Dokumen - Tips Ajax Gc600 700 900 Manual y Partes
Dokumen - Tips Ajax Gc600 700 900 Manual y Partes
Dokumen - Tips Ajax Gc600 700 900 Manual y Partes
Select Package Component P/Ns (in italics)
Warranty Ajax
Lube Oil & Low Temp Starting Recommendations Ajax ES-1006
Installation of Sheave and Flywheel Ajax ESS-F-961
Flywheel Installation and Ignition Timing Ajax ESS-F-963
Tab 3 Engine
Regulator, Main Fuel , 3/8" orifice, 10-20 psig outlet 2040 6430
O & M Bulletin Fisher Form 5252
Automatic Shutoff Valve, M2582-C, 1 " 2090 2510
Instruction Bulletin Murphy M-7980N
Relief Valve, Main Fuel Gas , @ 80 psig, G orifice 63M811715V36G11 0080
Operation & Maintenance Instructions Mercer 8100 Series
Select Package Component P/Ns (in italics)
Warranty Ajax
Lube Oil & Low Temp Starting Recommendations Ajax ES-1006
Installation of Sheave and Flywheel Ajax ESS-F-961
Flywheel Installation and Ignition Timing Ajax ESS-F-963
Tab 3 Engine
Atacapi 2
Select Package Component P/Ns (in italics)
Warranty Ajax
Lube Oil & Low Temp Starting Recommendations Ajax ES-1006
Installation of Sheave and Flywheel Ajax ESS-F-961
Flywheel lnstallation and Ignition Timing Ajax ESS-F-963
Tab 3 Engine
Atacapi 1
Select Package Component P/Ns (in italics)
Warranty Ajax
Lube Oil & Low Temp Starting Recommendations Ajax ES-1006
Installation of Sheave and Flywheel Ajax ESS-F-961
Flywheel Installation and Ignition Timing Ajax ESS-F-963
Tab 3 Engine
1.1 The iuhr:ication of A.jax euipment requires the use of premium quality lubricating oils designed
specifically for natural gas 2-cycle engine - compressor service, This standard describes oils which
nave proven successful in tield use.
1.2 Customers operating engines with exhaust catalyst systenis, fueis with high sulfur contents, landtili
gas, inusual fueis or non-traditional applications should contact A.jax Engineering for lubricant and
maintenance recommendations.
1..3 Recomrnendations for compressor cylínders and piston rod parking are found in Eng.íneering Standard
2.1 Satísfactory oil quality is the responsibility of the refiner, biender or rebrander. Only reputable
companies w.íth proper service organizations should he used as supplíers.
2.2 Cooper Energy Services does not guarantee the quality or performance of lubricati .ng oils,
2.3 Cooper Energy Services does not endorse particular brands of oil. For customers convenience,
ínforniation on oils by brand name ís maíntained by Cooper Energy Services. Customers are inviten
to advise Ajax Engineering or service representatives what brands of oiís are preferred. Cooper
Energy Services can then cite the chis which have given satisfactory service in similar applications.
3.1 A general description of oils suitable for use ín Ajax equipment is an ashless oil specifically fórmulated
for 2-cycle natural gas engines with the fibllow.íng properties:
3.3 Ash Level: Ashless oils with a sulfated ash content of up to 0.1 % maximunm by ASTM D 874 are
preferred. Oils with ash leveis up to 0.8% niay he used, but they may cause combustion chamber
deposits, especially if they contain more than 0.04% by weight zinc,
SAE 30 (Preferred)
^SAE 40
SAE 15W-40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Lowest Expected Temperature (F)
4.1 If freguent cold weather starts are necessary, contact vour local Aftermarket sales office for information
about heated prelube systems for your engíne.
4.2 'The following procedures are recomntended to warm the engine and oil in cold weather to prevent damage
due to insufficient oil flow. Starting the engíne arrd allowing it to run wíth the oil too coló to flow will
result in severe engine damage. For units that nave Meen down less than 5 hours and the anbient temperatures llave been
aboye 40°F, idle (mínimum 300 RPM) the unít for 20 minutes, then run 15 minutes with
a light load befare fully loading the unit For units that nave been clown less than 5 hours and the ambient temperatures Nave been
40°F or below, idie (mínimum 300 RPM) the unit for 30 minutes, then run 30 minutes
with a líght load before fully loading the unit. The following procedure is for a unit that has been clown more than five hours. This
procedure will allow the unir time for thermal expansion in arder to maintain sufhcient
running clearances.
42.2.2 To properly warni the unit, find the overnight low anlbient temperature in the first column
of chart helow . Start. and idle the unit at 300 RPM for the number of minutes required
for the overnight low ambient tenperature . Then chut the unit doten the number of
minutes reciuired. Repeat this sequence the number of times Usted . Continue in Chis order
until you Nave met the requirements for that temperature range. This procedure will allow
components such as the crossheads , pies, bushines and hearings sufficient time for
expansion to maíntain proper running clearances.
` 3 No Load
39 to 32°c (4 to 0°C)
40 0 1 30
3 3 3 No Load
31 to 18°F (-1 to -7°C) 7 3
7 No Load
50 0 1 30
3 3 5 No Load
17 to 0°F(-8 to -17"C) 7 7 4 No Load
60 0 1 45
2 2 3 No Load
-1 to -20°F (-18 ta -28°C)
5 5 4 No Load
Note : Rotor to Paragrapfts 15 15 3 No Load
4 . 1 s nd 4 . 2 .
30 30 1 No Load
60 0 1 45
Director Mafnager. Supervisor, Ajnx Erigirte Supervisor, Cornpressor issui d by Date ^C`
a7 1006
n 'ne ring Quaiity o fo Ersgineeríng }Engineeri n 5W9195
...., .,„,.^'
^ ..+^`" ¿ li i `^V 5s+parexuir rssibutwn ievel A.B,.1
Service Bulletin
Ajax-Superior Engines/
Oklahoma City, OK 73129 Compressors
1. Clean the flywheel (or sheave) hub, bore and mating diameter on the crankshaft. Surfaces must be
dry and free of any burrs, rust or lubricants.
2. Remove RINGFEDER (collar, inner ring and locking screws) from shipping container. Check if
supplied locking screw threads, screw head bearing area, and the taper of the inner ring are
lubricated. If not, lubricate them with a molybdenum disulfide grease, such as MolykoteGn Paste or
3. Slide Half Shrink Disk (collar and inner ring) over hub projection and push it to required position.
The hub outside diameter may be greased.
When retrofitting ringfeder on a keyed shaft, ensure inner ring split is 180 °from shaft keyway.
4. Put the locking screws with hardened washers through the web clearance holes and screw them into
the corresponding collar holes, finger tight. See Figure 1:
• Figure 1
Flywheel Collar
Inner Ring
7. Using a torque wrench, tighten all locking screws gradually (no more than 1/2 turn on each screw at
one time) and all the way around, in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise sequence (not in
diametrically opposite sequence). Several passes are required until all screws are torqued to the
specified tightening torque. See Table 1:
Table 1
8. Check and make sure that no screw will turn anymore by applying specified tightening torque (see
Table 1). Only then is the installation completed.
9. After final tightening of screws, check flywheel run-out. See Figure 2 for maximum tolerances. If
run-out exceeds maximum, loosen all socket head screws and tap flywheel into position using a soft
hammer on wood block. Retighten screws following same sequence as before, and check that run-
out is within tolerance.
• Figure 2
1. Gradually release locking screws all the way around. Initially each screw should be released about a
quarter of a turn only. Thus tilting and jamming of the collar will be avoided.
DO NOT remove locking screws completely at this time, otherwise collar may spring off.
2. Any rust formed adjacent to hub must be removed first. Once the screws are loose, pulí hub from
r 0 1101119 111F111 11 N 1
Titie: Installation Of Sheave And Flywheel
1. Upon removal of component, disassemble Shrink Disk. Clean and Inspect all parts. Reinstall
following the Installation procedure, beginning with Step 2 of the appropriate section.
E N E R G Y S E R V I C E S Engineering Sales &
Service Bulletin
Ajax-Superior Engines/
Oklahoma City , OK 73129 Compressors
1. Stand the flywheel up on its edge, allowing access to both sides of the flywheel.
5. Use a fine file or emery cloth to remove any burrs from the flywheel and crankshaft, cleaning both
for assembly.
6. Coat the flywheel and crankshaft sparingly with engine oil. The flywheel to crankshaft fit is between
.00V'-.00Y. Do not over-lubricate.
Step 6 should only be performed during initial engine assembly. Do not lubricate onfield units.
7. Carefully place the flywheel on the end of the crankshaft. Do not bump the crank as this will create
a burr that can impede installation. Push the flywheel evenly onto the crankshaft until the face of the
Do not wiggle the flywheel inlout or try to turn the flywheel onto the crankshaft! It will create heat
and possibly gall the surface of the crankshaft.
8. After the flywheel is installed, snug several of the bolts in a criss-cross pattern to lock the flywheel to
the crankshaft.
9. Remove the crosshead side access door from power cylinder one.
10. Set the timing pointer on the ignition bracket, allowing 1/8" clearance from the flywheel. Adjust the
pointer until it is located in the middle of vertical slot on the bracket.
You can verify the position of the TDC mark by measuring the distance between marks #2 and T, then
marks #2 and T. These distances should be equal.
19. It is now necessary to add the ignition timing mark. Verify that the ignition is properly set. Al12200
and 2800 engines use a 48" diameter flywheel. This means that:
♦ 3° = 1 '/4" Flywheel O.D. distance
♦ 9° = 33/4 " Flywheel O.D. distance
♦ 11° = 4-5/8" Flywheel O.D. distance
20. Using one of the aboye distances, create a temporary mark on the flywheel to represent either 30, 90
or 11° (depending on model) before TDC or clockwise from the T mark on the flywheel.
21. Rotate the engine so that the timing mark is aligned with the flywheel pointer. This sets the crank-
shaft in the general range of normal ignition timing.
22. Use the nut and stud expanders to lock and hold the crankshaft in position. These should be
installed between the sheave and end cover. See Figure 2. This picture shows the method of locking
the crankshaft used during engine assembly. Alternate methods of locking are acceptable for field
23. Check that the timing mark is still aligned with the flywheel pointer. As a double check, verify that
Y Figure 2
Y Figure 3
E N E R G Y SE R VILES Engineering Sales &
Service Bulletin
Ajax-Superior Engines/
Oklahoma City , OK 73129 Compressors
1. Follow all safety rules and operating procedures put in place by the
company that owns and operates this equipment.
2. Read and understand the instruction manual prior to operating this
equipment to become familiar with the safety, design, and operating
features. If you do not have a manual, cal¡ Ajax-Superior at (513)
3. Always wear safety glasses or goggies , steel -toe safety shoes, and
hearing protection. Note: Other items may be required by the
equipment owner.
4. Do not wear loose fitting clothing, neckties, scarves, watches, rings,
etc., near operating equipment as they can be caught in the moving
machinery. Keep long hair tied back.
5. Locate nearest fire extinguisher to area where maintenance is to be
performed. Ensure a clear path to fire extinguisher in case it should
be needed for an emergency situation.
6. Do not open cooling or lubrication systems when engine or
compressor is hot, as steam or hot liquids can be released, which can
cause severe burns . Be aware that some surfaces can remain hot for
severa¡ hours after the unit has been shutdown.
7. When draining the coolant and lubricants, prevent contamination of the
environment by the equipment fluids. Refer to equipment owner's
material safety data sheets for additional information . ( Remember:
Antifreeze/Glycol solutions , as weil as most lubricants , are flammable.)
8. Keep the area around the unit clean and orderly with ample space to
walk safely around the unit. Clean up spills and leaks quickly to
prevent accidents caused by slipping and falling.
1 REV. 1 8/94
Cooper Energy Services
2 REV. 1 8/94
Cooper Energy Services
1. Shut down the engine first, then prevent it from being started before
the work is done. Close the starting block valve and remove the
tubing line to the starting pilot valve. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IF
center may try to start a unit without knowing that work is being
performed on it. Note: After maintenance work is done, some
adjustments may need to be done with the engine running. Stay clear
of moving parts and follow instruction manual procedures as required.
4. Check al¡ safety shutdown devices (overspeed, low oil pressure, high
jacket water temperature, vibration, etc.) according to the procedure
and schedule in the maintenance section of this manual.
1. Shut down the compressor first, then prevent it from being started
before the work is done . (See ENGINE MAINTENANCE section
previously if engine driven .) If electric motor driven , the electric power
supply must be disconnected and locked out. THIS IS VERY
remote operations center may try to start a unit without knowing that
work is being performed on it. Suction and discharge block valves
(see sita plan for location ) must be closed to prevent gas from flowing
into the compressor during maintenance. (Gas pressure could rotate
3 REV. 1 8/94
Cooper Energy Services
the compressor and cause injury if not shut off and vented properly -
see compressor section of manual.) Note: After maintenance work is
done, some adjustments may need to be done with the compressor
running. Stay clear of moving parts and follow instruction manual
procedures as required.
4. Regularly check around compressor and piping gaskets and joints for
leaks which could result in a fire or an explosion.
6. Check all safety shutdown devices (low oil pressure, high and lów gas
pressures, vibration, etc.) per the schedule in the maintenance section
of this manual.
The Ajax gas engine-compressor is designed spe- and precautions ro be aken ro achieve maximum per-
cifically to meet the rigorcus service requirements of formance from the Ajax origine-compressor. A compiete
continuous, heavy duty operation. Although built to review of rhe manual i, recommended for those •e-
tolerate the abuse of this service, reasonable and in- sponsible for the operation of the unir. Installation
telligent tare dunng installation and operation will add instructions shouid be studi:id before setting the engine
years to its life and keep maintenance costs to an at its location. The trouble shooting guide sectien will
absolute minimum. be helpful in correcting any operating problem which
This manual outlines rhe procedures to be followed may arise.
When ordering replacement parts for the Ajax should be recorded for convenient reference when
engir:e-compressor, it is important that sufficient ¡den- ordering parís. This information is stamped on the Ajax
tifying information be given to insure that the correct Nameplate which is installed on the engine at the
part will be supplied. Always include: factory.
