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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021 (COGC-2021)

I – Semester

Course Title: Engineering Drawing

(Course Code: 4300007)

Diploma programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

Mechanical, Automobile, Marine, Fabrication First

Engineering drawing is a way of communication for engineers. It is a graphical language that
essential for communicating design ideas and technical information to engineers in industry
and other professionals throughout the design process. The purpose of an engineering
drawing is to clearly and accurately capture all geometric features of a product or
component so that a manufacturer or engineer can produce the required item. This course
aims at development of fundamental understanding and application of engineering drawing
so as to develop the ability to prepare, read and interpret drawings correctly and make
aware of drafting practices, symbols, codes, norms and standards generally used in
industries. It covers knowledge & application of drawing instruments & also familiarizes the
learner about codified symbols and principles of technical drawing as per BIS (Bureau of
Indian Standards): “SP 46:2003” standards. The course also intended to develop the sense
of drawing sequence and imagination in the students.

The purpose of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences.
• Prepare engineering drawings using prevailing drawing standards and drafting


The practical exercises, the underpinning knowledge and the relevant soft skills associated
with this competency are to be developed in the student to display the following COs:
a) Use scales, drawing standards and drafting instruments as per BIS codes.
b) Construct polygons, circles and lines with different geometric conditions.
c) Construct engineering curves as per given dimensions.
d) Draw the projection of points, lines and planes under different conditions.
e) Draw orthographic views from isometric views of simple objects and vice versa.


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme

(In Hours) (L+T/2+P/2) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
2 - 4 4 30* 70 25 25 150

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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007

(*): Out of 30 marks under the theory CA, 10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project
to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be
taken during the semester for the assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs
required for the attainment of the COs.

Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical; C – Credit, CA -

Continuous Assessment; ESE - End Semester Examination.


The following practical outcomes (PrOs) are the sub-components of the COs. These PrOs
need to be attained to achieve COs.

S. Unit
Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Hrs.
No. No.
Use of Drawing Instruments:
Draw following as per I.S.
1a. Draw different types of lines.
1b. Draw simple 2D entities and demonstrate the use of different
types of dimensioning methods.
1c. Illustrate dimensioning of circle, arc, angle, square bar, I,II,III 12
hexagonal bar, cylinder & sphere through figures.
1d. Draw vertical and inclined alphabets and numerals.
1e. Draw 1st and 3rd angle orthographic projection symbols.
1f. Draw a typical Title block.
1g. Draw Angle using T-square and Set-squares.
1h. Draw simple objects using reduced and enlarge scales.
Geometric Construction:
2a. Draw set of lines with different conditions (Four problems).
2b. Draw circle and arcs with different geometric conditions
and constraints (Four problems).
2c. Draw polygons by general methods (Triangle, square, IV 08
pentagon, hexagon, heptagon) (Three problems).
2d. Draw polygons by special methods (Pentagon, hexagon and
heptagon) (Three problems).
2e. Draw various problems related to tangency of circle and
point (Three problems).
Engineering Curves (Conic Sections)-1:
3a. Construct ellipse using concentric circle method, four center
method, arc of circle method, rectangle method, oblong
method and eccentricity method.
V 06
3 3b. Construct parabola using rectangular method,
parallelogram method, tangent method and eccentricity
3c. Construct hyperbola using rectangular method, oblique
method and eccentricity method.

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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007

S. Unit
Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Hrs.
No. No.
Engineering Curves-2:
4a. Construct cycloid.
4b. Construct hypocycloid & epicycloid. V 06
4c. Construct involute of circle.
4d. Construct involute of polygons.
4e. Construct Archimedean spiral.
Projections of Points and Lines:
5a. Draw projection of points (For 10 various conditions). VI 04
5b. Draw projection of lines with different conditions (Seven
Projections of Planes:
Draw projections of different planar entities with different VII 04
conditions. (Triangle, square/rectangular, pentagonal, hexagonal
and circular – One for each) (Eight problems).
Orthographic Projections:
VII 08
7 Draw Orthographic projections of different objects (three views
of each object) (Six problems).
Isometric Projections:
8a. Draw isometric drawing from given orthographic views (Six
8 problems).
8b. Draw free hand sketch of all above isometric drawings
without using any instruments.
Total 56
i. Note: The teacher should demonstrate -
• Use of drawing instruments.
• Planning and layout of drawing sheet as per IS code.
• Scaling technique.
ii. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the respective course teacher to
develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
suggestive list.
iii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills (more may be
added/deleted depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises
of this course required which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency.
iv. Teachers should encourage students for optimum use of drawing sheet space. Further,
instruct them to use both sides of a drawing sheet. For example, draw sheet number 2 on
back side of sheet number 1, 4 on back of 3, and likewise.
v. First angle orthographic projection and IS codes (Engineering Drawing Practices for School
and Colleges SP 46:2003) should be followed wherever applicable.
vi. The dimensions of line, axes, distances, angle, side of polygon, diameter, etc. must be
varied for each student in batch so that each student will have same problems, but with
different dimensions.
vii. The sketchbook should contain data related to all problems, solutions of all problems and
student activities performed. Students’ activities are compulsory to be performed.

