DSA 1 Note-An Introduction

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Data Structures & Algorithms

(ESO1-CSE 201)

Prasanta K. Jana, IEEE Senior Member

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
E-mail: prasantajana@iitism.ac.in
Course Course
Name of Course L T P Credit
Type Code

ESO1 CSE201 Data Structures & Algorithms 3 0 0 9

Unit Lecture
Topics to be Covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours

Objectives of time analysis of algorithms; Big Oh Learning towards algorithm performance

1 3
and Theta notations analysis in terms of time and space complexity

Elementary data-structures: arrays, linked lists, Understanding of elementary data structures

2 6
queues, stacks and their applications. with some applications

Binary search algorithm, binary trees, binary-search- Learning of efficient searching solution using
3 tree data-structure, Balanced binary-search-tree: 7 binary tree and their variations
Red-Black trees,

Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Heap and quicksort Understanding of various sorting algorithms
4 6
Sorting algorithms with varying complexity

Greedy paradigm with examples, Divide and learning of various algorithm paradigms with
5 conquer paradigm with examples, Dynamic- 6 application in example problems
programming paradigm with examples

Definition of graphs, paths, trees, cycles. Data Understanding of graph data structure with
structures for graphs: adjacency lists, adjacency their representation, traversal methods,
matrix. Graph algorithms: Depth First Search, Learning of shortest path problem and various
6 7
Breadth First Search, Minimum Spanning tree, standard shortest path algorithms
Dijkstra’s, Bellman ford and Floyd Warshell’s
shortest path algorithms

Naive, Automata based, KMP String matching Understanding of various string matching
7 4
algorithms algorithms with varying complexity

Hashing techniques Understanding of efficient searching solution

8 2
using hash table

Text Books:

1. J .P . Tremblay and P. G . Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Application, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Horowitz and Sahani, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia
3. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 2010.

Reference Books:

1. AV Aho, J Hopcroft, JD Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison- Wesley, 1983.
2. MT Goodrich, R Tamassia, DM Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 5th Ed., Wiley, 2010.
What is Data Structure?
A way of organizing all data items that considers not only data elements stored but also
their logical relationships to each other.
Examples: Array, Tree, graph etc.

Array: A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5]


What is Storage Structure?

The representation of a particular data strcuture in the main memory of a computer.

Classification of Data Structure:

Primitive vs. Non-primitive:
Linear vs. Non-linear

The study of data strcure covers:

 Representation
 Allocation/Access methods
 Operations, their applications
 Complexity Analysis
What is an Algorithm?

An Algorithm of summing array elements:


Proof: 3n + 2 <= 5n for all n>=1

We write:

Note: 3n +2 = O(n2) because 3n + 2 <= 3n2 for all n>=2.

O(1) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(n2) < O(n3) < O(2n)
Note that

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