NV9.7 TPD 080808 1
NV9.7 TPD 080808 1
NV9.7 TPD 080808 1
NetViewer 9.7
Technical Product Description
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the
product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This document is not an official
customer document and Nokia Siemens Networks does not take responsibility for any errors
or omissions in this document. This document is intended for the use of Nokia Siemens
Networks customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is
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any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Siemens Networks. The
documentation has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel,
and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Siemens Networks
welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and
improvement of the documentation.
The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity
or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products are given “as is” and all
liability arising in connection with such hardware or software products shall be defined
conclusively and finally in a separate agreement between Nokia Siemens Networks and the
INTERRUPTION, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OR DATA, that might arise from the use of this
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This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyrights and other
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The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. Nokia is a registered trademark
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Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective
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Copyright © Nokia Siemens Networks 2008. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 6
3 System details.................................................................................... 18
3.1 Management Functions........................................................................ 18
3.1.1 Fault Management ............................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Configuration Management .................................................................. 25
3.1.3 Links among the NE’s .......................................................................... 28
3.1.4 Graphical tools ..................................................................................... 29
3.1.5 Service Management ........................................................................... 31
3.1.6 NE Configuration.................................................................................. 37
3.1.7 Security Management .......................................................................... 37
3.1.8 NetViewer - System Functions ............................................................. 48
3.2 System administration NetBuilder ........................................................ 50
3.3 Graphical User Interface (GUI)............................................................. 52
3.3.1 General Features ................................................................................. 52
3.3.2 GUI ...................................................................................................... 52
3.3.3 Status Bar ............................................................................................ 53
3.3.4 FIND .................................................................................................... 54
3.3.5 Browsing to the neighboring NE........................................................... 56
3.3.6 Writing a description............................................................................. 56
3.3.7 Online Help .......................................................................................... 57
3.3.8 Logs & Lists ......................................................................................... 57
3.4 Data base ............................................................................................ 58
3.4.1 Content ................................................................................................ 58
3.4.2 Settings................................................................................................ 59
3.4.3 History Report ...................................................................................... 59
3.5 Export Data from the Database with SSIS............................................ 63
3.6 MS Windows Terminal Services, Citrix Metaframe, support ................. 64
Appendix ............................................................................................................ 70
References ......................................................................................................... 71
Glossary 72
Index 75
Summary of changes
1 Introduction
This document presents an overview of NetViewer functionalities of the system version V9.7.
Detailed information about the supported NE types and the features available in each
NetViewer version is found in NetViewer Customer Feature List document. As general
concept, NetViewer implements common features for all the Network Elements (NE), but
some of these features are not developed/available in all the types of NE; so it is really
necessary to merge this document with NetViewer Customer Feature List for avoiding a
misunderstanding of what is the real behavior of a NE under NetViewer itself.
The NetViewer is the Nokia Siemens Networks Management Solution designed for:
• the needs of metropolitan and regional microwave transport networks as well as for long
distances within national or international networks; NetViewer supports Nokia Siemens
Networks PDH and SDH microwave network elements
• new WiMAX technology based on .16d standard in a wide variety of application scenarios.
• Narrowband Access solution
Moreover support:
• Equipment supporting the DCN;
• Mediation devices (both HW and SW) towards other network elements, included no Nokia
Siemens Networks equipments
NetViewer covers the usual management areas for an EMS: Fault, Performance, Configuration and
Security Management on the network elements.
It is based on client-server architecture; the server is always connected to the NEs in order to collect,
and save, the information collected from the network. A relational database is used to make persistent
the data collected by NetViewer and to make them available also to other systems for post-processing
The NetViewer operators access the system via NetViewer client that connects to the server and
displays the requested information in graphical screens. More than one NetViewer GUIs could connect
to the same server, so it is possible to have different operators in the same networks at the same time,
typically operating with different responsibilities and tasks.
NetViewer integrates a light Network Management Layer (as outlined in Figure 1-1), providing an
overall view of the managed Network. In this way it’s easy to understand the network status and zoom
down to the network element details.
Fault Management
Configuration Management
Performance Management
Security Management
It works simultaneously with other management systems allowing mixed Microwave and SDH F.O.
equipment networks.
This system can be scaled within wide range to give customized network management solutions.
This product description gives details about the architecture, functionality, configuration and some
scenarios of NetViewer applications.
2 System overview
NetViewer Suite as shown in figure Figure 2-1 is a managenent system based on Microsoft Windows
system, while the HW is based on standard x86 platform; they are platforms largely used and well
known, moreover the solution is cheaper than other ones, also concerning HW requirements.
The man-machine interface is GUI based: GUI is simpler than command line interface, especially for
not skilled operators.
NetViewer implements a client/server(s) architecture and the server(s) also support the master/slave
configuration: the network element data are processed by the server-side parts of the system and the
user normally access the NE information via graphical user interfaces.
