Rules For Expert Determination
Rules For Expert Determination
Rules For Expert Determination
AA de Fina 1
Expert Determination or Appraisal is a process "Determination" means a decision, finding or answer made
which is gaining in popularity within Australia. Some or given by the Expert to the matter referred or part of it.
organisations or entities have provided in their commercial
contracts for expert determination as a means of resolving "days" means calendar days and excludes weekends and
disputes or differences. holidays.
Together with arbitration, mini-trial, mediation and
"document(s)" means writings, photographs, films,
conciliation, expert appraisal is another tool in the box of
drawings, information or the like and in any form.
available processes for the resolution of disputes. To date
there has been promulgated in Australia only one set of "Expert" means the person, firm, partnership, organisation
rules intended for general application. These are the Rules or corporation appointed to act as the expert pursuant to
for Expert Determination/Appraisal of the Institute of these Rules.
Arbitrators & Mediators Australia ("lAMA" - previously
The Institute of Arbitrators Australia). "(Institution/organisation)" means (organisation or
Whilst the lAMA Rules have yet to be tested their institution).
character and terms closely resemble the provisions of an
arbitration and to that extent might ultimately be seen as "Law" means the law ofAustralia and as relevant the laws
being an arbitration with all of the statutory consequences of its States or Territories.
that flow. One of the rationales for the advancing of expert
"matter referred" means the dispute, difference or question
determination has been the alleged cost and time of arbitral
submitted to the Expert for Determination.
The Model Rules proposed in this article represent "Party" means any person being an Applicant or
a fundamental philosophical and practical divergence from Respondent in proceedings governed by the Rules.
the rules of lAMA.
The Model Rules are presently under consideration "person" means a natural person, firm, organisation,
for adoption by The Institution of Engineers Australia. partnership or a corporation.
"Appointing Authority" means the person, organisation or "submissions" means any documentary or oral presentation
institution agreed by the Parties as having the power of or material put before the Expert pursuant to the Rules
appointment of the Expert in the absence of agreement by and includes supporting documents.
the Parties.
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Words imputing male gender shall be read as including (d) the names of those persons or entities upon
the female gender and vice versa. whom agreement has not been reached;
(e) the names and addresses of all Parties;
Unless the context of their use does not allow words (g) payment in the sum as set forth in the
imputing the singular shall be read as including the plural schedule attached as a non-refundable
and vice versa. appointment fee.
ART 3 Scope of Rules (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (1)
The proceedings and the process shall be governed by these above the Parties may, by mutual agreement in
Rules and where the Rules are silent any rules which the writing, extend the time for agreement between them
Parties agree or failing agreement those determined by upon the Expert.
the Expert pursuant to Art 31. (3) The (President/Chairman) shall, within 7 days or
such longer period as may be reasonably necessary,
ART 4 Notification
advise the Parties of the person appointed as
(a) All notifications shall be made to the last known
address of a Party.
(b) Notification shall be by facsimile transmission or ART 8 Notification of Appointment
mail or any other means that provides a record of Where the Parties have agreed upon appointment of the
transmission. Expert or where appointment is made under the provisions
(c) A notification shall be deemed to have been made of Art 7 respectively the Parties or the (organisation/
on the day it was received by a Party or would have institution) as relevant shall as soon as possible notify the
been received if made in accordance with (b) Expert so appointed.
Such notification shall include:
ART 5 Effect of Agreement (i) the full names and addresses of the Parties;
By adopting or submitting to these Rules the Parties jointly (ii) a copy of the agreement between the Parties making
and severally agree and covenant without further the appointment of the Expert; or
endorsement to be bound by and implement all of the terms a copy of the appointment made by the appointing
and conditions of the Rules. authority;
(iii) a copy of these Rules;
ART 6 Initiating Procedures
(iv) a copy of the notice given pursuant to Art 6(i).
A Party seeking to initiate an Expert Determination under
these Rules shall give written notice to the other Party. ART 9 Acknowledgment of Appointment
Such notice shall: Within 7 days of receipt of notification of appointment
(i) identify the dispute, difference, or question to be the Expert shall acknowledge in writing such notification
referred for Determination; and accept or reject appointment.
(ii) propose one or more persons, firms, partnerships,
or corporations as suitable for appointment as ART 10 Nature of Appointment
Expert; The appointment of the Expert, whether by agreement of
(iii) request that within 7 days the other Party agree to the Parties or by the (organisation/institution), shall be
an appointee drawn from the proposals given in presumed to be a joint appointment by all of the Parties.
accordance with (ii) above or to propose other
prospective appointees. ART 11 Independence and impartiality of Expert
The Expert shall be independent of the Parties and act
ART 7 Appointment in Default of Agreement impartially. If the Expert becomes or is made aware of
(1) Where the Parties have failed to agree upon an any circumstance that effects, or may effect, such
Expert within 14 days of the written notice of referral independence and impartiality, such circumstance shall be
to the Expert Determination process, by written disclosed to the Parties and the Expert shall, if requested
request to the (organisation/institution) by one or by any Party, withdraw.
more of the Parties the (President/Chairman)
shall appoint an Expert. The written request shall ART12 Replacement of Expert
include: (a) Where the Expert rejects appointment, subsequently
(a) a copy of written notice of referral to the withdraws, or cannot or does not conclude the
process given pursuant to Art 6(i); process, whether by death, illness or any other cause,
unless the Parties otherwise agree, the Expert shall
(b) copy of the agreement of the Parties
be replaced in the manner prescribed in Art 6 or Art
empowering the (President/Chairman) to
7 hereof.
appoint; (b) Where an Expert withdraws or cannot or does not
(c) a statement of any particular qualifications conclude the process the Expert shall not be liable
or requirements agreed or perceived by the to repay any fees, costs or expenses previously
Parties or one or more of them as being drawn by the Expert pursuant to Art 26, or the
required of the Expert; Parties' costs or expenses.
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