO at the input terminals and channel-2 of CRO at the output
5. Observe the input sinusoidal signal at channel-I and the corresponding output square wave
at channel-2 of CRO. Note down their amplitude and time period.
6. Overlap both the input and output waves and note down voltages at positions on sine wave
where the output changes its state. These voltages denote the Reference voltage.
7. Plot the output wave form.
Active clamper
1. Connect the components/equipment clamping level at zero as shown in fig.5 (a). Note that
Vref- W. Consider - 0.1gF, R = 4.7 and = 10 . Use IN4002
diode. Feed 5Vpp, 10 KHz sinusoidal inputs.
Observation Clamper
10 I ms 50
Input Voltage
22.5 I ms 50
Output Voltage
2. Determine the output waveform for a clamper with input =4Vpsinewave and Vrer=IV.
l. If the diode is reversed in fig. 3 (a), what would the output be like?
2. If the diode is reversed in fig. 5(a), what would be the output?
Result: The operation of wave shaping circuits (clipper and clamper) using op-amps is
successfully carried out using LTSpice.
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Branch/section : ECE-C
Date of Conduction :
Date of Submission :
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Signature :
Design a sine wave oscillator using operational amplifier
1. RC phase shift oscillator
2. Wein bridge oscillator
3 Resistors 330 Ω 1
1.5K Ω 15K 4
Ω 1
1M Ω
4.7K Ω
18K Ω
10K Ω
15K Ω 1
18K Ω
4 Capacitors 0.1µf 2
.001µf 2
5 Regulated power supply 15 V 1
6.3.1 RC phase shift oscillator
The feedback network consists of three identical RC sections. Each section produces a
phase shift of 60o Therefore, the net phase shift of the feedback is 180 o The amplifier stage
introduces a phase shift of 180 o Therefore, the total phase shift between the input and output is
360 or 0 o. When the circuit is energized, by switching on the supply, the circuit starts
oscillating. The oscillations will be maintained if the loop gain is at least equal to unity.
Feedback fraction of the RC phase shift network
The frequency of oscillation f0=1/2
πRC 6.
Circuit diagram
f0=1/2 πRC 6
Rf ≥ 29R1
β = 10K/ Rf
β = 1/29 Rf
= 290K f0=
6.5kHz LT
(a) Circuit Diagram
Design Constraints
● The loading effect of the amplifier on the feedback network has an effect on the
frequency of oscillations and can cause the oscillator frequency to be up to 25% higher
than calculated. Then the feedback network should be driven from a high impedance
output source and fed into a low impedance load such as a common emitter transistor
amplifier but better still is to use an Operational Amplifier as it satisfies these conditions
● The voltage gain of the Wein bridge oscillator circuit must be equal to or greater than
three “Gain = 3″ for oscillations to start.
● Due to the open-loop gain limitations of operational amplifiers, frequencies above 1MHz
are unachievable without the use of special high frequency op-amps.
● D1 and D2 for automatic gain control.
LT Spice simulation:
(a) Circuit Diagram
Give the condition which determines the frequency of oscillation
3. Give the formula to calculate frequency of oscillation for RC and Wein bridge oscillator.
4. Where do you use IC oscillators?
1. What are the merits and Demerits of RC phase shift oscillator?
2. Why do we need three RC networks for a phase shift oscillator?
3. Explain the main difference between an amplifier and an oscillator.
The sine wave oscillator using operational amplifier is designed and verified using LTSpice.
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
Venue :
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Signature :
Design a square wave generator using operational amplifier.
3 Resistors 10k 2
8.2k 1
5 Capacitors 1
R2/[R1+R2]Vout = βVout
Rf=10k R1=10k R2=8.2k C=0.1µf
combination. Whenever the i/p at the negative terminal exceeds V ref switching takes
place resulting in a square wave output. Time period of square wave is given as
R1 = 1.16 R2, it can be seen that T = 2RC.
T = 1.6 ms
V◦ = 24 V
Vsat = 12V; βVsat = 4v
Square . Square .
Of Capcitor by Of Capcitor by
measuring Amplitude measuring Amplitude
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure with the designed values.