The data are stored in the NetViewer database, that is implemented by Microsoft Access in the
NetViewer Entry configuration, or Microsoft SQL Server in the other ones. Data can be exported using
the export functionalities of these products.
In addition, NetViewer can act as mediation device, to allow higher level NMSs or external repository
systems to access Nokia Siemens Network NEs. These interfaces are simply called Northbound
2.2.1 General
This component is the core part of the system; in fact the engine contains the code implementing the
common functions of the system:
• the connection to the NE,
• the management of the NE information,
• the storage and retrieval of the data to/from the database,
• the Graphical user interfaces,
In the NetViewer Engine component it is possible to identify several subcomponents, even if they are
installed by the same setup package.
The NetViewer Server is the main server subcomponent of NetViewer and it is the real core of the
system: it collects the information from an NE via the proper adapter, it processes the information
data, it stores it in the DB via the DB Manager module, and it makes it available for the graphical user
interfaces. NetViewer Server contains all functions needed for the network layer and element layer
management and it implements the logic of the system administration function.
The NetViewer Server can be replicated in a multi-server configuration where a server is configured as
Master and the others work as Slaves servers. In this case each Server (included the Master one for
the NE directly managed by it) is responsible for the connection to the network elements configured
and assigned to it (using a NetViewer terminology, the NE assigned to a server “belongs to its map”),
while the Master Server is also responsible for the collection of the data from the Slave Servers
regarding the NE managed by them. Each NetViewer Server of such configuration is installed in a
different Server PC. Q1 Agent
Q1 Agent is used as a mediator between Nokia Q1-managed network elements and the NetViewer.
The agent is installed in an own PC workstation and it is managed by NetViewer as a slave server;
there can be one Q1 Agent per workstation. When the network grows, new agents can be added to
the NetViewer system.
Q1 Agent is connected to Q1 management buses through remote pollers. A TCP-based
communication protocol is used for communication between the remote pollers and Q1 Agent.
For more details please refer to the Q1 agent documentation.
NetViewer DataBase manager is the subcomponent that receives the data from NetViewer Server
(alarms, performance measures, etc) and stores them in the physical DB.
When the pre-configured DB limits are reached, it is possible to archive the excessive data (otherwise
deleted) in other DB instances, in order to have additional repositories for a longer period of time. Also
these extra repositories can be lost, if a periodical backup is not performed, because the DB instances
and size are anyway limited.
It is possible to set the nominal capacity (expressed in record) of the Database as regards to the
performance data. The default value of capacity is 100.000 records, with a max capacity equal to
800.000 records.
Data presence is assured until the first one of the cancellation criteria is met:
• data reach the configured age limit;
• data amount reach the configured limit as entries number;
• data amount reach the maximum DB physical limits.
It is also possible to manually delete the entries, or the desired subset (for example only 24H PM
NetViewer client implements the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the network and the network
elements management. All management functions of the NetViewer Server are accessible through this
NetViewer GUI client. The NetViewer Client communicates with the NetViewer Server via a optimsed
application protocol, over TCP/IP.
Up to 20 NetViewer Clients may operate in one NetViewer Server simultaneously: in case of multi
server configuration 10 additional Clients are available, but they have to be associated to the Slave
servers (i.e. the sub-servers).
The window architecture, implemented by the NV GUI client, is called MDI (Multiple Document
Interface). In this graphical interface the consistency of displayed data is guaranteed. For example,
this means that GUI elements displaying the same information, also within different windows, are
updated at the same time.
The design of the user interface components are based on the standard Windows look-and-feel
providing user friendly pull down menus and drag & drop operation.
When opening the NE via the NetViewer GUI, the NE specific screens appear: these screens are
almost identical to the LCT ones, as this screens are implemented by a specific NE plug-in that is
common to NetViewer and LCT.
2.2.5 NetBuilder
NetBuilder is the graphic tool for the administration of NetViewer system, which allows:
• the creation/modification of NetViewer network maps (see below)
• the management of the services of NetViewer Server
• the user management
The use of NetBuilder is reserved to the users that have the proper privileges.
The most important entries in the NetViewer network maps are:
• the names and the network parameters of NEs that the server has to manage, as for example
the IP address;
• the credential that NetViewer has to use in the log-in procedure towards the NEs;
• their position in the NetViewer graphical map view;
• the structure of the map, in terms of sub-servers and sub-maps. A sub-map is a logical group of
NEs, which for some reason the operator wants to keep separated by the other ones: an
example is the set of NEs in a particular geographical area, or a cloud of a particular type of
NEs inserted in a network supported by different equipment types;
• the links between the NEs.
NetBuilder implements also the Discovery function, which allows executing an automatic search of the
NEs and adding the discovered NEs in a new map (normal Discovery) or in an already existing map
(incremental Discovery); in case of normal Discovery, it is possible to include also the automatic
search of the links between the NEs in the map.
2.2.6 NE Plug-in
The NE plug-in is the NE type specific software component of the NetViewer system . For each NE
type to be managed by NetViewer there must be a corresponding NE Plug-in installed in NetViewer
Server.. Each plug-in is a separate component that can be installed separately in the NetViewer PC.
