The Impact of IoT On The Higher Educatio2

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Article The Impact of IoT on the Higher Education

Article · November 2018


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Huda al-qozani Arwa Aleryani

Thamar university Saba University


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S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)

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The Impact of IoT on the Higher Education
Huda A l-Qozani1 *, Arwa Aleryani2
Thammar University, 2Saba University
Article info Abstract

Article history: Internet of Things (IoT) is changing everything through its ability to connect
several devices (smart watches, smart appliances, cars, light bulbs, buildings
Accepted: Aug. 2018
and an array of other devices that collect and transfer data, often without any

Keywords: human involvement ) to a digital network, at any time, from any device. In
Internet of Things(IoT), addition to providing people with the greater flexibility to consume content
Higher Education, and knowledge whenever and wherever they wish. The IoT confirms its im-
Learning, Classroom,
portant position in the context of Information and Communication Technol-
Online Education
ogies and the development of society. In higher education, more devices are
connected; campus leaders will be able to extract much more value from the
continuous stream of data and information, helping them move from a trans-
actional relationship with students, faculty, administrators, and providers to
an iterative process. The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of the
IoT on higher education on the future where new development, smart devices
and advancement in technology advance every day. In addition, this paper
presents a review of the traditional education (previous classroom education)
and online education. In conclusion, IoT has overcome the disadvantages of
online education; moreover, IoT removes the traditional barriers of teaching
and learning. On a different note, understanding IoT with its advantages and
disadvantages will help reach its aimed vision, and here we can benefit from
it greatly.

* Corresponding author: Huda A l-Qozani


© 2018 Saba Journal of Information Technology and Networking, Published by Saba University. All Rights Reserved.
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)

1.Introduction for more than a 100 years for almost all members
The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) was first of society, and for many centuries before that, to
used in 1999 by the British technology pioneer the upwardly mobile and upper classes. Class-
Kevin Ashton to describe a system in which ob- room education continues to be an important way
jects in the physical world could be connected to of learning, and there are many benefits that ac-
the internet by sensors. Ashton invented the term company this method of education. In a traditional
to illustrate the power of connecting Radio-Fre- classroom, students are able to interact with their
quency Identification (RFID) tags used in corpo- teachers and peers face-to-face. Traditional class-
rate supply chains to the internet in order to count room education often has a greater availability of
and track goods without the need for human in- advanced study programs with hands-on training,
tervention [1]. Today, the Internet of Things has such as medicine or engineering. Physical group
become a popular term for describing scenarios projects are also more widely available through
in which internet connectivity and computing ca- traditional classroom education, especially in the
pability extend to a variety of objects, devices, fields of construction, engineering, and medicine.
sensors, and everyday items [2]. The Internet of Moreover, from Pros and Cons of Traditional Ed-
Things (IoT) was sometimes referred to as the ucation System [5], the advantages of tradition-
Internet of Objects; that means it will change ev- al education are total participation, face-to-face
erything— including ourselves. This may seem interaction, students can enjoy free daily and
like an abnormal statement, but the internet has weekend events, establish responsibility among
already had an impact on education, communi- the students, and learn through real examples,
cation, business, science, government, and hu- wide knowledge, teacher-cantered learning, and
manity. Clearly, the internet is one of the most increased student achievement. However, there
important and powerful creations in all of human are some disadvantages like the high costs of
history [3]. The educational environment has also commuting or relocating to the physical campus
registered major changes, towards a new orien- [6]. Moreover, the disadvantages are the cost of
tation of teenagers’ education, reflected through commuting, no flexible study hours, less time in
online documentation, implementation of proj- pursuing other tasks, loans, lack of motivation,
ects in virtual teams, online tutorials and much lack of career direction, students become pas-
more [4]. In this paper, we are going to investi- sive listeners as a result of use of authoritarian
gate the previous studies to find out the impact of approach [5].
the IoT on the higher education. The aim of this Online Education
paper is to discuss the changes in higher educa- Participating in online educational opportunities
tion in IoT environment. affords students many benefits. These benefits in-
2.Previous Studies clude flexibility, affordability, and convenience.
2.1 The Traditional Education pre-IoT In addition, online education is easy in schedul-
Classroom Education ing, has lower costs, and simplifies connecting
Traditional classroom education has been around with instructors and peers. However, the Disad-
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)

