The Sword of The Spirit by Shawn Boonstra
The Sword of The Spirit by Shawn Boonstra
The Sword of The Spirit by Shawn Boonstra
Introduction ................................................................5
Mary Jones and the Bible ...........................................8
Bible Study Basics .....................................................19
Getting Even More From Your Bible Study . ...........27
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan..................41
Read the Bible in a Year ...........................................54
Bible Study Resources................................................60
For the word of God is living and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
and of joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
little girl in Wales to thank. She had such a love for God’s
word that she dedicated her every waking moment to se-
curing one for herself.
If God could use a humble country girl to start the ful-
fillment of a 2,500-year-old prophecy, I wonder what He
might be waiting to do with you. The work of spreading
the message of this Book is not finished yet. We’re almost
there—but not quite.
God is waiting for more people like Mary to step out in
simple faith and devote themselves to Him. He is waiting
for you. Just imagine what could happen!
Maybe you have never read or studied the Bible. May-
be you haven’t been studying it like you should. Maybe
you’ve never had a chance to see what a little Welsh girl
found in this book more than 200 years ago. Read on, be-
cause this little book will help you find out what God has
planned for you!
C h a p t e r Tw o
It’s 5 a.m. and the alarm clock rings. It’s time for your
morning devotions. You wipe the sleep out of your eyes,
reach for the Bible on your nightstand and peruse a cou-
ple of verses from the book of Psalms.
You got to bed a little late last night and it’s kind of
hard to focus on what you’re reading. Five minutes after
you have finished, you can hardly remember what you
read. Have you ever felt you are not getting enough out of
your devotional life?
Maybe you have all the modern study tools, even a com-
puter Bible, yet when you are finished you can’t remember
what you just read. You are not getting anything out of it.
What can you do to have a better time in the Bible?
Let me suggest a few things you can do to solve this
Let the Holy Spirit Be Your Guide. The Bible itself
teaches that the Spirit of God is our Guide when we study
it. The same Holy Spirit that initiated the writing of the
Bible, the same Holy Spirit that impressed the hearts and
many texts as you can on the subject to see the whole picture!
Use the right tools in the right way. As a preacher I have
to admit that sometimes I can’t remember where a particu-
lar passage is found! That is where a concordance comes
in handy. There are great concordances available, such as
Young’s Analytical Concordance of the Bible and Strong’s Exhaus-
tive Concordance of the Bible as well as concordances in the back
of many Bibles. These are very useful Bible study tools.
The concordance in the back of your Bible is often very
limited. There will be a few texts on each topic. Young’s
Concordance and Strong’s Concordance are exhaustive concor-
dances. In other words, they will take every instance of a
word in the Bible and list it for you. For example, it lists
each time the word “Jesus” is mentioned. Every serious
Bible student should have at least one good concordance
in his or her library.
There are also many commentaries and Bible study aids
written by various authors. Some of them are excellent ex-
planations of Bible concepts and principles. But what if you
are reading one that is seemingly very good and you notice
something that is not in harmony with what the Scripture
teaches? The Bible gives us some counsel for this kind of
situation in Proverbs 19:27, “Cease listening to instruction, my
son, that will lead you to stray from the words of knowledge.”
It is very clear in this passage what we should do when
we find instruction that leads us away from the true knowl-
edge of God’s Word. We need to avoid following instruc-
tion that is not in harmony with Scripture.
Understanding God’s Word is not merely a matter of
the mind, it is also a matter of the heart. Some of the most
Bible Study Basics 23
words and put them back in the context of the rest of the
Bible: “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your
God’” (verse 7). In other words, true Christians do not
throw themselves off of high buildings or handle deadly
snakes on purpose. There is a dramatic difference between
faith and presumption!
It should be obvious to us what was wrong with George
Hensley’s theology. It was unbalanced. He took a “buffet”
approach to scripture, loading only the things that looked
appetizing or useful onto his theological plate. The rest—
the all-important defining scriptural context—he left be-
hind. That is a poor approach to studying scripture.