2. Switch on the power supply and observe the waveform.
3. Note down the amplitude and time period.
4. Plot the waveforms on a graph sheet.
Branch/section : ECE-C
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Signature :
1. Design a Monostable multivibrator for an ON- time of ki, with capacitor value of 1 µF.
Conduct the experiment and plot appropriate graphs
2. Design an Astable multivibrator for a frequency of 1KHz with 60% duty cylcle using
555 timer
1K Ω 1
4 Capacitors 0.1µf 2
1µf 2
5 Regulated power supply (1 -5V), 1A 1
The 555 Timer is a monolithic timing circuit that can produce accurate and highly stable
time delays or oscillations. The timer basically operates in one of the two modes—
monostable(one-shot) multivibrator or as an as table(free-running) multivibrator. In the
monostable mode, it can produce accurate time delays from microseconds to hours. In the
astable mode, it can produce rectangular waves with a variable duty cycle. Frequently, the 555
is used in astable mode to generate a continuous series of pulses, but you can also use the 555
to make a one-shot or monostable circuit.
Functional block diagram of IC 555
In astable or free running mode, the 555 can operate as an oscillator. The uses include LED and
lamp flashers, logic clocks, security alarms, pulse generation, tone generation, pulse position
modulation, etc. In the bistable mode, the 555 can operate as a flip-flop and is used to make
bounce-free latched switches, etc.
The trigger input may be driven by the output of astable multivibrator with high duty
cycle. If the desired pulse width is of the order of seconds, the output can be seen using a
LED and the resistance value used will be of the order of MΩ. In this case the trigger can be
supplied manually by grounding the trigger input for a fraction of a second.
Input and output waveform
Time period of
Let C=100f T=1.1RC
An astable multivibrator is a wave-generating circuit in which neither of the output
levels is stable. The output keeps on switching between the two unstable states and is a periodic,
rectangular waveform. The circuit is therefore known as an ‘astable multivibrator’. Also, no
external trigger is required to change the state of the output, hence it is also called
‘free-running multivibrator’. The time for which the output remains in one particular state is
determined by the two resistors and a capacitor externally connected to the 555 timer.
If the output is high initially, capacitor C starts charging towards vcc through RA and
RB. As soon as the voltage across the capacitor becomes equal to 2/3 vcc, the upper comparator
triggers the flip-flop, and the output becomes low. The capacitor now starts discharging through
RB and transistor Q1. When the voltage across the capacitor becomes 1/3vcc, the output of the
lower comparator triggers the flip-flop, and the output becomes high.
The cycle then repeats.
The output voltage and capacitor voltage waveforms are shown in Figure below.
Output voltage waveform the time during which the capacitor charges from 1/3vcc to 2/3
vcc is equal to the time the output is high and is given by
ton =0.69(RA + RB)C
the time during which the capacitor discharges from 2/3vcc to 1/3vcc is equal to the time the
output is low and is given by
toff =0.69RBC
the total period of the output wave form is
Thus the frequency of oscillation is
Design Constraints
● The 555 Timer is a very versatile low cost timing IC that can produce a very accurate
timing periods with good stability of around 1%
● Duty cycle should be greater than 50% to 80%
● Single RC network connected to a single positive supply of between 4.5 and 16 volts.
● Load resistance minimum value is 1KΩ
Theoretical O/P Practical O/P
Square . Square . 4.9973V
Charge & Discharging 2/3 VCC – 1/3 VCC Charge & Discharging
Designing and implementation of monostable and astable multivibration using IC555 is successfully
carried out in LTSpice.
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
Venue :
Particulars Max. Marks Obtained
Pre lab and Post lab 10
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Signature :
To design a low pass, high pass filter and plot the frequency response.
2 Resistor 3.3kΩ 2
5.8kΩ 1
10kΩ 1
3 Capacitor 0.047uf 2
A filter is a circuit that lets certain frequencies pass and blocks other frequencies. This selective
nature can be done two ways, either with passive filters or with active filters. Passive filters
completely comprised of passive elements; namely resistors, capacitors and/or inductors.
Active filters use active devices, i.e. an op-amp, to filter out unwanted signals.
