Working Memory and Neural Oscillations: Alpha-Gamma Versus Theta-Gamma Codes For Distinct WM Information?
Working Memory and Neural Oscillations: Alpha-Gamma Versus Theta-Gamma Codes For Distinct WM Information?
Working Memory and Neural Oscillations: Alpha-Gamma Versus Theta-Gamma Codes For Distinct WM Information?
Neural oscillations at different frequencies have recently [4]. This proposal has recently received support through
been related to a wide range of basic and higher cognitive observations that rhythmic activity at low (theta, alpha)
processes. One possible role of oscillatory activity is to and high (beta, gamma) frequencies facilitates the forma-
assure the maintenance of information in working mem- tion of coherently organized groups of neurons via the
ory (WM). Here we review the possibility that rhythmic establishment of transient temporal correlations [5–9].
activity at theta, alpha, and gamma frequencies serve Although rhythmic patterns of activity were first dem-
distinct functional roles during WM maintenance. Specif- onstrated by investigators at the beginning of the 20th
ically, we propose that gamma-band oscillations are ge- century, a relationship with behavior was only established
nerically involved in the maintenance of WM information. 50 years later in seminal work by Singer and colleagues
By contrast, alpha-band activity reflects the active inhibi- [10]. Specifically, these findings revealed that action poten-
tion of task-irrelevant information, whereas theta-band tials generated by cortical cells in the primary visual cortex
oscillations underlie the organization of sequentially or- (V1) are phase-locked to the gamma rhythm in response to
dered WM items. Finally, we address the role of cross- a visual stimulus, thereby providing evidence of a relation-
frequency coupling (CFC) in enabling alpha–gamma and ship between the phase of neuronal oscillations (see Glos-
theta–gamma codes for distinct WM information. sary) and the temporal organization of neuronal activity
(for a different perspective on phase-coding through gam-
Neuronal oscillations and working memory ma-band oscillations see [11]). This finding is supported by
Working memory (WM) involves the ability to maintain several studies that have demonstrated that neuronal
and manipulate information over short periods of time and oscillations enable efficient transmission and coding of
can be subdivided into the initial encoding of information information in distributed neuronal populations [7,12].
and maintenance and retrieval of WM items (Figure 1A) In relation to WM, several groups have demonstrated a
[1]. Because WM is centrally involved in many aspects of
higher cognitive functions, a substantial amount of work
has been dedicated to identifying the neuronal substrates Glossary
of different WM processes [2,3]. Electrocorticography (ECOG): measurement of electrical brain signals using
A central question in WM research is how groups of electrodes that are implanted subdurally on the surface of the brain.
neurons represent and sustain items in the absence of Electro/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG): non-invasive methods for
studying brain function that reflect the electrical activity of neuronal popula-
sensory inputs. One possibility is that reverberating neu- tions with millisecond temporal resolution.
ronal activity in distributed cell assemblies underlies WM Local field potential (LFP): electric potential in the extracellular space around
neurons. LFP is a widely available signal in many recording configurations,
maintenance, as originally proposed by Hebb (Figure 1B)
ranging from single-electrode recordings to multi-electrode arrays.
Long-range synchrony: synchronizations between widely separated brain
regions (> 2 cm) as reflected, for example, in phase synchrony.
Corresponding author: Uhlhaas, P.J. (
Neuronal oscillations: prominent feature of spontaneous and task-related brain
Keywords: oscillations; cell assemblies; working memory; MEG/EEG; cross-frequency
activity that occur at the level of single units, local field potentials (LFPs), and
coupling; cognition.
EEG/MEG recordings. The traditional view is that neuronal oscillations reflect
1364-6613/$ – see front matter inhibition-based fluctuations of neuronal activity that emerge from the
ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. synchronous activation of large neuronal ensembles.
Phase: way of quantifying the difference between two oscillations according to
some feature (peak or trough) of one of the oscillation with respect to the other.
Spectral power: reflects the amplitude of neural oscillations computed through
a time–frequency transformation (TFT).
