Chapter 1 Case Study - New Century Health Clinic

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Carla Tom Su
Fred Brown Lisa Sung
Herrera Capaletti Gi

Appointment Pa
Chain Insurance Payroll
Lists Re

Accounting Tax Reminder

1. Identify at least three business processes that New Century performs and explain who is
responsible for the specific tasks.

New Century performs its business process mainly with the management of Anita Davenport.
She manages all five staff members and assures their work is complete. For example, Anita overseas the
work from Fred Brown who has more tasks that anyone other staff member. She makes sure Fred does
Payroll, Tax and Profit on time. Next, we have Susan Gifford, who keeps track of Patient Records. Along
Susan, we have Tom Capaletti who works on Insurance and Accounting for New Century.

Another way to ensure New Century has business is by Lisa Sung by doing Appointment Lists and
Reminders, she has to make sure to remind patients of their appointments. Finally, we have Carla
Herrera who is the supply chain management. Keeping track of supplies for all of the doctors and staff

2. Explain how New Century might use a transaction processing system, a business support
system, and a user productivity system. For each type of system, provide a specific example,
and explain how the system would benefit the clinic.

          Business Support System:

Provides job-related information support to users at all levels of a company. They help replace manual
tasks as payroll processing (System Analysis and Design [Eighth Edition], Page 13). We need to collect all
the information from every process and enter them into our system to get valuable information about
our business which helps make decisions for our company’s growth.
Susan Gifford could perform her job more efficiently with recording patient’s information in the system
which could be used efficiently by the manager for efficient decision making in future. Lisa Sung would
be equally benefited by this system to make appointments lists daily and to make reminder calls to the
patients. Hence, the system would benefit New Century Health Clinic in being efficient in the daily tasks
that they have to perform and also would help better decision making for future growth of the business.
 One of the best examples of business support system is RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips that
Wal-Mart and other large businesses are using to keep tract of the inventories in and out and set up a
decision making system for the profit/loss, sales growth, most frequently used inventory by customers
and other decisions that a system would make it for us and we can make decision based on the system’s

  User Productivity Systems:

include all the levels of technology that improves productivity which include e-mail, voicemail, video
conferencing, database management, desktop publishing, high speed internet, and company intranets
(System Analysis and Design [Eighth Edition], Page 14).
If the clinic would expand its business in future and would have different branches, company intranet
would be nearly mandatory for effective data processing and would be very helpful. The processes and
system could be shared by all other branches which would decrease the cost of investment for the clinic
to expand. Also, the patient information could be retrieved from any other locations of the clinic. They
could have a facility of having their checkups in any of the branches of the clinic. The database and video
conferencing would help managers and the doctors make decisions on the processes and operation of
the clinic respectively. All the user productivity systems are very important. These days, these
productivity systems are becoming mandatory for any forms of business as everything we process and
perform is going digital
Transaction processing systems:

Process data generated by day-to-day business operation. It is a good system which protects the
integrity of data in our organization and therefore if single element of a transaction fails, the system
doesn’t process the rest of the transaction. (System Analysis and Design [Eighth Edition], Page 12).
          A simple example of such kind of system would be company who sells products and services
online. E-bay, where a buyer bids for the item they want to purchase must bid higher than other buyers
who are also bidding for the same item. Also, the system would not confirm its sale unless the buyer
confirms the payment by check, credit card or PayPal.
          One of the many ways transaction processing system would help New Century Health Clinic would
be to set up an appointment or take the patients for the checkups after confirming that the doctors are
free and the clinic supplies are enough to perform the checkups of the individual patients.

3. During the systems development process, should New Century consider any of the following:
B2B, vertical and horizontal system packages, or Internet-based solutions? Explain your

Internet-based solutions:

New Century should consider mostly the Internet-based solutions among B2B and vertical and
horizontal system packages. The reason behind selecting internet-based solutions in the system
development processes is that most of, the users, who are one of the important key components of
information systems are accessible to internet and they demand the services as appointment setting and
paying bills online. They would want to have their medical history online and it is convenient for them to
remember when their next visit is due if they get alert in emails or from the website of the company.
They can check out the updates of the company and available time frame they can visit the clinic. Also,
many prospective patients would be exposed to the company promotions online and the company could
substantially increase the growth in the market by taking many new patients. Therefore, if I were an IT
consultant for New Century Health Clinic then I would most definitely consider internet-based solutions
in the system development processes.

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