Fig 1.Graph of practical (a) low pass and (b) high pass filter (c) Band Pass filter (d)
Band Stop filter
Given fc=2khz,
Choose C1=C2=0.047uf fc=1/2πRC R1=R2=3.3kΩ Rx=5.8kΩ, Ry=10kΩ α=3-A
Α=1.414 A=1.586 A=1+Rf/R1
1. Compute the transfer function of the amplifier in Figure assuming an ideal op-amp. Use
the PSPICE model of an op-amp and verify your results in PSPICE using the following
values: Vcc=+12V, Vee=-12V, R1=1kΩ, and VS being a sin wave with a frequency of
10 kHz and amplitude of 1mV.
1. Derive the transfer function of the circuit in Figure. By observing the transfer function,
what is the purpose of this topology? Verify your results in PSPICE with an “AC”
simulation using R1=500 Ω, R2=2.5kΩ, a source with a 0.5V magnitude, and C=0.01 F.
Do the PSPICE results agree with what you derived?
9.6 RESULT: The design of low pass and high pass filter is verified by using LTSPICE.
Laboratory Report Cover
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
Branch/section : ECE-C
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Signature :
To design a low pass, high pass, Band pass and Band stop filter and plot the frequency response.
2 Resistor 100KΩ,7.95KΩ 2
3 Capacitor 0.01uf 2
The higher corner point ( ƒH ) as well as the lower corner frequency cut-off point ( ƒL ) are
calculated the same as before in the standard first-order low and high pass filter circuits.
Obviously, a reasonable separation is required between the two cut-off points to prevent any
interaction between the low pass and high pass stages. The amplifier also provides isolation
between the two stages and defines the overall voltage gain of the circuit.
The bandwidth of the filter is therefore the difference between these upper and lower -
3dB points. For example, if the -3dB cut-off points are at 200Hz and 600Hz then the bandwidth
of the filter would be given as: Bandwidth (BW) = 600 – 200 = 400Hz. The normalized frequency
response and phase shift for an active band pass filter will be as follows.
While the above passive tuned filter circuit will work as a band pass filter, the pass band
(bandwidth) can be quite wide and this may be a problem if we want to isolate a small band of
frequencies. Active band pass filter can also be made using inverting operational amplifier. So by
rearranging the positions of the resistors and capacitors within the filter we can produce a much
better filter circuit as shown below. For an active band pass filter, the lower cut-off -3dB point is
given by ƒC2 while the upper cut-off -3dB point is given by ƒC1.
Right: Input signal as sine wave, DC offset – 0, AC amplitude – 1. Left: Run - AC Analysis
1. Design a band pass filter for f0=2khz Q=20 and A0=10. Choose C=1µf.
2. An ideal LPF having fh=5khz is cascaded with HPF having fl=4.8khz. Sketch the
frequency response of the cascaded filter.
Conclusion: The band pass and band reject filter circuits are stimulated using LTspice and
output waveforms are verified.
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
Day / Session :
Venue :
Date of conduction :
Date of Submission :
Particulars Max. Marks
Pre lab and Post lab 10
Simulation and results 10
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
2 Resistors 24K Ω 2
100 Ω 1
12K Ω 1
3 Transistor Q2N2222 1
4 Diode DIN746 1
6 Multimeter 1
A voltage regulator is a voltage stabilizer that is designed to automatically stabilize a
constant voltage level. A voltage regulator circuit is also used to change or stabilize the voltage
level according to the necessity of the circuit. Thus, a voltage regulator is used for two reasons:
1. To regulate or vary the output voltage of the circuit.
2. To keep the output voltage constant at the desired value in-spite of variations in the
supply voltage or in the load current.
All electronic voltage regulators will have a stable voltage reference source which is
provided by the reverse breakdown voltage operating diode called zener diode. The main
reason to use a voltage regulator is to maintain a constant dc output voltage. It also blocks
the ac ripple voltage that cannot be blocked by the filter. A good voltage regulator may also
include additional circuits for protection like short circuits, current limiting circuit, thermal
shutdown, and over voltage protection. Electronic voltage regulators are designed by any of
the three or a combination of any of the three regulators given below.