Sadly, it is also a common one. Christians are often
guilty of using scripture like a fortune cookie, or as a gar-
nish for their own opinion. They only turn to the Bible for
quick advice the way some people shake a “magic eight-
ball” for the answer to an important question. While this
may not always result in such extremes as snake handling,
it is still poor scriptural stewardship, and can lead to some
rather strange thinking.
Pastor John MacArthur tells the story of watching a
popular Christian television program some years ago on
which a guest explained the “biblical” basis for his minis-
try: “My ministry is based entirely on my life-verse, Matthew
19:26: ‘With God all things are possible.’ God gave me that
verse because I was born in 1926.”
The host of the program became very excited, and
grabbed his Bible to find his life-verse. He was born in 1934,
so he looked up Matthew 19:34. There are only 30 verses
in Matthew 19, so he turned to the gospel of Luke instead.
Luke 19:34 says, “And they said, ‘The Lord has need of him.’”
His eyes grew large with excitement. “Hallelujah!” he
exclaimed. “The Lord has need of me!” His excitement
disappeared, however, when his wife reminded him of the
context: “Wait a minute!” she said. “You can’t use this—it’s
talking about a donkey!”
I have heard scriptural reasoning like this from many
Here is a simple but important question: how could this
have been avoided? How could George Hensley’s audience
have avoided falling prey to his sensationalism? It’s simple:
the same way Jesus avoided the temptation to throw Him-
self off the temple. He quoted scripture in context. That
is our safeguard, too—but in order to be able to do it, you
have to develop a broad-based knowledge of the Bible.
Tragically, biblical illiteracy appears to be more wide-
spread than ever, even among Christians! For example,
consider the troubling experience I had a couple of years
ago. I was speaking to a group of young people in church
and asked them which was the most popular show on tele-
vision. Not only were they able to give me the name of the
program, they also knew what time the show aired each
week on different networks, were familiar with the basic
plot, and knew the cast of characters by memory.
Fair enough. Sometimes it is hard to avoid knowing
such things in a world so completely saturated by the secu-
lar media. But then I asked them where you find the story
of David and Goliath in the Bible. I didn’t ask for chap-