vantages are the fewer chances to join clubs and those taking distance education with digital ma-
extracurricular opportunities that are organized terials and others taking distance education with
by the educational institution. Students who are non-digital materials. The results of this study
seeking a vibrant campus social life may miss indicated that the participants were aware of the
out on the socializing that goes on at student facilities of using e-books and they were con-
unions and recreational centres. For programs tent with the facilities of usage. In addition, the
that require complex, hands-on training such as main resource of alternatives and multiplicity in
surgical specialties in a medical school, online education is the teachers; therefore, the teachers
education is not an option [6]. When we come should build a relationship with technology and
to the tools in teaching, it is obvious that techno- should use it in a sufficient level in their cur-
logical advances have brought us some notable rent and future classes. Moreover, each teacher
improvements in the teaching process [7]. The should follow technology and apply it in their
teacher has experienced substantial changes and course materials. Therefore, the design of the
now has some means of support in the classroom digital electronic book is prepared to be adaptive
that provides him/her safety and reliability. How- for this generation of students because in general,
ever, sometimes, the use of such media has been they are digital readers.
in detriment of the communication between the 2.2 Internet of Things (IoT)
teacher and the student; as some teachers are lim- IoT transforms the process into numerous aspects
ited to “read” and rely too much on the projected of our daily life. The various definitions of IoT do
material, forgetting one of the major functions not necessarily disagree – rather, they emphasize
of teaching: motivation. Moreover, the teacher different aspects of the IoT phenomenon from
is very reliant and at the mercy of the electronic different focal points and use cases [2]. The In-
resources, as a result, in the event of failure, he/ ternet Architecture Board (IAB) [9] defined IoT
she can hardly teach the class [7]. with this description:
Uygarer and Uzunboylu [8] aimed to investigate ‘The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) denotes a
the efficiency level of digital teaching materials trend where a large number of embedded devices
for higher education programs. They presented a employ communication services offered by the
mixed research methodology to gather in-depth Internet protocols. Many of these devices, often
and rich context. They have chosen twenty par- called “smart objects,’’ are not directly operated
ticipants from a distance education program of by humans, but exist as components in buildings
the Pedagogical Formation (2014-2015) at Near or vehicles, or are spread out in the environment’.
East University in Nicosia in North Cyprus. Half However, The International Telecommunication
of the participants, who took the instruction- Union (ITU) [10] discusses the concept of inter-
al technology and material design course, used connectivity:
electronic sources. And the other half used tra- ” A global infrastructure for the information soci-
ditional sources during the distance education. ety, enabling advanced services by interconnect-
The participants’ answers were categorized into; ing ( physical and virtual) things based on exist-
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)

ing and evolving interoperable information and increased connectivity that enhance teaching and
communication technologies. learning or providing new modes of operation.
The Oxford Dictionaries [11] offers a concise For example, ubiquitous access to computing
definition that invokes the Internet as an element power, high-quality online content, and social
of the IoT: media and connections can be used to enhance
‘The interconnection via the Internet of comput- the educational experience. Students can increase
ing devices embedded in everyday objects, en- their coursework with relevant video, activities,
abling them to send and receive data’. assessments, and conversations with students and
The Maggie Johnson said [12]: faculty around the world. In addition, opportuni-
”At Google, we define the IoT as a network of ties to do academic research on various aspects
everyday items with embedded computers that of the IoT are already on-going in many higher
can connect directly or indirectly to the Internet. education institutions [15], [16].
The number of devices connecting to the Internet The IoT opens a range of possibilities and bene-
is likely to grow exponentially over the next ten fits for faculty, staff, and students. With the IoT,
years” students are able to attend any class, at any time,
Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm that con- from any device—providing them with greater
siders pervasive presence in the environment of flexibility to consume content and knowledge
a variety of things/objects that through wireless whenever and wherever they wish. The IoT lifts
and wired connections and unique addressing the traditional barriers of teaching and learning,
schemes are able to interact with each other and providing faculty with the same flexibility to
cooperate with other things/objects to create new offer better learning experiences for students al-
applications/services and reach common goals lowing them to connect with experts from around
[13]. Global sensors and the ability to bridge the world and create robust, hybrid learning en-
the gap between the physical world and the ma- vironments [17]. The IoT also assists administra-
chine world were perceived as the conceptu- tors by helping connect everything on campus,
al framework for the new learning model. The everywhere through one secure, unified network
thinking behind this great paradigm shift is the to manage campus lighting, parking, and cam-
ability to embed sensors into an object and use eras, and to provide valuable data and analytics
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication to on traffic patterns, usage, and areas of resource
connect billions of objects/devices to the current optimization. A second aid that the IoT brings
Internet infrastructure. The entirety of the physi- to higher education is the ability to optimize the
cal world is coming online rapidly [14]. classroom-learning environment. With the well
3 IoT in Higher Education level of control and extensive sensor data avail-
The IoT is already presented on most college able through the IoT, instructors can continuous-
and university campuses in the form of security ly regulate classroom conditions, which may be
cameras, temperature control, access to build- changed depending on the subject and the time of
ings, lights, power, etc. the potential benefits of day. Both artificial and natural lighting intensity
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)