The NE Plug-in includes mainly the info model (e.g. the name of all the possible alarms) and the GUI
screens of the specific NE. The info model is used by NetViewer Server for the Element Manager (EM)
functionalities, and the screen description is used by NetViewer Client to display in a consistent way
the NE informations. for more details.
The loading of a Plug-in is performed in run-time modality, without the NetViewer restart.
The Southbound interfaces allow the communication among NetViewer Server and the different
network elements.
NetViewer supports different interfaces and for each interface a managers is developed as
components belonging to the NetViewer Server.
The managers provide interfaces for managing the connections to the network elements, and for
sending and receiving data to / from a network element.
The Managers available in NetViewer are:
TNMP Manager. It is used for the communication with SRA 4 and SRA XD Microwave equipment
OSI Manager. It is used for the communication with SDH network elements using the OSI
communication protocol towards NetViewer. OSI ping is available. This protocol is used only on the
old NE such as SRT1 and SRT 1C: the new SDH equipment is managed by TCP/IP protocol.
SNMP Manager. It is used for the communication with WayMAX (WiMAX .16d Base Station), SRT 1F,
FIU19E, FTFA, FlexiHybrid and the generic SNMP devices (multi vendors router, interfaces etc.), often
utilized for building the DCN (See Figure 5.2).
TL1 Manager. TL1 protocol over TCP/IP is used for managing the SRT 1F NE.
NetViewer NetViewer
Remote WEB
Client Access
NetViewer NetViewer
NetViewer Q1Slave
Agent Q1 Agent
Master 1
server 1 n
server n
NetViewer can be configured with several Servers to scale the network management. The servers
can be NV server or Q1 Agent.
If there is more than one Server used, a Multi-server configuration is built up, as shown in Figure 2-1.
In Multi-server configuration the additional Servers required for the increasing of the network are
configured as Slave ones, while the first as Master one.
Up to 20 NetViewer Clients may simultaneously operate on one NetViewer Multi-server; what is more
up to 10 additional Clients can be operate one for NetViewer Slave servers.
From each Client is possible to simultaneously open up to 4 GUI sessions each of which connected to
a different server .
Master Slaves
Max # of Clients
simultaneously connected
20 10
The NetViewer Clients can be connected either by LAN, WAN, ISDN/PSTN, or WEB access.
The EM application (EM) is the GUI for the network element management of a given NE type. The EM
application is located on the NetViewer Server. From NetViewer Client it is started by the operator in
order to zoom into the network element. Configurations on the network element level (e.g. configuring
cards, software management) are done by using the EM application.
An Element Manager can be started via the GUI of the NetViewer Client for some particular NE’s. The
GUI application is identical to the LCT one.
The Multi GUI session can not be applied to the Entry Configuration
The numbers of Clients simultaneously connected have to be considered totally for all Servers. Not
applicable with Q1 agent
Client PC Client PC
NetViewer NetViewer
Type NM Type NM
GUI client GUI client
GCS Topology DB
Q1 Agent Sobriquet Q1 addr.
Sub-Server topology
upload to
For each Q1 Network element, and for the related Q1 Agent, the specific element manager (called
Node Manager) is available on a Node Manager Server a dedicate PC where are store al the Node
Manager application.
Each Node Manager can be remotely execute form NetViewer GUI and through the Terminal Server
application provided by Node Manager Server display the Node Manager GUI interface on NetViewer
For detailed information on Node Manager server and It configuration together with Q1 Agent please
refer to the dedicated documentation available With Q1 Agent.
Like for the Q1 Agent also for the FIU19E and FTFA that use Node Manager for Equipment
configuration management a Node Manager Server is need.
The NetViewer 9.7 is certificated with Node Manager server available on a dedicated PC is
required. To support FTFA and FIU19E a Node Manager server is required.
The Node Manager Server is a dedicated machine on which run the Node Manager application
components necessary to perform configuration management of network elements.
The NetViewer GUI client is able to provide a "context sensitive" launch: if the operator is managing a
specific equipment type, the correct node manager for that node is launched
For detailed information please refer to the “Node Manager Server Principles” (DN03410658 Issue 7-
3 System details
The ITU-T M.3010 standard for TMN networks describes the management functionalities, distributing
them in 4 layers. The layers implemented with some restrictions by NetViewer and Path Manager
(optional) are:
• Element Management Layer: NetViewer manages each network element on an individual basis.
The following collections coming from all the NE’s, as specified in the Customer Feature List, are
- fault
- performance
- configuration
• Network Management Layer: NetViewer with Path Manager. Path Manager supports an
abstraction of the functions provided by the network element layer and is responsible for the
management of a network as supported by the element management layer.
The same recommendation fixes for each layer four functional areas Fault, Configuration,
Performance and Security Management. A summary of these functions with some explanatory notes
are reported in the table of Figure 6-1.
