Hoarseness of Voice
Hoarseness of Voice
Hoarseness of Voice
Original Article Hoarseness of voice in the pediatric age group: Our experiences
at an Indian teaching hospital
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Background: Hoarseness of the voice or dysphonia is a commonly encountered vocal symptom among children. The etiological
profiles of dysphonia among children are variable, and laryngoscopic examination is required for identification of the lesions.
Objective: The objective of the study was to study the etiology, clinical presentations, and diagnosis of the hoarseness of voice
among children. Materials and Methods: The children aged from 3 to 16 years presenting with dysphonia/hoarseness, were
included in this study from October 2015 to September 2018. All the 132 children presented with hoarseness of voice were
subjected to video laryngoscopy for voice assessment. Results: The majority of this study was male children (59.09%). Vocal
fold nodules (36.36%) were the major cause for dysphonia. Other attributing causes include vocal fold polyp, vocal fold cyst,
laryngopharyngeal reflux, hemorrhagic vocal fold polyp, laryngeal papilloma, vocal fold sulcus, and vocal fold paralysis. Voice
abuse was an important cause for dysphonia and history of vocal abuse was reported among 61 children (46.21%). The duration
of hoarseness ranged from 1 month to 2 years with a mean duration of 3.63±2.31 months. The larynx was examined by laryngeal
mirror alone in 23 children (17.42%), fiber-optic laryngoscopy in 88 children (66.66%), and direct laryngoscopy under general
anesthesia in 21 cases (15.90%). Voice therapy was done in all children along with vocal hygiene care and micro-laryngeal surgery
in 64 cases. Conclusion: Pediatric dysphonia is a common cause for referral to pediatric otolaryngologists and management
sometimes variable. Flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscopy is suitable for making an accurate diagnosis.
ommunication or speech of children plays a greater stenosis, malignant lesions, polyp, cysts and nodules, allergic or
role in everyday life. Dysphonia and hoarseness are the infectious laryngitis and laryngitis due to gastroesophageal reflux
terminology used for altered voice quality. Dysphonia are other common causes for hoarseness of voice in children [5].
is commonly encountered as a clinical problem in pediatric Endolaryngeal microlaryngoscopic excision by minimal stripping
otolaryngology practice. Hoarseness or dysphonia is around or CO2 laser is helpful for vocal fold lesions such as nodules
6–9% of all childhood voice problems [1]. Pediatric dysphonia and polyps. The variable causes and its effects on the social,
represents a broad-spectrum disorder ranging from hoarseness educational, and emotional part of life prompted us to carry out
to inability to communicate. Hoarseness (often seen in all age such study.
groups) or dysphonia is a disorder characterized by the altered
quality of voice, loudness, pitch or vocal effort which reduces the MATERIALS AND METHODS
voice quality so impairs the communication [2]. The incidence
of hoarse voice in the school-going children was reported as This was a prospective study where the vocal symptoms were
2–23% [3]. Dysphonia has a negative effect on the health of the analyzed along with laryngoscopic findings of the dysphonic
child, communication, social and educational development, self- children between the age group of 3 and 16 years, at a tertiary
image, and self-esteem. care teaching hospital, from October 2015 to September 2018.
The etiologies of pediatric dysphonia are classified into After the Ethical Committee Approval and getting the consent
infectious, inflammatory, traumatic, iatrogenic, congenital, from the respective parents, we included a total of 132 children.
and functional [4]. The functional causes for voice changes All the pediatric patients presenting with hoarseness of voice
in children are emotional or psychological problems such as were included in this study. Exclusion criteria were a history of
personality disorders, adjustment problems, or anxiety. While previous laryngeal surgery, history of radiotherapy of head and
the organic causes are the laryngeal papilloma, laryngeal web, neck region and child not cooperative for examination. Children
presenting with stridor or dyspnea, acute hoarseness during in early stages. Early stages of vocal fold nodules and polyps were
upper airway infections, genetic syndromes with craniofacial treated conservatively along with speech therapy. Microlaryngeal
malformations, were also excluded from this study. surgery was performed among 29 cases of vocal fold nodules,
The predominant presenting symptoms of the children were 12 cases of vocal fold polyp, 10 cases of vocal fold cysts, 7 cases of
hoarseness of voice. The parents of the children answered the hemorrhagic vocal fold cysts, and 6 cases of laryngeal papilloma.