Part Number When ordering replacement parís for rhe compres-
Correct Description (from Parts List) sor cylinder, rhe following information shouid be sup-
Size and Model of Unit
Serial Number of Unit Part Number
An illustrated parís list is provided with each unir, Correct Descnption (from Parts List)
which lists part numbers for al¡ parts and principal Bore and Stroke of Cornpressor Cylinder
accessories. This list also shows rhe correct description Serial Number of Compressor Cylinder
or name of the part which should be used in ordering. (stamped on nameplate zttached
The Size, Model, and Serial Number of the unit to the compressor cylinder)
Page 1
Exhaust System:
Exh aus t Pipe Size 4"
Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet - 6475 RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 6"
Crankcase Oil 5 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distante From Top of Bed to Oil Surface__ 19-7/8"
Power Cylinder Lubricating 0,1 1.2 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 7 Gal.
-= Cooler Cool ing System
Engine Jacket Water 6.5 Gal.
Compressor Jacket Water 10 Gal.
Ni I. uipi 111 UM IIiN 1111' 1^I II. X, I i.. 1 Ii '.I^ ^-. ,.i^
C- 30
Crankpin Searing - Engine .002 - .0064
- Compressor .002 - .0064
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .002-.0035
- Compressor .002-.0035
Crossheaá to Guide Bore ( Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .007-.009
- Compressor .007-.009
Pistan Ski rt to Power Cyl i nder .012-%017
Piston Ring End Gap -070--%085
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .006-.0085
to s i de of 0ther Grooves .004-.0065
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 325-360
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 200
Pistan Rod to Crosshead Nuts 1000
Special Taols
Thimble, Engine Pistan Rod T-634-D
Thimble, Compressor Pistan Rod T-634-E
Wrench, Pistan Rod Nut A-3221
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
Operating Instructions Are Basicaily The Same As C-42
Eng i ne Bore & Stroke 8-1/2" X 10"
8 1 1
Compressor Stroke
Horsepower @ 525 RPM 42
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size 4"
Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 5000 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 611
Capac i t i es :
CranKCase Oil 8 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface19-7/8"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 1.7 Pints/Day
Radiater Coolina System 7 Gal.
Cooler Cooling System
Engine Jacket Water 7 Gal.
Compressor Jacket Water 11 Gal.
C 1 ea ran ces :
Crankpin Searing - Engine _ .002 - .0064
- Compressor .002 - .0064
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .002 - .0035
- Compressor .002 - .0035
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .007 - .009
- Compressor .012-- .016
Piston Ski r*_ to Power Cyl i nder .012 - .017
Piston Ring End Gap .080 - .100
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .006 - .0085
to side of Other Grooves .004 - .0065
Special Tools
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-634-D
Thimble, Compressor' Piston Rod T-634-E
Wrench., Piston Rod Nut A-3221
y Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
DPC-60 10-29-82
Compressor Stroke 8 11
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size 6"
y Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 6175 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 8"
* Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess-Manning BMC - 8, BMB-8, BMA-8 BEO-8
Vanec 111 -08, 121-08, 131-08, 141-(
Carson T18-21
Capac i t i es :
Crankcase Oil 17 Gal. (Approx.)
011 Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface _ 22-1/2"
Power Cy1inder Lubricating Di] 2.4 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 12.5 Gal.
Coolér Cooling System
Engine Jacket Water 13 Gal.
Compressor Jacket Water 11 Gal.
N. ^ ^ arn rukolp^ u I b i I I q
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .002 - .006
- Compressor .002 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
Engine .003 - .0055
Compressor .002 - .0035
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler 1 earance
- Engine .009 - .013
- Compressor .012 - .016
Piston Ski rt to Power Cylinder .016 - .021
Piston Ring End Gap .075 - .095
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Groaves .0075 - .010
to side of Other Grooves . 0055 - .008
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 325 - 360
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 320
Pistan Rod to Crosshead Nuts 1000
Special Tools
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-634-D
Thimb. le, Compressor Piston Rod T-634-E
Wrench, Piston Rod Nut A-3221
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
DPC-81 10-29-82
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size 6"
Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 6400 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 8"
Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess - Manning BMC - 8, BMB-8 , BMA-8, BEO-8
Vanec 121-08, 131-08, 141- 08, 151-(
Carson #18-27
Crankcase Oil 17 Ga1. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface 22-1/2"
-rower Cylinder Lubricating Oil 3.2 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 12.5 Gal.
Cooler Cooling System 24 Gal.
•Clearances :
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .002 - .006
- Compressor .002 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .003 - .0055
- Compressor .002 - .0035
Crosshead to Guide Bore (Feeler earance
- Engine .009 - .013
- Compressor .012 - .016
Piston Skirt to Power Cyl inder .018 - .022
Piston Ring End Gap .082 - .102
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Groaves .0075 - .010
to side of Other Grooves .0055 - .008
Compressor Stroke
Horsepower ' @400 RPM 80
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size 6"
* Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 5600 + RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 10"
* Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess - Manning BMC - 10, BMB-10, BMA- 10, BEO-
Vanec 111-10, 121-10, 131-10, 141-
Carson 418-27
Crankcase Oil 23 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface _ 26-7/8"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 3.2 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 14 Gal.
Cooler Cooling System.
Engine Jacket Water 14 Gal.
Compressor Jacket Water 13 Gal.
Clearances :
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .003 - .007
- Compressor .002 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .002 - .0035
- Compressor .003 - .0055
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler earance
- Engine .009 - .012
- Compressor .012 - .015
Piston S k i rt to Power Cy l i n de r .017 - .023
Pistan Ring End Gap .085 - . 105
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .0075 - .010
to s i de of Other Grooves .0055 - .008
Special Tools
Thimble, Engine Pistan Rod T-935-A
Thimble, Compressor Piston Rod T-939-D
'4rench, Piston Rod Nut A-2922 ( Engine).
A-2921 (Compr.)
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
DPC-105 10-29-82
CaDac i t i es :
Crankcase Oil 23 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distante From Top of Bed to Oil Surface _ 26-7/8"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oii 4.2 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 14 Gal.
Cooler Cooling System 27 Gal.
•Clearances :
Crankpin Bearing - Engine _ .003 - .007
- Compressor .002 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .002 - .0035
- Compressor .003 - .0055
Crosshead to Guide Bore (Feeler Clearance) .009 - .012
- Engine .012 - .015
- Comp ressor
Pistan Skirt to Power Cylinder .022 - .028
Pistan Ring End Gap •095 - .115
Pistan Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .0075 - .010
to side of Other Grooves .0055 - .008
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connect i ng Rod Bo 1 ts 700 (Eng) , 360 (Compr)
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 550
Pistan Rod to Crosshead Nuts - 2000
Special Tcol
Thimble, Engine Pistan Rod T-935-A
Thimble, Compressor Pistan Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Pistan Rod Nut A-2922 (Eng), A-2921 (Compr)
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
Operating Instructions Are Basically The Same As DPC-80-A
Exhaust System:
. Exh a us t Pipe Size 8"
Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 6000 -. RPM
Muffler Outlet Sizi 12"
= Muffler - Min. to Max . Silencing
Buraess-Mann]ng BMC-12, BMB - 12, BMA-12, BE0-'
Vanec 111-12, 121-12, 131-12, 141-,
Carson 424-42
Capac i t i es :
Crankcase O.11 25 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Level - Distante From Top of Bed to Oil Surface_28"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 4.6 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 26 Gal.
Cooler Cooling System
Engine Jacket Water 26 Gal.
Compressor Jacket Water 13 Gal.
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .003 - .006
- Compressor .003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - .0074
- Compressor .003 - .0055
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .009 - .013
- Compressor .012 - .015
Piston Skirt to Power Cyl inder .025 - -031
Piston Ring End Gap .100 - .120
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .010 - .0125
to side of Other Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 490
Pistan Rod to Crosshead Nuts 3200
Special Tcols
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compressor Piston Rod T-939--D
Wrench, Piston Rod Nut A-2921
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size (2) 6"
y Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 6175 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 8"
y Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess - Manning (2) BMC- 8, BMB - 8, BMA- 8, BE0-1
Vanec (2) 111-08, 121-08, 131-08,14'
Carson 36
Capac i t i es :
Crankcase Oil 25 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distante From Top of Bed to Oil Surface _22-1/2"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oii 2.4 Pints/ Day/Cylinder
C l ea ran ces
: .002 - .006
Crankpin Bearing - Engine
- Compressor .002 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .003 - .0055
- Compressor .002 - .0035
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler 1 earance
- Engine .009 .013
- Como ressor .012 - .016
Piston Skirt to Power Cyl inder .016 - .021
Piston Ring End Gap .075 - .095
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .0075 - .010
to side of Other Grooves .0055 - .008
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Boits 360
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 320
Piston Rod to Crosshead Nuts 1000
Special Tcols
Thimbie, Engine Piston Rod T-634-D
Thimble , Compressor Pistan Rod T-634-E
'.Jrench, Piston Red Nut A-3221
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size 8"
j Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 6000 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 12"
y Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess - Manning BMC-12, BMB-12 , BMA-12, BEO
Vanec 121-12, 131-12, 141-12, 151
Carson #24-42
Crankcase Oil 25 Gal. (Approx.)
Oi 1 Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oi 1 Surface_28"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 5.6 Pints/Day
Radiator Cooling System 39 Gal.
• C l ea ran ces :
Crankpin Searing - Engine .003 - .006
- Compressor .003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - .0074
- Compressor .003 - .0055
Crosshead te Guide Bore (Feeler earance
- Engine .009 - .013
- Compressor .012 .015
Piston Skirt te Power Cyl inder .025 - .031
Pistan Ring End Gap .100 - .120
Pistan Ring te Side of lst Two Gro oves .010 - .0125
te side of Other Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 490
Piston Rod te Crosshead Nuts 3200
Special Tools
Thimble, Engine Pistan Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compressor Pistan Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Piston Rod Nut A-2921
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
Operating Instructions Are 3asically The Same As DPC-115
DPC-162 10-29-82
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size (2) 6"
Crankcase Oil 25 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Level - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface_22-1/21"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 3.2 Pints/Day/Cylinder
.002" - .006"
Crankpin Searing - Engine
- Compressor .002" - .006"
Crosshead Pin Searing
- Engine .003" - .0055"
- Compressor .002" - .0035"
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .009" - .013"
- Comp ressor .012" - .016"
Piston Skirt to Power Cylinder .018" - .022"
Piston Ring End Gap .075" - .095"
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .0075" - .010"
to side of Other Grooves .0055" - .008"
Torque Valles, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Boits 325 - 360
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 550
Piston Rod to Crosshead Nuts 1000
Special Tools 1
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-634-D
Thimble, Compressor Piston Rod T-634-E
Wrench, Piston Rod Nut A-3221
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size 10"
Exhaust Pipe Length in.Feet 6400 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 14"
:: Muffler - Min . to Max. Silencing
Burgess - Manning BMC - 14, BMB-14, BMA- 14, BEO-
Vanec 121-14, 131-14, 141-14, 151-
Carson 430-60
CaDac i t i es :
.Crankcase 0 i 1 25 Gal. (Approx.)
Oi 1 Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oi 1 Surface_ 23"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 7.2 Pints/Day
Radiater Cooling System 48 Gal.
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .003 - .006
- Compressor .003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - -0074
- Compressor .0035 - .0055
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler Cl earance)
- Engine .009 - .013
- Compressor .012 - .015
Piston Skirt to Power Cyl inder .027 - .033
Pistan Ring End Gap .115 - -135
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .010 - .0125
to side of Other Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Values, in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 740
Pistan Rod to Crossh ead Nuts 3200
Special Tools
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compressor Pistan Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Pistan Rod Nut A-2921
Exhaust System:
Exh aus t Pipe Size (2) 8"
* Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet 6000 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 12"
* Muffler - Min. to Max . Silencing
Burgess-Manning ( 2) BMC-12, BMB - 12, BMA-12,BE
Vanec (2) 111-12, 121-12, 131-12, 1
Carson 748-84
Capac i t i es :
Crankcase Oil 30 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface 28"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oi l `4.6 Pints/Day/Cylinder
Clea rances :
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .003 - .006
- Compressor .003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - .0074
- Comp res s o r .002 - .0035
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler earance
- Engine _ .009 - .013
- Comp res s o r .012 - .015
Piston Ski rt to Power Cy1 i nder .025 - .031
Piston Ring End Gap .100 - . 120
Piston Ring to Side of lst Twwo Grooves .010 - .0125
to side of Other Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Va l ues , in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 490
Piston Rod to Cros sh ead Nuts 3200
Special Toals
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compressor Pistan Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Piston Red Nut A-2921
y Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
DPC-280 10-29-82
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size (2)
8 11
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .003 - .006
- Compressor 003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - .0074
- Compressor .003 - .OC55
Crosshead to Guide Bore (Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .009 - .013
- Comp ressor .012 - .015
Piston Ski r*_ to Power Cyl inder .025 - .031
Pistan Ring End Gap .100 - .120
Piston Ring to Síde of lst Two Grooves .010 - .0125
to s i de of Other Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Va l ues , in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 490
Piston Rod to Crosshead Nuts 3200
Special Tocis
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compressor Piston Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Piston Rod Nut A-2921
{ Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
Operating Instructions Are Sasically The Same As DPC-230
DPC- 300 10-29-82
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size (2) 10"
y Exhaust Pipe Length in Feet
6400 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 14"
Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess-Manning ( 2) BMC-14,BMB - 14,BMA-14,BEC
Vanec (2) 111-14,121-14,131-14,141
Carson #60-108
Crankcase Oil 30 Gal. ( Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distance From Top of Bed to Oil Surface_ 28"
Power Cylinder Lubricating Oil 6 Pints / Day/Cylinder
Crankpin Bearing - Engine .003 - .006
- Compressor .003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - .0074
- Compresso r .002 - .0035
Crosshead to Guide Bore (Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .009 - .013
- Comp res s o r .012 - .015
Piston Skirt to Power Cylinder .027 - .033
Pistan Ring End Gap .115 - •135
Piston Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .010 - .0215
to side of Other.Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Values , in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 740
Piston Rod to Crosshead Nuts 3200
Special Tools
Thimble, Engine Piston Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compressor Piston Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Fiston Rod Nut A-2921
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
DPC-360 10-29-82
Exhaust System:
Exhaust Pipe Size (2) 10"
* Exhaus t Pipe Length in Feet 6400 = RPM
Muffler Outlet Size 14"
* Muffler - Min. to Max. Silencing
Burgess - Manning (2) BMC-14,BMB-14,BMA-14,5E
Vanec (2) 121-14,131-14,141-14,15
Carson r6o-108
Capac i t i es :
Crankcase 011 30 Gal. (Approx.)
