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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:12/December -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com


Hanin Badsah*1
*1PG Student, University of Kalyani, Department of Education, Kalyani, Nadia, India.
Swami Vivekananda was one of the thinkers whose educational opinion is unique, ameliorating imitable
and practicable. He shines like a glowing idol in the galaxy of intellectuals. Swami Vivekananda realized
that the Education System introduced by the British did not match to India’s culture. Indian culture and
tradition always consider in Indian education system. He said that this education system turned men into
slaves. He also considered that the education system in those days is no better than an efficient machine
which rapidly turns men into clerks. Swami Vivekananda also criticized the British system of education
from the humanistic points. He told that this education is not a man making, merely and completely a
negative education. As a negative education, it will not be develop of our nation.
He tries to express best education system for the Indian people. The present study is discussed about
Vivekananda thought on educational system and the teacher. The study aims to find out types of
education according to Vivekananda and teacher role in our education system.
Keywords: Education system, Physical education, Religious and Moral education, Science education, Mass
education, Women education, Teacher.
In 19th
century India shaped a galaxy of enormous men who have enriched our country life by their ability
and traits. One of the famous men of this galaxy is Swami Vivekananda. He was also known as
Narendranath Dutta in childhood. He was born in 1863 at north Kolkata in an enlightened family. In 1902
he was died. Swamiji was investigative in nature from his early childhood. Swami Vivekananda was one
the supreme saintly leaders of the modern of world, a great devotee of humanity, his unconditional
comprehensive love to all people without any distinctions of class, caste, creed race, region.
In the past of Indian education, he was one of the supreme thinker as well as educationist. His way of life
influenced in our system of education. He was greatly influenced Vedanta philosophy, which is help to
attain the ‘unity with the creator’. Vedanta gives the importance of both the personal and the
interpersonal God. He believed that education every man will always make the best character, increase
strength of mind and intellect. By all of this a man can stand on his own feet. Through education a man
would develop adaptability and capable to meet the challenge of a changing society. A man receives
education and training from his parents and teachers. Education should lead to a sensation of
brotherhood and the harmony of mankind. Education always would be a man-making process which is
help harmonious development of the body, mind and soul. A nation can develop through the best
education system. Education should be spread to every citizen in our country.
Main Objectives of the study:
• To discuss about the educational thoughts of Vivekananda in the education system.
• To discuss about role of education to the national development.
• To discuss about different types of education.
• To discuss about the educational thought of Vivekananda on Teacher.
This study is fully various source of data based. All the information for this study has been collected
mainly from different types of books, journals, reviews, and articles.
Delimitation of the present study:
Swami Vivekananda’s judgment of education and his contributions is a vast area. But in a very short time,
I just try to present, Vivekananda’s ideas on education system and teacher only in this study.

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:12/December -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
Education system in the view point of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda was a naturalist. He emphasized that reliable education is achievable through nature
and normal propensities of the learners. And the aim of education is-
 To develop the child’s with his/her moral qualities.
 To develop the learners spiritual qualities.
 To realize his role in the society.
 To promote self-sufficiency, self-reliance and confidence.
 To acquire best character through education.
 To enables the learner to stand on his own legs.
 To promote universal brotherhood through education.
 To manifest of his/her overall creativity, power, personality this is already in the learner.
The best and perfect education-system is that where the learner enable to apply their own noble ideas
and to grow up physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually. He was a bright star in the field of
education and touched the every aspect of education. Vivekananda proposed the ‘‘man making
education”. He is greatly emphasis on man, like a temple. Vivekananda realize that we need meditation for
purification and always needs to prayer for our wisdom. Below are discussed, about types of education
according to Swami Vivekananda:
Vivekananda describe overall system of education. Which is influenced every aspect of education. To
establish a great nation we need to a perfect education system, which is help us to make a responsible
citizen. To establish a great nation, he includes various type of education in the education system. These
1. Physical Education as a part of education system
Vivekananda greatly emphasized on physical education in curriculum. He felt that all education and
training should be man-making, because man is always play a major role in the society. Everybody knows
that making the body strong we must need physical education. He felt that physical exercise is most
important in everyday life. Power is life and weakness is death. Because we need the strength and power,
Physical education are very important particularly for every young men and women. Such as, this is the
integral part of the twenty first century education system because without the knowledge of Physical
education character building and self realization is not possible. If we want to stand our own feet we need
to learn physical education and apply our daily life activity or make an integral part of our everyday
2. Religious and Moral Education as a part education system
To develop our morality and spiritual knowledge we need to include Moral and religious education in our
curriculum. In our daily life this type of education are most impactful. Vivekananda always believed in
universalism and spiritual brotherhood. He was greatly emphasis on Vedanta Darshan. He told that
Vedanta as a religion strongly practical. The teaching of the Vedanta should be applied to the day to day
life. He found no fundamental difference between various religions. Therefore he suggests universal
He believed that religion is the core of education. Religious education is most important, because it is
synthesis of religion and science. A religious man must be always curious to know the true fact of
knowledge. In the present time we need both science and religion. His religious view was before having
faith in god, every man need to believe owns self.
Religious Education means he does not emphasis teaching about a particular religion. Religious education
always able to develop moral values among the learners and to realize all man is the same. To enable
understand to able difference between good and evil. Moral education greatly influence in this regard.