questionnaire such as age, gender, vocal symptom, history of Voice therapy was done by speech and language therapist in all
voice abuse, nasal symptoms, and gastroesophageal reflux cases along with vocal hygiene care. A case of pediatric glottic
symptoms. All the children with dysphonia had underwent a carcinoma was sent for radiotherapy, and a case of spasmodic
careful and detailed history, general and physical examination, dysphonia was treated with Botulinum toxin injection.
and systemic examinations such as ear, nose, and throat. All
the children presented with hoarseness had undergone proper DISCUSSION
clinical assessment, investigations, and treatment. All the
selected children were examined by the video laryngoscopy for Hoarseness of voice is a common clinical symptom seen among
examination of the larynx. Investigations such as routine blood children of all age groups. The prevalence of hoarseness in the
tests, sputum for acid-fast bacilli, urine microscopy, and imaging children of age group between 8 and 14 years varies from 3.9%
(X-ray chest, X-ray paranasal sinuses, and X-ray neck-lateral to 23.4% [2]. Dysphonia has a negative impact on effective
view) were done in all cases. All the children underwent speech communication, general health, educational development, self-
therapy after proper medical and surgical treatment. image, self-esteem, and participating in a social environment.
Parents of the children and peers often judge the dysphonia
RESULTS among children more negatively than other child of healthy
voices [6]. The characteristic head and neck anatomy in children
There were a total of 132 children with 78 male (59.09%) and has an impact on voice production and dysphonia. The newborn
54 female (40.90%) presented with hoarseness of voice during the baby has a small mandible, small mouth, large head, and more
study period, with a male to female ratio of 1.4:1. The youngest
patient in our study was 3-year-old boy and oldest was 16 years
old with the mean age of 10.34 year. Among the children above
11 years, there were more girls than the boys (Table 1).
History of vocal abuse was reported among 61 children (46.21%).
The duration of hoarseness ranged from 1 month to 2 years with a mean
duration 3.63±2.31 months. The larynx was examined by laryngeal
mirror alone in 23 children (17.42%), fiber-optic laryngoscopy in 88
children (66.66%), and direct laryngoscopy under general anesthesia
in 21 cases (15.90%). Vocal fold nodules (Fig. 1) were found in 48
children (36.36%), vocal fold polyp (Fig. 2) in 23 cases (17.42%),
and vocal fold cyst (Fig. 3) in 19 cases (14.39%).
Further, laryngopharyngeal reflux was found in 18 cases
(13.63%), hemorrhagic vocal fold polyp (Fig. 4) in 7 children
(5.30%), laryngeal papilloma (Fig. 5) in 6 cases (4.54%), vocal
fold sulcus in 5 cases (3.78%), vocal fold paralysis in 4 children Figure 1: Vocal fold nodules
(3.03%), laryngeal carcinoma in one case (0.75%), and spasmodic
dysphonia in 1 case (0.75%) (Table 2).
Seven children (5.30%) had a history of sudden phonotrauma
followed by the development of large hemorrhagic vocal fold cyst.
Out of 48 children with vocal fold nodules, 19 cases presented
with an early stage of nodules. Out of 23 cases of vocal fold polyp,
11 cases were in early stages whereas 9 cases of vocal fold cysts were
longer vocal folds along with the acute angle of thyroid cartilage where vocal fold shows a furrow on the medial edge. The
approximately 90°. During the adolescent period of a male child, common symptom of vocal fold sulcus is a hoarse and breathy
symptoms of dysphonia tend to decrease and vocal nodules voice. Persistent pediatric dysphonia is sometimes associated
begin an involution process. Such types of changes are not seen with airway obstruction, dysphasia or pain, which should be
in adolescent girls. In adolescent girls, the vocal folds elongate investigated promptly.