Maintenance x
Baseline Cue Delay Saccade
Delay (D)
100 0.22
Frequency [Hz]
item 0 0
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time [s]
(B) (E)
Neuron #3
Neuron #4
Neuron #5
θ Rhythm
Figure 1. Working memory (WM), neuronal oscillations, and cell assemblies. (A) The three stages of WM comprise encoding, maintenance, and retrieval phases. (B)
Schematic representation of a Hebbian cell assembly. Arrows represent a sequence of neural cell assemblies in which each cell assembly fires according to the numbers on
top of each arrow. Once each cell assembly in the loop has fired, the sequence begins again with the first cell assembly. Thus, sequential reactivation of cell assemblies
creates a loop (reverberating circuit) that could support sustained neuronal spiking activity during WM maintenance. Modified from [4]. (C,D) Example of a delayed
occulomotor response task. The cue indicates the spatial position on the screen that has to be memorized. After the delay period, the monkey has to perform a saccade
towards the memorized location. The enhancement of spike-field coherence during the delay period reflects the temporal alignment of anatomically distributed neurons
with the phase of local field potential (LFP) gamma-band activity. This relationship could underlie the formation of reverberating cell assemblies in parietal cortex during
WM retention. Modified from [13]. (E) Theta-based activation of cell assemblies in the hippocampus: electrode positions (upper panel) and raster plots (lower left and right
panels) of spiking activity for five neurons in the hippocampus. Vertical lines indicate troughs of theta activity (bottom trace). After reordering of the data via a stochastic
search for precise temporal relationships, individual cell assemblies become visible around the troughs of theta activity (right lower panel). Modified from [81].
correlation between the timing of neuronal spiking, the specifically involved in the temporal organization of WM
phase of oscillatory activity in local field potentials (LFPs), items. By contrast, oscillatory activity at alpha frequencies
and WM delay activity (Figure 1C–E) [13,14]. is not relevant for WM information per se, but has a critical
Evidence of a relationship between neuronal oscilla- role in protecting WM items from non-relevant informa-
tions and the maintenance of WM items in humans has tion. As a result, distinct forms of WM information rely on
been provided by electro-/magnetoencephalographic (EEG/ different oscillatory networks that are grouped through
MEG) and electrocorticographic (ECOG) recordings. These cross-frequency coupling (CFC) into different WM codes.
studies have reported enhanced amplitude and synchrony
of oscillatory activity and WM load-specific modulations at WM delay activity and gamma-band oscillations
different frequencies, in particular in theta (4–7 Hz), alpha Initial research focused on the relationship between gam-
(8–13 Hz), and gamma (30–200 Hz) ranges (Table 1). How- ma-band activity and perceptual processes [15]. However,
ever, the functional role of these different frequencies, as it soon became clear that high-frequency oscillations are
well as their relationship to distinct WM processes, has not restricted to visual responses but also occur during a
remained unclear. wide range of cognitive and executive processes, including
Here we propose a framework for integrating the differ- WM. Indeed, gamma-band oscillations occur in all cortical
ent findings on neuronal oscillations during WM mainte- areas and most subcortical structures and are particularly
nance. Specifically, we suggest that gamma-band prominent in superficial layers [16].
oscillations reflect a generic mechanism for active mainte- Experimental and theoretical studies suggest that gam-
nance of WM information, whereas theta-band activity is ma-band oscillations in the range 30–100 Hz emerge from
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences January 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1
the interplay between GABAergic interneurons and glu- band activity may not reflect an oscillatory process but
tamatergic inputs mediated by NMDA and AMPA recep- instead could be more closely related to multi-unit activity
tors [17]. GABAergic interneurons, especially those [19].
expressing the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin First evidence of a link between the maintenance of WM
(PV), play a particularly important role in the generation items and gamma-band oscillations was reported by Tal-
of high-frequency oscillations because of their fast-spiking lon-Baudry and colleagues [20], who observed a sustained
characteristics and the short time constants of synaptic increase in oscillatory activity in the 24–60-Hz frequency
interactions mediated by these cells [18]. Gamma-band range in EEG recordings during a visual delayed-match-to-
oscillations above 100 Hz are likely to be mediated by sample (DMS) task. Subsequently, a large body of evidence
different generating mechanisms, such as gap-junction- has supported these findings for visuospatial [21,22], au-
mediated transmission [17]. Moreover, broad gamma- ditory [23–26], and somatosensory WM maintenance [27].
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences January 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1
Importantly, several studies demonstrated a parametric sis is supported by studies involving source localization of
relationship between the number of items to be memorized EEG/MEG data that have demonstrated an increase in
(WM load) and the amplitude of gamma-band oscillations alpha-band oscillations outside core regions of the WM
[21,28–31]. network [21,27]. Haegens et al. observed an increase in
In addition, recent advances in source localization of alpha band activity over task-irrelevant regions during a
EEG/MEG data [32] have allowed insights into the spatial somatosensory WM task that was strongest during suc-
layout of the underlying generators during WM. WM-load- cessful WM performance [27]. Moreover, Roux et al. ob-
related gamma-band activity has been localized to key served a positive correlation between 10–14-Hz delay
nodes of the WM network, including parietal and prefron- activity and reaction times, suggesting that increased
tal cortices [21,30,31,33]. This evidence is complemented alpha-band activity does not support efficient WM perfor-
by ECOG data highlighting the WM-load-dependent mod- mance [21].
