Lauritzen 1964

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Seattle an.d Olympia, Wash.

P ROPERLY COXSTRUCTED SPLIT CASTS provide a simple and reliable means of ob-
taining a high degree of accuracy in articulator mounting and verification of ar-
ticulator settings from occlusal records. The “split cast” is essentially a maxillary
cast constructed in two parts with a horizontal division. The first part of the cast
which duplicates the maxillary teeth, or is the mounting cast for the upper denture,
is designated the primary base. The second part which is fitted to the primary base
and is attached permanently to the upper member of the articulator is referred to as
the secosdaql base (Fig. 1)
The first mention of “split casts” was by Needles1 in 1923. Since then, no men-
tion of this technique has been made until Lucia2 described the method developed
by one of us (A.G.L.) .
Many authors3-I6 emphasize the need for accurate interocclusal relationships
in articulator mountings. A thorough explanation of the steps in the construction of
split casts should focus attention on the use of this valuable technique.


Split casts must be meticulously made of properly handled materials if the

desired accuracy is to be obtained. The method of construction of split casts for
remounting dentures and for mounting casts of dentitions on the articulator have
several factors that are in common. First, both the primary and secondary bases
must be poured in a very hard, smooth material to provide better resistance to
chipping and wear where the “split” surfaces come together. Therefore, one of the
hard “densite” stones* is used. A mixture of 200 Gm. of artificial stone with 50 C.C.
of Ivater furnishes an adequate amount of material for a primary base. Second,
mechanical spatulation of the stone with or without vacuum gives a smooth bubble-
free mix, a factor of major importance. This factor is further enhanced by the
addition to the mixture of a few drops of an agent designed to lower surface tension.’
Upper Denture Technique.-The denture is prepared by blocking out all un-
dercuts with Moldines to facilitate removal of the denture base from the cast (Fig.
*Velmix, Kerr Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.; Duroc, The Ransom and Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio:
Super-Die, Whip-Mix Corp., Louisville, Ky.
;Debubblizer, Kerr Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.
$Moldine, S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
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2 j. Moldine is preferable to modeling clay because it is water soluble and is thus

more easily removed from the denture. The artificial stone is mechanically mixed
and vibrated into a cast former of suitable size. The denture base is filled with stone
and placed in the cast former. The depth of stone at the posterior border and the
resulting thickness of the primary base is held between 1.O and 1.5 cm. A cast of
thimier dimensions will not permit the cutting of sufficiently deep notches in its
base. A cast of greater thickness, when combined with the secondary base, may
prevent the mounting of the cast in correct relation to the axis-orbital plane.
Excess artificial stone is removed with a laboratory knife while the stone is
in ;l soft state so that the border of the denture is partly uncovered. A toothbrush


Fig. l.-Schematic representation of split casts. 1, the primary base cast; 2, the secondary
base cast; and 3, the combined casts.
Fig. Z.-The undercuts in the denture are blocked out with Moldine.

Fig. 3.-The primary base is poured in stone in the cast former. Tempera (coloring material)
was added to the primary base cast.

is used under running water to completely uncover the denture borders and the
exposed stone surface is cleaned and smoothed while it is still soft (Fig. 3). Then
a small notch is cut in the stone under the palatal border of the denture to provide
for easy removal of the denture later on. The model cast former is removed when
the stone has hardened.
Tcclznique for h’atural Teefh.--An impression of natural teeth made in a
smooth, unperforated, rimlock-type tray is prepared by removing the surplus ir-
reversible hydrocolloid material covering the buccal, labial, and posterior surfaces
of the tray. The palatal part of the impression is sliced off with a sharp knife to
reduce the over-all thickness of the primary base. A strip of boxing wax is added to
the labial portion of the tray to provide a protective flange in front of the anterior
teeth (Fig. 4). The tray is placed into a Foldox* cast former which is secured in
place with a rubber band (Figs. 5 and 6), and the cast is poured and allowed to

‘Foldox, J. Bird Moyer Co., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.; Dentalaids Ltd., Harrow, Middlesex, Eng-
?;umber 2

Fig. 4.-The impression is trimmed and a strip of hoxing wax is added to the labial flange
of the tray.