Layer Description
Element Management
(NetViewer standalone)
Fault Management Performs the alarm surveillance on the managed Network
Configuration Management Allows the manipulation of the changeable parameters (cross-
connections, protection, alarms status, communication
parameters, etc) of the Network Elements.
Performance Management Collects, presents and logs performance data of those Network
Elements which provide NetViewer with the performance data that
have been saved in each NE.
Layer Description
Security Management Controls the access to network elements and the access to the
OS and determines the rights and privileges of the different users
and classes (supervising, maintenance, operation, configuration,
NetViewer collects all the alarms coming from each NE’s of the network and represents them in the
Map: they are automatically stored in the Data Base.
NetViewer performs alarm surveillance on the managed networks, sub-networks and network
elements. It performs automatically alarm detection, e.g. synchronization alarm or AIS, which are
immediately reported by the network elements. The alarm severity is ranked into seven categories: not
on line, indeterminate, test, warning, minor, major, critical.
For every alarm the information, shown in the different views of the alarm list, contains the
following elements:
• A colored ball representing the alarm severity
• Time stamp
• NE name
• Severity
• Probable Cause
• Alarm type
• Specific Problem
• Acknowledged by
• Acknowledgement date
• Acknowledgement Note
Figure 3.2: the Active Table View of the Network Alarm List
Figure 3.3: the Full Tree view of the Network Alarm List
At the bottom of the alarm list window, the Active Alarms Summary is available too: for each severity
the number of unacknowledged/total alarms is reported (Figure 7.5).
Selecting the Options of the GUI Client (Push-bottom bar or Menu bar) it is available:
• Filter for Alarm List: the acknowledged alarms can be done not visible (Figure 7.6)
• Customize table. The tables generated by the different applications of NetViewer can be
customized in terms of Sort and hide. The order of the columns can be changed and the columns
can be hided (Figure 7.7).
The options available for the Alarm List are reported in the following tables;
The Alarm List of the Single NE can be opened from in NE view GUI frame (Figure 7.8)
Figure 3.6: Acknowledgement through NE Tree View, Map View and Map Tree View
In the third case it is possible to acknowledge every single alarm or group of them by its popup menu.
In the alarm list alarms are marked with the “=” symbol; when they are acknowledged, this symbol is
changed with the “√” one.
N o Alarm
Alarm On /
not Acknowledged.
Alarm On /
For a very quickly view, the summarization of the whole managed network is represented by a special
icon able to be moved onto the screen: its color reports the relative alarm severity in the same way of
all the other icons, included the acknowledgment status (see Figure 7.16).
The color of a dedicated flag in the same window summarizes the status of all the external alarms of
all NEs (they are used for reporting environment alarms of the site where the equipment are located):
● Green, when there are no alarms
● Red, when at least one alarm is activated
Figure 3.8: Network status icon with summarization of the External Alarms
The Configuration, via NetBuilder application, allows to create/change the network to be managed by
NetViewer: the so called “Map”.
The map includes all the NE’s, their relative connection proprieties, the structure of the map, the sub-
maps, the servers, the access passwords to the Server, the database of the access passwords.
Network Icons
The NE/Sub-map/Sub-server icons are not specific to the network element type during the
construction of the Map. The icons take the symbolic view of network elements when NetViewer
Server is connected to the effective NE.
The icon Sub-map, provided by default, can be changed: the new icon is shown only when NetViewer
Server is active.
Icon information
When NetViewer Server is connected to a network element, the NE-icon provides the information:
• upper part of the icon; the type of network element
• lower part of the icon; it includes the alarm severity of the network element and the
acknowledgment status. Both are represented by different colors.
A tool tip of the icon supplies the additional information relative to:
• IP address
• the eventual edited description. The presence of a customized description is marked by a blue
triangle on the right of the icon.
The severity status is the result of the summarization of NE existing alarms: it is reported the higher
The Default configuration of the Severity/Color is:
• disconnected grey
• normal green
• test cyan
• warning yellow
• minor orange
• major red
• critical magenta
The Administrator can change these color settings in the general preference dialog of the NetViewer
System Administration.
Network Representation
NetViewer is working and the NE/Sub-net is connected: so the type of NE is displayed in the icon,
together with the severity: green means no alarms in the network.
The visualization of the Map tree is in the left upper frame, while the tree Menu of the NE selected is
reported in the left lower one.
Tree view
of the Map
Tree view of
the NE
The Description of NE pop-up menu allows the editing of a string of characters (max 256) to be stored
for each NE. It is so possible by the operator to report some comment/note for e.g. regarding the
maintenance process of a network or other (Figure 7.23).
The presence of such Description is marked by a blue triangle in the upper corner of the icon in
NetViewer GUI and the edited file is visualized by a tool tip (Figure 7-24).
The tool, which allows creating the map and inserting NEs, Subnets and Slave servers, can create the
links among the NEs (Figure 7.25).