ter and verse, just the name of the book. And they didn’t
have to tell me from memory; they were allowed to thumb
Getting More From Your Bible 31
Discipleship Journal
Bible Reading Plan
This Bible Reading Plan was first published in 1987 by
Discipleship Journal and has been a great blessing to me.
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Mt. 1:1-17 o Acts 1:1-11 o Ps. 1 o Gen. 1-2
2. o 1:18-25 o 1:12-26 o 2 o 3-4
3. o 2:1-12 o 2:1-21 o 3 o 5-8
4. o 2:13-23 o 2:22-47 o 4 o 9-11
5. o 3:1-12 o 3 o 5 o 12-14
6. o 3:13-17 o 4:1-22 o 6 o 15-17
7. o 4:1-11 o 4:23-37 o 7 o 18-20
8. o 4:12-17 o 5:1-16 o 8 o 21-23
9. o 4:18-25 o 5:17-42 o 9 o 24
10. o 5:1-12 o 6 o 10 o 25-26
11. o 5:13-20 o 7:1-38 o 11 o 27-28
12. o 5:21-32 o 7:39-60 o 12 o 29-30
13. o 5:33-48 o 8:1-25 o 13 o 31
o 6:1-15 o 8:26-40 o 14 o 32-33
15. o 6:16-24 o 9:1-19 o 15 o 34-35
16. o 6:25-34 o 9:20-43 o 16 o 36
17. o 7:1-14 o 10:1-23 o 17 o 37-38
18. o 7:15-29 o 10:24-48 o 18:1-25 o 39-40
19. o 8:1-13 o 11:1-18 o 18:26-40 o 41
20. o 8:14-22 o 11:19-30 o 19 o 42-43
21. o 8:23-34 o 12 o 20 o 44-45
22. o 9:1-13 o 13:1-25 o 21 o 46-47
23. o 9:14-26 o 13:26-52 o 22:1-11 o 48
24. o 9:27-38 o 14 o 22:12-31 o 49
25. o 10:1-20 o 15:1-21 o 23 o 50
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan 43
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Mt. 10:21-42 o Acts 15:22-42
o Ps. 24 o Ex. 1-3
2. o 11:1-19 o 16:1-15 o 25 o 4-6
3. o 11:20-30 o 16:16-40 o 26 o 7-9
4. o 12:1-21 o 17:1-15 o 27 o 10-12
5. o 12:22-37 o 17:16-34 o 28 o 13-15
6. o 12:38-50 o 18:1-17 o 29 o 16-18
7. o 13:1-23 o 18:18-28 o 30 o 19-20
8. o 13:24-43 o 19:1-22 o 31 o 21-23
9. o 13:44-58 o 19:23-41 o 32 o 24-26
10. o 14:1-21 o 20:1-12 o 33
o 27-29
11. o 14:22-36 o 20:13-38 o 34
o 30-31
12. o 15:1-20 o 21:1-26 o 35
o 32-33
13. o 15:21-39 o 21:27-40 o 36
o 34
14. o 16:1-12 o 22
o 37:1-22 o 35-37
15. o 16:13-28 o 23:1-11 o 37:23-40
o 38-40
16. o 17:1-13 o 23:12-35 o 38
o Lev. 1-4
17. o 17:14-27 o 24
o 39 o 5-7
18. o 18:1-14 o 25:1-12 o 40
o 8-10
19. o 18:15-35 o 25:13-27 o 41
o 11-13
20. o 19:1-15 o 26:1-18 o 42
o 14-15
21. o 19:16-30 o 26:19-32 o 43
o 16-17
22. o 20:1-16 o 27:1-26 o 44
o 18-20
23. o 20:17-34 o 27:27-44 o 45
o 21-23
24. o 21:1-11 o 28:1-16 o 46
o 24-25
25. o 21:12-22 o 28:17-31 o 47
o 26-27
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Mt. 21:23-32 o Rom 1:1-17 o Ps. 48 o Num. 1-2
2. o 21:33-46 o 1:18-32 o 49 o 3-4
3. o 22:1-14 o 2 o 50 o 5-6
4. o 22:15-33 o 3 o 51 o 7-8
5. o 22:34-46 o 4 o 52 o 9-11
6. o 23:1-12 o 5:1-11 o 53 o 12-14