Fig. 5. Fig. 6.

Fig. B.-The impression tray is placed in a Foldox cast former.

Fig. B.--The boxing is completed by securing the cast former with a rubber band.

The cast, for either a denture or a dentition, is trimmed on the cast trimmer,
according to Angle,17 with certain modifications. Only the sides of the denture cast
are trimmed and the thickness of the top (the base) is not reduced. The thickness of
the base of the cast of the dentition is reduced from the top so that the posterior
border is between 1.0 and 1.5 cm. thick. Then, the sides are trimmed. Either cast
is now ready to be prepared as a primary base of a split cast.


Six wedge-shaped notches are made in the top of the primary cast with the
use of a three-inch stone mounted on a lathe. The cuts are made from the border
toward the center of the cast. Two notches are located toward the outer edge of the
posterior border, two in the first molar region, and two in the lateral incisor region.
These notches are formed by holding the cast at a 4.5 degree angle to the cutting
hlarch-April. 1961

Fig. 7.-Notches are cut in the border of the base of the primary base cast.

Fig. 8. Fig. 9.

Fig. 8.-The primary base cast is prepared for the construction of the secondary base cast.
Fig. 9.-The thickness of the secondary base cast is determined by the height of the boxing

stone (Fig. 7). They should extend through three quarters of the depth of the
border, tapering for approximately 2.5 cm. in toward the center of the top surface
of the primary base. A vacuum filter is advisable for removal of the dust while the
notches are cut.
The upper surface of the cast is coated several times with a plaster separating
medium* before the stone becomes dry (Fig. 8). Then, the border of the primaq
base is wrapped with 3/4 inch plastic electrical tapet so that approximately 5 mm.
of the tape projects above the top surface of the cast to form a mold for the sec-
ondary base (Fig. 9).
A small amount of deep-colored dry tempera: and a drop of debubblizer is in-
corporated in 25 CC. of water, and 100 Gm. of artificial stone are mixed by means
of mechanical spatulation. The tempera color in the stone produces a contrast be-
*Super-Sep, Kerr Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.
tScotch brand No. 33, 3/a inch, Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
XAlphacolor, dry tempera, Weber-Costello, Chicago Heights, Ill.

Fig. la.-The retentive knobs of stone are atltletl to the secondary base rast.

Fig. 11. Fig. 12.

Fig. Il.-The trimmed bases of the cast are separated.

Fig. U.-The combined primary and secondary bases fit perfectly. The primary base cast has
been colored with tempera.

tween the primary and secondary bases and permits easy detection of stone inatl-
vertently spilled on the tooth surfaces of the cast.
The colored stone is vibrated onto the top of the primary base until the mold
is filled to the level of the tape. Additional stone is incorporated in the remaining
mix to produce a hard doughy consistency and three wahiut-sized knobs are placed
into the softer stone of the secondary base, two at the posterior corners and one in
the anterior region (Fig. 10). These knobs offer an adequate grip for easy separa-
tion of the secondary from the primary base and also provide positive retention
when the secondary base is mounted to the upper member of the articulator.
After the stone has set, the tape is removed and the sides of the cast are
smoothed on the cast trimmer to remove excess stone and to produce a sharp clear
line of demarcation between the primary and secondary bases. The casts are care-
fully washed and the bases separated (Fig. 11) .
The bases are observed carefully for flaws and are reassembled immediately.

Fig. 13. Fig. 14.

Fig. lY.-The combined casts are mounted on the articulator by means of a hinge face-bow
from located hinge axis points.
Fig. 14.-The upper denture and the primary base cast are seated with even pressure in the
terminal hinge (centric) relation record.

The bases are kept together to avoid damaging the surfaces and are not separated
again until they are used for checking procedures. The knobs or handles on the top
surface of the secondary base are trimmed on the cast trimmer so that only an
amount sufficient for positive retention remains in the mounting on the articulator
(Fig. 12). The denture should not be removed from the cast until this time.


