Trend Analysis Practice

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Y X1 X2 X3

72 11720 312727 7824690

45 72912 206666 7906170
82 97188 4416177 5506340 SUMMARY OUTPUT
77 61532 614728 9022130
90 42198 296288 7395860 Regression Statistics
67 42239 380010 8476650 Multiple R 0.34373600357
82 43207 585997 10331130 R Square 0.11815444015
65 42401 3645603 6193760 Adjusted R Square 0.08508523166
82 42401 485943 2341290 Standard Error 13.6326236224
80 61388 307686 10611620 Observations 84
80 93512 210989 2900030
67 115878 211199 7749990 ANOVA
75 97982 216013 8000010 df SS
75 88160 212005 2999950 Regression 3 1992.07823454
80 62004 212005 3368570 Residual 80 14867.8741464
66 9481 306944 2311700 Total 83 16859.952381
52 11013 467561 2980140
65 60912 579384 9116190 Coefficients Standard Error
68 9700 489911 2208600 Intercept 71.2859428984 2.62094591762
88 146017 4408000 15224900 X1 4.3163088E-05 4.53282533E-05
88 11809 310012 5771440 X2 3.4347609E-07 1.24064996E-06
80 6392 474074 2328220 X3 -2.931972E-07 1.03769727E-07
92 125116 550626 2236040
72 11293 3045594 2184070
80 6301 484998 50999990
75 9350 7300856 3034370
68 12000 590436 5725180
74 12000 319594 6347840
60 9435 6255800 6017890
80 6336 564663 10077340
76 9340 315066 3249230
72 12411 467491 26374360
90 11000 599998 8551500
75 16200 599998 10768350
70 6600 471769 3051770
85 5007 316816 3367440
68 6762 466988 3345390
80 7508 620550 30001560
88 8811 549998 13927970
80 11085 810004 3380110
85 8640 330006 9500060
77 5980 250340 14000060
80 5700 338120 14999900
88 5801 375398 3000070
88 6600 440567 5700110
75 21000 554261 8500690
60 6200 432007 28006050
65 12269 298999 29374870
42 11706 285002 2900030
80 6207 290039 3321930
82 61554 330012 3249960
67 6297 1050005 10347380
75 95046 310012 10285100
44 11279 613441 7303710
46 6260 585324 10243030
40 11626 310333 81438430
75 6150 307792 2291860
75 6343 314874 29619360
55 9536 475223 9081050
65 11128 563925 2255550
78 6398 312976 3004440
80 43046 581290 3379130
72 9431 307492 5683630
90 11008 317148 3200130
69 6276 599998 53040000
75 6216 471769 6099910
55 9394 316816 35999930
72 9699 466988 5500070
72 9645 620550 49006960
55 4338 549998 9550830
55 11038 810004 47444820
50 6355 330006 5499950
68 6165 250340 9499920
35 9660 338120 30000000
55 9790 375398 16000020
45 10908 440567 30000000
50 9672 554261 4784110
45 9504 432007 7340010
43 9720 298999 49000010
52 9568 285002 7249970
50 10863 290039 35214240
50 73400 330012 11334290
55 94634 1050005 5982730
52 95008 310012 9797250
Y = Number of
employees needed X3 = Projected
to staff the store X1 = Square feet of X2 = Population of annual
sales space metropolitan area disposable
income in INR

MS F Significance F
664.02607818132 3.5729443047067 0.017565486557382

t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
27.198555460109 3.5226166129E-42 66.0700942986981 76.5017914982 66.0700942987 76.5017914982
0.9522336545972 0.3438467172241 -4.70430105746926E-05 0.00013336919 -4.704301E-05 0.00013336919
0.276851732989 0.7826080200837 -2.12549601357717E-06 2.8124482E-06 -2.125496E-06 2.8124482E-06
-2.825459858086 0.005959433291 -4.99705535327978E-07 -8.668886E-08 -4.997055E-07 -8.668886E-08

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