Family - Сім'Я

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1. Father - тато
2. Mother - мама
3. Parents - батьки
4. Sister - сестра
5. Brother - брат
6. Cousin – кузен (двоюрідний брат)
7. Aunt - тітка
8. Uncle - дядько
9. Grandfather - дідусь
10. Grandmother - бабуся
11. Husband - чоловік
12. Wife - жінка
13. Child - дитина
14. Children - діти
15. Baby – малюк

My name is Peter. I am ten years old. I live in

Odessa with my family in a small house near
the beach. There are five people in my family:
my mom, dad, sister, brother and me. My
mom’s name is Olga. My dad’s name is Roma. I
love my parents. I have one brother and one
sister. My brother’s name is Tom and my sister’s name is Katy. Tom is older than
me, he is twelve years old. My sister is only a baby, she is one years old. I like to
read stories to her in my free time. I have a dog, her name is Loly. She is my best
friend. Of course, I have grandparents. My grandmothers’ names are Maria and
Iren. My grandfathers’ names are Ivan and Ben. I have an aunt and an uncle too.
My aunt’s name is Oksana and my uncle’s name is Den. They have two children.
There are Sasha and Nick, my cousin. I love my family very much.

1. How old is Peter?

2. What is Peter’s father name?
3. Where is Peter live?
4. Who is it Loly?
5. How many children do have Peter’s parents?


1. Olga lives in Odessa

2. Peter lives in a big flat
3. Katy has two brothers
4. Sasha likes to read stories to Katy
5. Peter’s uncle’s name is Den.

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