Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007: Page 1 of 11
Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007: Page 1 of 11
Engineering Drawing Course Code: 4300007: Page 1 of 11
Engineering drawing is a way of communication for engineers. It is a graphical language that
essential for communicating design ideas and technical information to engineers in industry
and other professionals throughout the design process. The purpose of an engineering
drawing is to clearly and accurately capture all geometric features of a product or
component so that a manufacturer or engineer can produce the required item. This course
aims at development of fundamental understanding and application of engineering drawing
so as to develop the ability to prepare, read and interpret drawings correctly and make
aware of drafting practices, symbols, codes, norms and standards generally used in
industries. It covers knowledge & application of drawing instruments & also familiarizes the
learner about codified symbols and principles of technical drawing as per BIS (Bureau of
Indian Standards): “SP 46:2003” standards. The course also intended to develop the sense
of drawing sequence and imagination in the students.
The purpose of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences.
• Prepare engineering drawings using prevailing drawing standards and drafting
(*): Out of 30 marks under the theory CA, 10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project
to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be
taken during the semester for the assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs
required for the attainment of the COs.
S. Unit
Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Hrs.
No. No.
Use of Drawing Instruments:
Draw following as per I.S.
1a. Draw different types of lines.
1b. Draw simple 2D entities and demonstrate the use of different
types of dimensioning methods.
1c. Illustrate dimensioning of circle, arc, angle, square bar, I,II,III 12
hexagonal bar, cylinder & sphere through figures.
1d. Draw vertical and inclined alphabets and numerals.
1e. Draw 1st and 3rd angle orthographic projection symbols.
1f. Draw a typical Title block.
1g. Draw Angle using T-square and Set-squares.
1h. Draw simple objects using reduced and enlarge scales.
Geometric Construction:
2a. Draw set of lines with different conditions (Four problems).
2b. Draw circle and arcs with different geometric conditions
and constraints (Four problems).
2c. Draw polygons by general methods (Triangle, square, IV 08
pentagon, hexagon, heptagon) (Three problems).
2d. Draw polygons by special methods (Pentagon, hexagon and
heptagon) (Three problems).
2e. Draw various problems related to tangency of circle and
point (Three problems).
Engineering Curves (Conic Sections)-1:
3a. Construct ellipse using concentric circle method, four center
method, arc of circle method, rectangle method, oblong
method and eccentricity method.
V 06
3 3b. Construct parabola using rectangular method,
parallelogram method, tangent method and eccentricity
3c. Construct hyperbola using rectangular method, oblique
method and eccentricity method.
S. Unit
Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Hrs.
No. No.
Engineering Curves-2:
4a. Construct cycloid.
4b. Construct hypocycloid & epicycloid. V 06
4c. Construct involute of circle.
4d. Construct involute of polygons.
4e. Construct Archimedean spiral.
Projections of Points and Lines:
5a. Draw projection of points (For 10 various conditions). VI 04
5b. Draw projection of lines with different conditions (Seven
Projections of Planes:
Draw projections of different planar entities with different VII 04
conditions. (Triangle, square/rectangular, pentagonal, hexagonal
and circular – One for each) (Eight problems).
Orthographic Projections:
VII 08
7 Draw Orthographic projections of different objects (three views
of each object) (Six problems).
Isometric Projections:
8a. Draw isometric drawing from given orthographic views (Six
8 problems).
8b. Draw free hand sketch of all above isometric drawings
without using any instruments.
Total 56
i. Note: The teacher should demonstrate -
• Use of drawing instruments.
• Planning and layout of drawing sheet as per IS code.
• Scaling technique.
ii. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the respective course teacher to
develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
suggestive list.
iii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills (more may be
added/deleted depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises
of this course required which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency.
iv. Teachers should encourage students for optimum use of drawing sheet space. Further,
instruct them to use both sides of a drawing sheet. For example, draw sheet number 2 on
back side of sheet number 1, 4 on back of 3, and likewise.
v. First angle orthographic projection and IS codes (Engineering Drawing Practices for School
and Colleges SP 46:2003) should be followed wherever applicable.
vi. The dimensions of line, axes, distances, angle, side of polygon, diameter, etc. must be
varied for each student in batch so that each student will have same problems, but with
different dimensions.
vii. The sketchbook should contain data related to all problems, solutions of all problems and
student activities performed. Students’ activities are compulsory to be performed.
viii. A hand out containing applicable standards from IS codes including title block as per IS
standard should be given to each student by concerned teacher.
ix. For 25 marks Practical Marks ESE, students are to be assessed for competencies achieved.