Oil Leve] - Distante From Top of Bed to Oil Sur ace _ 28"
Power Cylinder Lubricating 011 7.2 Pints/Day/Cylinder
r .003 - .006
Crankpin Bearing - Engine
- Compresscr .003 - .006
Crosshead Pin Bearing
- Engine .0044 - .0074
- Compressor .0035 - .0055
Crosshead to Guide Bore ( Feeler Cl earance )
- Engine .009 - .013
- Comp res s o r .012 - .015
Pistan Ski rt to Power Cyl i nder .027 - .033
Pistan Ring End Gap .115 - .135
Pistan Ring to Side of lst Two Grooves .010 - .0125
to side of Other Grooves .008 - .0105
Torque Val ues , in Ft. Lbs.
Connecting Rod Bolts 700
Cylinder Head Stud Nuts 740
Piston Rod to C ros sh ead Nuts 3200
-= Special Tools
Thimble , Engine Piston Rod T-939-D
Thimble, Compresscr Piston Rod T-939-D
Wrench, Piston Rod Nut A-2921
Not Furnished as Standard Equipment.
Operating Instruct icns Are Sas ical ly The Same As. DPC-300
1-73 Page 1
ENGINE-COMPRESSOR .................... 1-1
IV-1 OIL LEVEL, DC-22, DC-30 UNITS .............. IV-1
ENGINE-COMPRESSOR .................... 1.1
1.3 OPERATING, SIDE VIEW .......................... 1.1 ROTARY OIL SEAL ............................ IV-6
1.5 POWER STROKE ...................................... 1-2 IV-5 CORRECT PISTON POSITION .................. IV-6
1-6 SCAVENGING .......................................... 1-2 IV-6 PISTON RING TAPERED FACE ................ IV-7
11-1 TYPICAL INSTALLATION .......................... 11.1 IV-7 PISTON RING INSTALLATION ................ IV-7
11.2 FLYWHEEL WEDGES ................................ 11-3 IV4 PISTON ROD THIMBLES .......................... IV-7
114 FUEL VOLUME TANK .............................. 11.5 IV-11 ELECTRONIC BOXES ................................ IV-10
11.7 GAS STARTING SYSTEM ........................ 11-5 IV-12 CRANK ANGLE, PROTRACTOR CHECK .... IV-11
11-B AIR STARTING - VOLUME TANK FOR POWER CYUNDERS .......................... IV-20
Pago 2 1-73
Section 1
1-73 Page 1
Ajax engine-compressor units are designed for con- in an ambient temperature exceeding 60° F, deration
tinuous heavy duty operation and perform best when of the rated horsepower must be taken into considera-
loaded to the rated capacity at the operating speed. tion in applying the engine-compressor unit to the
Performance curves furnished for each unit show com- anticipated conditions of loading.
pressor capacity versus suction and discharge pressures The power that any gas engine can deliver de-
at maximum rated unit speed. The rated horsepower creases with an increase in altitude and/or temperature
of the engine-compressor unit is conservatively based of the air at the intake due to the reduction in air
at 65% of maximum horsepower, and can be used as density and weight of oxygen for combustion in a
the continuous duty design capacity at sea leve) and given volume. The calculated reduction in horsepower
60° F Ambient temperature without further deration. is 3% per 1,000 feet aboye 1,500 ft. elevation and
When the engine-compressor installation is to be 1 % for each 10° F temperature rise aboye 60° F.
located at an appreciable elevation aboye sea leve¡, or
Section 1
Page 2
When designing the engine-compressor installation, of a second unit radiator or air cleaner.
severa) factors should be taken into consideration which Installation of units inside buildings should be de-
can affect the overall performance of the installation. signed to allow for the passage of hot air from the
An adequate foundation must be provided to assure radiators and/or coolers to the outside through ade-
a stationary mounting base for the engine-compressor quate natural ventilation or through ducting to the
skid and any accessory equipment not mounted on outside of the building. Unitized vertical discharge
the skid. If the unit is installed inside a building or coolers may frequently be installed outside the build-
adjacent to other machinery, sufficient space must be ing to ease the disposal of heated air. The exhaust
allowed around the unit to facilitate maintenance and system must be properly designed for the operating
service work to be accomplished. In outdoor locations, conditions of the engine-compressor, both for proper
units equipped with engine radiators should be orient- scavenging of the power cylinders, and for correct
ed in relation to the prevailing winds so that the dissipation of exhaust heat. Recommended exhaust pipe
natural air flow is from the flywheel side of the unit size and length are established for each engine-com-
to the cooler; i.e., in the normal direction of air flow pressor unit at various operating speeds. Muffler type
through the engine radiator. The orientation of units and size are also critica) to good operation, and recom-
equipped with vertical discharge unitized coolers may mendations have been established for this equipment.
be to suit other requirements. In multiple unit installa- See Table ll-C.
tions, arrangements should be avoided which result in
hot air from one unit radiator flowing to the air inlet
The size and construction of the foundation must soil is encountered, the foundation design must be
be selected to suit the soil conditions at the unit loca- changed to accommodate the soil. In designing the
tion. In well compacted, high load capacity soils, (6 foundation, the static and dynamic loads must both be
tons square foot minimum) the mínimum dimensions considered. The unbalanced forces and couples of each
shown on the appropriate foundation drawing supplied engine-compressor unit are available on request fror.
should be adequate for a reinforced concrete founda- the factory.
tion. In soils having a low load support capacity, a In most installations, it is recommended that the
wider and longer foundation or one which angles out engine-compressor skid and accessories be placed on
at the bottom should be used to distribute the load grouting on the foundation to insure full even bearing
over a larger area on the bottom face of the foundation. support under the equipment. The grouting is poured
In general, it is poor practice to economize on the after the equipment has been set and aligned on the
amount of concrete used on the engine-compressor unit foundation. For Chis type installation, the top surface
foundation. of the foundation should not be troweled, but should
If the soil bearing capacity is questionable, it is have a rough finish to insure a better bond with the
highly recommended that a soil analysis be made prior grouting.
to designing or pouring the foundation. If unsuitable
Figure 11-1
Engine-Compressor Typical Installation
Section II
Page 1
SETTING THE ENGINE - COMPRESSOR shaft between the compressor and the cooler must be
aligned and coupled to the cooler drive shaft. The
The engine-compressor mounted on its skid is nor- installation procedure is outlined as foliows:
mally set directly on the foundation block with the
(1) Shrink coupling hub on cooler shaft. End of hub
primary precaution being certain that the unit is set
should be flush with end of shaft.
leve¡, accurately aligned with the cooler where appli-
cable, aligned with any other off-skid accessories where (2) Fill grooves in al¡ hubs with grease.
applicable, and adequately supported so that all bear- (3) Install grid members between hub bolted to
ing surfaces on the bottom of the skid have fuil contact driven sheave and hub on floatíng fine shaft. Gap
to avoid deflections in the bed or skid. between the two hubs should be approximately
In setting the engine-compressor on the foundation,
necessary to place foundation bolts in the founda- (4) Slip gasket over grid members up to hub flange
tion, either by pouring the foundation with bolts in and pack grease into spaces around grid members.
place, or by sulphuring in the bolts after the foundation (5) Draw the cover up and fasten in place with bolts
has been poured. The location and sizes of the founda- provided. Use nail or small screw driver under
tion bolts are shown on the appropriate foundation sea¡ ring for venting during assembly of cover.
drawing. The bolts must extend aboye the foundation Add lubricant with grease gun. Make cure that
to insure fuil thread engagement in the nuts, taking Neoprene sea¡ is squarely seated on hub and not
into account the space required for adequate grouting. pinched under cover.
To allow for adjustment in the location of the bolts if (6) Bolt split aligning fixture, furnished with unit, to
placed before the block is poured, a common practice sheave. This will fine up floating shaft with
is to center the boli inside a piece of 2" or 21/2" pipe, coupling hub, which is bolted and doweled to the
positioned so that the top of the pipe is flush with the inside of the sheave.
top of the complet. d foundation. The bottom of the (7) By clamping dial indicator to the hub on the cooler
pipe should be closed to kc:Ep out the foundation con- shaft, indicate run out on floating shaft by re-
crete. The pipe must be filled with grout after the volving this shaft while the cooler shaft is held
engine is set. stationary. If necessary, bump floating shaft into
After the foundation has thoroughly set, as re- line.
quired by its size, climatic -onditions and the concrete
(8) After floating shaft is running true, fasten indi-
mixture used, the engine-:-,--rnpressor skid (and cooler cator to floating shaft or extended hub on shaft
when applicable; can be placed on the foundation and and indícate outside flange and face of hub on
leveled, using wedges or leveling screws. The engine-
cooler shaft. Shift cooler into position so that the
compressor should then be accurately aligned with the hub runs true when the floating shaft is rotated.
unitized cooler where applicable and the cooler drive Leveling screws are provided for lining up cooler.
connected. Accurate alignment is essential to insure (9) After final lining up of cooler, tighten down cgol-
acceptable service life from the drive components, and
er to its base.
to eliminate detrimental loads and vibrations to the
(10) Recheck to make sure nothing has moved out of
engine-compressor and the driven unitized cooler
V-BELT COOLER DRIVE INSTALLATION (11) Install grid members, grease, and bolt in cover
The V-belt sheave for the cooler drive should be as done before on sheave end of shaft.
Use good grade of wheel bearing grease with
installed as close to the shaft supporting bearing as
non-fluidity at temperatures up to 150' F.
possible . The farther the outer edge of the sheave is
located from the bearing , the greater the side loading GROUTING
becomes which leads to premature bearing failure.
Accurate alignment between the driver and driven After the cooler drive has been connected and
sheaves contributes to longer belt ¡¡fe and a smooth rechecked for alignment, the engine-compressor and
running accessory drive . The alignment of the drive cooler can be grouted to the foundation. A thin mixture
is checked by drawing a line taut between the adjacent of grout should be used to fill the grout tubes around
faces of the two sheaves , lined up to intersect the two the foundation bolts, and to fill under the skid. A
hubs . When the drive is properly aligned, the string thicker mixture can be used to fill under the bearing
will just touch the face of each sheave at the points areas of the skid. This should be forced in under the
where it crosses the sheave rims. skid, and compacted to eliminate air holes and to
assure full bearing support for the unit skid. The grout-
LINE SHAFT COOLER DRIVE INSTALLATION ing around the outside of the skid should have enough
Some cooler drives are supplied with a long fine slope to drain oil and water away from the unit.
shaft between two flexible couplings with the V-belt After the grouting has thoroughly set, the founda-
drive components rigidly mounted on the engine-co-n- tion bolts should be tightened evenly in rotation, then
pressor bed. The alignment of the cooler, cooler drive the leveling screws should be backed off two turns
shaft and couplings must be held within specified and finally the foundation boits should be evenly re-
limits. tightened. The leve¡ of the unir and the alignment of
After the basic unit has been leveled and the the unit should be rechecked again.
unitized cooler mounted on its foundation block but Single cylinder unit skid mounted installations are
not tightened down nor grouted, the floating drive generally arranged so that the entire unir and al¡ ac-
Section II
Page 2 1-73
N, ^: ^NMo ^p , ^r ,:
essorv eq;,ioment are instalied on a single L'nitizln:, tec?:v aiigned eauipment can easily become misaligned
sKici. Tre avive oetween the engine-commpressor unir ir handl ing, ,vi-¡ e mo,-ing the skid unto the aundation
and the auxiliarv cooler should be rechecked again or in securing the skid to the foundation.
after the skid has been secured to the foundation. Per-
Ajax engine-compressor units are sold as complete- compressor job cite. Exhaust piping, gas or air starting
¡y packaged units, including al¡ water piping and al¡ piping and the fuel piping connecting the unit fuel
gas piping between the unit suction flange and final bottle to the unit are not supplied by Cooper Penjax
discharge flange. Twin cylinder engine-compressor unit on al¡ units and are generally fabricated in the field to
piping is prefabricated at the shop and shipped to the suit the specific job location requirements. The cooling
job site for installation. By following the piping layout system must be filled with coolant and the lubricating
furnished with the unit, it is a routine job to connect system filled as required with suitable lubricants as
the prefabricated lines. specified hereafter.
Air cleaners must be installed on the unit at the
The flywheel must be installed at location on ali drive them into the siot evenly. Wedges can most
engine-compressor units. This is due to the size and easily be driven when the flywheel is being sus-
weight of the flywheel which would create excessive pended in an upright position.
handling problems if mounted before shipment.
The flywheel is cast with a split hub having a
(2) Check end of crankshaft and bore in flywheel.
straight bore which is machined to have a slight inter-
File burrs if necessary, clean and oil bore and
ference fit on the straight crankshaft extension. This
split hub is opened slightly by wedges to facilitate
mounting on the crankshaft extension. A straight key-
way on the shaft matches a tapered keyway in the
flywheel hub to accept a tapered key which is installed
after the flywheel is in place on the shaft. This tapered
key design contributes to a more secure mounting of
the flywheel. The split hub is secured to the shaft alter
positioning by tightening a bolt through the split in
the hub.
At final factory assembly of al¡ Ajax engine-com-
pressors, the tapered key is custom fitted to the crank-
shaft and flywheel to assure accurate alignment and
positioning of the flywheel and key. The serial number
or the unit is then stamped on the flywheel, crankshaft
end, and the tapered face of the key so that these
custom fitted parts will remain with the unir. The large
end of the tapered key, which is tapped with 1/2"-13NC
threads to facilitate removal, is installed to the outside
of the flywheel.
Installation of the flywheel on the crankshaft is not
difficult, however the correct procedure must be fol-
lowed to prevent splitting the hub when wedging for
installation. The appropriate flywheel wedge or wedges
are included in the box of parts shipped with the unit.
The DC-22 and DC-30 units use a single wedge which
is to be inserted in the center of the flywheel hub.
Larger units are furnished with two wedges. A wedge
(and píate if required) to be inserted at each end at the
wheel hub siot.
The following steps must be carefully followed
when installing the flywheel:
Section II
1-73 Page 3
(3) To install flywheel , slide it on shaft by rotating
back and forth and pushing manually until the end
of the shaft is flush with hub Pace. On the DC-22,
DC-30 and C-42 units , the flywheel hub should
butt up against the shrink collar . Do not sledge or
attempt to drive flywheel onto shaft with any other
device . If it has been wedged properly, no diffi-
culty should be encountered in sliding wheel into
Figure 11-3
Flywheel Position on Shaft
Figure 11-5
(6) Drive key Nome . Key should seat with end flush to Flywheel Installed
the shaft face or extending up to approximately
beyond shaft end . If it seats before reaching
this point , do not siedge , but remove to find and
correct the problem.