7. o 23:13-24 o 5:12-21 o 54 o 15-17
8. o 23:25-39 o 6:1-14 o 55 o 18-20
9. o 24:1-14 o 6:15-23 o 56 o 21-22
10. o 24:15-35 o 7:1-12 o 57 o 23-25
11. o 24:36-51 o 7:13-25 o 58 o 26-27
12. o 25:1-13 o 8:1-17 o 59 o 28-30
13. o 25:14-30 o 8:18-39 o 60 o 31-32
14. o 25:31-46 o 9:1-18 o 61 o 33-36
15. o 26:1-16 o 9:19-33 o 62 o Deut. 1-3
16. o 26:17-35 o 10 o 63 o 4-5
17. o 26:36-56 o 11:1-24 o 64 o 6-8
18. o 26:57-75 o 11:25-36 o 65 o 9-12
19. o 27:1-10 o 12:1-8 o 66 o 13-17
20. o 27:11-26 o 12:9-21 o 67 o 18-21
21. o 27:27-44 o 13 o 68 o 22-26
22. o 27:45-56 o 14 o 69:1-18 o 27-28
23. o 27:57-66 o 15:1-13 o 69:19-36 o 29-31
24. o 28:1-10 o 15:14-33 o 70 o 32
25. o 28:11-20 o 16 o 71 o 33-34
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan 45
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Mk. 1:1-8 o 1 Cor. 1:1-17
o Ps. 72 o Jos. 1-2
2. o 1:9-20 o 1:18-31 o 73 o 3-5
3. o 1:21-34 o 2 o 74 o 6-7
4. o 1:35-45 o 3 o 75 o 8-9
5. o 2:1-12 o 4 o 76 o 10-12
6. o 2:13-17 o 5 o 77 o 13-14
7. o 2:18-28 o 6:1-11 o 78:1-39 o 15-17
8. o 3:1-19 o 6:12-20 o 78:40-72 o 18-19
9. o 3:20-35 o 7:1-16 o 79 o 20-21
10. o 4:1-20 o 7:17-40 o 80 o 22-23
11. o 4:21-41 o 8 o 81 o 24
12. o 5:1-20 o 9:1-12 o 82 o Jud. 1-3
13. o 5:21-43 o 9:13-27 o 83 o 4-5
14. o 6:1-13 o 10:1-13 o 84 o 6-7
15. o 6:14-29 o 10:14-33 o 85 o8
16. o 6:30-44 o 11:1-16 o 86 o9
17. o 6:45-56 o 11:17-34 o 87 o 10-12
18. o 7:1-23 o 12:1-13 o 88 o 13-15
19. o 7:24-37 o 12:14-31 o 89:1-18 o 16
20. o 8:1-13 o 13 o 89:19-52 o 17-18
21. o 8:14-21 o 14:1-25 o 90 o 19
22. o 8:22-30 o 14:26-40 o 91 o 20-21
23. o 8:31-38 o 15:1-28 o 92 o Ru. 1
24. o 9:1-13 o 15:29-58 o 93 o 2-3
25. o 9:14-32 o 16 o 94 o4
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Mk. 9:33-50 o 2 Cor. 1:1-11
o Ps. 95 o 1 Sam. 1-2
o 10:1-16 o 1:12-24 o 96
2. o 3-5
3. o 10:17-34 o 2 o 97 o 6-8
4. o 10:35-52 o 3 o 98 o 9-10
5. o 11:1-11 o 4 o 99 o 11-13
6. o 11:12-26 o 5 o 100 o 14
7. o 11:27-33 o 6 o 101 o 15-16
8. o 12:1-12 o 7 o 102 o 17-18
9. o 12:13-27 o 8 o 103 o 19-20
10. o 12:28-34 o 9
o 104 o 21-23
11. o 12:35-44 o 10
o 105 o 24-25
12. o 13:1-13 o 11:1-15 o 106:1-23
o 26-28
13. o 13:14-31 o 11:16-33 o 106:24-48
o 29-31
14. o 13:32-37 o 12:1-10 o 107
o 2 Sam. 1-2
15. o 14:1-11 o 12:11-21 o 108
o 3-4
16. o 14:12-31 o 13
o 109 o 5-7
17. o 14:32-42 o Gal. 1
o 110 o 8-10
18. o 14:43-52 o 2
o 111 o 11-12
19. o 14:53-65 o 3:1-14
o 112 o 13
20. o 14:66-72 o 3:15-29 o 113
o 14-15
21. o 15:1-15 o 4:1-20
o 114 o 16-17
22. o 15:16-32 o 4:21-31 o 115