can be controlled. Air quality can be optimized, control: create a safe and secure place in universi-
as can noise level. By monitoring the ambient ties and managing students’ access to classrooms,
sound level at the back of the room, instructors laboratories and other places in the universities
can be alerted whenever their voice becomes dif- can be achieved by bringing new technologies
ficult to understand [12]. Applications for the IoT into education. There are two main technologies
are already being leveraged in sectors like health- that can be used such as RFID (Radio Frequency
care and customer service. The universities and Identifications) and NFC (Near Field Communi-
schools are joining the world of IoT. Some of the cation). (3) Student’s health monitoring: the IoT
ways the IoT can benefit education may be ob- plays a major role in a wide range of healthcare
vious, while others are still not as obvious [14]. application, from monitoring patients to prevent-
Tan and his co-authors [18] studied the teaching ing disease. (4) Improving Teaching and learning:
management system with applications of Radio IoT can help universities to improve the quality
Frequency Identifications (RFID) and IoT tech- of teaching and learning by providing a richer
nology. They stated that as the developing field learning experience and real-time actionable in-
of information technology, IoT technology is sight into the students’ performance. The results
applied to the management of higher education of this study showed that IoT has a big impact
classrooms, which is the expected trend of infor- on value proposals. These include reducing cost,
mation technology used in education application. personalized learning, time-saving, enhanced
Tan and his co-authors have gone to construction safety, improved comfort, and collaboration.
of the teaching management systems based on Elsaadany and Soliman emphasized [17] in their
the IoT technology and applying it to the actual study that with the help of IoT, more information
classroom teaching experience. They showed that can be collected in order to allow teachers and
this technology could support students’ active in- administrators to turn data into actions by provid-
terest in learning, improve the teaching efficiency ing the university stakeholders with a real-time
of teachers, and provide technical support for the view of the students, faculty members, and other
effective management of education and teaching staff members. This data intelligence enables uni-
in colleges and universities. versities to improve decisions on student learning
Bagheri and his co-author [19] have investigated experiences, operational efficiency, campus secu-
and analyzed how IoT has changed the Educa- rity, and many other aspects of the educational
tion Business Model and added new value pro- environment promoting more creativity.
posals in these organizations. They have listed McRae and his co-authors [20] studied the rela-
four applications of IoT in the higher education: tionship between education and technology for
(1) Campus Energy Management and Eco-Sys- students with disabilities. For this potential to be
tem Monitoring: IoT has been applied in energy realized, consideration of the wider significance
management and Eco-system monitoring to pro- of the relationships between technology and so-
vide energy efficiency for much more sustainable ciety, education and disability, access and litera-
future. (2) Secure Campus and Classroom access cy, is needed. They have indicated that concerns
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)
about privacy and security and interoperabil- gies such as cloud computing, and big data and
ity associated with the technology will need to analytics are helpful not only in improving the
be overcome, and careful consideration of how core values of teaching and quality of research
the technology can best be adapted to a learn- but also in developing an IoT society and en-
ing-teaching environment will be needed. How- couraging a new digital culture. Some of the IoT
ever, interviews from this study with students challenges in the higher education sector include
with the disability indicate a willingness to over- Cloud Computing, Instructional Technologies,
come these limitations and embrace the potential Mobility Applications, Security and Privacy, Re-
of these new technologies as they develop over search Computing, Quality and Ethics, and Fi-
time. nancing [14]. The IoT can help solve challenges
Gul and his co-authors [21] studied the use of across a wide array of topics, from logistics to ad-
technology and especially IoT in the field of ed- ministration to student life. So when designing an
ucation. They said that IoT has opened the doors experience, institutional leaders should approach
for new and innovative ideas to bring ease and it first by discovering the biggest pain points.
improvement in the lives of both students and Streamlining and optimizing the utilization of fa-
teachers. They have clarified that research is cilities can help achieve financial savings (e.g.,
being conducted on designing IoT-based teach- responding to weather events, automating op-
ing platforms including smart classrooms, smart erations). Smart devices can alert staff and pro-
labs and entire smart campuses. Studies have also viders about when to service equipment before a
been made to investigate the usefulness of IoT- problem even presents itself. Smart doors, locks,
based smart learning applications and still, much and cameras can be used to monitor and control