If these instructions are carefully followed , the re-
sult will be a true running wheel which will never
work loose on the shaft.
Section II
Page 4
Figure 11-6
Fuel Volume Tank
Section II
1-73 Page 5
EXHAUST SYSTEM twin cylinder units, each cylinder will be developing
the same power when exhaust temperatures are main-
Exhaust Pipe and Mufflers
tained at the same leve).
Because of the port scavenging design of Ajax en-
For this reason , an exhaust pyrometer and thermo-
gines , the design and installation of the exhaust system couples are provided as standard equipment on twin
is critica) to satisfactory performance of the engine- cylinder units . The pyrometer as furnished is installed
compressor . Recommendations as to size and length of in the instrument panel when the unit leaves the factory
the exhaust pipe and the size and type muffler used and exhaust thermocouples are included in the box of
must be strictly followed. parts shipped with each unit. The required connecting
The full length of the exhaust pipe must be the wire is installed in conduit on the unit. An exhaust
same pipe size as the exhaust flange on the power pyrometer and thermocouple are optional equipment
cylinder . Use as few elbows as possible , preferably no for single cylinder units.
more than two, and aiways use long radius elbows. To accommodate installation of the thermocouples,
The exhaust pipe must not be covered or insulated it will be necessary to attach '/z" half couplings in the
as this will backup excessive heat to the cylinder. exhaust pipes . These should be installed six inches be-
lf mufflers are required , they should be installed low the exhaust flange and radially located to facilitate
at the end of the recommended length of exhaust pipe. installation of wiring.
Table ll-C tabulates al¡ recommended sizing for The thermocouples are equipped with an adequate
exhaust pipes and mufflers . Exhaust pipe length is stem permitting their use in exhaust pipes of a great
stated as a function of engine speed . Maximum antici- range of sizes and should be inserted in the pipe
pated speed should be used to determine this• length. couplings with their position in the couplings adjusted
and fixed so the tip of the thermocouple líes in the
Exhaust Temperature Thermocouples
center of the exhaust line . After installing the thermo-
The exhaust gas temperature will vary with the couple, the wiring should be connected from the
load the engine-compressor is carrying . Therefore, on thermocouple to the panel mounted pyrometer.
Figure 11-8
Pyrometer Installation
Section II
Page 6 1-73
200 psi
Section II
1-73 Page 7
61/2" x 8" DC-22 4" 5000/RPM 5" BMA-5 BMA-5 BEO-5 BEO-5 131.05 131-05 131-05 141-05 #12
71/4" x 8" DC-30 4" 5000/RPM 5" BMA-5 BMA-5 BEO-5 BEO-5 131-05 131-05 131-05 141 -05 *12
81h" x 10" C-42 4" 5000/RPM 6" BMA-6 BMA-6 BEO-6 BEO-6 131-06 131.06 131.06 141-06 *12
91/2" x 12" DPC-60 6" 5900/ RPM 8" BMC-8 8MB-8 BMA-8 BEO-8 111-08 121-08 131 -08 141-08 #18
11" x 14" DPC-80-A 6" 5600/ RPM 10" BMC-10 BMB- 10 BMA- 10 BEO- 10 111-10 121-10 131.10 141-10 #18
131/4" x 16" DPC-115 a" 6000/RPM 12" BMC-12 =- 12 BMA- 12 BEO.12 111-12 121-12 131-12 141-12 *24
(2) ** ** ** (2) :. .. ** e•
91/2" x 12" DPC- 120 (2) 6" 5900/RPM 8"
* •** BMC-8 BMB-8 BMA-8 BEO-8 111-8 121-8 131-8 141-8 #36
*• *e •* (2) *• ee e. **
11" x 14" DPC- 160 (2)6" 5600/RPM 10" (2)
• BMC-10 BMB-10 BMA- 10 SEO- 10 111-10 121 -TO 131-10 141-10 *36
•* ** •* (2) e* ** e•
131/4 x 16" DPC-230 (2) 8" 6000/RPM 12" (2)
• BMC-12 BMB- 12 BMA- 12 BEO-12 111-12 121.12 131-12 141-12 #48
15" x 16" DPC-300 (2) 10" 6400 / RPM 14" (2) ** " '* (2) ** ** •* **
• BMC-14 BMB-14 BMA-14 BEO-14 111-14 121-14 131 - 14 141-14 #60
Note: Muffler supplier must be advised that muffler is for an Alax unit lo insure proper construction.
'Twin cylinder engine requiring two exhaust pipas and two mufflera or twin inlet single muffler.
"*Exhauat pipe sine changad from 5" lo 6" with engine Serial No . 63476.
A Commercial -Industrial.
8 Standard, Metropolitan, Semi-Resideritlai.
C Residential.
D Critica¡, Ultra-Critlal, Hospital Zona.
Section II
Page 8 8-75
After the installation has been completed, a general wire from spark plug before rotating flywheel. The
inspection should be made of the unit as the first step keyway in the crankshaft is in fine with the throw, so
in the starting procedure. Be certain that al¡ installation that the keyway can be used as a positioning referente.
details have been properly completed. Inspect the On single cylinder units, rotate the flywheel until the
crankcase to be sure no sand, water, or other foreign key is toward the cylinder and just past dead center.
matter has collected. On twin cylinder units, the keyway gines up with the
Before inspecting the unit when not in operation, throw on the flywheel side of the crankshaft. For start-
be sure to disconnect ignition Ieads from spark plug ing twin units, the key can be at either end of the
terminals as a safety precaution. stroke, just past dead center, since the two throws are
PRE-START-UP SERVICING located 180° apart.
After the flywheel key is positioned, the pet cock
Before starting the engine-compressor, the follow-
and air relief valve should be closed. Be sure the ig-
ing servicing steps must be performed. Refer to Table
nition lead is reconnected to the spark plug terminal.
IV-A in Section IV for capacities of crankcase, radiator,
etc., for each unit. (1) Air Starting . Open air valve to rotate the unit. After
the engine-compressor is rolling over with air, open
(1) Fill crankcase with recommended oil until leve¡
the fuel gas cock halfway untii the power cylinder
reaches mark in dip stick.
fires, then open fully. As soon as firing occurs, close
Do not switch dip sticks from one unit to another
the air valve.
as casting irregularities could result in improper oil
leve¡ if this practice is followed. See "Lubricating (2) Gas Starting . When starting with gas, the gas start
System" in Section IV for additional information valve should be opened fully, then closed after the
and oil recommendations. unir is turning over. When the engine fires, then
the gas cock on the fuel gas inlet should be opened.
(2) Remove side cover plates and throw oi¡ on cross-
Always remember to open pet cock on relief valve
head guide surfaces. Pour oil on piston rod. after the unit is running.
(3) Pour 1 "2 quarts of oil in control box.
4) Pour oil in bottom pan oí air filter in accordance COMPRESSOR CYLINDER START- UP PROCEDURE
with instructions oh filter.
(1) Clean and remove any debris and dirt from in-
Do not use crankcase oil. Use 10 weight oil only.
coming piping before connecting to the unit.
Heavier oil will restrict air flow.
(2) Remove ail suction vaive covers and cages from
5) Fill cooling system with a solution of water contain-
the first stage •_ylinder.
ing a rust inhibitor or anti-freeze which must be
mixed before pourino finto the cooling system. As (3) Open inlet fine vaive and blow gas through unit
°he oower end is ccoied bv 'he 'hernio-syphon pioing and suction oassages of the first stage
.vstem, ailure 'c mix he rusa nhibitcr or anti- cy iinder untii no debris blows from the cyiinder
'reeze with ',he .valer vill cause difficuity in cir- vaiu..e norts.
culation. (4) Remove suction valves and clean off any debris
Consult cooler manufacturer's instruction sheets for which may Nave collected.
recommendations for rust inhibitors. (5) Turn the machine over until the first stage com-
Always tightly replace the 7 P.S.I. pressure cap pressor is at the outer end of the stroke. Using
after filling radiator or cooler surge tank. feelers, lead, or wax tapers determine the clear-
(6) Tighten al¡ capscrews and head stud nuts. Gaskets ance between the face of the piston and the head
shrink in time. After engine is up to heat, tighten end head.
head stud nuts again. (6) Turn the machine over until step 5 can be repeat-
(7) Disconnect al¡ lubrication gines at cylinders and ed on the crank end.
prime lubricator pumps by hand until oil completely (7) Loosen the lock nut and set screws on the piston
fills fines. If necessary, remove bleed screw at top rod at the crosshead in the frame.
of sight feed and fill from oil can to get rid of air (8) Turn the piston rod with a strap wrench to obtain
lock. twice as much clearance on the head end (step 5)
(8) Bleed fuel fine at or close to engine until gas has as on the crank end (step 6). The result will be
replaced air in fine. that two-thirds off the total end clearance is on the
head end and one-third is on the crank end. Great-
er clearance on the head end compensates for
Ajax engine-compressor units are started by com- expansion of the piston rod and drive gear to give
pressed air or gas. To start the unit, the crankshaft must approximately equal clearance at operatiog tem-
be positioned to place the piston just past dead center perature.
on the power stroke. To relieve compression when (9) Tighten the lock nut and set screws on the piston
rotating the wheel by hand, open pet cock and relief rod at the crosshead.
valve on cylinder head. Be sure to disconnect ignition (10) By looking through suction port holes (valves were
Section III
1.73 Page 1
removed in step 4) sight across bore to insure each cylinder.
that each discharge vaive is installed properly.
Remember that a vaive opens in the same direc- (14) Consult unit performance curve and make ciear-
ance adjustments to compressor cylinders based
tion as the fiow of the gas. A long dowei rod run
on existing operating conditions.
down through the suction port and across the
bore will move the discharge valve piafe back (15) Pressurize compressor cylinders and check for
leaks . Replace or tighten as required to stop leaks.
and forth if the valve has been installed properly.
(lf a dowel rod can open a valve, so can the gas.) CAUTION ! Make sure all pressure is relieved from
(11) Replace suction valves, cages , and covers on the the cylinder before removing any part.
first stage cylinder. Just before replacing the
valve covers, insure each vaive is installed prop- (16) Open biow down vaive and purge compressor
eriy by moving the suction vaive piafe back and cylinders and piping to remove all air.
forth with a screw driver. (17) Position line valves according to furnished start-
(12) Repeat steps 2 through 11 for the second stage up arrangement.
cylinder and succeeding stages. (18) Compressor cylinders are now ready for start-up.
(13), By manually operating lubricator pumps, remove (19) It is recommended the unit be turned over one
all air from the lubrication tubing lines and pre- revolution by hand before starting. This procedure
lube the piston rod packing and cylinder bore of will insure freedom of movement.
Section III
Page 2 1-73
Figure IV-2
Oil Level, C-42 and Larger Units
Section IV
1-73 Page 1
¡ect oil into the cylinders, providing lubrication to the (7) After correct clearance has been attained, bolt
pistons, piston rings, cylinder walls, and compressor lubricator securely in place and recheck freedom
piston rod pressure packing. of lubricator drive.
Should the lubricator reservoir be allowed to run (8) Replace control box flange.
dry, it may be necessary to prime each pump again. (9) Replace magneto or alternator.
Remove the vent screw at top of pump sight glass and (10) After al¡ parts have been returned to original
fill from an oil can to get rid of air lock.
position, be sure to re-time the engine ignition
The hand flushing unit assembly incorporates feed when magneto ignition is used.
adjustment and indicates the plunger stroke. Feed ad- Before connecting the oil lines to the cylinder,
¡ustment is accomplished by first loosening the lock operate the lubricator by means of the hand flushing
nut. The rate of feed is decreased by turning the ad- units to fill and flush the lines, also to demonstrate that
justing sleeve clockwise, and increased by turning the the pump units are operative and that the check valves
sleeve counterclockwise. Be sure to tighten the lock are in good order.
nut after the feed adjustment.
Should a pump unit become inoperative , it is rec- POWER CYLINDER LUBRICATION
ommended that it be cleaned in a can of gasoline, The amount and type of lubrication required to
hand flushing while the suction tube is submerged. . provide safe and ample cylinder lubrication is based
The lubricator drain cock should be checked regu- on years of operating experience . A number of vari-
larly for condensaté. ables , such as the gas being used as fuel, have a great
Periodical cleaning of the reservoir, with clean bearing on both the quantity and the characteristics of
gasoline, is recommended. the lubricating oil best suited. As a guide, normal
All lubricators used on Ajax engine-compressors are lubricator oil consumption is tabulated in Table IV-A.
equipped with visible sight chambers, which instantly In most cases , this consumption will be the maximum
disclose the exact amount of lubricant flowing from the amount required. These rates can frequently be cut
drip tube to the lubricant well. This makes it possible back and still maintain adequate lubrication.
to accurately gauge the amount of lubricant being Over lubrication is not only costly from the stand-
forced under pressure unto the system. point of quantity oí o¡! consumed, but siso it is the
h u tdow a nd ^f! w• vú,
A !ow oil leve! s ^wv••^^ ntrclw;s r.v greatest single cause of rarbon build up. Inasmuch as
vided as standard equipment on the C-42 and larger the number of drops of oil in one pint is so dependent
units. upon such things as temperature and viscosity of oil,
The lubricator should be removed, cleaned and the amount of oil used for cylinder lubrication should
fiushed whenever changing oil in the engine crankcase. always be based on the recommended pints per day
On al¡ single cylinder units, the lubricator mounting rather than the drops per minute or stroke. Due to the
and drive connection require no special precautíons poor reliability of the force feed lubricators at very low
other than alignment. rates , it is recommended that in no case should the
lubricator feed rase be reduced to less than two drops
When replacing the lubricator, the lubricator shaft
per stroke of the lubricator pump.
must be lined up to match the layshaft. No other ad-
The lubricator. on the twin cylinder units has a
bottom rotary drive which is gear driven from the For lubrication of compressor cylinders and pres-
layshaft. sure packing refer to TD-1163 lubrication instructions
In replacing this lubricator, the following procedure in Section IV.
should be followed:
( 1) Remove magneto or alternator.
(2) Remove control box flange.
