The Use of Role Play To Improve Students Speaking

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p–ISSN 2614-6320

Volume 2, No. 3, May 2019 e–ISSN 2614-6258


Dela Octavia Ayuningtias 1, Wulandari 2, Yana 3
IKIP Siliwangi
IKIP Siliwangi
IKIP Siliwangi
1 , 2, 3

This research entitled the use of Role Play Technique to improve students’ speaking skill. The objective
of the research is to improve Speaking skill using Role Play technique. This research used Classroom
Action Research. Role play can be trusted to help students speaking ability. The population of the
research were the students at SMKN 3 Karawang in Academic years 2017 – 2018. The total population
of students in this academic years is 300 Students. The number of sample was 30 students. The data was
gathered from test and observation. The average score of test was Cycle I 58.08 and Cycle II 58.06.
After the implementation of Role Play activities in every cycle, the students’ speaking score
were getting better. It can be seen from the result of students’ average score Cycle I was 83.07
and Cycle II was 77.08. It can be concluded that Role play can improve students’ speaking skill.
Keywords: Role play, Speaking, CAR

English speaking skill is one of the skills of language to be required in global interaction or
communication. It can not be denied that English speaking skill becomes the most favorite skill
needed for students in Indonesia recently. Students must get communication in English.
However, it is not convenient to master all skills. There are so many difficulty in mastering
each skill. Speaking is an activities use from someone to communicating with other(s). It take
place everywhere and has become part of our daily activity. When someone speaks, he or she
interacts and use the language to express his or her ideas, feeling and thought. He or she also
shares information with other(s) through communication. Speaking skill is partly a reflection
of someone whether he/she masters this language or not. Thus, it can be concluded that speaking
as the most important skill of all four skills (Ur, 1996) cited in Aristy, Hadiansyah, & Apsari
(2019). Liu, Xu (International Education Studies, v3 n1 p136-144 Feb 2010)

English as a tool of communication has been playing an important part in acquiring cultural,
scientific and technical knowledge, for collecting worldwide information and carrying out
international exchange and cooperation. Improving the level of English spoken student is
becoming increasingly important. Based on the theory of motivation, Richard E. Mayer and
excess play roles on motivational aspects of learning, this paper not only explores some theories
communicative teaching methods, but also prove the importance of motivation to learn. Two
types of English language teaching activities for oral English classes designed which are oral
English tests and role playing activities. The purpose of this study is to raise the motivation of
students to speak English. And the project hypothesis is that using role play activities more
effective in motivating students to speak English rather than using oral English test. Researchers

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Volume 2, No. 3, May 2019 pp 416-420

divided the students are new students of Beijing into two groups - Target group and control
group. And the researcher conducted the study using observation notes, questionnaires and
interview data collection methods. Through a four-week study, it was proven that students in
the Target Group who used role playing activities became more interested in speaking English
than students in the Control Group who used oral English tests. So the results of this research,
we know that in our Chinese universities, teachers can use some communicative classroom
activities such as role play to raise the motivation of students to speak English. There are also
some limitations of this research for example, because the sample size was small, the results
might not be typical; and the time of the research was too short, so maybe there were some
unstable data.

Through pre-observation it is known that many students, especially in SMKN 3 Karawang said
that speaking is the most difficult skill to master. It require not only knowledge, in terms of
mastering vocabulary and grammar, but also a desired and confidence in speaking.The problem
appears in the desired of the students in practice to speak English. Most of them don’t have
any willingness to speak. If they are asked from the teacher to speak up, they just save quiet
and say nothing. And when the researchers asked them during the interview, the reason are
various. Some students say that they can’t spek up. because they are lack of vocabulary and
they also don’t have any confidents to speak. This implies that the difficulties of mastering
speaking is due to her less of vocabulary and confidence.

The researchers also found the same information when they interviewed English teacher about
the reason why the students in this classroom don’t want to speak. English teacher said, “the
students in vocabulary mastery is less, so, if they are less of vocabulary,automatically, their
speaking skills are also less”. This statement shows that their teacher knows that their students’
vocabulary mastery is very limited, so if they have limited vocabulary, they will have limited
competence in speaking.

In teaching speaking, the teacher needs a good technique to improve students’ speaking skill.
One of them is by using role play. Playing the role is a method of acting out specific ways to
interact with others in an imaginary situation (Byrne, 1986) and to promote interaction in the
classroom and increase motivation (Ladousse, 1995). In addition, Budden (2006) says that role
playing is an activity of speaking when you put yourself into someone else or put yourself in
an imaginary situation. Based on the explanation above, role play is not only used for interactive
teaching in the classroom but also to stimulate students in real life situations. Furthermore,
Byrne (1986), role play can be grouped into two forms, playing written and unwritten roles.