The combined primary and secondary base casts are mounted on the upper
member of the articulator by means of a hinge axis tranfer bow from previously
located hinge axis points (Fig. 13)“. The articulator is locked at its basic
After the lower cast has been mounted from a wax terminal hinge (centric)
relation record, it is mandatory to know, first, if this mounting has been correctly
made. To ascertain this, the articulator is opened and the primary base cast is
seated in the wax terminal hinge (centric) relation record with centralized pres-
sure (Fig. 14) and carefully held in this position while the upper member of the
articulator with the secondary base is closed into the primary base (Fig. 15). If
the secondary base fits accurately into the primary base, the mounting has been
properly made (Fig. 16). Even the smallest error in mounting is apparent as the
secondary base refuses to fit accurately against the primary base.
However, this procedure does not prove that the centric relation record origi-
nally obtained was correct. Therefore, a second terminal hinge (centric j relation
record is made for verification purposes. The primary base cast is seated and care-
fully held in position against the second terminal hinge relation record once more
and the secondary base is closed against and into the primary base cast. If no dis-
crepancies are visible, the centric relation mounting is proved to be correct and the
casts are correctly mounted in terminal hinge relation. However, if the primary
and secondary bases do not fit accurately together, at least one of the centric relation

*This procedure is to be described in another article.

Suml,er .?

Fig. 15. Fig. 16.

Fig. 15.-The primary base cast is held firmly in position and the upper member of the ar-
ticulator and secondary base are closed into centric position.
Fig. 16.-The perfect fit of the primary and secondary base casts verifies the (centric) rela-
tion mounting technique.

records is incorrect. Additional terminal hinge relation records should be made until
one agrees with the original momiting or a decision is made that the original record
from which the mounting was made was incorrect. In the latter instance, it is nec-
essary to remove and remount the lower cast and repeat the checking procedures.


Once the correct terminal hinge (centric) relation has been obtained on the
articulator, the split casts make it possible to accurately adjust the articulator by
means of protrusive and lateral jaw relation records.*
The horizontal condylar inclination is adjusted from the protrusive record.
The incisal guide pin is removed, the protrusive record is placed on the mandibular
cast, and the articulator with primary and secondary bases in place is closed into the
record. Four fingers are placed on the upper mounting plate in order to exert a
pressure which is centralized down through the cast and through the interocclusal
record. The set screw for the horizontal condylar inclination is loosened with the
other hand and the screw is moved lightly back and forth with a delicate touch
until it rests at a central position where it is locked at the higher number of degrees.
The horizontal condylar inclination is adjusted for the other side of the articulator
in a similar manner. Then, the first side is adjusted again to see if any changes
occur when it is set a second time. If no change occurs, the second side is checked
again. These adjustments are made on the alternate sides until, at the subsequent
setting of either of the condylar inclinations, the same values previously found are
found repeatedly.
After the horizontal condylar guidances have been adjusted in this mantier, the
split casts are used to verify the setting resulting from the protrusive jaw relation
records. The primary base is seated in the protrusive record with uniform cen-
*The making of these records will be described in another article.
March-April, 1964

Fig. 17. Fig. 18.

Fig. 17.-The discrepancy between primary and secondary casts indicates that the horizontal
contlylar inclinations are not adjusted correctly according to the protrusive interocclusal record.
Fig. l&-The effect of a 5 degree error in the adjustment of the Bennett shift is apparent by
the space between the primary and secondary base casts.

tralized pressure, held in this position with the other hand, and the split casts are
closed together. If the setting is correct, the split casts will be in perfect apposition.
If an opening is observed posteriorly between the primary and secondary bases, the
condylar inclination has been set too steeply and must be reduced. If an opening is
observed anteriorly between the primary and secondary bases, the condylar in-
clination has been set too flatly (Fig. 17 j and must be correspondingly adjusted.
Thus, the adjustment of the articulator for the horizontal inclination from the posi-
tional records is verified.
;Z similar procedure is used in setting the articulator from lateral records. IBoth
the Bennett (lateral) shift and horizontal condylar inclination are adjusted on the
balancing side. Every setting must be verified as correct by use of the split casts. An
error of even 5 degrees in the setting of the Wennett shift can be observed by use
of the split cast technique (Fig. 18). All positional records are made in duplicate
for verification.