(3) Remove bronze drive gears and keys in control Traditiona¡ly, Cooper Penjax has relied upon the
box. various refiners for recommendations as to any par-
(4) -'aplace lubricator drive gear without key so that ticular brand of lubricating oil to be used either in
gear will move freely on shaft. crankcase or lubricator of its engines. We have simply
(5) When slipping on gears , pul¡ layshaft away from supplied general specifications of an oil which has
crankshaft so that it will not move toward fly- proved to be satisfactory. The general characteristics
wheel. This assures that proper end clearance is of this oil, commonly known to refiners as a "neutral"
maintained and will not allow excessive axial oil, are as follows:
movement of layshaft when in operation. If it is
necessary to replace the bronze drive gear(s) on Lubrication Specifications
the layshaft, proceed as follows: Flash .................................... 4350 Minimum
(6) With lubricator in position, turn bronze gear by
Fi re ...................................... 495 ° Minimum
hand to make sure sufficient tooth clearance is
present between the pinion and layshaft gear. Viscosity S.U.S . .................... 100° F - 300 - 550
Adjustment can be made by shimming under the 210° F - 52 to 65
lubricator front mounting lugs and /or adjusting Pour Point ............................ 0° F, or below
the nuts under the mounting stud5;. Conradson Carbon .............. . 2%, or less
Section IV
This oil contains no detergent, and the carbon that or cooler to the power cylinders. The advantages of
forms from it is of a soft, fluffy nature which is readily Chis system are that the engine jacket water pump is
blown from the cylinder. eliminated and peak efficiency is realized by permitting
Most refiners, in an effort to provide suitable oils the power end to operate at the optimum temperature.
for automotive type engines equipped with trunk type The DPC-300 unir requires a forced circulation system
pistons, have developed motor oils containing deter- utilizing a water pump.
gente and other additives, often in large quantities. As COMPRESSOR CYLINDERS
a result, many of the refiners whose recommendations
for a suitable oil for our engines we seek, are not in a The cooling system on the compressor end may be
position to supply a non-additive oil. This does not either a thermostatic, thermo-syphon or a forced circu-
mean, necessarily, that the oil recommended and con- lating system depending upon the amount of heat
taining detergents are unsuitable for use in Ajax power which must be dissipated. The following are general
cylinders. In general, however, where the additive recommendations for compressor cylinder cooling
content is high, their use results in a tendency for rings systems.
to stick, exhaust ports to fill up and become plugged Compressor cylinders may be operated with dry
with hard, gummy substances which -are difficult to jackets providing gas discharge temperature is less
remove. than 140° F and differential between suction and
Ali of this, of course, results in higher maintenance discharge gas temperatures is less than 80° F. Dry
COSTS and, in some instances, unsatisfactory service. jackets must be vented.
Moreover, operators have a tendency to rely on the When the discharge gas temperature is between
recommendation of dealers, who, in some instances, at 140 F and 199' F and the differential between suc-
least, not only do not understand the lubrication re- tion and discharge gas temperature is less than 170°
quirements of a crosshead type, port scavenged engine, F, the compressor cylinder jacket must be filled with a
but who, sometimos are uninformed as to the actual suitable líquid. A vented standpipe should be provided
tests or specifications of the oil being recommended. to handie expansion of the liquid when the cylinder
For the foregoing reasons, Cooper Penjax has con- reaches operating temperature.
tacted refiners giving them detailed information as to When the discharge gas temperature is between
the type of engine we build, the specifications for 200' F and 249- F a thermo-syphon system may be
what has proved to be a satisfactory oil in the past, as used. This type system is described under "engine
shown aboye, and have asked for the brand name of cylinder" cooling system.
the lubricating oil produced by each such refiner most When the discharge gas temperature is 250° F
closely paralleling these specifications, which the re- and higher, or the differential between suction and
finer recommends for use in the power cylinder of discharge gas temperature is 170° F or greater, the
the Ajax units.
compressor cylinder must be provided with a forced
It will be noted 'hat we show only SAE =20, and circulation cooling system.
=30 weight oils. This is because that, generally speak- A circulating cooiing system should be used in al¡
ing, =10 wwnieight oil dces not meet the 435 flash, cases regardless of temperature if both ends of the
95 tire cpec`.fications ir, the typical oil discussed doubie 3cting cviinder are equipped with valve lifters
aboye. Where engines are to be operated n tempera-
and or su--'ion valve unioaders. (For exceptions, seo
tures be;ovw zero, it will, of course, be necessary during Technical cervices.)
the winter periods to select an oil having a pour point
at, or below, the lowest temperature to be encountered-
NOTE: For al¡ non-lube applications, Technical Ser-
A list of oils recommended by the respective re- vices approval must be obtained before a thermo-
finers is tabulated in Table IV-C. It should be under
syphon system is used.
stood that this list of oils is not to be considered an
endorsement or approval by Cooper Penjax. It is mere- General limitations on water temperature are:
ly submitted as a guide. (A) Minimum water supply temperature should be at
least 90° F but not greater than 160° F.
(B) To prevent condensation of gas constituents on
cylinder walis and sticking pistons, water supply
Refer to TD-1163 in Section IV for recommended temperature must be at least 10° F aboye suction
oil specifications. gas temperature.
(C) In order to limit capacity reduction, water supply
COOLING SYSTEM temperature should be no more than 30' F aboye
ENGINE CYLINDERS suction gas temperature except when suction gas
temperature is below 60° F.
The cooling system used on the power end is a (D) Required water flow is to be based on a 10° F
thermo-syphon system on al¡ Ajax engine-compressors temperature rise.
except the DPC-300 unit. Circulation of the coolant is
accomplished by the difference in density between hot PRECAUTIONS
and cold water which causes the hot water to rise from
the power cylinders to the radiator or cooler and, con- Precautions to be taken with the cooling system are
versely, the coid water to flow down from the radiator as follows:
Section IV
1-73 Page 3
(1) Use cean, soft water: free from salt and other (3) Remove enough grease to permit inserting grease
corrosive compounds. plug without compressing grease.
(2) Keep the radiator or cooler fui¡ of water or anti- (4) Lubricate every 4,000 to 5,000 hours of service.
freeze. The following is the proper procedure for dis-
(3) Keep pressure cap at top of radiator or surge tank assembly when repair or re-packing with grease is
screwed down tight. Replace if leaky. necessary (for drawing of fan hub assembly, refer to
(4) Keep fan belt(s) from slipping. respective Parts List Book):
(5) Water and ethylene glycol mixture is a suitable Dis-assembly:
liquid for either filling an uncooled cylinder or a Remove the fan assembly from the bracket. Remove
thermo-syphon system. It should be used if freez- the lock wire holding the sea( retainer in the pulley.
ing temperatures are to be encountered and is very Unscrew retainer. Now the c"lley can be pushed off
satisfactory in non-freezing applications because of the shaft and bearing asser— ,r., The bearings can be
the inclusion of corrosive inhibitors. Plain water washed on the shaft or rep_" d:ed, as required. Wash
should have a corrosive inhibitor added. the interior of the pulley.
If an anti-freeze is to be used, it must be mixed Assembly:
with the water before being poured into the cool-
ing system . The concentration of the mixture of Fill the hub and cap half full with a high grade
anti-freeze does not affect the system. bearing grease . Put some grease between the two
bearings. Drive the shaft and bearing assembly in
(6) Clean dirt and insects from outside of the radiator
place in the pulley. Always use a new oil gasket be-
or cooler regularly.
tween the rear bearing and sea¡ retaining washer.
If aboye instructions are followed, there will be no Replace sea¡ and retainer. Tighten retainer and replace
scale. lock wire.
The pressure cap on the Ajax cooling system pre- Listed below are specifications of greases approved
vents water from escaping alter the engine reaches by the bearing manufacturers. By observing these
operating temperature after the initial filling. When specifications, your refiner will be able to furnish a
checking water leve¡ in radiator or surge tank, be sure suitable grease.
the radiator cap is screwed down securely when re-
The grease shall be a smooth, well compounded
product, componed of a high grade soap and a refined,
This system, with a pressure cap in good conditio.i, filtered mineral oil. It shall be free from corrosive
should require very little or no additional water for matter, grit, rosin, waxes, talc, mica, graphite, c(ay, or
normal operation. other fillers of any kind.
The approximate quantity of coolant required for Consistency
the -ooling system is tabulated in Table IV-A.
ASTM Penetration @ 77° F.
(For Units with Radiators) No. 2 Grease 265-295
Under no circumstances should a grease pressure Ash: 2 percent maximum
fitting be substituted the grease plug in the fan Corrosion: A br nt copper plate shall show
bearing housing ; the uz., of this fitting, in combination no discoloration subrnerged in the
with a grease gun, will. almost inevitably result in grease for 24 hours at normal room
premature bearing failure and resultant radiator de- temperature.
struction. Moisture: 1 percent minimum
It is recommended that lubrication be applied to The oil from which the grease is compounded shall
the fan bearings as follows: conform to the following specifications:
To Lubricate with Oil: Flash: 340° F. Minimum
(1) Turn fan so that the grease plug hole is in a hori- Fire: 380° F. Minimum
zontal position. Viscosity: 200 Saybolt Universal Seconds
(2) Use a pump •type oil can filled with SAE -*30 or minimum at 100° F.
heavier oil. Cold Test (Pour) Plus 30° F. Maximum
(3) Add oil until leve¡ reaches hole in hub. A list of approved greases will be supplied upon
(4) Re-oil every 30 days when operating engines in- request.
(5) Re-oil every 4,000 to 5,000 hours of service when
operating 24 hours per day continuous service. Due to varied recommendations and warranties by
different manufacturers, it is not feasible to list any
To Lubricate with Grease: one set of instructions.
(1) Use hand grease gun with nozzle small enough to Refer to the composite instruction manual supplied
allow excess grease to escape through annular with the engine-compressor unit for instructions sup-
space between spout and I.D. of grease hole. plied by the cooler manufacturer for the lubrication and
(2) Lubricate lightly with high grade bearing grease. service of the specific cooler fan shaft bearings.
Section IV
Page 4 1-73
,`... .. s h s ^^.. >,rnke Nave
Cranksnaft oli seais use0 on C--^2 dnd srnailer u,-,jis -.^r'.r ec :ng roGS 'Wi'`1 rBciSion tupe crank pin bearings.
are of the s'arionary lip tvpe and use leather for *he Precision bearings are :-nanufac,,ured to closer tolerantes
sealing edce. This learher sea! is mounted i n a steel than ihe shim adjusted bearings and therefore no
case and installed on !he unit so t hat ihe lip o ihe adjustment is required or provided with ihe precision
sea¡ points in or toward ihe crankcase.
bearings. This eliminates the necessity of "fitting-up" a
installation of Crankshaft Oil Seals:
connecting rod when changing the bearings. Al¡ that is
( 1) Check thet the leather of the sea¡ is not dry or hard.
For best service it is recommended that the sea¡ is required is to insta¡¡ the precision bearings and tighten
thoroughly soaked in Neatsfoot oil for a few hours the connecting rod bolis to 650-700 foot-pounds tor-
before installation. que as shown in tabie V.B.
(2) AII burrs and sharp edges on the bronze oil slinger IPrecision bearings are prevented from turning in
should be removed before oil sea¡ is installed. the rod by a dowel between the bearing shell and the
(3) The sea¡ is to be pressed squarely in position ap- cap of ihe connecting rod.
plying press -fitting force as closely as possible to Conrecting rod assemblies with precision bearings
ihe outside diameter of the seal , so that the seal
are interchangeable with connecting rod assemblies
does not become cocked and when in place ihe
sea¡ must be square with the shaft. Use a coned or which have shim adjusted bearings, however, due to
tapered assembly sleeve so as to prevent damaging differen.ces in design 'he individual components are
the lip of the sealing element. not interchangeable.
(4) When fastening spiral gear shield to the bearing Since the crank pin bearings and bolts are not in-
support , carefully center the oil sea¡ to the crank- terchangeable, it will be necessary for the persons
shaft. ordering parts to determine which type of connecting
CRANK PIN BEARINGS - SHIM ADJUSTED TYPE rod assembly they are servicing.
Precision bearing connecting rod assemblies are
The crank pin bearings are bronze-backed, centrifu-
gally-cast babbitt lined shells in haives, with la.ninated easily recognized by the absence of shims between
metal shims. In addition to being used to adjust clear- the bearing halves and the twelve point- external-
ance , ihe shims prevent the bearing from turning socket-type heads on the connecting rod bolis.
within the rod. For taking up bearing wear, peel off as
many layers as required to obtain proper clearance. Be CROSSHEAD
careful to remove an equal number at top and bottom The crossheads operate in bored guides, and there
of pin. Correct clearances for the crank pin bearings should be clearance at the top of each guide after the
are shown in Table IV-B. piston and connecting rod have been securely fastened
To check this clearance, ¡ay a short length of ihin. in the crosshead. This crosshead guide clearance is
soft lead wire in the half shell in the connecting rod shown in Table IV-B. Measure by using long feelers
cap and tighten securely on the crank pin. The thick- at the top and with crosshead at various positions for
ness of ihe compressed wire will be the clearance in the enrire length of *he guide. Shims are sometimes
the bearing. From this total clearance, as measured inserted between ihe piston rod nut and the face of
with the micrometer, subtract the running clearance to the crosshead ro maintain alignment of crosshead in
obtain the thickness of the shims to be removed at the the guide and insure clearance.
top and bottom of the bearing. If the thickness of the On C-42 and smaller units, either the power end
compressed lead wire is less than the correct running crosshead alone, crosshead and piston with metallic
clearance , then shims must be added to increase the packing, or complete assembly of connecting rod,
clearance . Replace the shims and shell, and tighten crosshead and piston can be removed through the
down the cap.
power cylinder bore.
To be certain that the bearing is not loo tight, in-
spect as follows:
Place finger partly on ihe connecting rod and partly This bearing consists of a removable bronze bush-
on the web of the crank. Have flywheel rocked slightly ing which is pressed finto the connecting rod. When
and note by feel whether or not there is a slight but this bearing becomes excessively worn, it must be re-
definite movement (play) of the crank pin bearing. If placed by a new bushing, which is lined up and forced
bearing is too tight, replace a layer of ihe shim on each finto the rod, using a piece of wood or block of soft
side and try ágain . Total side clearance between flange metal as a cushion. Fil bushing to crosshead pin by
of the bearing and crankshaft is .023 to .035 inches scraping. The clearance between the bushing and the
on the DPC-60 and larger units only. crosshead pin is given in Table IV-B.
Since there is no flange on the crank pin bearing The crosshead pin bearings on C-42 and larger
on the DC-22, DC-30 and C-42 units, check the side units are locked in position in the connecting rod by
clearance by using a small pinch bar or screw driver means of a hollow dog point set screw. This prevenís
and pry the connecting rod from one side to the other. the bearing from working loose in the connecting rod.