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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007

viii. A hand out containing applicable standards from IS codes including title block as per IS
standard should be given to each student by concerned teacher.
ix. For 25 marks Practical Marks ESE, students are to be assessed for competencies achieved.
Students are to be given data for practical ESE to prepare drawings.

S. No. Sample Performance Indicators for the PrOs Weightage in

1 Drawing planning and layout (for optimum use of drawing sheet) 10
2 Use of appropriate instruments, lines, dimensioning & annotations 20
3 Completing given practice problems 30
4 Accuracy of drawing 10
4 Neatness of drawing 10
5 Timely submission of completed drawing sheet 10
6 Answering viva voce questions 10
Total 100


These major equipment with broad specifications for the PrOs is a guide to procure them by
the administrators to usher in uniformity of practicals in all institutions across the state.

S. PrO. No.
Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
1 Drawing instruments for class room teaching (Large Size). 1 to 8
2 Models of various objects (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil etc.). 3 to 8
3 Set of various drawings being used by industries/developed by 7, 8
experienced teachers.
4 Drawing Board (B2) & Mini Drafter. 1 to 8
5 Other Instruments: T-Square, Set square (45˚ and 30˚-60˚), Roller 1 to 8
Scale, Protector, Drawing Compass, Dividers, Drawing Pencils
(Clutch Pencil with H & 2H Lead), Lead Box (H & 2H – 0.5 or 0.7
mm) Circle Master, French Curves, Stencils (8-6-4 mm, All in One),
Eraser, Drawing sheets, Drawing Pins/Clips, Sheet Container and
Drawing instrument box.
6 Interactive board with LCD overhead projector All


The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the
above mentioned COs and PrOs. More could be added to fulfill the development of this
course competency.
a) Work as a leader/a team member.
b) Follow safety practices. Particularly don’t use razor or blade to sharpen the pencils.
c) Follow ethical practices.
d) Maintain cleanliness.
e) Practice environmental friendly methods and processes. (Environment related)

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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007

The ADOs are best developed through the laboratory/field based exercises. Moreover, the
level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’
should gradually increase as planned below:
i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year.
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.

The major underpinning theory is given below based on the higher level UOs of Revised
Bloom’s taxonomy that are formulated for development of the COs and competency. If
required, more such UOs could be included by the course teacher to focus on attainment of
COs and competency.

Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(4 to 6 UOs at different levels)
Unit – I 1a. Use drawing instruments and 1.1 Drawing instruments and materials.
materials effectively. 1.2 Instruments-types, specifications,
Engineering method to use them and
Drawing applications.
Aids 1.3 Pencils-grades, papers-grades,
applications, types of points and
1.4 Other materials-types and
Unit – II 2a. Follow and apply standard 2.1. I.S. cods for planning and layout.
practice as per B.I.S. for 2.2. Scaling technique used in drawing:
Planning planning and layout. a) Plain Scale
Layout and 2b. Choose appropriate scale b) Diagonal Scale
Scaling of factor for the drawing as per
Drawing the given situation with
Unit– III 3a. Write annotations on the given 3.1 Different types of lines.
drawing where ever necessary. 3.2 Lettering.
Lines, 3b. Choose appropriate line and 3.3 Dimensioning methods.
Lettering dimensioning style for the given a) Aligned method.
and Geometrical entity. b) Unilateral with chain, parallel,
Dimension- progressive and combined
ing dimensioning.

Unit– IV 4a. Draw polygons, circles and lines 4.1 Geometric construction related with
with the given geometric line.
Geometric conditions. 4.2 Geometric construction related with
Construc- angle.
tion 4.3 Geometric construction related with
circle & arc.
4.4 Construct polygons:

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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007

Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(4 to 6 UOs at different levels)
a) Hexagon: Using drawing tools.
b) Polygon (Triangle, square,
pentagon, hexagon and
heptagon) by general method.
c) Polygon (Pentagon, hexagon and
heptagon) by special method.
Unit– V 5a. Draw engineering curves with 5.1 Conic sections.
Engineering proficiency as per given a) Concept and understanding of
Curves dimensions. focus, directrix, vertex and
eccentricity and drawing of conic
b) Using various methods,
understand construction and
application of :
• Ellipse.
• Parabola.
• Hyperbola.
5.2 Cycloidal Curves (Cycloid, Epicycloid,
5.3 Involutes of a circle and polygons.
5.4 Spiral (Archimedean spiral only).
Unit– VI 6a.Draw the projection of points, 6.1 Concept of quadrant.
lines and planes with different 6.2 Reference planes, orthographic
Projection conditions in first angle projections.
of Points, projection. 6.3 1st angle and 3rd angle projection
Lines and 6b. Find out true shape and size of and their symbols.
Planes an inclined line or plane. 6.4 Projection of points.
6.5 Projection of lines – determination of
true length and inclinations for
following cases.
a) Line parallel to one or both the
b) Line perpendicular to one of the
c) Line inclined to one plane and
parallel to another.
d) Line inclined to both the planes.
6.6 Projection of Planes.
a) Type of planes.
b) Projections of planar object
parallel to one of the reference
c) Projections of planar object
inclined to one reference plane

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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007

Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(4 to 6 UOs at different levels)
and perpendicular to another.
d) Projections of planar object
inclined to both reference
Note: Planar objects like Triangle,
Square / rectangle, pentagon, hexagon
and circle shape should be considered.
Unit– VII 7a. Draw the orthographic views 7.1 Types of projections-orthographic,
of objects containing lines, perspective, isometric and oblique:
Orthogra- circles and arc geometry. concept and applications.
phic 7b. Interpret given orthographic 7.2 Various term associated with
Projection views to imagine the shape of orthographic projections.
the component. a) Theory of projection.
b) Methods of projection.
c) Orthographic projection.
d) Planes of projection.
7.3 Conversion of simple pictorial views
into Orthographic views. Illustrative
problems on orthographic projection.
7.4 B.I.S. code of practice.
Note: Problem should be restricted up to
three views Front view/Elevation, Top
view/Plan and Side views only. Use First
Angle Method only.
Unit– VIII 8a. Draw the isometric view from 8.1 Isometric axis, lines and planes.
orthographic views of object/s 8.2 Isometric scales.
Isometric containing lines, circles, arcs 8.3 Isometric view and isometric
Projection and slant surfaces. drawing.
8.4 Difference between isometric
projection and isometric drawing.
8.5 Illustrative problems limited to
objects Containing lines, circles
and arcs shape only.
8.6 Draw all above problems with free
hand sketch using pencil. (Without
using any drawing instrument)
8.7 Draw orthographic and isometric
views with free hand sketch of
various sections used in
engineering. e.g. square, circular,
hollow, L, T, U, I-sections, etc.

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Unit Unit Title Teaching
Distribution of Theory Marks
No. Hours
R U A Total
Level Level Level Marks
I Engineering drawing aids 0 0 0 2 2
II Planning, layout and scaling of drawing 0 2 0 3 5
III Lines, lettering and dimensioning 0 0 2 0 2
IV Geometric construction 3 0 3 7 10
V Engineering curves 6 2 0 10 12
VI Projection of points, lines and planes 8 3 0 14 17
VII Orthographic projections 6 0 0 12 12
VIII Isometric projections 5 0 2 8 10
Total 28 12 28 30 70
Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A=Apply and above (Revised Bloom’s taxonomy)

Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist students for their learning
and to teachers to teach and question paper designers/setters to formulate test
items/questions to assess the attainment of the UOs. The actual distribution of marks at
different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may slightly vary from above


Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested student-
related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the
various outcomes in this course: Students should perform following activities in group and
prepare reports of about 5 pages for each activity. They should also collect/record physical
evidences for their (student’s) portfolio which may be useful for their placement interviews:
a) Solve all problems for all sheets number 1 to 8 in sketch book (with complete data
and dimensions).
b) Take one circular shape (i.e. tyre). Assume one point on circumference and mark it.
Roll that shape on flat and circular surface. Observe the path of point and correlate
the same with respective engineering curve.
c) Take one circular shape and string which length is equal to circumference of circle.
Try to wound and unwound string on it. Observe the path of point and correlate the
same with respective engineering curve.
d) List few engineering/domestic components in which involute curve is used.
e) Take two simple objects in your vicinity and sketch 3D isometric of them. Also draw
2D orthographic projections of them (all views). Try to clearly and accurately capture
all the geometric features present in the selected objects.
f) Download soft copy of technical drawing of any engineering products. Read and
interpret this drawing (e.g. Car, Cutting tools, gears, bearings etc.).
g) Collect the orthographic views from your facilitator, at least three objects with few
missing lines. The student will try to imagine the corresponding objects, complete the
views and draw these views in sketch book.