A zener controlled voltage regulator is used when the efficiency of a regulated power
supply becomes very low due to high current. There are two kinds of zener controlled
transistor voltage regulators. Zener Controlled Transistor Series Voltage Regulator is a circuit
is also named an emitter follower voltage regulator. It is called so because the transistor
used is connected in an emitter follower configuration. The circuit consists of an N-P-N
transistor and a zener diode. As shown in the figure below, the collector and emitter
terminals of the transistor are in series with the load. Thus this regulator has the name series
in. The output of the rectifier that is filtered is then given to the input terminals and
regulated output voltage Vload is obtained across the load resistor Rload. The reference
voltage is provided by the zener diode and the transistor acts as a variable resistor, whose
resistance varies with the operating conditions of base current, Ibase. The main principle
behind the working of such a regulator is that a large proportion of the change in supply or
input voltage appears across the transistor and thus the output voltage tends to remain
The output voltage can thus be written as Vout = Vzener –
The transistor base voltage Vbase and the zener diode voltage Vzener are equal and thus the
value of Vbase remains almost constant.
When the input supply voltage Vin increases the output voltage Vload also increases. This
increase in Vload will cause a reduced voltage of the transistor base emitter voltage Vbe as
the zener voltage Vzener is constant. This reduction in Vbe causes a decrease in the level of
conduction which will further increase the collector-emitter resistance of the transistor and
thus causing an increase in the transistor collectoremitter voltage and all of this causes the
output voltage Vout to reduce. Thus, the output voltage remains constant. The operation is
similar when the input supply voltage decreases. The next condition would be the effect of
the output load change in regard to the output voltage. Let us consider a case where the
current is increased by the decrease in load resistance Rload. This causes a decrease in the
value of output voltage and thus causes the transistor base emitter voltage to increase. This
causes the collector emitter resistance value to decrease due to an increase in the conduction
level of the transistor. This causes the input current to increase slightly and thus compensates
for the decrease in the load resistance Rload. The biggest advantage of this circuit is that the
changes in the zener current are reduced by a factor β and thus the zener effect is greatly
reduced and a much more stabilized output is obtained. The output voltage of the series
regulator is Vout = Vzener – Vbe. The load current Iload of the circuit will be the maximum
emitter current that the transistor can pass. For a normal transistor like the 2N3055, the load
current can go upto 15A. If the load current is zero or has no value, then the current drawn
from the supply can be written as Izener + Ic(min). Such an emitter follower voltage regulator
is more efficient than a normal zener regulator. A normal zener regulator that has only a
resistor and a zener diode has to supply the base current of the transistor.
The limitations listed below has proved the use of this series voltage regulator only suitable
for low output voltages.
1. With the increase in room temperature, the values of Vbe and Vzener tend to decrease.
Thus the output voltage cannot be maintained a constant. This will further increase the
transistor base emitter voltage and thus the load.
2. There is no option to change the output voltage in the circuit.
3. Due to the small amplification process provided by only one transistor, the circuit cannot
provide good regulation at high currents.
4. When compared to other regulators, this regulator has poor regulation and ripple
suppression with respect to input variations.
5. The power dissipation of a pass transistor is large because it is equal to Vcc Ic and almost
all variation appears at Vce and the load current is approximately equal to collector
current. Thus for heavy load currents pass transistor has to dissipate a lot of power and,
therefore, becoming hot.
Fig 1
RZ=1k RL =100 RF1=12K RF2=24kK
1. Setup the circuit as shown in Figure-1.
2. For Line Regulation, set RL at 100 Ω. Vary the input voltage (V1) from 5v to25v. For each
setting, find the output enter in the table.
Plot the graph of Vo vs Vi.
3. For Load Regulation, set V1 at 10 v. Vary the load resistance RL from 100Ω to 1000Ω. For
each setting, find the output enter in the table. Plot the graph of Vo vs RL.
Experimental data and observations
Load Regulation VIN= 10 Volt
1 10 6.9409642
2 30 6.9409647
3 50 6.9409661
4 100 6.9409661
5 200 6.9409661
6 400 6.9409661
7 600 6.9409661
8 800 6.9409661
9 1000 6.9409661
10 1500 6.9409661
Line Regulation RL= 100 Ω
1 1 0.99862206
2 2 1.9900266
3 5 4.9658208
4 8 6.8954511
5 10 6.9409647
6 15 6.9971819
7 18 7.0177002
8 20 7.0288382
9 23 7.0430374
10 25 7.05127
Conclusion: The circuit of series voltage regulator is stimulated LTSpice software and the
output waveforms and required values are verified for both Line and Load Regulators.