A slight but definite play should be noticed. This feature is not required on the DC-22 and DC-30
Caution: Do not use ihe connecting rod bolts as a units.
means of adjustment; Chis error has been the cause of
nuts backing off and wrecking engine -compressors. To
assure correct tightening , a torque wrench should be The layshaft drive gear on the crankshaft has "0"
used . Correct. connecting rod boli torques are shown stamped on two adjacent teeth and the driven qear on
in Table IV-B. the layshaft has "0" stamped on one tooth. When re-
Section IV
8-75 Page 5
assembling che engine after dismantling, be careful to POWER CYLINDER ASSEMBLY
mesh gears with the marked tooth on the layshaft gear
located between the two marked teeth on the crank- CYLINDER WEAR
shaft gear. Cylinders should be checked for finish and wear
each time the piston is pulled. It is difficult to make
LAYSHAFT ROTARY OIL SEALS recommendations regarding the point of wear at which
the cylinder shouid be rebored. It is evident, however,
Although there is seidom a need to replace the
that such a point of wear depends to a large extent
rotary type oil sea¡ in the control box rear plate on upon the fuel load and fuel cost conditions under
single cylinder units, tare must be taken to assure
which the engine is required to operate. Because of
proper installation in those instantes where such field these variable factors, any given point of wear could
replacement is necessary. be economical under one set of conditions and un-
As indicated in Figure IV-3, a sleeve should first economical under another.
be made to facilitate installation of the oil sea¡. This On the average, however, it is recommended that
sleeve should be made up with dimensions approxi- cylinders be rebored if worn:
mating a 3" O.D., 23'a" I.D., and 11/2" length.
(1) Eccentric, or out of round, more than .002" per inch
The sleeve should then be used to press the oil sea¡ of nominal cylinder bore.
into the control box rear plate. Extreme tare should be (2) Tapered more than .002" per inch of nominal cylin-
taken in pressing in the oil sea¡ to be certain that it is der bore. Only reputable machine shops who Nave
experience in doing this type of work should be
selected for reboring cylinders and fitting oversize
pistons. Before reboring and ordering oversize pis-
tons and rings, refer to Ajax Bulletin 601-B.
The air and gas enter the mixing chamber, then
the mixture is sucked into the scavenging chamber
where it is compressed to a few pounds pressure. The
mixer check valves prevent the compressed mixture
from returning to the mixing chamber. Each "feather"
rype valve is a thin fíat blade of steel which is held
against its seat by smail coil springs.
The engine pistons are finish machined on the rod
to assure accurate concentricity and alignment.
Figure IV-3 When réplacing a piston and rod assembly, adjust
Installation Sleeve it so that the set screw in the crosshead finds its origi-
Layshaft Rotary Oil Sea¡ nal seats on the fiat of the rod. If the set screw is
tightened down on the threads instead of the fíat,
pressed in straight, making sure that no pressure is both the piston rod threads and crosshead threads wiil
exerted on the "0"' ring retainer hub, until it bottoms be damaged. Care should be taken to avoid droppinq
in the control box rear place ccunterbore. Figure IV-4 the piston and rod assemblies during handling. Rough
shows the oil sea¡ correctiy positioned. After the oil handling will cause misalignment between the rod and
seal is placed into the rear place as described aboye, piston.
tare must be exercised when bolting the píate to the The cylinder head end of the piston has a crown
control box to line up the rol¡ drive pin in che leal to configuration which varíes slightly for each engine.
the keyway in the bronze layshaft gear as shown in When the piston and rod have been properly installed,
Figure IV-4. and with the crankshaft at firing dead. center, this
crown will extend out of the cylinder, with the edge
of the fui¡ piston diameter flush with the end of the
cylinder. This correct position is illustrated in Figure
Figure IV-5
Correct Piston Position
Section IV
Page 6 8-75
1 Figure IV-8
Piston Rod Thimbles
Section IV
8-75 Page 7
Changing Oil Linkage Adjustment
Empty cups and refill when oil becomes too thick 8" Stroke EA-22 and EA-30 Engines Used on
to spray readily, or when about 1/4 of the oil is dis- DC-22 and DC- 30 Engine-Compressor Units
placed by sediment. The frequency of this. service Refer to Figure IV-9
operation depends on the severity of the dust condi-
tions. In rainy weather, or in a climate with heavy (1) Disconnect linkage from air butterfly stem lever
rainfall, water may collect in the cups, and, in time, (K-3725- A). Rotate lever counterclockwise until lug
form a sludge which may plug the cleaners . The air contacts stop on air manifold . Set screw in stop
cleaner cups, therefore , should be inspected frequently should be flush with contact face.
until the operator is able to judge how often the oil (2) With lever in this position , rotate butterfly stem
should be changed. with screw driver until slot in end of stem is straight
up and down . Lock lever to stem in this position.
Filter Compartment (3) Pull governor arm wide open and adjust linkage
rod (K-6247-A) to fit while lever and stem is in
The main filter element is a self-cleaning type that
aboye position.
is not removable. However , the air cleaner on al¡ en-
gines , 12" stroke and larger, has a pre-filter that can (4) With gas throttle linkage disconnected, rotate gas
be removed . It should be cleaned in fuel oil or kero- throttle valve stem lever (A-2770) clockwise until
sene as required , blown dry with compressed air and lever hits stop . With lever against stop, position
then dipped in lubricating oil before re - assembling. screw driver slot in end of throttle valve stem at
approximately 45' from vertical. Lock in place.
Replacing the oil in the cup as recommended and
cleaning of the pre-filter will assure clean air to the (5) With governor in wide open position and gas
engine. throttle valve lever as aboye, set throttle valve to
jack shaft linkage so that distante from inside of
The proper oil leve ) in air cleaners cannot be
nut to inside of nut measures 3'/2". To obtain this
checked with the engine running.
dimension , you will note that no threads will show
between the nuts on one end to the nuts on the
BREATHER CAP othet end. Set linkage length from governor to
jack shaft so that it measures 23/11" inside of nut to
Saturate the breather cap filters with oil before inside of nut.
installing at the crank end of the bed or on crankcase
top covers. C-42 Engine-Compressor
Remove and clean the breather caps at least each Refer to Figure IV-l0
time the oil in the crankcase is drained; more often if
necessary. (1) Disconnect linkage from air butterfly stem lever
(K-3725-A). Rotate lever counterclockwise until lug
The crankcase breather is cleaned by removing and
contacts stop on air manifold. Set screw in stop
shaking in a bucket of fuel oil, kerosene, or light lubri-
should be flush with contact face.
cating oil. If compressed air is available, breather may
then be further cleaned and blown dry. Be sure to (2) With lever in this position, rotate butterfly stem
re-oil the filter element after washing. with screw driver until slot in end of stem is straight
up and down. Lock lever to stem in this position.
(3) Pull governor arm wide open and adjust linkage
GOVERNOR rod (M-1853) to fit while lever and stem is in
aboye position.
(4) With gas throttle linkage disconnected, rotate gas
The governor is a vertical flyball, centrifugal type, throttle valve stem lever (A-2770) clockwise until
self-lubricating, and gear driven from the Iayshaft. The lever hits stop. With lever held against stop, posi-
threads on the spindle pump oil from an oil pocket tion screw driver slot in end of throttle valve stem
on the governor body to the governor weight pins, at approximately 20° from vertical. Lock in place.
sleeve, and spindle bearings. (5) With governor in wide open position and gas
The governor spring wing nut or adjusting knob throttle valve lever as aboye, set throttle valve to
is turned clockwise to increase speed of the engine; jack shaft linkage so that distante from inside of
counterclockwise to decrease speed . Speed changes are nut to inside of nut measures 41/4". Set linkage
made while the engine is running. length from governor to jack shaft so that it mea-
The governor is connected to the throttle valve sures 43/s" inside of nut to inside of nut.
through the linkage to regulate the speed of the Note: Use the top hole on the jack shaft lever
engine-compressor. (K-3725) on the governor side and use the second
On 8" stroke EA-22 and EA-30 engines and 10" hole down on the jack shaft lever on the throttle
stroke C-42 engine-compressors, this linkage connects valve side. The top hole of the governor lever
the governor to the gas throttle valve and an air but- should be used to connect air linkaqe and the
terfly valve. The correct method of adjusting this middle or second hole down goes to the gas link-
linkage on these engines is as follows: age.
Section IV
Page 8 1-73
Figure IV-9
Throttle Control Linkage
For EA Series Engines Used on
DC-22 and DC-30 Engine-Compressors
Figure IV-10
Throttle Control Linkage
C-42 Engine-Compressors
Section IV
1-73 Page 9
ALTRONIC IGNITION ignition. (NOTE: Electronic ignition is more suscep-
tible to shorting out from this source due to its low
Altronic ignition is standard equipment on all Ajax primary current output.) Also remove capacitor lead
engine-compressors. The Altronic ignition system is a if one is present.
solid state capacitor discharge ignition system consíst-
3. Remove wire from spark plug and hold approxi-
ng of an alternator with electronic component box,
mately '/a" away from the spark plug terminal to
ignition coi¡, pick up coi¡ assembly and flywheel
check for spark with the engine cranking over. If
mounted timing magnets.
the ignition system is functioning properly, the
The assembly of alternator and component box is spark should jump at least 1/4" to the spark plug
installed on the control box replacing the magneto. The terminal.
alternator is driven at twice engine speed and gen-
4. If there is no spark or a weak spark in test 3, check
erates power which is stored in a capacitor located in
for output at the etectronic box center terminal us-
the component box. During operation the magnets
ing a screwdriver to short to the alternator housing.
mounted on the flywheel pass a pick up coi¡ assembly
(a) A strong flash indicates that the alternator-con-
located near the inner face of the flywheel and induces
trol box unit is OK. In this case , first replace the
a voltage which is sufficient to trigger a solid state
ignition coil; if this does not solve the problem,
switch. This switch releases the energy stored in the
replace the pick-up coil assembly. In general, a
capacitor which is then transmitted through wiring-to
bad ignition coil will produce a weak spark in
the ignition coil located on the engine cylinder head.
test 3. A bad pick-up coil assembly will usually
The ignition coil transforms the energy to a voltage
result in no spark. Replace any pick-up coi¡
high enough to fire the spark plug.
where the gray cable insulation has been cut
The position of the magnets on the flywheel estab- or damaged.
lishes the ignition timing of the Altronic system. Since (b) A weak flash or no flash indicates a problem in
these magnets are installed in holes drilled into the either the alternator or electronic box. Any type
flywheel face at the factory, the timing of the Altronic of erratic firing or continuous firing is usually
ignition cannot be readily changed. the result of a fautty electronic box. Remove the
The spark produced by the solid state ignition is of Altronic unit from the engine; then remove the
very short duration and high intensity. This permits electronic box from the alternator and discon-
successful firing of plugs with wider gaps or partial nect the two leads. The alternator's stator wind-
fouling than woutd be possible with magneto ignition, ing may be easity checked in the following way:
thus giving a much longer spark plug life. Spin the alternator shaft with the two leads
shorted together. A definite loading effect will
ALTRONIC IGNITION-TROUBLESHOOTING be noticed as compared with spinning the shaft
1. If ignition problems are suspected , first check that with the two leads separated if the alternator
al¡ ignition wiring is in good condition. Make sure stator is OK. Replace stator winding if this is not
a ground leed is run from the negative terminal of the case. Replace the etectronic box if the stator
the ignition coil(s) back to the alternator housing. winding checks OK.
Check that gap between pick-up coi¡ and flywheel
magnets does not exceed '/4".
2. If system appears to be installed correctly with al¡ DO NOT disconnect the blue wire from the ignition coi¡
wiring in good condition, first remove alt shutdown and short to ground to check for spark. This :an dam-
wires from center terminal of the etectronic box age the etectronic box.
on the alternator . This will isolate the shutdown
switches and wiring which may be causing the DO NOT disturb the nut on thé etectronic box illustrat-
problem by partially or completely shorting out the ed below . See Figure IV-11.
Figure IV-11
Electronic Boxes
Section IV
Page 10 1-73
Section IV
1-73 Page 11
temperature, (4) Suction pressure, (5) Discharge pres- pose; first, these switches act as a float operated valve
sure , (6) Interstage pressure ( when required for multi- to permit automatic refilling of the unir crankcase and
stage operation). The jacket water temperature gauges force-feed lubricator reservoir, and second, they act as
are equipped with adjustable high temperature shut- a shutdown switch that will ground the ignition through
down contacts , while the pressure and discharge gas the tattle tale relay in the event that the refill operation
temperature gauges are fitted with adjustable high is not completed. The refill function is not normally
and low shutdown contacts. supplied on the DC-22 and DC-30 engine-compressor
Additional items included on the instrument panel crankcases. These units are supplied with low leve)
shutdown switches only.
are a 15- minute spring wound start -run timer switch
and an emergency stop button . The 15- minute start-run High Engine Jacket Water and Compressor Jacket
timer is used at starting to deactivate all of the safety Water Temperatures-These combined indicating ther-
shutdown switch functíons except engine overspeed. mometers and high temperature shutdown switches
At the end of the start- run period , the timer auto- protect the power and compressor cylinders from dam-
matically reconnects the remaining shutdown function age due to possible Ioss of coolant and consequent
switches into the instrument panel system . The stop overheating. These devices use capillary tubes move-
button is used to'stop the engine -compressor during ment to actuate the temperature indicators. The capil-
the 15- minute interval that the automatic shutdown lary tubes should be protected from damage by being
switches are not operating. instalied in such a manner that the tubes will not be
stepped on by mistake. The capillary tube bulb should
SAFETY DEVICES be inserted in the top (outlet or hot) side of the engine
or compressor jacket water system at the point where
Ajax engine-compressor instrument paneis have a
complete set of safety devices to shut down the unit the jacket water leaves the cylinder. The compressor
in the event of malfunction . Unit shutdown is accom- cylinder jacket water shutdown switch should be ad-
plished by grounding out the alternator or magneto. ¡usted to shut the unit down if water temperature
exceeds 160 ° F. The engine jacket water shutdown
Each safety switch is connected to its individual
switch should be adjusted to shut the unit down if the
indicating relay known as a "tattle tale." This relay is
water temperature exceeds 206° F.
identified by a nameplate and if a specific malfunction
Abnormal Gas Temperatures and Pressures - The
occurs , the relay that is - connected to the specific
switch closes the grounding circuit connected to the gas temperature and pressure indicating gauges are
ignition system thus stopping the unit . A red button equipped with separately adjustable contacts to shut
pops out on the front of the panel to identify which down the unit on excessively high or Iow gas pressure
malfunction shut the unit down . This red button must and final discharge temperaturas. Each panel is nor-
be pushed in by hand to reset the relay before the mally supplied with suction and discharge pressure
unit can be started . The tattle tale relay requires only gauges (and interstage pressure gauges when required)
a momentary closing of the safety device , thus the as well as a temperature gauge to indicate the gas
unit will still shut down even in the event of a mal- temperature at the outlet of the final stage of compres-
function which then corrects itself. sion on the unit. (interstage discharge temperature
gauges and shutdowns can be supplied where re-
The safety switches furnished on the unit should quired.)
never be disconnected. The cause of a recurring mal- High Liquid Level in Separators - It is common
function should be determined and corrected before practice on gas compressor packaging to install sepa-
restarting the unit. Any other action could cause serious rators in the lines before the intake of each stage of
damage to the unit. compression. The separator removes liquids from the
Safety devices normally included on the Ajax en- gas passing through and prevenís possible damage
gine-compressor include the following: to the compressor cylinders.