3–4 mm whereas in boys, it increases by 1 cm [12]. Children in Endoscopy with trans-nasal flexible scope is often useful in all
a family with siblings are often prone to dysphonia [13]. One the cases of pediatric dysphonia for identifying the morphodynamic
study showed that 65% of the children suffering from dysphonia alterations. Stroboscopy is carried out only in the older age group
belonged to large families, i.e. >2 children, 30% of the children of children. Video laryngoscopy examination gives a better view
had a family history of dysphonia out of which 57% were male of the larynx and particularly vocal fold as compared to indirect
child [14]. laryngoscopy. Video laryngoscopy examination gives large
Outcomes of this study suggest that noisy surroundings need magnification, better angle of visualization, better illumination,
excessive demand for loud talking which makes the risk for and resolution. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic
formation of vocal nodules and dysphonia [14]. Phonotrauma resonance imaging are usually advised for any neoplastic
in a noisy environment is an important risk factor for causing assessment in the larynx. Any laryngeal stenosis is assessed by CT
dysphonia among children [15]. The most common etiology for scan. Virtual endoscopy has been advised and nowadays used as a
hoarseness of voice among children is vocal fold nodules, which replacement for classical laryngeal endoscopy during follow-up.
have been seen in 38–78% of the pediatric patients evaluated for It is often helpful for assessing the topography of stenosis and
dysphonia [1]. Other vocal fold lesions such as localized edema tumors. Diagnostic biopsy of the tumor or papillomatosis lesions
and irregular surface at the junction of the anterior and middle is done to find out the pathological diagnosis. The differential
third of the vocal fold are found in 13.3% children of those diagnosis of pediatric dysphonia is broad. A thorough and careful
evaluated for dysphonia [12]. evaluation is essential for the exact diagnosis of the etiology.
In this study, vocal abuse was a major cause for dysphonia The treatments of pediatric dysphonia need individual
among children (46.21%). There were equivalent results basis. The therapeutic options available are counseling, voice
documented by other studies such as Connelly et al. (45.2%) [16] re-education, medical treatment, psychotherapy, and surgical
and Angelillo et al. (90.3%) [15]. Vocal fold polyps occur mainly intervention. CO2 laser is quite effective for treatment of vocal
among children those use their voices very intensively and fold polyp and nodules. It will completely excise the polyp
develop at the site of maximum muscular and aerodynamic forces without injuring adjacent tissue and bleeding. A combination of
exerted during phonation, and it is considered as the squeal of vocal hygiene and CO2 laser is highly effective treatment for vocal
phonotrauma. In this study, vocal fold polyp was seen in 17.42% fold lesions such as polyp and nodules. In the case of spasmodic
cases. The metabolic or endocrinal causes may lead to dysphonia dysphonia, there is focal dystonia affecting the laryngeal muscles
in children by metabolic errors which cause disruption of normal during speech. It may be adductor spasmodic dysphonia (common)
enzymatic activity and cause abnormal infiltration or faulty or abductor one (rare) [18]. In this study, one child presented with
muscle and nerve function. adductor spasmodic dysphonia those often presenting with voice
In Urbach-Wiethe’s disease or mucopolysaccharidosis, breaks and was treated with Botulinum toxin. In our study, one
dysphonia occurs by laryngeal involvement. In a hypothyroid child, case of pediatric glottic carcinoma was diagnosed in the early
there is generalized hypotonia and myxoedematous infiltrations in stage which was treated by radiation therapy.
the vocal folds. Extrinsic administration or abnormal secretion of
testosterone or estrogen interfere with normal laryngeal function CONCLUSION
and often lead to dysphonia. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
is common during childhood. It is common in a first born child, Hoarseness of voice among the children is not an uncommon
young primigravida mothers and low socioeconomic groups [12]. clinical entity. Pediatric dysphonia accounts for a good number
In this study, laryngeal papilloma was seen in 6 cases (4.54%). of referrals. There are variations in the protocol of management
Psychogenic causes such as emotional disturbances, psychic among different centers. A structures protocol is needed for the
trauma, and disturbed parent-child relationship are sometimes diagnosis and managing the pediatric dysphonia.
counts as the cause for dysphonia among children. Psychogenic
causes such as family conflict and exacerbated expectations REFERENCES
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