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
Date of Conduction :
Particulars Max. Marks Obtained
Pre lab and Post lab 10
Simulation and results 10
Report 10
Viva 10
Total 40
Staff Name : KALIMUTHU K
Signature :
1. Design a D to A Convertor with a resolution of 0.3125V using R-2R network.
Assume the logic 1 to be 5V and logic 0 to be 0V.
2. Design a D to A Convertor with a resolution of 0.3125V using binary weighted
resistors. Assume the logic 1 to be 5V and logic 0 to be 0V.
3 Resistors 4K Ω 1
2K Ω 7
1K Ω 4
6 Multimeter 1
In electronics, a digital-to- analog converter (DAC or D-to-A) is a device for converting a
digital (usually binary) code to an analog signal (current, voltage or electric charge). Digitalto-
analog converters are the interface between the abstract digital world and the analog real life.
An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is an electronic circuit that
converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. Most of the real world physical
quantities such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure and time are available in analog form.
Even though an analog signal represent a real physical parameter with accuracy, it is difficult
to process, store or transmit the analog signal without introducing considerable error because
of the superimposition of noise as in the case of amplitude modulation. Therefore, for
processing, transmission and storage purposes, it is often convenient to express these variable
in digital form. It gives better accuracy and reduces noise.
D/A conversion is an important interface process for converting digital signals to analog
(linear) signals. An example is a voice signal that is digitized for storage processing, or
transmission and must be changed back into an approximation of the original audio signal in
order to drive a speaker.
Figure-2 shows the basic configuration for digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion. The
input is an n-bit binary word D and is combined with a reference voltage VR to give an analog
output signal. The output of a DAC can be either a voltage or current. For a voltage output
DAC, the D/A converter is mathematically described as
Vo = K VFS (d12-1+ d22-2+….+dn2-n)
Where, Vo =output voltage
d1 d2... dn=n-bit binary fractional word with the decimal point located at the
left d1 = most significant bit (MSB) with a weight of VFS / 2
Since the input to the D/A converter has a finite number of digital combinations, the resulting
analog output also has a limited number of possible values (unlike pure analog signals, which
may have an infinite number of values). The greater the number of possible values, the closer
the analog output will be to the ideal value. The number of possible levels is determined by the
number of lines or bits in the digital number. More specifically, the number of states is
computed as 2N where N is the number of bits in the digital number. For example, an 8-bit D/A
converter could be expected to produce 28, or 256, discrete output steps. If the full-scale range
of the converter is 0 to 10 volts, then each step will be 10/256, or about 39 millivolts. If finer
resolution is required, we need more bits in the digital number. Thus, a converter with 10-bit
resolution would provide 210, or 1024, steps with each step being equivalent to 10/1024, or
about 9.8 millivolts. Accuracy of a D/A converter describes the amount of error between the
actual output of the converter and the theoretical output for a given input number. This rating
inherently includes several other sources of error.
A certain amount of time is required for the output of a D/A converter to be correct once
a particular digital number has been applied at the input. Two major factors cause this delay.
First, it takes time for the changes to pass through the converter circuitry; this is called
propagation time. Second, the output of the D/A converter has a maximum rate of change called
slew rate, which is identical to the slew rate problems discussed with reference to op amps. The
delays caused by slew rate limiting and propagation time are collectively referred to as settling
time--the total time required for the analog output to stabilize after a new digital number has
been applied to the input.
The overall operating range of a D/A converter can be shifted up or down from the
optimum point. This DC offset is called offset error. In a somewhat similar manner, one end of
the range can be correct but the other extreme too high or too low. This is called a gain error or
scaling error.
As with A/D converters, we normally want a monotonic output. In other words, the
output should increase whenever the input number increases. However, it is possible for a D/A
converter to have a reduction in analog output at a particular point in its range, even though the
digital input is increasing uniformly.
Figure-3 shows the performance of a low-quality D/A converter. Several of the potential
problems described are present in the converted waveform. The input to the converter is a 4-bit
down counter (e.g., 15, 14, 13... 2, 1, 0, 15), and the analog output should be 16 equally spaced,
decreasing steps for each cycle, producing a reverse saw tooth waveform. If you examine the
waveform carefully, you can see the 16 distinct output levels; however, the steps are not equal in
amplitude (linearity problems)--the midpoint level actually increases instead of decreasing (non
monotonic), and there are several glitches caused by switching transients.
