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Eight Parts of Speech: The Best Grammar Guide

The smallest meaningful element of the English language is a word that a person speaks or
writes. Every single word plays an important role within the sentences’ grammatical structure.

The words have different grammatical categories, known as parts of speech. The classification of
words based on how they are their function within a sentence. The eight parts of speech are most
common in English grammar:

A noun comes from the Latin word (nōmen), which means name. It is a word that names to
person, places, things, actions, emotions, qualities, ideas. The name that is given by noun may be
specific or general.

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Proper nouns are used to names specific objects. While common nouns’ names to unspecific
objects. The intangible or abstract ideas like concepts or thoughts are also nouns. Common
nouns and proper nouns are major types of nouns.

The noun is the most common part of speech in English grammar. Grammatically, noun functions
as a subject in noun clauses and predicate (known as a subject complement). As an object in a
preposition or prepositional phrases.

Examples of nouns:

Jimmy and Roy live in Africa.

Oliver and Cora are siblings.

My friend saw snow for the first time.

Every night they would read before they go to bed.

A pronoun is a word that takes a noun or is used in place of a noun in the sentence. The
pronouns refer to nouns that have been mentioned already earlier in the sentence.

They replace nouns to avoid the same word’s repetitions. Hence, you don’t have to keep saying
that particular noun again and again.

Examples of pronouns:

I, my, me

we, our, us

you, your, you

Learn about: Pronoun cases

Nouns and pronouns

Pronouns are performing the same as nouns in the sentence. However, pronouns replaced
previously used nouns to avoid sounding repetitive and unnatural.

A verb is an action or doing word that describes the actions, occurrence, and state of a person or
things. It shows the activity or ongoing condition of the noun or subject in a sentence. It is a

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primary part of speech.

In this example:

William runs in the ground.

The verb “run” describes the action of a noun or subject in a sentence.

An adjective describes/modifies or adds something to the meaning of a noun and pronoun.
Adjectives give essential or necessary information about nouns or pronouns. For example,
quality, quantity, size, shape, duration, and feelings.

Examples of adjectives are:

The team has dangerous players. (What kind?)

I have five chocolates in my pocket. (How many?)

I loved that blue car. (Which car?)

The adverb is a word that modifies or adds something to the meaning of a verb and adjective. It
tells when, where,  how, and how often verbs are performed and expresses the quality, manners,
place, time, frequency, or degree of the action.

Adverb in the following sentences:

He is running fast. (Fast)

Jake works hard. (Hard)

He is strolling (strolling)

Adjectives and adverbs

Adjective and adverbs are similar-looking parts of speech, but both have different functions in
the sentence.

Adjectives are always modified or add something to nouns or pronouns.

Adverbs are always modified or add something to the verbs or adjectives.

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Adjective Adverb

John is a beautiful singer. John sings beautifully.

Sophia is a speedy runner. Sophia can run very quickly.

A conjunction is used to combine clauses, phrases, or parts of sentences and words for
constructing sentences. They are also known as linking words because it links clauses and groups
of times in a sentence. Conjunctions are highlighted in the following examples:

Liam and William are playing together.

James plays well, but Grayson plays better than him.

I play cricket, and Oliver plays football.


A preposition is a little word that shows the relationship between other parts of speech. The
prepositions are express a link or connection between nouns and pronouns.

They describe relationships of sequence, space, and logic between the different words of the
sentence. Preposition comes before or after its complement.

In this example:

Henry goes to school.

“To” is a proposition that expresses some relationship between john and school, which indicates
that he is moving towards school. Some prepositions are given in the table:

inside above about below

then before beside for

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from but with by

at as away on

An interjection is words used to express the strong emotions or sentiments of the speaker. It
also shows sudden feelings like surprise, shock, joy, approval, calling, attention.

They are sounds we make to convey strong emotion or emphasize when we talk about
something to express. We often used exclamation marks after an interjection.

Such as, okay, hmm, don’t contain exclamation marks but they are interjection.

Okay, I will call you later.

Hye, how are you?

Some Important interjections are fellows as:

Grief: Ah, Oh, Alas, Slack, Ah me. My Allah!

Happiness: Hurrah, Huzza, Aha, By love! Wow!

Surprise: Good, Heavens, Hullo, My word, My hat!

Amusement: Ha Ha, Well done!

Attention: Lo, Hye, Hark, Hush, Hist, Steady! Look!

Order: Quick, Go, Hold on, Steady!

Doubt: Hum, Hem, Humph.

Oath: By Allah, O’ Allah

Reproof: Fie, Shame, For Shame!

Examples of interjections:

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Wow! That was a good performance.

Hurrah! You’ve won!

Look! She is so ill. 

Okay, I will call you later.

Hye, how are you?

Final Words

Finally, We learn about the basic eight parts of speech in this lesson. I hope you enjoy this lesson;
if you want to learn more about parts of speech, our recommended articles are:

Types of Nouns: Definitions With Examples

Types of Pronouns: Definitions With Examples

Pronoun Cases: A Complete Grammar Guide

Articles: The comprehensive Grammar Guide

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Adverbs: Types, Usage & Identifying With Examples


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