90 NM K Sram
90 NM K Sram
90 NM K Sram
Transistors, 7 layers of.Cu Interconnects, Low k ILD, and 1 urnz SRAM Cell
S. Thompson, N.Anand, M. Armstrong, C. Auth, B. &cot, M. Alavi”, P. Bai, I. Bielefeld, R. Bigwood, 1. Brandenburg, M. Buehler, S. Cea, V.
Chikarmane,C. Choi, R. Frankovic,T. Ghani, G. Glass, W. Han, T. Hoffmann*, M. Hussein, P. Jacob, A. lain. C. Jan, S . Joshi, C. Kenyon, I.
Klaus, S Klopcic, I. Luce, 2.Ma, B. Mcintyre, K .Misty, A. Munhy, P. Nguyen. H.Pearson, T. Sandford, R. Schweinfunh,R. Shah&*, S .
Siv&mar, M. Taylor, B. Tufts, C. Wallace, P. Wang, C. Weber*, and M. Bohr
Portland Technology Development, * TCAD,’ QRE, Intel Corporation, Hillsbro, OR 97124, USA.
n0 Pentiud
but also use Si& to strain the silicon channel for improved
mobility. To control short channel effects, a thin 1.2 nm
physical oxide is used as shown in Figure 4. The thin oxide Y
enables MOSFETs with well-controlled short channel char- - 1
acteristics down to a physical gate of 50 nm, which is a 0 . 7 ~ 1.2V strain channel
scaling of our previous generation on a two-year offset L31
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
( m M 4
Figure 6: NMOS ION vs. ION at 1.OV and 1.2V
-1 00
Figure 4: TEM of I .?nm gate oxide.
-a= 10
Strained silicon channels have been shown experimen-
$ 1
tally 141 and theoretically [ 5 ] to offer large mobility en-
hancement (greater than 2X), thus, giving strong motivation
for incorporation into future CMOS technologies. Yield 0.1
considerations and CMOS flow integration issues place con-
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
straints on the magnitude of silicon strain and hence mobility
enhancement. In this work, strained silicon channels with IDSAT(m4m)
greater than 50% mobility enhancement are inserted into an Figure 7: PMOS ION vs. ION at 1.OV and 1.2V.
integrated process flow with equivalent yield. Due to elec- Three techniques to strain the silicon channel have been
tron and hole velocity saturation, the benefit strained en- previously reported (Figure 8): (a) biaxial in-plane tensile
hanced mobility on short channel device performance has strain using epitaxial Si& [4-6,9-12], (b) strain by a tensile
been the subject of some debate. The first confirmation that film [ 13,141, and (c) strain by mechanical force [71. Strained
strain-enhanced mobility improves saturated drive current silicon channel CMOS obtained by a tensile film (without
for short O.lum devices was shown in 1998 161 and again implant relaxation) provides small to no net gain since it
recently in 2001 [7]. For the first time we show that for sub- improves electron mobility but degrades hole mobility 1131.
100 nm transistors with gate lengths as small as 50 nm, the Implant relaxation is also difficult to implement due to close
enhanced mobility still improves the saturated drive current. proximity of n and pchannel transistors [ 141. It is interest-
Also, we observe that for the same magnitude of electron ing that large hole mobility enhancement is predicted theo-
and hole mobility improvement, a larger saturation current retically [ 5 ] but much smaller improvements have been o b
gain is observed for p channel transistors due to velocity
served experimentally [4]. Many publications have reported
saturation being less important for holes than electrons. on large electron mobility enhancement for biaxial in-plane
Figures 6 and 7 show the saturated drive currents for tensile straining using Si&, however, the magnitude of en-
strained silicon surface n and p channel MOSFETs, which hanced hole mobility has varied [4,9]. Also phonon-limited
are improved IO - 20 % over our best 50 nm non-strained mobility enhancement is predicted theoretically [8] to be
channel control device (Iom = 40 nNwm). present at both low and high effective vertical fields but ex-
perimental data have been inconclusive [4,9], possibly due
Technology Feature Size to increased surface roughness scattering at high effective
9 k m l field in some of the samples.
180nrn Mechankal
l8Onm 130nm
;E, 0.1
v) loonm
.n; .......
1980 1990 2000 2010
(8) (b) (e)
Figure 5 : Transistor size and technology trend. Figure 8: Techniques to strain the silicon channel.
This work, while having some similarities with the above- better narrow gate polyicide resistance compared to cobalt
discussed approaches, is unique and uses epitaxial SiGe to silicide with raised source/drdins.
strain the silicon channel. High mobility is achieved by
making devices with equivalent fixed oxide charge and sur-
face roughness compared to bulk. In this work, both the
electron and hole mobility gains are present at both low and
high effective vertical fields. The enhanced hole mobility
versus effective field is shown in Figure 9 and compared to
other recent publications. By varying the Ge concentration,
the strain in the silicon can be increased or decreased. Fig-
ure IO shows the hole mobility enhancement versus strain.
In this work with high yield, we target > 50% improved mo-
5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2
'Ei 140 E, / (MV/cm)
Figure I I : I .2 nm gate oxide time to fail vs. electric field.
0 2002
I 40
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
EWFI (MV/cm)
Figure 9: Hole mobility as a function of effective field.
Vias are etched first before the trenches without using Conclusion
two etch-stop layers I IS I. The single thin SIN provides 15% A 90 nm generation logic technology has been demon-
lower line to line capacitance over the two etch stop ap- strated with low power high performance strained silicon
proach. The low K ILD reduces the line-to-line capacitances channel transistors. Excellent interconnect performance is
on average 22% over fluorinated SiOz used on the 130 nm achieved by using 7 layers of dual damascene Cu with CDO
technology 12,31 as shown in Figure 14. Metal aspect ratios dielectrics. The technology performance capabilities are
are optimized for minimum RC delay. and range from I .6 to demonstrated with a strained silicon channel 5 2 Mbit SRAM
I .8. To benchmark the performance of interconnects, Figure operating at 2.0 GHz.
IS shows the RC delay in picoseconds per millimeter of
wire. Data for each metal layer is shown as a function of the
minimum pitch at that layer. For a given pitch, a 70% reduc-
tion in RC is achieved by using Cu interconnects and CDO
ILD over aluminum and fluorinated SiOl [ I I.
1- % <<za
Cu ,SiOF
J! Tyagi et al. 2000
5 0.09
$ 0.07 - U, CDO (This Work)
I Figure 16: Die photo of 52 Mbit SRAM with Ipm2 6-T cell.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Pitch I (nm)
-- 140
Cycle Time (ns)
Figure 17: Schmoo plot for the 52 Mbit SRAM.
a 20
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