more is left to study regarding IoT in education. movement in different facilities. As more devices
Though there are various advantages of IoT in become connected, campus leaders will be able
education, a major problem still exists regarding to extract much more value from the continuous
privacy and security. In the future new techniques stream of data and information, helping them
may be introduced in order to resolve all these move from a transactional relationship with stu-
issues. dents, faculty, administrators, and providers to an
Aldowah and her co-authors [14] introduced an iterative process in which micro-decisions can be
overview of IoT in higher education institutions, made on an on-going basis [22]. The success of
especially in universities and took a look at sev- the IoT depends on the availabil-ity of the inter-
eral emerging trends that help evolve higher ed- net and its spread everywhere [23]. In addition,
ucation, and explore the potential impact of IoT the internet should be available at a reasonable
and the future of the IoT on higher education. In cost; and this problem may not be very easy to
addition to further explore some of IoT challeng- solve in some countries. New devices and the
es regarding the higher education sector. spread of smartphones and apps are generating
The challenges and opportunities of IoT huge amounts of data, which will continue to in-
IoT brings tremendous challenges and opportu- crease. It is no longer possible to have that data
nities to higher education. The unique growth of processed in a central location. This will expand
universal computing, developing IoT technolo- the complexity of the network and the potential
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)
for security holes. when needed, and the information owner should
These challenges are not unique to higher edu- decide who is allowed to access the information;
cation institutions, but given the budget cuts and whether people or organizations. The security ap-
aging infrastructure in academia, the challenges proach to embed devices must take into account
may be more profound in that space [12]. They the complex network of people and objects in
believe there are three areas that require signifi- both the public and private sectors. Such devices
cant investment and collaboration before an eco- will likely create new relationships between peo-
system can emerge to interconnect people, spac- ple and computers. The discussion about adopting
es, and institutions: IoT must maintain a balance between the positive
•Strong data management and identity controls impacts and generating awareness about the risks
must be built into the ecosystem (a complex net- to both privacy and security. Both educators and
work or interconnected system) from the start. learners will need to have a better understanding
•The current IoT landscape is made up of indi- of ethical issues and the risks of IoT, as well as
vidual solutions, or “walled gardens,” that offer ways to eliminate those risks. Personal and pub-
benefits for customers who buy from a particular lic data will need to be treated differently, and the
product family. individual’s privacy will have to be respected and
•Increasing the number of connected objects taken into perspective.
should not increase the screens or keyboards that •Data integrity: the integrity of data must also
are needed for configuration or use. Technology be assured, as well as its accuracy, authenticity,
should “fade into the background” via objects timeliness, and completeness. Success will be
and services that provide real user benefit from predicated on an open platform that will allow
connectivity and can be controlled through voice, collaborates working together to use the same
gesture, or other relevant means of input. [12]. baseline technologies. Educators will need to
To secure the information exchange in the IoT, work closely with governments to ensure the de-
existing encryption technology needs to be care¬- velopment of IoT in education. At the same time,
fully reviewed [24]. The encryption algorithms the government must preserve the safety and se-
need to be faster and less energy consuming. curity of its citizens.
Security at both the device and network is critical •Education policies: the policies that encourage
to the operation of IoT. adoption of technology in the classroom and its
The author [25] presents some important points effective integration into programs are critical.
to achieve successful implementation of IoT in Such policies must include sound change-man-
education. The article reports that IoT in educa- agement practices among educational institutions
tion has huge potential for the higher education to reduce the barriers of technology adoption and
institutions. However, there are three key areas increase its scale. Professional development pro-
should be addressed to ensure widespread and grams for educators should incorporate IoT tools
successful adoption: to encourage early adoption and help educators
•Security: the pervasive development of IoT will develop innovative methodologies and appropri-
not take place across educational institutions. The ate pedagogies for the learning environment.
information should be available, yet confidential,
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)
Marhoob and his co-author [15] studied the chal- ers of best practices for IoT devices security to
lenges facing IoT in education in the develop- help in improving privacy, for example, change