In case of link between two NE’s with different sub-map path, the NE belonging to the other map is
shown with a smaller icon.
Graphical tool of NetBuilder is available for drawing lines, arrows, notes on the map.
The Menu Add Graphic Objects includes:
- Line
- Text
The combination of lines and texts allow to represent in the map which NE’s are included in the
different stations as reported as reported here following.
The borders of the stations and their names are drawn and written with the Graphical
Figure 3.14: Map and Graphical tool
Copy, Paste, Delete options are available clicking on right push button of the map.
The Export command allows exporting the list of NE’s contained in the currently opened and selected
map, included the NEs of the sub-maps. The NE list is saved in the “.csv” file.
The Import command creates a new map, where the list of NE’s contained in the specified “.csv” file is
The Map Summary network application provides information on the structure and the composition of
the network map and on the connection status of NEs and Sub-Servers.
Furthermore, it allows the management of the functionality of contemporary modification of the user
class for the access of Server to all the NEs (“Restricted” or “Normal” operation).
The Services Management window displays, in table format, the Server services managed by
NetViewer Services Manager.
Two services are available:
• NetViewer Server Service
• Database Service
If other modules are installed, the relative services are reported.
Through the button “Database Usage”, it is possible to accede to the window “NetViewer Database
Usage”. This service displays the space currently used in the Database for each event category,
expressed as percentage with respect to the relevant nominal capacity.
Through the button “Database Config”, it is possible to accede to the window “NetViewer DB
The Database Configuration has a General view for configuring the 3 database sections of NetViewer:
Events, RX Power, Performance.
The configuration has different buttons for managing its main entries:
• General
• Events
• RX power
• Performance
• Other parameters
If the event threshold is enabled, a warning message is generated when the threshold value (xy%) of
the total available space of the Database is exceeded.
In the Events, it is possible to delete the reporting of the Events “Data Performance Presence” either
PM24h or PM15m relative to each NE. These events are not more useful, because the PM
measurements of the whole network are collected by NetViewer and available in its Database.
3.1.6 NE Configuration
Configuration management comprises features to read the current configuration from a network
element and to change it. NetViewer allows the system operator to read and write the configuration
information directly by means of Netviewer or by means of the remote execution of Node Manager
The remote execution of Node Manager can be made from the NE tree view Windows.
The Security allows the access to NetViewer only to the authorized Users: each User is defined with
some parameters (login, password) and with specific Permissions.
Users and Permissions are assigned by the Administrator of the System (SysAdmin).
NetViewer 9.7 introduces the User Groups management: each Users of the same group has the same
permissions, which can be modified in accordance with Customer’s needs.
- on the map.
Applicable via NetViewer Client by the User on each map, when NetViewer is on-line (e.g.
SW download).
It is used for allowing some operations on the maps. Different profiles of Operators can be defined as
required by the different tasks of the management of a network: e.g. a user with the task of SW
can be created.
- on the System.
Applicable via NetViewer and NetBuilder Client on NetViewer server.
They allow the management of the server. It is possible to define User with specific tasks on the
System: e.g.
a User with the profile of add/delete NE from the Map.
The three types of permissions are assigned independently among them, so to create a very flexible
management of the network.
It is not possible to create new groups: this task is only via the External Active Directory.
An User created under a User Group heredities the Permissions of the groups itself.
If it is required to change the defaults Permissions to an User, it is possible:
- to assign him each single Permissions required
- to change the permissions of the Groups
The Permissions assigned to each groups can be changed, with the exception of the Permissions on
the objects of the map.
SysAdmin can create an User with his permissions with the exception one of Set External User
The groups imported by the External Active Directory don’t have permissions assigned: they have to
be specified using NetBuilder Client.
The Local User Groups with the relative Permissions can be moved to the External Active Directory,
simply creating a group with the same name.
The rules to be applicable for the creation of the new groups are defined by the Administrator of the
External Active Directory: all the relative information are located where the application is installed.
The creation of new Users and the setting of some password parameters.
The System Permission is the tool for assigning/removing the Permissions of the System to the
Groups/Users (only via SysAdmin).
The rights can be assigned separately to each Users and are valid for the selected server and are
subjected to the hierarchy here reported:
- Services Configuration
- Collect Info Configuration
- Map Create
Selecting Add/Remove the Permissions can be modified: other Permissions can be assigned/removed
to the Groups/Users created by the User Management.
- Rx Power Collection Settings: to modify the sampling period for detecting the measurements of
the Rx Power Collection
- Map Inventory: to start the application Map Inventory.
As default all the permissions are assigned to the group NetViewerAdmins while all the other Groups
haven’t any permission.
Selecting Add/Remove the Permissions can be modified: other Permissions can be assigned/removed
to the Groups/Users created by the User Management.
Follow the main features coming from the Identity Manager of MS Windows server:
- the password lengths
- the password number and types of characters,
- the automatic lock of the account after a defined unsuccessful logon attempts
- not reusability of the most recent expired passwords
- automatic log off after a defined period of inactivity
- password ageing
The selection of the Identity Manager has to be done in NetBuilder, choosing the Configuration of the
Menu Bar.