One of the most popular methods for D/A conversion is shown in Figure-5. It is called
an R2R ladder D/A converter, since the input network resembles the rungs on a ladder and the
resistors in the input network are either equal (R) or have a 2:1 ratio (2R). One advantage of
the R2R converter over the weighted converter previously discussed is immediately apparent;
the resistors have a 2:1 ratio regardless of the number of bits being converted. This makes
matching resistors much easier and even makes the use of integrated resistors practical.
An easy way to analyze the operation of the circuit is to Thevenize the input circuit for
one or more digital input numbers. Once the input circuit has been simplified with the venin’s
Theorem, you will be left with a simple inverting amplifier circuit whose input voltage is the
Thevenin equivalent voltage and whose gain is determined by the ratio of feedback resistance
to The venin equivalent input resistance. By performing several analyses with different input
numbers, you will discover that the least significant input (b0) produces the least effect on
output voltage, and the next input (bl) has twice as much effect on output voltage. Similarly,
bit b2 has twice the effect of b1, but only half the effect onoutput voltage of b3. These variable
effects are identical to the relative weights of the digits in a binary number.
b2 b1 b0 Vo ( observed) Vo ( Calculated)
0 0 0 0V 0V
0 0 1 0.624V 0.625V
0 1 0 1.249V 1.25V
0 1 1 1.874V 1.875V
1 0 0 2.50V 2.5V
1 0 1 3.1249V 3.125V
1 0 1 3.1249V 3.125V
1 1 0 3.7499V 3.75V
1 1 1 4.3749V 4.375V
1. Determine the output voltage of the DAC in Figure-7(a). The sequence of four-digit binary codes
represented by the waveforms in Figure-7(b) are applied to the inputs. A high level is a binary l,
and low level is a binary 0. The least significant binary digit is D0.
2. The R-2R ladder DAC shown in Figure-8 below consists of 10K & 20KΩ resistors, VREF =
2V and R1 = 10KΩ. Determine the values required for RF such that VFS = 10V.
R-2R Ladder DAC:
Graph for b2=1, b1=0, b0=0
Similarly perform all the inputs as in below table and note down the values
Vo ( Calculated) = - VR * (Rf / 2R) * ( b2/2 + b1/4 + b0/8 )
where, VR = 5V , Rf = 2R , b2(MSB bit ) and b0 (LSB bit )
= -(-5)*(10K/10K)*(1/2) For b2=1, b1=0, b0=0
= 2.5V
Similarly perform all the inputs as in below table and note down the values
b2 b1 b0 Vo ( observed) Vo ( Calculated)
0 0 0 0V 0V
0 0 1 0.62499V 0.625V
0 1 0 1.2499975V 1.25V
0 1 1 1.8749962V 1.875V
1 0 0 2.50V 2.5V
1 0 1 3.1249938V 3.125V
1 0 1 3.1249938V 3.125V
1 1 0 3.7499924V 3.75V
1 1 1 4.3749914V 4.375V
Results: The R-2R LADDER DAC is successfully designed and implemented using LTSpice.
Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Fourth Semester, 2020-21 (Even semester)
To construct a FLASH type A to D Convertor using LTspice simulation.
3 Resistors 1K Ω 8
6 Multimeter 1
A flash ADC (also known as a direct-conversion ADC) is a type of analog-to-digital
converter that uses a linear voltage ladder with a comparator at each "rung" of the ladder to
compare the input voltage to successive reference voltages. Often these reference ladders
are constructed of many resistors; however, modern implementations show that capacitive
voltage division is also possible. The output of these comparators is generally fed into a digital
encoder, which converts the inputs into a binary value (the collected outputs from the
comparators can be thought of as a unary value).Flash converters are extremely fast
compared to many other types of ADCs, which usually narrow in on the "correct" answer over
a series of stages. Compared to these, a flash converter is also quite simple and, apart from
the analog comparators, only requires logic for the final conversion to binary. For best
accuracy, often a track-and-hold circuit is inserted in front of the ADC input. This is needed
for many ADC types (like successive approximation ADC), but for flash ADCs there is no real
need for this, because the comparators are the sampling devices.