ing country (Yemen); they stated that the main default passwords of IoT devices.
challenges are the availability of internet at rea- The Importance of the IoT to Higher Education
sonable costs, shortage of IPv4 addresses and Since students arrive on campus with so many
transition to IPv6, power supply for sensors, ac- devices, higher education institutions can benefit
ceptability among the society, and finally security from this as an opportunity to enhance the stu-
and privacy protection. They suggested that some dents’ experience in several ways. For instance,
solutions to these challenges were devised. The they can use students’ smartphones and smart
transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is the very important watches as a communications’ mechanism. John-
step in the development of the IoT in Yemen now. son and his co-authors identify seven categories
Security and privacy protection are very import- of technologies that drive innovation in educa-
ant topics for research in the field as well. tion: Consumer Technologies, Digital Strategies,
Banafa [26] studied the challenges facing IoT. He Enabling Technologies, Internet Technologies,
listed three major challenges: Learning Technologies, Social Media and Visu-
•Technology: this includes covering all tech- alisation Technologies [27]. The IoT needs dis-
nologies needed to make IoT systems function covery and development, which researchers, edu-
smoothly as a standalone solution or part of exist- cators, and students in higher education can lead.
ing systems and that’s not an easy mission. There Higher education researchers, educators, and stu-
are many technological challenges, including Se- dents are in a unique place to lead the discovery
curity, Connectivity, Compatibility & Longevity, and development of IoT devices, applications,
Standards and Intelligent Analysis and Actions. systems, and services.
•Business: the bottom line is a big motivation for Xie and his co-authors presented their opinion
starting, investing in, and operating any business, [28], Internet-of-Things that offers the following
without a sound and solid business model for IoT ways to improve learning and teaching:
it will have another challenge. •The access of students to the learning materials
•Society: Understanding IoT from the customers’ from any computer or other devices connected to
and regulators’ perspective is not an easy task for the Internet.
the following reasons: •The use of intelligent devices (equipped with
Customer demands and requirements change hardware and software applications) in so-called
regularly. smart classrooms.
New uses for devices as well as new devices •The collection and analysis of an important vol-
develop and grow at breakneck speeds. Inventing ume of data from sensors and wearable devices
and reintegrating must-have features and capabil- more easily and monitoring students’ capabilities
ities are expensive and take time and resources. and achievement.
The uses for the IoT technology are expanding •The development of educational social software
and changing. within a context of IoT, referring to the Social
Consumer Confidence. Networking Services (SNS), Wikis, Weblogs as
Lack of understanding or education by consum- support for collaborative activities [4].
S.J.I.T.N Vol .6 No.2 (2018)
Higher education needs to build the leaders of moreover, it strength the advantages. The future
the future IoT economy. The sophisticated talent will bring every day new development, which
within higher education systems will imagine, can be useful for education; however, the most
develop, and lead the new business model and important point to conclude here is we have to
technology innovations. The future of the IoT make use of it in a proper way. Understanding
economy can be shaped by experts and leaders IoT with its advantages and disadvantages will
in higher education and as well as the students bring the real vision of it, and here we can ben-
themselves. efit from it in great well. The IOT and the ad-
3.Discussion vancement in technology can reduce the barriers
It is not logical nor will it be fair to compare tra- to technology adoption and increase its scale on
ditional education with education in the Internet higher education. The IoT removes the traditional
of things environment, since education has not barriers to teaching and learning, and create ro-
moved from classrooms education to the IoT bust, hybrid learning environments using Smart
education directly. The education has developed devices, also allowing the students to connect
alongside the technology’s development gradual- with experts from around the world, also The de-
ly. One of the most important online education velopment of educational social software within
advantages is the access to the education venue a context of IoT in the future work.
from anywhere in addition to the lack of cost. On 5.Future Study
the other hand, online education is perceived to The authors are planning to investigate the exis-
result in depriving students’ from social life in the tence of IoT in the higher education field in Ye-
university and missing direct orientation (face to men; to be able to find ways through which it can
face) as well as not being a preference for applied be of great benefit to further develop the higher
studies. With the development of IoT, the educa- education in Yemen.
tion tried to extract benefits from this develop- References
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