Tactics - Pin v6

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What is a Pin................................................................................................................................................3
Types of Pins................................................................................................................................................3
Absolute Pins...........................................................................................................................................3
Relative Pins............................................................................................................................................3
Where can pins occurs................................................................................................................................4
What is a Pinned Piece................................................................................................................................4
What is “Pinning” Piece...............................................................................................................................4
What is “Killer Pin”......................................................................................................................................4
Which are the pieces that can Pin?.............................................................................................................4
What to do when a piece is pinned.............................................................................................................5
Criteria necessary to win the pinned piece.................................................................................................5
Example of a Pawn Pin................................................................................................................................6
Double Pin...................................................................................................................................................6
What Pieces or Combination of pieces can double pin............................................................................7
Cross Pin......................................................................................................................................................8
What pieces or combination of pieces can Cross Pin...............................................................................8
Situational Pin..............................................................................................................................................9
What is a Pin
 A pin is a tactic that occurs when a piece is attacked and it cannot move without exposing a
more valuable piece behind it.
 In a pin a piece that is being pinned does not want to move for fear of losing a valuable piece
behind it.
 A pin is a situation where a piece cannot move because it exposes a more valuable piece. A
more valuable piece depend on the piece that is being pinned. For example the following
table gives the example of pinned piece and the associate valuable piece

Pinned by Geometry of Pinning Pinned Valuable piece

Piece behind the pin
Bishop Diagonal Knight Rook, Queen, King
Bishop Diagonal Rook Queen, King
Bishop Diagonal Queen King
Rook Vertically or horizontally Bishop Queen, King
Rook Vertically or horizontally Knight Rook, Queen, King
Rook Vertically or horizontally Queen King
Queen Diagonally, Vertically or Horizontally Knight King
Queen Diagonally, Vertically or Horizontally Knight Rook
Queen Vertically Pawn Queen
Queen Vertically Pawn King

Types of Pins
Absolute Pins
 Absolute pins only occur when a piece is being pinned to the king. It would be absolutely illegal
for the knight to move
 An absolute pin is the strongest pin to have

Relative Pins
 A relative pin is an example in which the pinned piece can move if needs to move for something
more important
Where can pins occurs
 Pins occur only on straight lines of the chessboard – meaning the ranks, files and diagonals

What is a Pinned Piece

 A pinned piece is a piece that cannot move because if it moves, a more valuable piece
behind it will be captured. The piece, which is attacked and cannot be moved without
exposing the one behind it, is a pinned piece.

What is “Pinning” Piece

 Moving the attacking piece to bring on the pin is called pinning

What is “Killer Pin”

 A Killer pin is a pin that forces the pinned piece to stay on it square with no hope of moving.
A killer pin is when you pin the opponent’s piece and the opponent cannot do anything
about it.

 From what I see in the above diagram it seems that a killer pin is a pin in which the valuable
piece Is a king.

Which are the pieces that can Pin?

 The pieces that can pin are:
o Bishop
o Rook
o Queen
 Note the Knight Cannot Pin unless it is a very special pin like the below diagram (more like a
smothered mate but this is a smothered mate with Pin). Note that the Knight can pin

What to do when a piece is pinned

 When a piece is pinned you want to attack the pinned piece with more of your pieces

Characteristics of the position when you have a pin

What are the characteristics of a position when you have a pin with (a bishop, a rook)

Criteria necessary to win the pinned piece

 The opponent must not be able to support the pinned piece or
 The opponent must not have sufficient resources (i.e. number of pieces to support the
pinned piece) compared to the number of resources that you have
Example of a Pawn Pin

Double Pin
 In the strictest definition, the double pin is a concept where we are pinning two of the
opponent’s pieces using three of our pieces. See example in the diagram below

 Another version of a double pin can be the case where we are pinning two of the
opponents pieces with one of our piece
What Pieces or Combination of pieces can double pin

Pinned by Geometry of Pinning Pinned Valuable piece

Piece behind the pin
Bishop + Knight Diagonal + Fork Knight Rook, Queen, King
Bishop + Knight Diagonal + Fork Rook Queen, King
Rook Vertical or Horizontal 2 Bishops Rook, King
Cross Pin
 A cross pin occurs when a piece is pinned from two different directions
 A cross pin is a pin where a player simultaneously pins one piece to two or more pieces.
See screenshots below for examples of a cross pin.

What pieces or combination of pieces can Cross Pin

Pinning Pieces Geometry of Pinning Pinned Piece Valuable piece

behind the pin
Bishop + Queen Diagonal Bishop or Knight King and Queen
Queen + Rook Vertical and Horizontal Rook King and Queen
Rook + Rook Vertical and Horizontal Rook King and Queen
Situational Pin
 A situational pin is a pin that occurs when moving a pinned piece is legal and it is not
exposing a more valuable piece, but doing so can results in a huge loss to a player


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