0-0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0.5- 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
1.0- 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
1.5- 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
2.0- 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2.5- 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
3.-3.5 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
3.5- 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Design Constraints
• Resistance should be use ±1 to ±5 tolerance
• Input voltage should be 5V for high and 0V for low.
13.5 LTspice Simulation Circuit Diagram :
Input and Output:
Fill the table Observation:
Input voltage range Output
Y1 Y0
0 to 1.25 V 0 0
1.25 V to 2.5 V 0 1
2.5 V to 3.75 V 1 0
3.75 V to 5 V 1 1
Conclusion: The Fash Type ADC has successfully designed ,implemented and verified using
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Team Members:
NAME Registration No. Marks obtained
NIDHISH PILLAI RA1911004010146
Date :
Staff name : Dr.K.Kalimuthu
Signature :
Experiment : Minor project
Circuit Diagram:
This displays that as the water reaches at each level after a fixed
interval of 2 seconds each the current begins to flow through the LED
belonging to that particular level, and therefore it starts glowing.
Finally after 7 seconds when water reach to the top level the branch
having buzzer becomes conducting and as a result the buzzer starts
Observations at definite intervals: -
1) At t = 0 seconds:
- Water level starts rising in the tank.
2) At t = 1 seconds:
- Water level reaches the 1st mark. So LED1 starts glowing.
3) At t = 2 seconds:
- Water level continues to rise.
4) At t = 3 seconds:
- Water level reaches the 2nd mark. So LED2 also starts glowing.
5) At t = 4 seconds:
- Water level continues to rise.
6) At t = 5 seconds:
- Water level reaches the 3rd mark. So LED3 also starts glowing.
7) At t = 6 seconds:
- Water level continues to rise.
8) At t = 7 seconds:
- Water level reaches up to the brim. So buzzer starts
The buzzer beeps continuously until the water level reduces or the
power supply is switched off
1. Power Saver
Living in an age where we need to be more conscious of the energy
that we use, a water level controller is ideal at saving power.
Normally, regulating water levels can consume electricity and
wastewater. However, with automatic controllers, the electricity usage
is limited as well as less water needed to regulate supply.
2. Money Saver
A water level controller helps save money by limiting the waste of
water and electricity. These devices accurately regulate how much
energy is used to protect against any unnecessary water/electricity
usage. Over time, the money saved is quite substantial.
3. Automatic
Another notable advantage with these devices is that they regulate on
their own. Eliminating manual operations with a timer switch, the
frustrations of manual monitoring water tanks are minimized. Water
levels are maintained at the appropriate levels thanks to the automatic
operations of these devices.
4. Water Maximization
On average, water pumps are used more during midday. A water level
controller can maximize the water usage provided during midday
while automatically lessening the water usage at night. This results in
an appropriate level of water at all times being maintained, while
providing you with the maximum use of your water at the appropriate
5. Reliable Electronic Design
Addressing the durability problems found in earlier designs, the solid-
state electronics in the newer models help to eliminate them. Not only
do they help to eliminate the durability issues, but they also create
considerable savings of the life span of the unit with an advanced
modular design. In order to minimize problem areas of these designs,
the only moving parts are the relays. These relays are easily replaced
and tested by any skilled operator or electrician while being an
inexpensive part.
6. New Control Minimize Fouling & Deterioration
Proving to be less costly, over time, than the original float design for
the ‘toilet tank’. The solid-state electronics are designed to minimize
volt usage (less than 1 volt). This directly minimizes the mineral
fouling, plating, rusting, and deterioration of probes, proving to be
safer and more efficient. These factors extend the life span of the
controllers significantly, which saves money and energy.
7. Easy Installation with LED Monitoring
These new solid-state electronics and integrated electronics offer
superior performance, hassle-free installation, and lower cost to
operate over time when compared to the lifespan of the original
design. For continuous monitoring, the integrated firmware and
digital dry-contact circuitry easily and quickly connect to the
automation systems of a building. Each function of the integrated
electronics and relays use LED lights to offer operators the ability to
visually scan them in order to verify proper operations.
The purpose of a water level indicator is to gauge and manage water
levels in a water tank. The control panel can also be programmed to
automatically turn on a water pump once levels get too low and refill
the water back to the adequate level