Sewing Sleeves
Sewing Sleeves
Sewing Sleeves
College of Agriculture and
Home Economics
Guide C-211
Sleeve styles that are popular vary with fashion. true bias—above the notches. To ease this area, a line
Sleeves may be set-in, raglan, kimono, dolman, etc., of ease stitching is sewn on the 5/8 inch seamline (1.5
etc. But whatever the style, there are some guide- cm) while the sleeve is flat. A second row of stitching
lines that will help you determine how the sleeve can be sewn just outside the first row, on 4/8 inch (1
should look. cm), if desired. Each stitching is a row of stitches
The most popular style sleeve is the plain set-in which are longer than regular stitches; they are some-
sleeve. It fits into the bodice with no apparent full- times referred to as gathering stitches. The ease stitch-
ness, even though the sleeve is always larger than ing is used to shape the sleeve cap to fit smoothly into
the armhole. the armhole.
A shirt style sleeve is an important set-in sleeve To ease the fullness, pull the bobbin thread(s) until
style. It features a short sleeve cap and is usually the the sleeve cap fits the armhole. Distribute the fullness
same size as the armhole it fits. It fits into the armhole evenly matching the notches and dots of the sleeve to
smoothly also. those of the armhole. There should not be any easing
A kimono sleeve is cut as part of the bodice. Its in the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the sleeve cap.
slope and width influence the fit and the ease of
movement when worn. A gusset may be used to re-
duce strain on the underarm seam.
A raglan sleeve is sewn to the garment with seams
that run from the neckline to the underarm. The
seams may be a simple diagonal or form a special
design effect. A raglan sleeve is easy to sew and
comfortable to wear.
A plain set-in sleeve must be eased and shaped to After the sleeve is eased to fit the armhole, press
fit the armhole. When finished it should fit smoothly the seam allowance of the sleeve cap to shrink out ex-
over the end of the shoulder with no indication of cess fullness. Pin the sleeve into the armhole, match-
gathers along the seamline. When worn crosswise ing notches, dots, and seam edges and stitch into
grainline should be parallel to the floor; the length- places following these steps:
wise grainline perpendicular to the floor.
To achieve this finish in a set-in sleeve, the sleeve 1. Pin sleeve into armscye matching notches, dots, and
cap requires easing where the sleeve is most nearly seam edges. Adjust east to fit bodice armhole as needed.
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2. Stitch sleeve cap to bodice from notch to notch on
the ease-stitching line. Sew with sleeve on top.
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Reprinted May 2001 Las Cruces, NM