The IP address of the PC where the External User Manager is installed has to be specified.
Figure 3.38: Setting User Manger Figure 3.39: Setting External User Manager
The window for assigning/removing the Permissions to the Groups/Users is opened clicking the right
button of the mouse directly on the map, on the icon of the sub-maps/sub-server/NE.
The permissions are grouped in 4 classes: the permissions of each class cannot be modified.
- ReadWrite
- ReadOnly
- Monitor
A Security mechanism is present as at Server level as at NE one; the two Security levels are
independent and work on parallel planes. Each user can change its passwords.
The Server Security is always enabled and it is not possible to disable it.
The enabling status of the NE Security can be changed; the disabled Security condition provides for
that level the Admin prerogatives. The Security mechanism to access to the menu commands of the
Net Viewer Server program is activated by means of the “Lock Workstation” function of Windows.
Server Security
The Server Security defines the access prerogatives to the Server.
The Configuration of the Security (passwords for the different user classes) is executed by means of
the NetBuilder tool for the Server configuration; it is reported into the configuration file (map) of the
The Server Security allows the identification of the users connected and the correct management of
the contemporaneous accesses. It is possible to set/change, by means of the NetBuilder tool, the
passwords of the Server Security.
Single Sign-on
If an Active Directory system is used to manage the users for both NetViewer and Windows OS is
possible to apply the single sign-on functionality where one user name & password allows to access to
both NetViewer GUI and NetViewer Server an.
In case of inactivity time period is possible to force the NetViewer GUI logout for the server connected.
The inactivity time period can be configured.
This functionality allow to avoid to live a NetViewer GUI process active if no more need releasing
machine resource.
If a Read/Write section on a NE has bee open by an NetViewer operator and in a time period non
actions have performed the NetViewer provide to declass the connection in to ReadOnly priority. The
Inactivity time period can be configured.
One operator with appropriate privilege can force the logout of other NetViewer operator(s) connected.
This operation can be performed both form NetViewer and NetBuilder.
System Availability
The high demands on data security and system availability of the NetViewer System require an
advanced security concept. Precautions against critical failures in software and hardware components
need to be taken. This concept is based on the following techniques:
• usage of mirror disks
• sage of UPS units
• availability of a warm standby server
• database backup
• Autoarchive function
Mirror Disks
NetViewer database and the entire data disk are replicated in two identical SCSI mirror disks. The
control over the mirror disks and the automatic data synchronization between them are handled by a
SCSI RAID 1 Controller System.
A breakdown of one of the hard disks does not influence the system. The controller is running the
system on the intact disk further on. In the meantime, the defected disk can be replaced by another
disk. After then the controller is re-synchronizing the new disk with the second one.
To minimize loss of data, when a system component breaks down, the NetViewer System provides the
possibility of the manual backup of its databases. In case of software failure, the backup-set can be
used to restart the system. If the operator wants or has to recover a previous backup-set he can
provide the manual restoration.
The “auto-archive” functionality consists in keeping, in a proper space, all that information which is
periodically deleted from the Database of NetViewer, because the deletion threshold has been
reached or because of the manual deletion of the entries present in the different tables.
Moreover it is also possible to configure the max size of Autoarchive Database. As default the size is
200Mbyte; the max size allowed is 10% of disk size.
In particular, all the entries deleted from the following tables of NetViewer are automatically inserted
into another Database to be used in post-processing phase:
– events
– measures_periodical
– measures_scheduled
– pm_switching_values
– pm_entries
– pm_radio_power_values
– pm_standard_values
The “auto-archive” functionality foresees the automatic creation, in sequence, of more archive
Database; a new archive Database is created each time the current archive Database reaches the
maximum set dimension.
However, the storing of max. five archive Databases is foreseen (the five most recent Databases), by
means of the possible automatic deletion from the archive Database on the creation of a new archive
The “auto-archive” functionality is available only with Database of NetViewer based on Microsoft SQL
Server format (Single Server and Multi Server configuration of NetViewer).
NetViewer Server PC 1
NetBuilder, the NetViewer System administration, is a defined set of functions applicable to the
management software. Certain aspects of security, design and usability techniques lead to a
separation of the system administration functionality from the NetViewer Server and the NetViewer
It’s important for a management system to limit the number of users and their privileges, concerning
configuration, monitoring and security functionality to avoid interference in other management
The NetBuilder application handles all configurations, monitoring and security features related to the
NetViewer System in a secure and easy to use way. This system administration application can only
be accessed by the Administrator SysAdmin. SysAdmin User creates Groups/Users and assignees
Permissions so to avoid the conflicts of competence among them in their administration functions.
NetBuilder (the NetViewer System Administration tool) was redesigned for performing its
functionalities directly from the NetViewer Client PC without the need to access to NetViewer Server
The application was separated into a Server and a Client part: the server one (NetViewer System
Administration Service) is installed into NetViewer Server PC, while the Client one (NetBuilder) into the
NetViewer Client PC.