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:12/December -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
3. Science Education as a part of education system
Swami Vivekananda was emphasis on science education. He believed that every person needs scientific
knowledge in his social life. He emphasized on physics, biological science, computer science, technology,
information technology. He always tries to synthesize different branches of knowledge like English
language and western science. Through science education a learner will free from all the prejudice of the
4. Mass Education as a part of education system
Swami Vivekananda insistently advocated the increase of universal mass education as real India lives in
her cottages. He respected human individuality, everywhere and pleaded for freedom for everyone. He
believed that, each psyche is potentially holy. We need to manifest this holiness by controlling nature,
outer and inner. If we need desirable socio-economic changes in our country, must need mass education.
According to Vivekananda ‘education is the birthright of every human being. It is biological, social,
economical spiritual necessity. He was deeply moved by the poverty of the masses. He realized that many
people of this country live in starvation and unawareness they need to education to live in main stream of
the society.
A national development depends on advancement of education, so we need to spread education among
the masses so soon as possible. Through mass education everyman will be acquire minimum knowledge
of living.
5. Man-making Education as a part of education system
Basically the chief element of man making education was Swami Vivekananda’s Vedantic philosophy of
life. Swami Vivekananda gives the concept of man-making education which is play the most important
role in the society or as well in the individuals. Man making education means harmonious development of
body, mind and soul. Through man making education a man will develop harmony, assimilation, help and
peace qualities. It is an inherent character development process as well as vocational development. Man
Making Education solves much more problems which are raised in recent time. Through this education a
man will make suitable for the society.
6. Women Education as a part of education system
Vivekananda championed the root of women’s education and their liberation. He was highly impressed to
see the women of the progressive countries like America, England, Japan, working with men and,
immensely contributing to national advancement. He was greatly pained at the miserable condition of
women in India. He believed that a nation will develop when paying proper respect to women and rising
their status. He emphasis women education because he realized without women education no family or a
country can rise up, therefore at first they have to rise up.
Swami Vivekananda regarded woman as the embodiment of Shakti, the primordial energy of the universe.
To build up a nation or development of the nation male and female are contribute equally or same.
Therefore, education for woman is as much important for a nation’s development as that of men, with the
difference that they required to be trained differently in view of the difference in their substantial and
intellectual composition and their societal roles. He realized that if Indian women are given appropriate
education and highly regarded place in this country, the nation will moving forward. He suggests that,
Best characters must always be offered before the view of the girls to imbue them with a commitment to
lofty principles of selflessness.
7. Vocational / technical education as a part of education system
Swami Vivekananda suggests a balanced Indian national education system, which develop all round
development of human personality. Education system must inculcated vocational or technical education.
Swamiji felt that to develop our industry we need technical education, which will develop our total
economy in our country. And every person will be independent through earn money. Through vocational
education we produce our necessary product in our own country. Various type of vocational work must
be a part of our curriculum.