o 18-19
23. o 15:33-41 o 5:1- 12 o 116
o 20-21
24. o 15:42-47 o 5:13-26 o 117
o 22
25. o 16
o 6 o 118 o 23-24
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan 47
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Lk. 1:1-25 o Eph. 1:1-14 o Ps. 119:1-8 o 1 Kings 1
2. o 1:26-38 o 1:15-23 o 119:9-16 o 2-3
3. o 1:39-56 o 2:1-10 o 119:17-24 o 4-5
4. o 1:57-66 o 2:11-22 o 119:25-32 o 6-7
5. o 1:67-80 o 3:1-13 o 119:33-40 o 8
6. o 2:1-20 o 3:14-21 o 119:41-48 o 9-10
7. o 2:21-40 o 4:1-16 o 119:49-56 o 11
8. o 2:41-52 o 4:17-24 o 119:57-64 o 12
9. o 3:1-20 o 4:25-32 o 119:65-72 o 13-14
10. o 3:21-38
o 5:1-21 o 119:73-80 o 15-16
11. o 4:1-12
o 5:22-23 o 119:81-88 o 17-18
12. o 4:13-30
o 6:1-9 o 119:89-96 o 19-20
13. o 4:31-37
o 6:10-24 o 119:97-104 o 21-22
14. o 4:38-44
o Phil. 1:1-11 o 119:105-112 o 2 Kings 1-3
15. o 5:1-11
o 1:12-20 o 119:113-120 o 4-5
16. o 5:12-16
o 1:21-30 o 119:121-128 o 6-7
17. o 5:17-26
o 2:1-11 o 119:129-136 o 8-9
18. o 5:27-32
o 2:12-18 o 119:137-144 o 10-11
19. o 5:33-39
o 2:19-30 o 119:145-152 o 12-13
20. o 6:1-16
o 3:1-9 o 119:153-160 o 14-15
21. o 6:17-26
o 3:10-14 o 119:161-168 o 16-17
22. o 6:27-36
o 3:15-21 o 119:169-176 o 18-19
23. o 6:37-42
o 4:1-7 o 120 o 20-21
24. o 6:43-49
o 4:8-13 o 121 o 22-23
25. o 7:1-10
o 4:14-23 o 122 o 24-25
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Lk. 7:11-17 o Col. 1:1-14 o Ps. 123-124 o 1 Chr. 1-2
2. o 7:18-35 o 1:15-29 o 125 o 3-4
3. o 7:36-50 o 2:1-7 o 126 o 5-6
4. o 8:1-15 o 2:8-15 o 127 o 7-9
5. o 8:16-25 o 2:16-23 o 128 o 10-11
6. o 8:26-39 o 3:1-14 o 129 o 12-14
7. o 8:40-56 o 3:15-25 o 130-131 o 15-16
8. o 9:1-17 o 4:1-9 o 132 o 17-19
9. o 9:18-27 o 4:10-18 o 133-134 o 20-22
10. o 9:28-36 o 1 Thes. 1 o 135
o 23-25
11. o 9:37-50 o 2:1-9
o 136 o 26-28
12. o 9:51-62 o 2:10-20 o 137
o 29
13. o 10:1-16 o 3:1-6
o 138 o 2 Chr. 1-2
14. o 10:17-24 o 3:7-13
o 139 o 3-5
15. o 10:25-37 o 4:1-10
o 140 o 6-7
16. o 10:38-42 o 4:11-18 o 141
o 8-9
17. o 11:1-13 o 5:1-11
o 142 o 10-12
18. o 11:14-28 o 5:12-28 o 143
o 13-16
19. o 11:29-36 o 2 Thes. 1:1-7
o 144 o 17-19
20. o 11:37-54 o 1:8-12
o 145 o 20-21
21. o 12:1-12 o 2:1-12
o 146 o 22-24
22. o 12:13-21 o 2:13-17 o 147
o 25-27
23. o 12:22-34 o 3:1-5
o 148 o 28-29
24. o 12:35-48 o 3:6-13
o 149 o 30-33
25. o 12:49-59 o 3:14-18 o 150
o 34-36
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan 49
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Lk. 13:1-9 o 1 Tim. 1:1-11
o Prov. 1 o Ezra 1-2
2. o 13:10-21 o 1:12-20 o 2 o3
