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A Biology Project Report

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Biology Practical Examination 2021-2022

Submitted by

Kartabya Ranjan Nayak

School Roll No. ……
Under the guidance of
Debadutta Mishra

Prabhujee English Medium School

V.S.S Nagar, Bhubaneswar – 10
This is to certify that Kartabya Ranjan Nayak
a student of Class XII bearing School Roll No.
……………… has successfully completed the Biology
project on the topic “Apiculture” under the guidance
of Mr. Debadutta Mishra, P.G.T. Biology.

This project is absolutely genuine and does not

indulge in plagiarism of any kind. This reference taken
in making this project has been declared at the end of
this project.

Sign. of Subject teacher Sign. of External Examiner

I hereby declare that the Biology project work
entitled “Apiculture” submitted to the Prabhujee
English Medium School during the academic year
2021 – 2022, is a record of an original work done by
me by gaining the knowledge related to the project
from certain resources.
I feel proud to present my investigatory project in Biology
on the topic “Apiculture”.

This project would not have been feasible without the

proper rigorous guidance of biology teacher Mr. Debadutta
Mishra, (P.G.T.Biology) who guided me throughout this project
in every possible way.
An investigatory project involves various difficult lab
experiments, which have to obtain the observations and
conclude the reports on a meaningful note. Thereby, I would
like to thanks Mr. Debadutta Mishra for guiding me on a
systematic basis and ensuring that in completed all my research
with ease.
Rigorous hard work has put in this project to ensure that it
proves to be the best. I hope that this project will prove to be a
breeding ground for the next generation of students and will
guide them in every possible way.
NCERT Text Book

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