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:12/December -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
8. Mother tongue as a part of education system
According to Swamiji teaching learning process must be implemented by mother tongue. He also believed
western language and knowledge. Western subject or knowledge may be implemented by English
language. To acquired cultural knowledge, we can use Sanskrit language. But we always first consider
mother tongue.
To prepare the man as a social being we must required a well-built hand of a teacher. Today teacher has
to execute various roles supporting, facilitating and encouraging. An ideal teacher can help to create great
students. Teacher performs a crucial role to best development of the society. Actually a teacher is an
architect of our future generations. Teachers are role models for students who are follow the teachers.
Teacher can present examples of best character every day in the classroom. In the purpose of overall
Education system teacher performs a great role. Formal education is becoming supplementary to make a
responsible citizen. Teachers are playing more momentous roles in shaping the future of the nation. A
teacher is to put forward and not teach. No teacher should put forth any kind of force on his pupils.
Education must be based on the requirements of the student. Swamiji laid emphasis on self teaching or
learning. The esprit is already in the mind of the learners. Knowledge is within. It is intrinsic in the mind
of the human being. A teacher always help the student and to understand how to think, what to think,
how to discriminate between good and bad, and how to appreciate the good. Teacher is always ready to
promote creativity and unveil hidden potentials in the student. He has must be the technique of
curriculum transaction. Vivekananda felt that he is the ideal teacher who can feel student felling in his
own self. He discover himself through learners self, through learner eyes, feel sound through learners ear.
And he teach himself trough the learner mind. Only that teacher can teach and no one else.
The tasks of an ideal teacher are:
 To demonstrate, persuade and inspire the pupil to discover his potentials, abilities and talents.
 To properly understand their mind, body and spirit.
 To love, affection and empathy.
 To leading by example, living a value-based life.
 To dedication and commitment to the cause of education.
 To understanding of the scriptures.
To clarify the duty of a teacher, Swamiji refers to the enlargement of a plant. The plant cannot do anything
more than supplying it with water, air and manure while it grows by its own environment. So is the case
with a child. Vivekananda's way of education resembles the heuristic method of the contemporary
educationists. In this method, the teacher invokes the courage of inquiry in the pupil who is imaginary to
find out things for himself under the bias-free assistance of the teacher.
Education system and role of teacher and its present relevance:
Swami Vivekananda wanted to eliminate the evils of the society by revised to politics, sociology,
economics, and education. Swami Vivekananda realized that time, we need to progress with another
country of the world. If we want to acquire our actual progress, we need to change our education system.
We need to change our thinking, change our constraint mind, self education, change the spirituality in
social setting, reform of our curriculum etc. Education always should be a man-making process. He
emphasis that curriculum should synthesize the knowledge and wisdom of east and west. He wants to all
round development of personality of the learner. He was strongly believed in Discipline, which is a most
important aspect of the persons. Vivekananda emphasis all type of education which most important at the
present time.
He also declared that a teacher can moved forward in our system of education. Teachers role are most
important in the field of education that time he clearly realized. He says that teacher should be perfectly
pure, know the spirit of scriptures, spiritual force of the teacher based on love for the learners (student),
think that he is only helping the child grow, always offer the suggestion for the learners. As a teacher

www.irjmets.com @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:12/December -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
(externally) only guides and motivated the learners learning. Now a day Vivekananda’s thoughts are most
relevant that we mostly realized.
Swami Vivekananda was a great thinker, monastic and revolutionized almost all the aspect of education.
In the view point of Education system and role of teacher in Indian Education are most relevant in our
present society. His idea of education solves so many problems which are raised in recent time. His
famous words; "conscious, come up, and stop not till the goal is reached" - at a standstill resonated among
the youth of the nation, stimulating their social consciousness and firewood their damp spirits. We
recapitulate with words of Swami Vivekananda- To provide education for the lower classes and the
overall young generation; to build up their lost individuality. Give them knowledge that is the only help
they want and then the rest will follow as the outcome. His huge contributions in the field of education
include self-knowledge, self-reliance, concentration, overall mass education, women’s education, physical
education, man-making education, character-building education, education through the medium of
mother –tongue, religion and moral education, value education, enthusiastic teacher etc. This is accurate
and has its significance in our country till now. The teacher plays the key character for educating common
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