Students are to be given data for practical ESE to prepare drawings.
S. PrO. No.
Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
1 Drawing instruments for class room teaching (Large Size). 1 to 8
2 Models of various objects (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil etc.). 3 to 8
3 Set of various drawings being used by industries/developed by 7, 8
experienced teachers.
4 Drawing Board (B2) & Mini Drafter. 1 to 8
5 Other Instruments: T-Square, Set square (45˚ and 30˚-60˚), Roller 1 to 8
Scale, Protector, Drawing Compass, Dividers, Drawing Pencils
(Clutch Pencil with H & 2H Lead), Lead Box (H & 2H – 0.5 or 0.7
mm) Circle Master, French Curves, Stencils (8-6-4 mm, All in One),
Eraser, Drawing sheets, Drawing Pins/Clips, Sheet Container and
Drawing instrument box.
6 Interactive board with LCD overhead projector All
The ADOs are best developed through the laboratory/field based exercises. Moreover, the
level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’
should gradually increase as planned below:
i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year.
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.
The major underpinning theory is given below based on the higher level UOs of Revised
Bloom’s taxonomy that are formulated for development of the COs and competency. If
required, more such UOs could be included by the course teacher to focus on attainment of
COs and competency.
Unit– IV 4a. Draw polygons, circles and lines 4.1 Geometric construction related with
with the given geometric line.
Geometric conditions. 4.2 Geometric construction related with
Construc- angle.
tion 4.3 Geometric construction related with
circle & arc.
4.4 Construct polygons:
Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist students for their learning
and to teachers to teach and question paper designers/setters to formulate test
items/questions to assess the attainment of the UOs. The actual distribution of marks at
different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may slightly vary from above
h) Explain at least one problem for construction and method of drawing in sheet to all
batch colleagues. Teacher will assign the problem of particular sheet to be explained
to each batch student.
i) Each student will assess at least one sheet of other students (May be a group of 5-6
students identified by teacher can be taken) and will note down the mistakes
committed by them. Student will also guide the students for correcting the mistakes,
if any.
These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various outcomes in this course:
a) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/sub
b) Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects.
c) ‘L’ in section No. 4 means different types of teaching methods that is to be employed
by teachers to develop the outcomes.
d) About 20% of the topics/sub-topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in
nature is to be given to the students for self-learning, but to be assessed using
different assessment methods.
e) With respect to section No.10, teachers should create opportunities and provisions
for co-curricular activities.
f) Guide students for using BIS “SP 46:2003” standard
S. Author
Title of Book Publication with place, year and ISBN
1 Engineering Drawing N.D. Bhatt Charotar Publishing House;Anand,
2014. ISBN : 9789380358963
2 Textbook of Engineering P.J. Shah S.Chand, New Delhi. 2013
Drawing ISBN : 9788121941822
3 Textbook of Engineering R K Dhawan S.Chand, New Delhi. 2013
Drawing ISBN : 9789352837373
4 Engineering Drawing M.B. Shah, B.C. Pearsons. 2009
Rana ISBN: 9788131759714
5 Engineering Drawing Basant Agrawal, McGraw-Hill, 2019
C. M. Agrawal ISBN : 9789353167448
6 Engineering Drawing Bureau of Indian Bureau of Indian Standards,
Practices for School and Standards Government of India, Third Reprint,
Colleges SP 46:2003 October 1998; ISBN:. 81-7061-091-2
Course Outcomes
CO a) Use scales, drawing
standards and drafting 3 1 2 3 - - 2
instruments as per BIS
CO b) Construct polygons,
circles and lines with
3 - 3 2 2 - 2
different geometric
CO c) Construct engineering
curves as per given 3 - 3 2 2 - 2
CO d)Draw the projection of
points, lines and planes 3 - 3 2 2 - 2
under different conditions.
CO e)Draw orthographic views
from isometric views of
3 2 3 2 2 2 2
simple objects and vice
versa .
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.