Procedure Competency Assessment Tool - Slit Lamp Examination
Procedure Competency Assessment Tool - Slit Lamp Examination
Procedure Competency Assessment Tool - Slit Lamp Examination
Procedure Competency Assessment Tool – Slit Lamp Examination
Procedure: [ ] 65205 Remove superficial conjunctival FB [ ] 65222 Remove corneal FB with slit lamp
How many of this procedure have you completed thus far? _______________________
Please circle the descriptor corresponding to the candidate’s performance in each category, irrespective of the training level.
Context of Examination:
Not sure of the patient’s history, Understands the general indications, Clearly articulates the indications,
context of the examination, or has immediate contraindications, clinical clinical value, limitations, and
knowledge gaps in the clinical value value, and limitations of slit-lamp potential complications of the
and limitations of slit-lamp exam, or examination, and contraindications and examination and able to explain to
contraindications and complications potential complications of foreign body patient to obtain informed consent
of foreign body removal removal
Unfamiliar, awkward, or careless with Properly and comfortably positions self Efficiently and carefully manipulates
slit lamp controls, or needs guidance and patient for examination without slit lamp controls to achieve optimal
to properly and comfortably position guidance; some tentative movements visualization while minimizing patient
patient and operator but demonstrates ability to carefully discomfort
manipulate controls to achieve proper
Frequently stops examination, Uses slit lamp to conducts systematic Systematic, complete, and efficient
repeats or forgets examination eye exam (including eversion of the examination with effortless flow from
elements, or seems unsure of next upper lid and fluorescein exam) with one move to the next
move reasonable progression of the
Has difficulty differentiating normal Recognizes key abnormal findings, Recognizes and reports all gross and
and abnormal findings including blepharitis, corneal lesions, subtle examination findings
foreign bodies, aqueous cell/flare,
cataracts, floaters
Procedure Competency Assessment Tool – Slit Lamp Examination
Unsure of how to use applanation Estimates intraocular pressure using Efficiently and accurately measures
tonometer applanation tonometer intraocular pressure; troubleshoots
tonometer independently
Unsure of method, or inadequate Chooses appropriate instrument; Precise handling of most appropriate
motor control of needle, swab, spud, attempts removal of foreign body with instrument for complete foreign body
or curette adequate motor control to prevent removal
further injury
Patient Comfort:
Unresponsive to patient discomfort; Seeks patient feedback; recognizes Anticipates sources of discomfort and
does not seek patient feedback patient discomfort; alters technique and eliminates them to ensure maximal
regarding comfort administers topical anesthetic drops as comfort
needed to reduce discomfort
Does not recognize or appropriately Recognizes and appropriately addresses Immediately recognizes developing
address developing complication, or developing complication; halts the complication; manages with precise
does not appropriately halt procedure appropriately direction and without hesitation
procedure with failed attempts
Overall on this task did the provider demonstrate competency to perform this procedure independently?