3. o 13:22-35 o 2 o 3 o 4-5
4. o 14:1-14 o 3:1-10 o 4 o6
5. o 14:15-24 o 3:11-16 o 5 o7
6. o 14:25-35 o 4 o 6 o8
7. o 15:1-10 o 5:1-15 o 7 o9
8. o 15:11-32 o 5:16-25 o 8 o 10
9. o 16:1-9 o 6:1-10 o 9 o Neh. 1-2
10. o 16:10-18 o 6:11-21 o 10:1-16 o3
11. o 16:19-31 o 2. Tim. 1:1-7
o 10:17-32 o 4-5
12. o 17:1-10 o 1:8-18 o 11:1-15 o6
13. o 17:11-19 o 2:1-13 o 11:16-31 o7
14. o 17:20-37 o 2:14-26 o 12:1-14 o8
15. o 18:1-8 o 3:1-9 o 12:15-28 o9
16. o 18:9-17 o 3:10-17 o 13:1-12 o 10
17. o 18:18-30 o 4 o 13:13-25 o 11
18. o 18:31-43 o Ti. 1:1-9 o 14:1-18 o 12
19. o 19:1-10 o 1:10-16 o 14:19-35 o 13
20. o 19:11-27 o 2:1-10 o 15:1-17 o Est. 1
21. o 19:28-38 o 2:11-15 o 5:18-33 o2
22. o 19:39-48 o 3:1-8 o 16:1-16 o 3-4
23. o 20:1-8 o 3:9-15 o 16:17-33 o 5-6
24. o 20:9-19 o Phil. 1-11 o 17:1-14 o 7-8
25. o 20:20-26 o 12-25 o 17:15-28 o 9-10
New Testament Old Testament
1. o Lk. 20:27-40 o Heb. 1:1-9 o Prov. 18 o Is. 1-2
2. o 20:41-47 o 1:10-14 o 19:1-14 o 3-5
3. o 21:1-19 o 2:1-9 o 19:15-29 o 6-8
4. o 21:20-28 o 2:10-18 o 20:1-15 o 9-10
5. o 21:29-38 o 3 o 20:16-30 o 11-13
6. o 22:1-13 o 4:1-11 o 21:1-16 o 14-16
7. o 22:14-23 o 4:12-16 o 21:17-29 o 17-20
8. o 22:24-30 o 5 o 22:1-16 o 21-23
9. o 22:31-38 o 6:1-12 o 22:17-29 o 24-26
10. o 22:39:46 o 6:13-20 o 23:1-18
o 27-28
11. o 22:47-53 o 7:1-10
o 23:19 -35 o 29-30
12. o 22:54-62 o 7:11-28 o 24:1-22
o 31-33
13. o 22:63-71 o 8:1-6
o 24:23-34 o 34-36
14. o 23:1-12 o 8:7-13
o 25:1-14 o 37-39
15. o 23:13-25 o 9:1-10
o 25:15-28 o 40-41
16. o 23:26-31 o 9:11-28 o 26:1-16
o 42-43
17. o 23:32-37 o 10:1-18 o 26:17-28
o 44-45
18. o 23:38-43 o 10:19-39 o 27:1-14
o 46-48
19. o 23:44-49 o 11:1-16 o 27:15-27
o 49-50
20. o 23:50-56 o 11:17-31 o 28:1-14
o 51-53
21. o 24:1-12 o 11:32-40 o 28:15-27
o 54-55
22. o 24:13-27 o 12:1-13 o 29:1-14
o 56-58
23. o 24:28-35 o 12:14-29 o 29:15-27
o 59-61
24. o 24:36-44 o 13:1-8
o 30 o 62-64
25. o 24:45-53 o 13:9-25 o 31
o 65-66
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan 51
New Testament Old Testament
1. o John 1:1-18 o James 1:1-11
o Eccl. 1 o Jer. 1-2
2. o 1:19-28 o 1:12-18 o 2:1-16 o 3-4
3. o 1:29-34 o 1:19-27 o 2:17-26 o 5-6
4. o 1:35-42 o 2:1-13 o 3:1-12 o 7-9
5. o 1:43-51 o 2:14-26 o 3:13-18 o 10-11
6. o 2:1-11 o 3:1-12 o 4 o 12-13
7. o 2:12-25 o 3:13-18 o 5 o 14-15
8. o 3:1-15 o 4:1-10 o 6 o 16-18
9. o 3:16-21 o 4:11-17 o 7:1-14 o 19-22
10. o 3:22-36 o 5:1-6 o 7:15-29 o 23-25
11. o 4:4-14 o 5:7-12 o 8 o 26-29
12. o 4:15-26 o 5:13-20 o 9 o 30-31
13. o 4:27-42 o 1 Pt. 1:1-9 o 10 o 32-34