It is so possible the creation of NEs, Subnets, Sub-servers and users directly from the NetViewer
Client PC.
The big advantage of the new Client/server structure of NetBuilder is the possibility to do all the tasks
required by NetViewer directly from the NetViewer Client PC without any access to NetViewer Server
PC, that could be located in a different room.
The main administrative tasks, which can be performed directly from the client, are:
NetBuilder Client
Users management
Assign Permissions
Services management
Database configuration
Server management
Map summary
Map creation: add/remove NE, sub-net, sub-server
NE find function
Radio Link Auto-discovery
NE Auto-discovery
Editing a comment to each NE (max 250
Import/export lists of NE’s
This chapter explains the general features of the graphical user interface.
One of the key features of the user interface design is the standardized display and behavior of visual
elements such as icons and controls. By using a standardized display of visual elements the user is
able to recognize the meaning or behavior of these elements regardless of their occurrence. The
functionality and visualization directly correspond to each other, so that the user is able to intuitively
understand their meanings.
In general the design of the user interface components are based on the Microsoft Style Guide
providing user friendly pull down menus and drag & drop operation. The grey color is used for showing
the no availability of some items on NetViewer Client screen.
3.3.2 GUI
To each windows is available the functionality “Always on the top”. Setting this functionality the relate
windows will be always on the top.
This configuration will be Operator dependent.
When a NE is opened, the relative properties and data are shown in the NE tree view.
- the user class used by NetViewer for the access to NE if the NE is on line and opened the Security is
- the permission of the User about NE, if NE is on-line and not opened.
- the status of NE (off-line o disconnected) if NE is not on-line
- it is reported the message “Another Read Write manager is already logged to this NE”, when anther
User of
NetViewer is already connected to NE with the “Write” permission, or if another Manager (e.g. LCT)
connected to NE with “Admin” permission.
The Status Bar is reported in: e.g. NCT User has the permission of Administrator on the selected NE.
Status Bar
3.3.4 FIND
The direct access to the NE is activated automatically clicking onto a row of the following applications:
a) Alarm List
b) History Report
c) Performance Report
d) External alarm table of the alarm list
In NetViewer GUI also the NE find command is available. It is used to search NEs, sub-networks and
subservers. This function can be activated:
• through the find icon
• through the popup menu in the map view
• through the popup menu in the tree view of the map
The search options are the name, the address and the protocol (used by the NE towards NetViewer)
of the element to looking for (fig. 9.15). The search result is a list of elements; if an element is selected
with a double click, it is shown in all views: map view, tree view of the map, tree view of the NE.
From release 7.0 onwards, it is easy to navigate from a radio NE to its adjacent ones. The feature is
particularly useful in the case of linked NE’s belonging to different maps: with a simple double-click,
the map of the peer NE is opened (through the Jump-To-Peer functionality).
After having activated the NE pop-up menu clicking with the right-hand push-button of the mouse on
the icon of the desired NE and selected Link of NE all the links that terminate on the NE are
displayed in table format as shown in.
A double click on the row of the table selects the NE where the corresponding physical link ends; this
operation closes the window for the displaying of the physical link and the map/sub-map containing
the NE is brought in foreground.
It is possible to edit a row of comments (up to 256 characters) for each NE, Sub-map and server from
NetViewer Client application.
The window for inserting the comment is shown in.
The presence of the inserted comment, detected by a Blue triangle is reported in the tool tip of the
NE, Sub-map, server (Figure 9.19).
Blue triangle
Cremona 1
The NetViewer supports context sensitive online help system - with index, hyperlinks.
In a TMN environment, many events and actions occur spontaneously. To guarantee a complete
surveillance of the entire network activity, an event logging is supported. NetViewer distinguishes
between system events and operator’s events. Since it's necessary to detect the correlation between
operator’s actions and network state changes both kind of actions are logged.
The following logs are provided:
• History
• Security
• Configuration monitoring
• Active alarm
• Active external alarm
Every log and log can be printed with the command Print to file.
For the backup of the Database, a copy of the ".mdf" and ".ldf" files is generated.
Also the backup functionality proper of the Microsoft SQL Server product can be used, that foresees
also the possibility to schedule the backup itself.
An Autoarchive function is also available and it gives the possibility of saving in a backup database, in
automatic mode, the data lost after a scheduled delete operation.
3.4.1 Content
The following data are stored in the Database:
• Network Events.
• Acknowledged Events.
• Network Configuration.
For the Events and PM data base tables (one table for each PM type) the max number entries
foreseen is 800000
3.4.2 Settings
Follow the possible settings:
• Configurable limit of data storing, automatic deleting of data after a configurable number of
days, keeping only a configurable number of data.
• Enable/disable PM Data Presence Event.
• Delete all data, delete older data from a configurable data.