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h) Explain at least one problem for construction and method of drawing in sheet to all
batch colleagues. Teacher will assign the problem of particular sheet to be explained
to each batch student.
i) Each student will assess at least one sheet of other students (May be a group of 5-6
students identified by teacher can be taken) and will note down the mistakes
committed by them. Student will also guide the students for correcting the mistakes,
if any.
These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various outcomes in this course:
a) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/sub
b) Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects.
c) ‘L’ in section No. 4 means different types of teaching methods that is to be employed
by teachers to develop the outcomes.
d) About 20% of the topics/sub-topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in
nature is to be given to the students for self-learning, but to be assessed using
different assessment methods.
e) With respect to section No.10, teachers should create opportunities and provisions
for co-curricular activities.
f) Guide students for using BIS “SP 46:2003” standard


Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned
to him/her in the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters, the micro-project are
group-based (group of 3 to 5). However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, the number of
students in the group should not exceed three.
The micro-project could be industry application based, internet-based, workshop-
based, laboratory-based or field-based. Each micro-project should encompass two or more
COs which are in fact, an integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to
maintain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the project work and give a
seminar presentation of it before submission. The duration of the microproject should be
about 14-16 (fourteen to sixteen) student engagement hours during the course. The
students ought to submit micro-project by the end of the semester to develop the industry-
oriented COs.
A suggestive list of micro-projects is given here. This has to match the competency and
the COs. Similar micro-projects could be added by the concerned course teacher:
a) Creating Digital Portfolio: Students should Observe and collect photographs and
images of industrial/domestic components/items which contain or their functioning
create shapes/features like polygon, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloids, involute
and spiral).
b) Technology in education: Refer websites related to use of virtual drawing
instruments and environment like, Practice few problems using the virtual drawing
c) Model Making: Students should Build 3D model of various object as per shape and
dimension from thermocol, hardboard scrap, wooden scrap, plastic or metal scrap.

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d) World of work connect: Students should collect Production drawings, Building

Drawings, Layouts from nearby workshops/industries/builders/contractors and try to
• redraw types of lines used
• redraw lettering styles used
• list BIS code referred
• list the symbols/annotations/dimensioning used
• list the type of scales used. Compare the size of component on drawing sheet with
actual component.

S. Author
Title of Book Publication with place, year and ISBN
1 Engineering Drawing N.D. Bhatt Charotar Publishing House;Anand,
2014. ISBN : 9789380358963
2 Textbook of Engineering P.J. Shah S.Chand, New Delhi. 2013
Drawing ISBN : 9788121941822
3 Textbook of Engineering R K Dhawan S.Chand, New Delhi. 2013
Drawing ISBN : 9789352837373
4 Engineering Drawing M.B. Shah, B.C. Pearsons. 2009
Rana ISBN: 9788131759714
5 Engineering Drawing Basant Agrawal, McGraw-Hill, 2019
C. M. Agrawal ISBN : 9789353167448
6 Engineering Drawing Bureau of Indian Bureau of Indian Standards,
Practices for School and Standards Government of India, Third Reprint,
Colleges SP 46:2003 October 1998; ISBN:. 81-7061-091-2



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Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007


Semester I Engineering Drawing (Course Code: 4300007)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7
Basic & Problem Design/ Engineering Engineering practices Project Life-long
Discipline Analysis developme Tools, for society, Manageme learning
& Course Outcomes specific nt of Experimentati sustainability & nt
knowledge solutions on &Testing environment
Prepare engineering drawings using prevailing drawing standards and drafting instruments.

Course Outcomes
CO a) Use scales, drawing
standards and drafting 3 1 2 3 - - 2
instruments as per BIS
CO b) Construct polygons,
circles and lines with
3 - 3 2 2 - 2
different geometric
CO c) Construct engineering
curves as per given 3 - 3 2 2 - 2
CO d)Draw the projection of
points, lines and planes 3 - 3 2 2 - 2
under different conditions.
CO e)Draw orthographic views
from isometric views of
3 2 3 2 2 2 2
simple objects and vice
versa .
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


GTU Resource Persons
S.No. Name and Designation Institute Contact No. Email
1 Mr. M.D.Naraniya, Government 9726716135 naraniya98
Lecturer in Mech. Engg. Polytechnic, Jamnagar
2 Mr. P.C. Chavda, AV Parekh Technical 9978816965 pragneshchavda91
Lecturer in Mech. Engg. Institute, Rajkot
3 Dr. S.S. Sonigra, Government 9427322129
Lecturer in Mech. Engg. Polytechnic, Rajkot
4 Dr. H.R. Sapramer Dr. J.N.Mehta 9426587197
HOD, Mech. Engg. Polytechnic, Amreli

NITTTR Resource Persons

S.No. Name and Designation Department Contact No. Email

Dr. Sharad K. Pradhan, Mech. Engg. 9300802353
Associate Professor Education
Dr. K.K. Jain, Mech. Engg. 9425017472
Professor Education

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