14. o 4:43-54 o 1:10-16 o 11 o 35-38
15. o 5:1-15 o 1:17-25 o 12 o 39-43
16. o 5:16-30 o 2:1-8 o Song. 1 o 44-46
17. o 5:31-47 o 2:9-17 o 2 o 47-48
18. o 6:1-15 o 2:18-25 o 3 o 49
19. o 6:16-24 o 3:1-7 o 4:1-7 o 50
20. o 6:25-40 o 3:8-12 o 4:8-16 o 51
21. o 6:41-59 o 3:13-22 o 5 o 52
22. o 6:60-71 o 4:1-11 o 6 o Lam. 1
23. o 7:1-13 o 4:12-19 o 7 o2
24. o 7:14-24 o 5:1-7 o t8:1-7 o3
25. o 7:25-36 o 5:8-14 o 8:8-14 o 4-5
New Testament Old Testament
1. o John 7:37-44
o 2 Pet. 1:1-11
o Job 1 o Ez. 1-3
2. o 7:45-53 o 1:12-21 o 2 o 4-8
3. o 8:1-11 o 2:1-9 o 3 o 9-12
4. o 8:12-20 o 2:10-16 o 4 o 13-15
5. o 8:21-30 o 2:17-22 o 5 o 16
6. o 8:31-47 o 3:1-9 o 6 o 17-19
7. o 8:48-59 o 3:10-18 o 7 o 20-21
8. o 9:1-12 o 1 John 1:1-4 o 8 o 22-23
9. o 9:13-25 o 1:5-10 o 9:1-20 o 24-26
10. o 9:26-41 o 2:1-11 o 9:21-35 o 27-28
11. o 10:1-10 o 2:12-17 o 10 o 29-30
12. o 10:11-21 o 2:18-23 o 11 o 31-32
13. o 10:22-42 o 2:24-29 o 12 o 33-34
14. o 11:1-16 o 3:1-10 o 13 o 35-37
15. o 11:17-37 o 3:11-18 o 14 o 38-39
16. o 11:38-44 o 3:19-24 o 15:1-16 o 40-41
17. o 11:45-57 o 4:1-6 o 15:17-35 o 42-44
18. o 12:1-11 o 4:7-21 o 16 o 45-47
19. o 12:12-19 o 5:1-12 o 17 o 48
20. o 12:20-36 o 5:13-21 o 18 o Dan. 1-2
21. o 12:37-50 o 2 John 1-13 o 19 o 3-4
22. o 13:1-11 o 3 John 1-14 o 20 o 5-6
23. o 13:12-17 o Jude 1-7 o 21:1-21 o 7-8
24. o 13:18-30 o 8-16 o 21:22-34 o9
25. o 13:31-38 o 17-25 o 22 o 10-12
Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan 53
New Testament Old Testament
1. o John 14:1-14
o Rev. 1:1-8 o Job 23 o Hos. 1-3
2. o 14:15-21 o 1:9-20 o 24 o 4-6
3. o 14:22-31 o 2:1-17 o 25-26 o 7-8
4. o 15:1-8 o 2:18-29 o 27 o 9-12
5. o 15:9-17 o 3:1-13 o 28 o 13-14
6. o 15:18-27 o 3:14-22 o 29 o Joel 1
7. o 16:1-11 o 4 o 30 o 2-3
8. o 16:12-24 o 5 o 31:1-23 o Amos 1-2
9. o 16:25-33 o 6 o 31:24-40 o 3-4
10. o 17:1-5
o 7 o 32 o 5-6
11. o 17:6-19 o 8
o 33:1-11 o 7-9
12. o 17:20-26 o 9
o 33:12-33 o Ob. 1-21
13. o 18:1-18 o 10
o 34:1-20 o Jon. 1-4
14. o 18:19-27 o 11
o 34:21-37 o Mic. 1-3
15. o 18:28-40 o 12
o 35 o 4-5
16. o 19:1-16 o 13
o 36:1-15 o 6-7
17. o 19:17-27 o 14
o 36:16-33 o Nah. 1-3
18. o 19:28-37 o 15
o 37 o Hab. 1-3
19. o 19:38-42 o 16
o 38:1-21 o Zeph. 1-2
20. o 20:1-9
o 17 o 38:22-41 o3
21. o 20:10-18 o 18
o 39 o Hag. 1-2
22. o 20:19-23 o 19
o 40 o Zech. 1-5
23. o 20:24-31 o 20
o 41:1-11 o 6-9
24. o 21:1-14 o 21
o 41:12-34 o 10-1
25. o 21:15-25 o 22
o 42 o Mal 1-4
C h a p t e r F i v e
Read the Bible in a Year 55
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