Cameron-Jones, M. In education, action research is research carried out by practitioners with a

view to improving their professional practice and understanding it better. This paper
concentrates mainly on classroom action research by inservice teachers, although this approach
can also be realized in pre-service training courses and can embrace various professional
practices outside the classroom. Classroom action research is now seen as the primary means
of professional development, particularly in the course and innovative exercise program-
positions and, as such, it attracts the support and growing interest. As This approach is
becoming more widespread, the idea of the teacher-as-researcher becomes more developed and
more fully understood. This paper outlines the origins of the approach, describe the features
typical, provide examples, and presents two questions for Scotland: (1) how this approach can
contribute to the development of in-service? (2) how to contribute to the development of

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In this research, the researchers used CAR ( Classroom Action Research). According to (Bashir
& Azeem, 2011)(Suryani, 2015)(Cameron-Jone, 1983), action research is research conducted
by researchers with a view to improve the professional practice of researchers and understand
it better. There are four stages of each cycle, they are: (1) the planning of the action, (2) the
implementation of the action, (3) classroom observation and (4) reflecting of the action
(Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988). This research was conducted at SMKN 3 Karawang, involving
30 students with 20 females and 10 males of class X Accounting academic year of 2017/2018.

1. Planning
In the plan stage, the researchers prepared the research instruments, designed the lesson
plans, selected the Role play, set the criteria of success and made the research schedule.
2. Implementing
In this stage, the researchers act as a teacher who implements the action, while the
classroom English teacher takes a role as an observer who observes the action
Cycle 1
In this section, the researchers applied the treatment to the students based on the lesson plan
prepared through script memorization. There are steps made in implementing the role play
memorization technique. The steps are: (1) prepare script drama or dialogue , (2) ask the
students to the division of roles, (3) ask the students to do memorization script , and (4) lead
the students to performance with decoration equipment.

Meeting 1
The First, researchers ask students about role playing. Play drama videos about friendship. It
was played 3 times. The first round aims to allow students to enjoy drama first. After that, the
teacher submits a sheet containing empty words / phrases and asks students to fill them in. Then
students must collect the sheets. After that, the teacher delivered the second sheet. The second
drama is the reality of life. Then, they have to fill in the blank sheet again. They must collect
again. The last drama is The Princess Siger. It is done with the same treatment.

Meeting 2
In the second meeting, the teacher gave a different drama to the students. In this meeting, the
material was about comparison and contrast. Here, the same treatment as meeting 1 was applied
to the students. In the last 15 minutes, the students were asked to know their improvement in
speaking skill.

Cycle 2
Meeting 1
In this meeting, students are taught about the role of the antagonist and protagonist. Here, the
teacher tries to change care. In this section, the teacher exemplifies the role of the antagonist
and protagonist many times. until students are able to play it themselves.

Meeting 2
In this meeting, the teacher give the same treatment to the students, as the meeting before.

3. Observation
In this study, observing students' speaking abilities was done to obtained data and to
find out how well the application of English role playing techniques could achieve the

418 | The Use Of Role Play To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill

Volume 2, No. 3, May 2019 pp 416-420

research objectives. At this stage, researchers collect data related to the implementation
of actions using several instruments. The first is an observation checklist filled in by
observers. The second is a field note made by the teacher. Both instruments are used to
obtain data related to student participation. The third is the results of speaking tests
conducted by students at the end of each cycle, aiming to obtained data about students'
speaking abilities. The fourth is the result of a questionnaire given to students at the end
of the study, which aims to find information about student responses to the use of
English role playing technique.

4. Reflection
At this stage, the researchers reflect data from actions that reflect the implementation of
the cycle obtained through observation and implementation techniques to master
speaking English in the teaching-learning process. The results of the criteria with the
success criteria designed. Criteria for success have been reached. If it fails, the
researcher will continue the study to the next cycle.


The result of the research showed that there was improvement from Cycle I to Cycle II in the
students’ participation in introduction, discussion and practice. The average score of test was
Cycle I 58.08 and Cycle II 58.06. After the implementation of Role Play activities in every
cycle, the students’ speaking score were getting better. It can be seen from the result of students’
average score Cycle I was 83.07 and Cycle II was 77.08.
Table 1.Test Results in Cycle I and Cycle II

Explanation Cycle I Cycle II

The highhest 85 80
The lowest 25 25
The average 58.8 58.6

Table 1.Test Results after Implementation Role play Cycle I and Cycle II

Explanation Cycle I Cycle II

The highhest 95 95
The lowest 75 45
The average 83.07 77.08

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Volume 2, No. 3, May 2019 pp 416-420

Based on the results obtained on student learning outcomes, student activity and teacher
activities in cycle II showed a significant increase due to the use of role play.

This study purpose to improve students' speaking skills by using role playing techniques.
Through two cycles, the learning process is carried out and runs well in tenth grade students of
SMK 3 Karawang. Based on the scores obtained, in cycle II it has reached the target score.
Therefore researchers will not proceed to cycle III. It is evident that using this method can
improve students' speaking abilities in English.

Taken base on the data above. First, role playing can be considered as the right technique to
improve students' speaking skills, especially accounting class X students in SMK 3 Karawang.
This test is given in preliminary studies, Cycle I, and Cycle II. Second, from the revised teaching
strategy in Cycle II, it was found that role playing techniques would further improve English
speaking skills. Third, playing a role can foster confidence in students to speak English. The
results of observations show that students can active participate in teaching and learning
activities carried out using role playing techniques. Fourth, active participation in student
learning shows that they will be able to build their enthusiasm in learning. Thus, it can be seen
from the results of the role playing performance of students who can be good technical choices
in teaching and improving English speaking skills.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, thanks to Allah SWT who has enabled to finish this paper. Peace
and salutations are always for Rasulullah SAW. Thanks to family and our lecturer during
finishing this paper.

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