Overspeed Shutdown Device-Thé unit overspeed AII separators are fitted with automatic dump traps
shutdown device uses a spring loaded weight , located to remove the collected liquid. In the event of a mal-
in the rim of the flywheel, installed in such a manner function , the float operated high liquid leve) shutdown
that the centrifuga ) force of the weight is opposed by switch will ground out the ignition through its respec-
the action of the spring . As the speed of the engine
tive tattle tale relay before the liquid in the separator
increases, the weight compresses the spring and the
rises to a dangerous leve).
plunger extends outward from the rim of the flywheel
until it strike1 and trips a lever on the overspeed switch Other shutdown devices are available and may
usually be instalied in the field. The instrument panels
assembly . The lever being tripped releases a spring
loaded plunger which thén closes the overspeed switch, are usually equipped with spare openings to install
thus grounding the ignition system through its related additional tattle tales and possible temperature shut-
panel mounted tattle tale relay . The overspeed switch down gauges.
bolt spring is factory adjusted to trip the switch at COMPRESSOR CYLINDER ASSEMBLY
25-50 RPM over maximum.
The overspeed trip lever must be manually reset
before the unit can be restarted alter a shutdown. By using a few simple checks, the operator can
Low Oil Level - Float operated safety switches are quickly determine if the compressor cylinder is operat-
provided on the crankcase and the force -feed lubri- ing properly. The most obvious indication of trouble
cator. These float operated switches serve a dual pur- is reduced capacity.
Section IV
Page 12
When a capacity reduction is noticed, feel the in- illustrate the proper clearancing required to fully load
take valve covers. A warm or hot intake cover indicates the unit over various ranges of suction or discharge
a leaking valve. The discharge valve covers will nat- pressures. Sometimes unpredictable situations occur
urally run hot. However, if one cover is hotter than which are not covered by the performance curve and
others, valve leakage is indicated. adjustments are made by "feel". The problem with
For a unit having two or more stages, it is a good operating out of the scope of an appropriate per-
idea to record the normal interstage pressures and formance curve is that the operator can easily exceed
temperatures. Many times a change of interstage con- the allowable rod load or encounter a very low or
ditions is merely the normal reaction to a change in negative volumetric efficiency without having knowl-
the unit's overail compression ratio. However, if the edge of doing so. A typical problem encountered is
first stage suction conditions and the final stage dis- the result of adding too much clearance volume to the
charge pressure have not changed, then any change head end of a cylinder. A point is reached (between
in interstage conditions should be investigated. 20% and 0% volumetric efficiency) where the head
end is incapable of producing a specific capacity. The
An abnormal increase in interstage pressure indi-
cates problems in the higher stages; whereas, an crank end of the cylinder will still be producing, but
the head end will be erratic or non-producing. In this
abnormal decrease in interstage pressure indicates
problems in the lower stages. situation, the head end works continuously on the
lame volume of gas and generates undesirable heat.
Temperature gauges may be installed to show the
A better arrangement producing the same capacity
operating gas temperature cut of each stage. Any
wouid be to operate single acting.
significant rise in temperature from a cylinder indicates
an abnormal condition, such as a leaking valve or
Section IV
1-73 Page 13
To remove a shrink Iiner from the compressor MICARTA
body, it is necessary to place the body off center on
a boring mili and cut out part of the Iiner. Usually the Diameter End Gap Side Clearance
Iiner will collapse due to the interference fit stresses 3" to 6'/s" 1/8 to 3S6 Approximately .015
'.'..hen the Iiner wall becomes thin. 7" to ] 1" 3f6 to '/a Approximately .015
CAUTIONI Do not apply heat to the compressor body 12" to 17" '/a to 5 6 Approximately .015
in an attempt to remove the liner . Distortion 18" to 20" 3f6 to 3/8 Approximately .015
and warpage of the compressor body can
result. TEFLON
Prepare the cylinder body for a new liner by hea- Minimum End Gap _ .014" per inch of diameter
ing the body in a 350° F oven for three hours. The Maximum End Gap _ .015" per inch of diameter
cylinder body must be stood on end and a provision Minimum Side Clearance _ .020" per inch of groove
made to locate the liner in the body in the same posi- width, but never less
tion as the original liner . The Iiner must be dropped
than .008"
into the heated body immediately (in a matter of
Maximum Side Clearance = minimum plus .005"
seconds) before the liner can start heating due to con-
tact and radiation of the hot cylinder body. Cooling If the outer corners of the ring are sharp, these
of the liner with dry ice can be employed to gain should be broken with a fine file to prevent the
edditional assembly time. If cooling is used to shrink scraping of lubrication from the cylinder wall. Rings
'he !iner, beware of frost action which may cause the should be checked for roundness to insure a minimum
iner -o srick while being instailed. wear in time. Also check that the ring can be de-
Cnce the new Iiner has been instailed and the pressed below the diameter of the piston at al¡ points.
cylinder body has cooled off, drill lubricator holes in Coat the rings and ring grooves liberally with
the Iiner by using the holes in the body as a pilot. clean oil before inserting the piston into the cylinder.
.n cases where heating the cylinder body is im- Stagger the end gaps of the piston rings with respect
practical, a hydraulic press can be employed to install to one another.
the Iiner if adequate precautions are taken to prevent
damage to the mating surfaces. COMPRESSOR PISTON RODS
COMPRESSOR PISTONS Piston rods are generally high strength alloy steel.
Special materials or coatings are used when the gas
The design and- material of the piston will vary is corrosive . It is essential that the rod be free from
considerably with the class of compressor. Generally, scratches.or nicks to prevent damage to the oil scraper
cast ¡ron pistons are used in the smaller diameter and or packing rings.
slower speeds while aluminum pistons may be used The piston rod is screwed into the crosshead and
in the larger diameter and higher speed cylinders.
locked by set screws . Be sure to loosen set screws
End clearance between piston and cylinder heads sufficiently to prevent damage to threads when re-.
should be adjusted as outlined in start-up procedure. moving piston rod. Whenever removing or installing
COMPRESSOR PISTON RINGS the piston rod, use a thimble which slips over the
crank end of the piston rod and prevents the threads
The piston rings should be fitted to the cylinder on he rod from damaging the wiper packing or pres-
separately to check for proper end gap. Too small a sure packing. See Figure IV-8 for a listing of piston
gap will allow the ends of the ring to butt together rod thimbles.
when the ring is heated to operating temperature and
cause excessive wear of both the ring and the cylinder. COMPRESSOR PRESSURE PACKING
A gap too largo will allow blowby to wipe the lubri- Particular care should be taken during the initial
cant from the cylinder wall. break-in period of a compressor piston rod pressure
The side clearance between the ring and the groove packing. It is recommended that the lubricator feed
in the piston should also be checked. Make sure the rate for the packing be set at twice the normal rato
ring is free in the groove in all positions and that the and the unit ran without pressure in. the compressor
side clearance is not excessive . Rings and grooves cylinder for thirty minutes.
should be cleaned to remove al¡ dirt or carbon that If a satisfactory seal is not obtained during break-
may have accumulated during previous operation. A in, Time Saver Number 80 fino compound has been
ring having too much side clearance tends to tip in used successfully as follows: Mix ¡he powder with
the groove causing wear while a tight ring can stick lube oil to form a light paste. Apply with a small
and fail to seal. brush to the upper half circle of the rod with the unit
End gap and side clearance of new pistons and running at a reduced speed. Under normal conditions
new rings vary according to ring material and diameter: the Iapping can be continued as long as there is no
Section IV
Page 14 8-75
Section IV
1-73 Page 15
TD•1 163
Page 1 of 3
1. OIL SPECIFICATIONS Oils containing rapeseed oil should never be used when
sour gases, such as H.S., are present as severe gumming
For clean dry gases such as air, natural gas, helium, may result.
hydrogen, nitrogen, and temperatures up to 350° F,
Again it should be emphasized that a reputable
a high grade 100% distilled, solvent refined, straight
lubricant manufacturer be consulted and given allí the
mineral oil containing an oxidation and corrosion or
conditions of the application before a final lubricant is
rust inhibitor will generally provide satisfactory com-
decided upon . These conditions should include bore
pressor cylinder lubrication. It should have good polar
size, stroke, RPM, pressures, temperatures, complete gas
characteristics, good wetting ability, high film strength,
composition, cleanliness of gas, "wetness" of the gas,
good chemical stability, be resistant to sludging, and
miscibility of the lubricant with the gas being compres-
should contain as low a carbon content as possible.
sed, and any effects a specific lubricant may Nave on
Since petroleum or hydrocarbon lubricants always con-
the end product. It would also be well to mention piston
tain some carbon, the oil selected should be of the type
ring, rod packing, rod, and liner materials.
that produces loose, flaky carbon in order to keep valve
deposits at a minímum. For the same gases mentioned, When changing lubricant grades or manufacturers,
the following viscosity ranges have generally proved drain Iubricators, (and crankcases) of existing oils. Do
satisfactory: not mix different grades or brands of lubricants.
Section IV
Page 16 5-73
especially if high humidity and/or "wet" gas con- 3. PACKING LUBRICATION QUANTITIES
ditions are encountered, the aboye rases should be
Since many lubricated applications require rod
nearly doubled for the first few hours of operation,
pressure packings having one or more points of lubri-
and then cut back generally to the point of suffi-
cation supplied by individual pumps on the same
cient lubrication.
lubricator supplying the cylinders, the same notes
(d) Since it is always less expensive to start out over- applying to "Cylinder Lubrication Quantities" generally
lubricated than it is to replace or repair scored hold true. However, a safe quantity of "rod oil" for
cylinders, rings, rod packing, and rods, it is never- the same dry, clean gases listed previously is 3/a pint
the-less undesirable and uneconomical to continue per day per million square feet of swept area plus a
at such a rate. Over-lubrication can cause excessive "pressure factor" amount. This is expressed by the
oil carry-over into air ¡fines, instruments, and even formula:
to the end producís, plus resulting in over-carbon-
(47 x Rod Dia. x Stroke x RPM) + (75 x Disch . Press.)
ing and gumming of valves and rod packing.
Therefore, after the first few hours of lubrication, The answer to this formula gives a factor which
and it is observad that more than sufficient lubri- represents the relative amount of lubricant required
cation has been achieved, the rate can be cut back per rod. To convert this lubrication factor to pints/day/
by steps of 2 to 3 drops per minute, until the de- rod, move the decimal point six (6) places to the ieft.
sirable oil film as noted in the next paragraph is Another conversion that will express the quantity in
attained. approximate drops,'minute is to move the decimal point
only five (5) places to the left.
(e) By shutting the compressor down, and removing
one or two of the valves, inspection of the cylinder Drops minute, start-uo rates and final lube rates
interior can be made for sufficient lubrication. are determined in the same manner as that outlined
Over-lubrication is the result of excessive oil and under "Cylinder Lubrication Quantities".
small puddles of oil will collect in the cylinder low TD-1166, Table IV-F Chart for estimating rod lube
spots. This indicates a cut-back in lube rate is re- retes in accordance with the aboye formula can be
quired. On ¡he other hand, if surfaces are dry, and used for conveniente.
no oil film appears present, the rase should be in-
creased. A generally accepted test for sufficient
lubrication is to wipe the rubbing surfaces with 3
or 4 layers of tissue or cigarette paper immediately Quite often in air compressors and certain process,
after removing a valve, and following a shutdown. applications, synthetic or fire resistant lubricants such
A yellow stain or clear oily discoloration through as Pydraul AC, Fyrquel (formerly Cellulube) and
the first ¡ayer and finto the second ¡ayer of tissue is Houghto-Safe are used for cylinder and rod lubrication.
indication of proper lubrication. Lube rases should General experience to date indicates that these lubri-
be adjusted up or down according to the indication cants will do a fair job providing the compressor is
of this test. Any evidence of gray, black, or bronze properly prepared, the lubricant is carefully selected
discoloration in the oil may indícate abrasion, scuf- and is supplied in sufficient quantity.
fing, or some other malfunction which should be Initial preparation of the machine is very important
investigated prior to stars-up. since gaskets, seals, o-rings and paints must be com-
(f) Certain air compressors having rod packing lubri- patible with the particular ¡ubricant being used. A check
cated by carry-over from the compressor cylinders with the particular lubricant manufacturer will reveal the
can be checked for sufficient lubrication by apply- necessary compatible materials.
ing tissue test to the rod surface through the dis-
When synthetic lubricants are to be used, it is
tance piece opening. The lube rases as calculated
recommended that the cylinders be broken- in using a
by the formula in paragraph "a" are sufficient for
heavy mineral oil, (SAE-60 or greater) and running for
such cylinders and packing arrangement, bus the
at least 150 hours or until the cylinders have taken on
final lube rase will generally be dependent upon
a glazed appearance . After break-in, the proper grade
maintaining a proper oil film on the rod surface,
of synthetic lubricant can then be used . Since the syn-
rather than on the cylinder surface. However, siñce
thetic lubricants may vary in density from those of
appiicaticns and cylinder sizes can vary, both sur-
hydrocarbon lubricants, the required lube rate at initial
faces should be• periodically checked for determina-
use should be increased by 11/2 to 2 times those rates
tion of which surface takes precedence in deciding
established in Articles 2 and 3 for cylinder and rod
the final lube rete.
pressure packings. However , the same general tissue
(g) To summarize the aboye: test for sufficient surface film is usually satisfactory,
1. Careful selection of the lubricant for the specific and a possible cut back in lubrication rete may be
application is most important. realized after a few hours of operation.