The degree of accuracy in the use of properly constructed split casts is illus-
trated by the fact that a narrow strip of cellophane, 0.001 inch thick, interposed
between one tooth and the terminal hinge relation record results in an observable
discrepancy in fit between the primary and secondary casts.
The adjustable instrument, the Dentatus Model ARL,* properly accepts lateral
positional records about 98 per cent of the time. However, the actual condyle
positions are reproduced only at the registered points. The paths between the
terminal hinge relation and the registered points are approximations with an instru-
ment of this type. More comples articulators must be used to reproduce the actual
rontlyle paths. All controls of movements should be placed in the cranial position
*A. B. Dentatus, Stockholm, Sweden, and Kerr Mfg. Co.. Detroit. Blich
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c.111the upper member of such instruments. The adjustability must permit the ar-
ticulator to accurately follow and duplicate gnathographically generated movement
patterns. Even in such instruments, the split-cast method should be mandatory for
lxoper verification of the mounting of casts in the terminal hinge relation. II’e
recommend that positional jaw relation records be made and used with split casts
to determine whether or not these instruments duplicate the jaw positions.

The split-cast method of articulator adjustment technique has been presented.

This method is used to verify the accuracy of cast mountings in the terminal hinge
relation on any adjustable articulator. The split-cast method also provides a pre-
cise means of adjusting the articulator from positional (protrusive and lateralj in-
terocchisal records.

1. Needles, J. W.: Mandibular Movements and Articulator Design, J. Am. Dent. A. 10:
927-935, 1923.
2. Lucia, V. 0.: Modern Gnathological Concepts, St. Louis, 1961, The C. \:. Mosby Company,
p. 115.
3. Schuyler, C. H.: Factors of Occlusion to be Observed in Everyday Practice, J. Am.
Dent. A. 57:221-231, 1958.
4. Dyken;j6Wi9$: Requirements of Partial Denture Prosthesis, J. Am. Dent. A. 57:232-
.i Shore, N[ A. : ‘Occlusal Equilibration and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Phila-
delphia, 1959, J. B. Lippincott Co., p. 202.
6. Stuart, C. E.: Accuracy in Measuring Functional Dimensions and Relations in Oral
Prosthesis, J. PROS.DEN. 9:220-236, 1959.
Stuart, C. E. : Articulation of Human Teeth, D. Items Interest 61:1029-1037, 1939.
z: Lucia, V. 0.: Modern Gnathological Concepts, St. Louis, 1961, The C. V. Mosby Company,
p. 114.
9. I.auritzen, A. G. : Function, Prime Object of Restorative Dentistry : A Definite Procedure
to Obtain It, J. Am. Dent. A. 42:523-534, 1951.
10. Glickm;;<, I.: Clinical Periodontology, ed. 2, Philadelphia, 1958, W. B. Saunders Co., p.
11. Terrell, .W. H. : Fundamentals Important to Good Complete Denture Construction, J.
PROS. DEN. 8:740-752, 1958.
12. Gehl, D. H., and Dresen, 0. M.: Complete Denture Prosthesis, ed. 4, Philadelphia, 1958.
W. B. Saunders Co:, pp. 211-255.
13. Sears, V. H.: Jaw Relations and a Means of Recording the Most Important Articulator
Adjustment, Dental Cosmos 68 : 1047-1054, 1926.
14. Hight, F. M.: Registration and Recording of Maxillo-Mandibular Relations, J. Am. Dent.
A. 21:1660-1663, 1934.
15. Swens;;,14y. G.: Complete Dentures, ed. 4, St. Louis, 1959, The C. V. Mosby Company,
16. Simpson, H:: Registration of Centric Relation in Complete Denture Prostheses, J. Am.
Dent. A. 26:1682-1694, 1939.
17. Angle, E. H.: Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth, ed. 7, Philadelphia, 1907, S. \I’.
White Mfg. Co., pp. 153-158.
18. Dentatus, A. B. : Dentatus Articulator-Description and Directions, Stockholm, 1961.
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