Classroom Language For English Teacher CTH
Classroom Language For English Teacher CTH
Classroom Language For English Teacher CTH
7. Register (Kehadiran)
Who is absent today?
Who isn’t here today?
What’s the matter with Jim today?
What’s wrong with Jim today?
Why were you absent last Friday?
8. Late ( Keterlambatan)
Where have you been?
We started ten minutes ago. What have you been doing?
Did you miss your bus?
Did you oversleep?
Don’t let it happen again.
5. Comprehension language:
Are you ready?
Are you with me?
Are you OK?
OK so far?
Do you get it?
Do you understand?
Do you follow me?
What did you say?
One more time, please.
Say it again, please.
I don’t understand.
I don’t get it.
Like this?
Is this OK?
Classroom Language: The End of the Lesson (Akhir Pembelajaran)
1. Time to stop
It’s almost time to stop.
I’m afraid it’s time to finish now.
We’ll have to stop here.
There’s the bell. It’s time to stop.
That’s all for today. You can go now.
3. Wait a minute
Hang on a moment.
Just hold on a moment.
Stay where you are for a moment.
Just a moment, please.
One more thing before you go.
Back to your places.
4. Next time
We’ll do the rest of this chapter next time.
We’ll finish this exercise next lesson.
We’ve run out of time, so we’ll continue next lesson.
We’ll continue this chapter next Monday.
5. Homework
This is your homework for tonight.
Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your homework.
Prepare the next chapter for Monday.
There is no homework today.
Remember your homework.
Take a worksheet as you leave.
6. Goodbye
Goodbye, everyone.
See you again next Wednesday.
See you tomorrow afternoon.
See you in room 7 after the break.
Have a good holiday.
Enjoy your vacation.
Here are some phrases that can be used for classroom management:
1. Giving instructions
Open your books at page 52.
Come out and write it on the board.
Listen to the tape, please.
Get into groups of four.
Finish off this song at home.
Let’s sing a song.
Everybody, please.
All together now.
The whole class, please.
I want you all to join in.
Could you try the next one?
I would like you to write this down.
Would you mind switching the lights on?
It might be an idea to leave this till next time.
Who would like to read?
Which topic will your group report on?
Do you want to answer question 3?
2. Sequencing
First of all, today, …
Right. Now we will go on to the next exercise.
Have you finished?
For the last thing today, let’s …
Whose turn is it to read?
Which question are you on?
Next one, please.
Who hasn’t answered yet?
Let me explain what I want you to do next.
The idea of this exercise is for you to …
You have ten minutes to do this.
Your time is up.
Finish this by twenty to eleven.
Can you all see the board?
Have you found the place?
Are you all ready?
3. Supervision
Look this way.
Stop talking.
Listen to what … is saying.
Leave that alone now.
Be careful.
4. Asking questions
Where’s Bill?
Is Bill in the kitchen?
Tell me where Bill is.
What was the house like?
What do you think?
How can you tell?
5. Responding to questions
Yes, that’s right,
Almost. Try again.
What about this word?
6. Metalanguage
What’s the Spanish for “doll”?
Explain it in your own words.
It’s spelt with a capital “J”.
Can anybody correct this sentence?
Fill in the missing words.
Mark the right alternative.
7. Reference
After they left the USA, the Beatles …
The church was started in the last century.
This is a picture of a typically English castle.
In the background you can see …
While we’re on the subject, …
As I said earlier, …
Let me sum up.
8. Affective attitudes
That’s interesting!
That really is very kind of you.
Don’t worry about it.
I was a bit disappointed with your efforts.
9. Social ritual
Good morning.
Cheerio now.
God bless!
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for your help.
Happy birthday!
Merry Christmas!
Prosedur Kegiatan:
1. Look and say
- Guru memberi instruksi kepada peserta didik untuk mengamati gambar-gambar
yang terdapat pada halaman 2 sampai 5, yaitu gambar suasana pagi hari,
siang hari, dan sore hari.
Contoh kalimat guru:
Look at the picture on page 2, (sesuai halaman yang sedang diamati).
Tell me what do you see on that picture?
We have 2 friends here. They are Cici and Aisyah.
Here is in the morning. They do excercising in school yard.
- Guru mengucapkan kosa kata baru yang tertulis pada halaman 2.
- Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menirukan kata yang diucapkannya.
Guru: Let's say, "good morning, repeat after me, good morning."
Peserta didik: "Good morning."
- Peserta didik menirukan ucapan-ucapan sapaan, sesuai dengan waktu yang
terlihat pada masing-masing gambar dengan bantuan guru, menggunakan
intonasi dan bahasa tubuh dengan tepat.
- Guru juga memberikan instruksi yang sama seperti halaman sebelumnya untuk
kegiatan pada halaman berikutnya, yaitu halaman 3 sampai 5.
- Guru dapat mengulang-ulang kosa kata sapaan tersebut dengan intonasi dan
ekspresi yang benar.
- Guru menunjuk beberapa peserta didik untuk maju ke depan kelas sebagai
model yang akan mempraktekan bagaimana menyapa dengan ramah, sopan
dan percaya diri.
- Guru dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu dalam
pemahaman konsep, seperti ilustrasi gambar matahari dan bulan untuk
menunjukan waktu yang berbeda-beda.
Guru menyapa: "Hello."
Peserta didik: "Hello."
• Gambar setengah matahari yang muncul dipermukaan bukit, "Good
morning." (Peserta didik: "Good morning").
• Gambar matahari yang penuh dengan sinarnya: "Good
afternoon."(Peserta didik: "Good afternoon").
• Gambar matahari yang terbenam atau bulan yang muncul dengan
menuliskan pukul 7 pada waktu malam hari: "Good evening." Peserta
didik: "Good evening."
• Guru menjauh seakan pergi dari peserta didik sambil melambaikan tangan:
"Goodbye." Peserta didik: "Goodbye."
- Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mengucapkan sapaan sesuai dengan
gambar-gambar yang ditunjukan guru pada media pembelajaran.
Contoh Instruksi:
Look at on the pictures.
• Setengah matahari yang Nampak dari balik bukit: "Good morning."
• Matahari yang penuh dan bersinar: "Good afternoon."
• Gambar matahari terbenam: "Good evening."
• Tangan melambai sambil beranjak pergi: "Goodbye."
- Guru menginstruksikan peserta didik untuk berpasangan dengan teman
sebangkunya dan mengucapkan sapaan sesuai waktu pada saat itu.
• "Good morning."
• "Good afternoon”.
Prosedur Kegiatan:
2. Listen and say
- Guru mengulang kembali ucapan sapaan yang telah dipelajari.
Guru: "Hello."
Peserta didik: "Hello."
Guru (menggambar setengah matahari di papan tulis): Good morning.
Peserta didik: "Good morning."
Guru (menggambar matahari penuh di papan tulis): Good afternoon.
Peserta didik: "Good afternoon."
Guru (menggambar bulan sabit di papan tulis): Good evening.
Peserta didik: "Good evening."
Guru (menjauh seakan pergi dari peserta didik sambil melambaikan tangan):
Peserta didik: "Goodbye."
- Guru mengajak peserta didik memperhatikan gambar pada halaman 6.
Contoh instruksi:
Look at page 6, what can you see on page 6? There are two girls. They are
Aisyah and Cici.
- Guru memberi contoh mengucapkan percakapan pada halaman 6 dengan
intonasi yang tepat dan peserta didik menirukan.
Cici says: Hi, Aisyah. How are you? (repeat after me). Aisyah: I am fine.
- Guru member instruksi yang serupa dengan nomer 2 dan 3 untuk halaman 7-