2. Periodic examination of the cylinder and rod is In cases where it is absolutely impossible to break-
required to ascertain that the proper lube rase in the compressor cylinders on a mineral oil and the
is being applied. synthetic lubricants must be used , it should be noted
that the danger of cylinder scoring does exist. Extreme
3. Extended over-lubrication is as detrimental as cleanliness of suction piping is an absoluta must if
under-lubrication. The formar will result in ex- scuffing is to be avoided since the film thickness of
cess oil and heavy carbon deposits while the synthetic lubricant is generally less than with the
latter may result in scoring and scuffing. mineral oils. It is further recommended that the par-
(h) TD-1165, Table IV-E Chart for estimating lube oil ticular grade of synthetic lubricant be on the higher
rases in accordance with the formula given in Para- side of the available viscosity range and that the
graph A can be used for convenience. highest lube rase possible be used for the first 100-150
Section IV
5-73 Paga 17
Page 3 of 3
hours. This initial lube rase must be at least 1'h to 2 much or too little for the next. It is also possible to
times the rases established in Articies 2 and 3. have non-lube construction as outlined aboye and supply
Occasionally, units must be started-up and broken- normal Iube to the cylinders and packing even though
in during iow ambient temperature conditions. When the sealing and rubbing trim is Teflon. However, normal
this is the case , lubricator heaters are usually necessary Iube in this case would be less than normal Iube for
to insure that the lubricant is warm enough to flow the same application with metallic rings.
properly. This requirement is due to the generally higher "Semi-Iube" is generally considered as one-half the
viscosity index of most synthetic lubricants as compared "normal-Iube" rase. Sometimes Chis can be accomplished
to that of hydrocarbon lubricants. by special lubricants. It can also be accomplished by the
If it is decided to change from a hydrocarbon lubri- use of suitable Teflon piston rings and packing rings
cant to a synthetic lubricant on a machine that has with no rider rings on the pistons.
operated for a period of time with the former lubricant, "Min-Iube" is defined as a controlled amount of oil
it is best to select a fire resistant fluid that is compatible at about one-quarter the normal rate of lubricant as
with most standard materials of construction. Ore-lube spelled out aboye. For special applications, this can
is one such lubricant. If such a fully compatible fluid sometimes be accomplished by use of the exotic Fluoro-
is not going to be used , then gaskets , seals, o-rings silicone lubricants where the lube rate may even be
and paints may have to be changed out since the lubri- as low as one pint per month with metallic sealing and
cant may have a deteriorating effect on these items. rubbing materials. However, the standard cylinder con-
When making such a change , it is advisable to check struction for min-Iube consists of suitable Tefion rider
cylinder internals and to remove al¡ carbon deposits on and seal rings on the piston and Teflon rod pressure
valves , etc., to prevent their being loosened by the packing. In other words, construction is identical to
new lubricant. that defined for non-lube, the exception being that the
Since there are a number of different synthetic cylinders and packing are supplied with lubrication
lubricants on the market today, it is best to get al¡ the points. When this is done and lubrication is applied
available information about the specific lubricant to properly, long ring and packing life results with little
be used prior to establishing materials of construction, or no rod or cylinder wear. (This, of course, results only
start-up and normal operation rases . For example, if the gas is free of dirt or fine abrasives which is always
Flurosilicone lubricants are coming into use in com- detrimental regardless of the type of construction and
pressor applications and the Iube rates for this particu- lubrication used.)
lar synthetic material may be as low as one (1) pint per For min-Iube, viscosities of the lubricant should be
month; therefore, it must be stressed that the lubricant lower than for normal lubricated services. The following
manufacturer be consulted prior to the use of any new is recommended.
and unfamiliar synthetic lubricant.
Viscosity @ 100 °F Viscosity @ 210 °F
130 to 160 SSU 40 to 45 SSU
MATION: (These viscosities are equivalent to SAE 5 to 10 weight
The terms "non-Iube", " normal-Iube ", " semi-Iube",
"min-Iube" are often applied to compressor applications. A straight napthenic oil will generally be a better
A brief description of each of these terms is as follows: choice than a paraffinic oil; however, here again the
lubricant must meet the specifics of the application.
"Non-Iube" is described as those applications where
the compressor cylinders are constructed so that no It may be detrimental to the Teflon trim to use lubri-
lubrication need be supplied to, the cylinder and rod cants with higher viscosities than those listed. Also
pressure packing. Construction may even be such that proper min-Iube construction can sometimes be oper-
it is impossible for any accidental lubrication to reach ated non-Iube if all parameters are receptive to such
the rod pressure packing and cylinder . The sealing and operation with Teflon trim.
rubbing materials for piston rings and packing rings are One important word of caution with regards to
of a suitable filled Teflon material that has self-lubri- min-lube applications: too little Iube may cause a gum-
cating characteristics, and is specially selected to meet ming and high wear condition that is worse than no
all the operating conditions of each specific job. The Iube at all. Some min-Iube applications will require as
piston is supplied with rider rings _or bands of the same much as what is normal Iube for others, while other
material so that there will be no metal -to-metal rubbing min-Iube applications may work satisfactory at low
parts in the cylinder. Iube rases.
"Normal-Iube" applications generally have suitable "Accidental-lube" is some oil that gets to the pack-
metallic piston rings and packing rings that depend on ing and /or cylinders in an unknown and uncontrolled
an oil film to prevent metal-to-metal contact in the seal- amount.
ing and rubbing area . The normal Iube rate is that "Mínimum-Iube" is that quantity of oil which reaches
amount supplied to the cylinders and rods in accordance the packing and cylinders in a controlled amount that
with the rules of Articles 2, 3 and 4. Remember though, has been determined to be the Ieast amount necessary
what may be normal for one application may be too for satisfactory ¡¡fe of the rubbing parts.
Section IV
Page 18 5-73
E .J.W. C.J.W.
DPC-60 17 Gallons 2.4 Pints Per Day 121/2 Gallons 13 Gallons 11 Gallons
DPC-120 25 Gallons 2.4 Pints Per Cyl. Per Day 39 Gallons 20 Gallons
DPC-160-A 30 Gallons 3.2 Pints Per Cyl. Per Day 31 Gallons 55 Gallons 24 Gallons
DPC-230 30 Gallons 4.6 Pints Per Cyl. Per Day 45 Gallons 68 Gallons 24 Gallons
DC-22 .003 11 .003 75-85 75-85 .001-.0025 .001-.0025 .005-.009 .003 .005-.009 .003
DC-30 .003 .003 75-85 75-85 .001-.0025 .001-.0025 .005-.009 .003 .005-. 009 .003
C-42 .004 .004 325-360 325-360 .002-.0035 .001-.0025 .008-.011 .004 .013-. 017- .008
DPC-60 .004 .004 325-360 325-360 fi .002-.004 .002-.0035 .008-.012 .005 .013-. 017 .008
DPC-80-A .005 .004 650-700 325-360 .002-.004 .002-.004 .009-.013 .007 . 013-.017 .008
DPC-1 15 .005 .005 650-700 650-700 .004-.006 .002-.004 .008-.012 .005 . 013-.017 .008
DPC-120 .004 .004 325-360 325-360 .002-.004 .002-.0035 .008-.012 .005 .013-. 017 .008
DPC-160-A .005 .004 650-700 325-360 .002-.004 .002-.004 .009-.013 :007 . 013-.017 .008
DPC-230 .005 .005 650-700 650-700 .004-.006 .002-.004 . 008-.012 . 005 .013 -. 017 .008
DPC-300 .005 .005 650-700 650-700 .004-.006 .002-.004 .008-.012 .005 . 013-.017 .008
Section IV
4-82 Page 19
Section IV 5-75
Page 20
Engines Pumps
This specification is intended as a guide for our customers in selecting the
best available lubrication for their Ajax machinery.
Preferred lubrtcants for Ajax engine -compressors are oils meeting the aboye
general specifications but which contain an essentially ashless additive
package . These lubrtcants , generally termed "Ashless Gas Engine Oils", will
exhtblt sulfated ash contents , per A.S.T.M. D874, of less than 0 .1% by weight.
Acceptable lubricants for AJax engine -compressors are oils meeting the aboye
general specifications but containing not more than 0.80% by weight of sulfated
ash per A.S.T.M. D874, Lubricants of this type should not contain zinc dithio-
phosphate in their additive package in excess of 0.04% by weight of zinc.
Use of oils containing significantly higher amounts of this addIti" may result
in accelerated ash deposition on combustion surfaces.
*Specified viscosity is for SAE 130 grade oil, which is applicable for normal
conditions. Certain applications involving start -up and operation with very
low (or very high) ambient temperatures may dictate the use of viscosity grades
other than SAE 130.
CAUTION : The crankcase oil temperature must be aboye pour point temperature
before attempting to start unit. Equipment failure will result due to lack
of lubrication when oil temperature i s below pour point temperature. Where
low temperature oil starts are required, provision should be nade to either
hect the oil or use a multi-viscosity oil that meets the aboye requirements.
Section IV
Page 20.1
For ciean , dry gases such as natural gas, helium, hydrogen , and nitrogen with
outlet temperatures up to 350 ' F (149'C ), a high quality , solvent refined straight-
mineral oil will usually provide satisfactory lubrication . Crankcase oiis
specified in Point 12 are satísfactory.
CAUTION : Synthetic lubricante must not be used without specific permission from
Ajax. A11 compressor cylinder non -metallic components must be reviewed to make
sure they are compatible with the specific brand of synthetic lubricant.
Under certain conditions , ere oil filma may be washed or displaced from
lubricated surfaces , either by light hydrocarbon liquids or entrained water,
coa ounded oiis (1.. ., petroleum olla containing acidless animil , vegetable,
or synthetic fatty oils) are recommended. In most cases 3% to 5% compounding
should prove satisfactory.
The following tabla lista recommended oil viscosity for various cylinder pressures:
0 - 1000 55 - 75 8.77 - 14.26
1000 - 1500 75 - 95 14.26 - 19.18
1500 - 2000 95 - 115 19.18 - 23.83
2000 - 3500 115 - 150 23.83 - 31.68
3500 t Up 150 Mínimum 31.68 Minimwn
Section IV
91/2 x 12 .040
11 x 14 .040
131/a x 16 .075
DPC-300 15 x 16 .110
4 ,5 0 RG E-
PR É—S U ° °
Tu determine amount of lubricont required, follow
= vertical lino up from specific "cylinder boro" tu prop-
er "stroke", thence horizontally tu operating "RPM",
and then vertically tu "discharge pressure" lino. Fol-
_ ó low horizontally tu left from this point and reod "pints
° per doy". Follow horizontally tu right and read ap-
proximote equivalent in "drops per minuta".
- Exomple: An 18" cylinder with un 11" stroke
1 14,1, / y =
c -9 operating al 327 RPM at 200 P51G dischorgo
o pressure requires about 2.1 pts./day or about
21 drops/min.
- - - NOTE - Read instructions on TD-1163, in Seetion IV,
before using Chis chut.
6 O
70 II
9 0
C NE í
IS NR E TD-1166
q ó
To determine amount of i': bricont required, follow
I i o vertical Iine up from specific 'rod diameter" tu proper
o "stroke", thence horizontally to operating "RPM",
° and then vertically tu "discharge pressure " lino. Fol-
low horizontally tu left from this point and read "pints
= per day". Follow horizontally tu right and read ap-
equivolent in "drops per minuté'.
44, 1
Exomple: A 21" diameter rod with un 11
stroke operoting el 440 RPM at 1500 PSIG
discharge pressure requires about 7 pint per
doy or about 7 drops per minuto.
NOTE - Reod instructions on 141163, in Section IV,
before using ibis chart.
Section V
1-73 Page 1
Drain and flush crankcase. thoroughly cleaning piston and ring grooves.
Remove cylinder head . Inspect intake and exhaust Inspect and, if necessary, adjust crank pin bearings.
ports and remove al¡ carbon in ports. Inspect and, if necessary, replace crosshead pin
Check compressor piston rod pressure packing. bearing.
BI-ANNUALLY Check cooler tubes and remove any accumulated
Inspect and, if necessary, replace worn piston rings
Section V
Page 2 1-73
Section VI
1-73 Page 1
(5) Carefully drain the lubricator before filling. Alter (9) Tighten fan adjusting screw or idier to apply
filling the lubricator, disconnect each of the oil proper tension to V-belts.
feed lines, operate the lubricator flushing units by (10) Be sure to check adjustment of overspeed shut-
hand and see Ibat oil flows freely through each down switch and adjust if necessary.
oil line, and through the check valve. ( 11) Refer to Section III for start- up instructions.
(6) Remove governor cap and inspect governor
weight pins and remove an- `orrosion which has
accumulated during storage --^riod. Oil and make Cooper Penjax feels it is a poor practice to disturb
sure that all working parts are operating freely. factory assembly and testing of the unit by robbing
(7) Clean air filter and refill to proper leve) with SAE parts while the unit is in storage . We strongly oppose
X10 oil. this practice . If the engine-compressor has been robbed
(8) Remove all plywood storage covers and plugs during storage , a thoroughly experienced serviceman
from flange openings and threaded connections. should inspect the unit and supervise startup.
Section VI
Page 2 1-73
Section VII
ias Page 1
Oil used for cylinder is too light and is burning. IV-2, IV-20
Section VII
Page 2 1-73
Section VII
1.73 Page 3
(11) Hot main or crank pin Oil too heavy or used too long . IV-1, IV-20
Section Vi¡
Pago 4 1-73
Overload. 1-2
(15) If engine stops when op- Dirty or improper type of hydraulic fluid.
erating on gas injection,
also check the following. Air entrained in hydraulic fluid. See Gas
Injection Manual
Lost motion in linkage.
Section VII
1.73 Page 5
(16) Out of balance - twin Reed valves broken in mixer manifold. IV-6
cylinder units.
IV-2, IV-10,
Spark plug fouling or ignition problems.
Port carboning. 1-2, IV-2, IV-20
(17) H gher fuel pressure than Insufficient fuel system . II-5, II-7
'recommended is neces-
sary in order to pull Regulator too small or not equipped with proper orífice.
rated load.
Regulator spring selection wrong.
Overload. 1-2
Section VII
Page 6 1-73
or-^p' ^nl+s
Dirty Intercooler 4 6 6 I1
Dirty Cylinder lackets 5 5 2 10 _ _
Motor Overload Relay Tripped 1
Excessive Cylinder Lubrication 2 8
Incorrect Lubncating Oil 7 II 1 2 2
Index of Assemblies
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