ulation of gamma-band oscillations in frontal [28] and
hippocampal regions [29]. Distinct roles for gamma- versus alpha-band oscillations
Finally, a functional relationship between gamma-band during WM?
activity and maintenance of WM items is supported by the Manipulation of WM load alone may not be sufficient to
fact that (i) different gamma-band frequencies underlie the disentangle the relationship between alpha/gamma-band
maintenance of distinct WM items [23], (ii) gamma-band oscillations and WM maintenance because an increase in
activity correlates with behavioral indexes of WM perfor- the number of WM items is also associated with increases
mance [21,24], and (iii) single-trial fluctuations of gamma- in attentional demands [48], which can influence oscillato-
band activity predict the number of WM items [21,34]. ry activity [49]. Therefore, experimental designs may be
required that allow differentiation between the manipula-
WM delay activity and alpha-band oscillations tion of attentional resources and WM load, for example
Alpha oscillations (8–13 Hz) were the first rhythm to be through paradigms in which distracting information is
discovered by Berger in 1924 [35]. One brain region that is introduced while the number of task-relevant WM items
crucially involved in the generation of alpha-band oscilla- is kept constant.
tions is the thalamus [36]. In addition, alpha oscillations In a study by Sauseng and colleagues, task-relevant and
have been recorded in subcortical areas, such as the hip- task-irrelevant items were indicated by a cue that pointed
pocampus and the reticular formation, and are particularly towards either the right or the left side of a visual array,
prominent in the deeper layers (layer V) [16]. thus making information in either the left or the right
It is well established that alpha rhythms result from hemifield task-irrelevant (Figure 2A) [46]. The results
reciprocal interactions between excitatory and inhibitory showed that alpha-band activity was modulated by the
neurons whereby the synchronization is also stabilized by number of irrelevant items (distractors) and lateralized to
gap junctions among inhibitory interneurons. The suscep- the task-irrelevant hemifield (Figure 2B). Crucially, repet-
tibility of these networks to engagement in alpha rhythms itive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) at alpha
is in turn modulated by cholinergic and serotonergic mech- frequencies (10 Hz) over the task-irrelevant hemisphere
anisms and by glutamatergic afferents acting via metabo- was associated with an improvement in WM capacity
tropic receptors [37]. (Figure 2C), thereby supporting the possibility of a causal
Although initially thought to reflect cortical idling, a relationship between alpha oscillations and the inhibition
growing body of evidence critically implicates rhythmic of task-irrelevant information.
activity in the alpha band in cortical communication and Similarly, Roux et al. tested whether the amplitude of
cognition [38,39]. According to the inhibition timing hy- oscillatory activity in a particular frequency band reflects
pothesis [39], alpha oscillations may play an active role the maintenance of task-relevant WM items by comparing
during cognitive processes through the inhibition of task- the amplitude of oscillatory activity in response to three
irrelevant brain regions, for example. relevant items, three relevant and three irrelevant items
In agreement with this perspective, alpha-band activity (distractor condition), and six relevant items in a DMS
has also been prominently observed during WM tasks. paradigm (Figure 2C) [21]. The results showed a specific
Jensen et al. examined EEG data during the retention relationship between the amplitude of 60–80-Hz activity
interval for a modified Sternberg task and found pro- and the number of relevant WM items (Figure 2D–G),
nounced activity at 9–12 Hz [40]. Similar to gamma-band which was not observed for alpha-band oscillations. The
activity, alpha-band oscillations have been observed in distinct relationship between alpha/gamma-band oscilla-
several sensory modalities during WM maintenance tions and maintenance of relevant WM items was further
[27,41,42]. Moreover a load-dependent increase has been supported by source localization results, which indicated
demonstrated [43], although evidence of an opposite rela- that 60–80-Hz activity occurred in parietal and prefrontal
tionship has been reported as well [44]. cortices and covaried with WM load, whereas 10–14-Hz
Despite the consistent involvement of alpha-band oscil- activity was localized to the premotor cortex, suggesting a
lations in WM maintenance, the functional interpretation role for alpha-band oscillations in the inhibition of motor
is conflicting. Although some studies have related delay plans during the delay period.