• Automatic backup every a configurable time.
• Warning message for approaching Database Capacity Limit.
• Measurement of the percentage of the database filling.
• Configurable Database dimension.
Event Table:
To optimize the Event table size is available the functionality that avoid to save in the table the event
notification related to “ceased alarm” .
This functionality can by enabled/disabled by Operator.
The operators “=, <>, LIKE” are applicable to Event name and Network Element.
Two options are selectable for Acknowledged by, Equipment Type, Severity:
• Any or a specific Acknowledged by, Equipment Type, Severity
• Multiple. AND & OR operators are applied to the Queries.
The section Search can be closed for analyzing the results of the queries.
When this functionally is enabled the History Report is automatically configured in
ON-OFF Alarma Correlation modality.,
“Clear Data Time” column is added to the History Report if the “On/Off alarm correlation” was activated
in the Options of the Database configuration.
Tool tip is available by mouse for reading all data of the row without scrolling the window report.
The Options window allows to set the visualization options of the History Report of the Network and
• On/Off Alarm Correlation Mode; when the box is selected, the life of the alarms (on/off) are reported
on the same row.
• Events reporting options:
- PM Data Presence Events.
- NE Events.
- NE Configuration Events.
- NetViewer Server Events.
Customize Tables
The tables generated by the History Report (Network and NE) can be customized in terms of Sort
and hide. The order of the columns can be changed and the columns can be hided (Figure 9.32).
The Options window allows to set the visualization options of the History Report of the Network and
NE (Figure 9.35):
Customize Tables
The tables generated by the Performance Report (Network and NE) can be customized in terms of
Sort and hide. The order of the columns can be changed and the columns can be hided: applicable
to each types of Perfomance Measurements (Figure 9.36).
SSIS provides a set of tools that lets to extract, transform, and consolidate data from NetViewer
Database into single or multiple destinations. By using SSIS tools, it is possible to create data
movement solutions tailored to the specialized needs.
These tools are available for creating and executing SSIS packages:
- the Import/Export Wizard is for building relatively simple SSIS packages, and supports data migration
and simple transformations.
- the SSIS Designer graphically implements the SSIS object model, allowing you to create SSIS
packages with a wide range of functionality
It so possible, for example, to access to NetViewer Performance Measurements, select the measures
to be exported, sort them as required by the end application, separate each value with “,” “_” or other
and at last activate the transferring of the data: SSIS includes FTP task, the Execute Package task,
the Dynamic Properties task, and the Message Queue Task.
A SSIS Package is a collection of SSIS Connections towards Data source, SSIS Tasks, SSIS
Transformations and rules of workflow. All these elements are easily build with SSIS Designer tool
(Refer to the technical documentation by Microsoft).
The SSIS Designer interface consists of a work area for building packages, toolbars containing
package elements that you can drag onto the design sheet, and menus containing workflows and
package management commands.
By dragging connections and tasks onto the design sheet, and specifying the order of execution with
workflows, you can easily build powerful SSIS packages using SSIS Designer. The following sections
define tasks, workflows, connections, and transformations, and illustrate the ease of using SSIS
Designer to implement a SSIS solution.
MS Windows TS
Thin” ICA”
NetViewer Citrix MetaFrame Protocol Users PC
Server Application ICA Client
NetViewer Client Application is installed into a Server PC dedicated to MS Windows TS: Citrix
MetaFrame has to be added if it is required. The Users access to this server for managing the GUI of
NetViewer Client.
The screen of the Server can be used for opening more sessions of NetViewer Client Application
as required by some Customers.
In any cases, not more that 20 NetViewer Client sessions can work simultaneously with NetViewer
Server Application.
The feature Isolation Environment, that allows to isolate any applications running in the same Citrix
Presentation Server, avoiding in such a way the possible conflicts, is not applicable to NetViewer 9.7 .
Citrix Server manages one NetViewer Single Server (or Multi server):
Windows 2000/2003 Server
Detailed information about supported NE types and features covered by each
corresponding NetViewer version can be found
• NetViewer Plug-in Inventory
• NetViewer Customer Feature List document.
Mediation Devise Q1 Agent
4.2 Hardware
NetViewer is a PC based TMN system developed and designed to run on x86 compatible PC’s on
Microsoft Operating Systems. As an option the system can be enhanced with a redundant standby
All information presented about PC types is valid at the point of time when this document was created.
Due to the rapid changes on the PC market all information given may change by Nokia Siemens
Networks without prior notification.
4.3 Software
For the detailed list of Q1 Network elements supported by Q1-Agent and managed by
NetViewer please refer to the Q1 Agent product technical description documents
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (English version)
Microsoft Windows Vista Professional SP1 (English version)
Entry Configuration
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (English version)
According to the NetViewer System configuration the following additional OEM components
are required:
Server/Multiserver configuration:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition SP1 (English version)
Entry configuration:
- Microsoft Access (English version)
Not Applicabile
Not Applicable
Error! No index entries found.