Introduction To Economic Development Lecture Notes
Introduction To Economic Development Lecture Notes
Introduction To Economic Development Lecture Notes
on the study of countries which are in the process of moving upward from
low levels of income, and social progress. There are many features of an
economy that are relevant for measuring its level of national well-being,
environmental quality.
1. Sustenance- the basic goods and services, such as food, clothing and
alternatives from which to satisfy its wants and individuals enjoy real
Economic Development in Asia By Dowling and Valenzuela
2. To raise of living, including, in addition to higher incomes, the provision
human values, all of which will serve not only to enhance material well-
important to recognize that there are two popular ways to compare levels
The exchange rate method has the advantage of simplicity and ease of
calculation. The PPP method, while more costly to calculate and maintain
Economic Development in Asia By Dowling and Valenzuela