activity in the alpha band to the functional inhibition of
task-irrelevant brain areas [22,40,45,46], others have Theta-band oscillations during WM maintenance
linked alpha-band activity directly to processes underly- An additional important observation from our study [21]
ing WM maintenance [31,41,43,47]. The former hypothe- and previous work [27,31,45] is the absence of theta-band
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences January 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1
e[ 2000
ms 2.0
Ipsilateral Contralateral Vertex
Le BA9
70 +/- 10 Hz
Load 3
(E) (Gamma) Distractor
Load 6
(G) 5 (%)
Frequency [Hz]
8.5 0.4 s
p < 0.001
Change [%]
80 Delay
40 Right IPL
-8.5 70 +/- 10 Hz
-0.5 0 0.4 1.6 2
(H) 5 (%)
Frequency [Hz]
Right BA6
Change [%]
12 +/- 2 Hz
(I) 40 (%)
-0.5 0 0.4 1.6 2 0.4 s p < 0.001
Time [s]
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
Figure 2. Alpha/gamma-band activity during working memory (WM) maintenance. (A) WM task used by Sauseng et al. [46]. A cue is presented at the beginning of each trial
that indicates in which part of the screen participants have to memorize the presented items. After a delay period, participants are instructed to report whether the items
presented in the WM array have changed by pressing a button. (B) Topographies of alpha power showing modulation of lateralized (ipsilateral minus contralateral) alpha-
band activity with increasing WM load. Alpha-band power is consistently enhanced over electrodes in the ipsilateral hemisphere compared to those contralateral to the
attended side. (C) Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) at alpha frequencies (10 Hz) on WM capacity. rTMS over the ipsilateral hemisphere improves
WM capacity compared to sham TMS and the control condition. By contrast, rTMS over the contralateral hemisphere leads to a reduction in WM capacity compared to
sham TMS and the control condition. Panels B and C modified from [46]. (D) Visual–spatial WM task used by Roux et al. [21]. Participants were instructed to memorize the
spatial positions of red items only and to ignore the blue items. (E,F) Spectrograms of sensor activity for (E) lower and (F) higher frequencies showing enhanced oscillatory
activity at alpha (10–14 Hz) and gamma (60–80 Hz) frequencies during the delay period. Pseudo-colors indicate the relative increase in task-related activity compared to
baseline activity. (G,H) Time courses of 60–80-Hz activity in the prefrontal cortex (BA9) and intraparietal lobe (IPL). The source reconstruction of delay activity suggests the
possibility that gamma power in the IPL and PFC reflects different aspects of WM maintenance. This is supported by the fact that gamma-band activity in parietal cortex was
modulated by the number of stimuli presented in the memory array but not by the number of relevant items, which suggests that modulation of 60–80-Hz activity reflects
scanning and maintenance of the spatial positions of possible WM locations. (I) Time courses of 10–14-Hz activity in the premotor cortex (BA6) showing that alpha-band
activity was not modulated by the number of task-relevant items. Panels E–I are modified from [21].
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences January 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1
Spectral power
Frequency [Hz]
3 items
4 items
of episodic and declarative memory [53]. More specifically, it
has been proposed that theta-band oscillations are related to
WM capacity limits of approximately seven items [54].
3.5 Consistent with this evidence, several studies have
revealed pronounced theta-band activity during WM main-
-2 0 2 4 6 8 tenance. Raghavachari et al. obtained ECOG data from
Time [s]
epileptic patients while they performed a Sternberg task
[55]. Time–frequency analysis indicated the occurrence of
(D) theta-band activity in several cortical sites throughout the
task, including during the delay period, which increased
Gamma [38.05Hz] Power
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences January 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1
Allocaon of aenon
Readout of
relevant items
Visual-spaal Alpha-Gamma PMC
Inhibion of task-
irrelevant items
of informaon
Sequenal Theta-Gamma MTL
Figure 4. Oscillatory networks for working memory (WM) maintenance. Overview of oscillatory networks for sequential and sensory WM information. For sensory
information, alpha–gamma networks occur predominantly in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and parietal cortex (PC) and subcortical regions such as the thalamus (PMC), which
has been prominently implicated in the gating of sensory information and the generation of alpha oscillations [21,36,79]. In this framework, gamma-band activity underlies
the active maintenance and read-out of relevant WM items, whereas alpha-band activity is predominantly involved in the inhibition of task-irrelevant WM items. For the
coding of sequential information, theta–gamma band oscillations occur predominantly in medial temporal lobe and frontal cortices. It is important to note that these
networks can overlap, as in cases in which distracting information is introduced into a sequential WM task.
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences January 2014, Vol. 18, No. 1
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