Neuropathic Pain: Mechanisms and Their Clinical Implications
Neuropathic Pain: Mechanisms and Their Clinical Implications
Neuropathic Pain: Mechanisms and Their Clinical Implications
Departments of Anesthesiology
and Critical Care Medicine A B S T RAC T
and Physical Medicine and Neuropathic pain can develop after nerve injury, when deleterious changes occur in injured neurons
Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD and along nociceptive and descending modulatory pathways in the central nervous system. The myriad
21029, USA neurotransmitters and other substances involved in the development and maintenance of neuropathic
Uniformed Services University of
the Health Sciences, Bethesda, pain also play a part in other neurobiological disorders. This might partly explain the high comorbidity
MD, USA rates for chronic pain, sleep disorders, and psychological conditions such as depression, and why drugs
Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, that are effective for one condition may benefit others. Neuropathic pain can be distinguished from
MA, USA non-neuropathic pain by two factors. Firstly, in neuropathic pain there is no transduction (conversion
Correspondence to: S P Cohen of a nociceptive stimulus into an electrical impulse). Secondly, the prognosis is worse: injury to major
Cite this as: BMJ 2014;348:f7656 nerves is more likely than injury to non-nervous tissue to result in chronic pain. In addition, neuropathic
doi: 10.1136/bmj.f7656 pain tends to be more refractory than non-neuropathic pain to conventional analgesics, such as non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids. However, because of the considerable overlap between
neuropathic and nociceptive pain in terms of mechanisms and treatment modalities, it might be more
constructive to view these entities as different points on the same continuum. This review focuses on
the mechanisms of neuropathic pain, with special emphasis on clinical implications.
(appendicitis), or occlusion of flow that results in capsular differences between individuals, the degree of pathology
distension (bowel obstruction). tends to correlate poorly with the intensity of pain for con-
Neuropathic pain is defined as pain resulting from injury ditions such as back pain.13 To illustrate, conditions such
to, or dysfunction of, the somatosensory system.9 In neuro- as fibromyalgia have high reported pain scores despite the
pathic pain, tissue damage directly affects the nervous sys- absence of overt disease.
tem, resulting in the generation of ectopic discharges that Secondary order neurons arising in the spinal cord trans-
bypass transduction.10 One subtype of neuropathic pain is mit nociceptive input to the thalamus through ascending
central pain (for example, as a result of spinal cord injury), pathways such as the spinothalamic tract, which functions
which manifests as a constellation of signs and symptoms as a relay station to higher cortical centers. These centers
that follows an insult to the CNS as a necessary, but not include:
always sufficient, inciting event. Although many forms of • The anterior cingulate cortex, which is involved in
nociceptive pain, and some forms of neuropathic pain, may anxiety, anticipation of pain, attention to pain, and
confer evolutionary benefits, chronic neuropathic pain is motor responses
always maladaptive. • The insular cortex, which may play a role in the sensory
Compared with previous studies, estimates of the preva- discriminative and affective aspects of pain that
lence of neuropathic pain have significantly increased over contribute to the negative emotional responses and
the past decade since the development of instruments behaviors associated with painful stimuli14
designed to identify such pain.11 Around 15-25% of people • The prefrontal cortex, which is important for sensory
with chronic pain are currently thought to have neuropathic integration, decision making, memory retrieval, and
pain.3 4 However, the prevalence of neuropathic pain may attention processing in relation to pain15
belie its socioeconomic impact, because studies have found • he primary and secondary somatosensory cortices that
that it is associated with a greater negative impact on qual- localize and interpret noxious stimuli16
ity of life than nociceptive pain.12 • The nucleus accumbens, which is involved in placebo
Emotional versus physiological aspects • The amygdala, hippocampus, and other parts of the
A common misconception is that pain is purely a physi- limbic system, which are involved in the formation and
ological phenomenon. In fact, “pain” represents a final storage of memories associated with emotional events,
integrative package, the components of which consist of affect, arousal, and attention to pain and learning. The
neurophysiological processes as well as contextual, psy- limbic system may also be partially responsible for the
chological, and sociocultural factors. This is one reason fear that accompanies pain.18
for the discrepancies between preclinical studies (which Because pain is multidimensional experience, it is not
measure increased tolerance to painful stimuli in animals surprising that psychosocial factors such as depression,
(anti-nociception)), clinical studies (which assess efficacy), somatization, poor coping skills, social stressors, and nega-
and clinical practice, which measures effectiveness (table 2). tive job satisfaction can predict the development of chronic
Partly because of these factors and the neurophysiological pain after an acute episode.19 20 In addition, the context in
which a painful stimulus occurs affects how we perceive it.
Table 2 | Comparison of pain in animal models and clinical pain This is why an injury that occurs during a football game may
Variable Animal models Clinical pain be less painful than a similar injury that occurs while walk-
Study methods Deficiencies in blinding, randomization, Greater attention to methodological quality ing to school, and why acute pain, which we anticipate will
and power calculation (low numbers) are in large scale clinical trials get better, is better tolerated than chronic pain.
Time course of Minutes to hours to days; largely coincides Weeks to months to years; usually outlasts
development with the time course of tissue damage the time course of tissue damage
Peripheral mechanisms
Hallmark Increased neuronal excitability, decreased Altered pain quality with or without Peripheral sensitization
nociceptive threshold, and expanded neurological deficits (such as numbness, Once injury occurs, inflammation and reparatory processes
receptive fields weakness) ensue, leading to a hyperexcitable state known as periph-
Pattern Correlations between tissue damage and Considerable individual variations in pain eral sensitization. In most patients, this state resolves as
cellular responses; near uniformity in experience; dynamic changes in pain
response patterns; sustainability of neuronal intensity, timing, location, modality, and healing occurs and inflammation subsides. However, when
responses not confirmed quality nociception persists because of repeated stimulation from
Presentation Mainly hyperalgesia and allodynia; rarely Usually spontaneous pain; often extends ongoing injury or disease (for example, in diabetes), the
contralateral behavioral changes beyond a single nerve or dermatome changes in primary afferent neurons may persist.
distribution; contralateral responses may be
present; behavioral responses common Several factors can contribute to peripheral sensitization.
Affective component Absent or unknown Powerful contributor to the pain experience; Inflammatory mediators such as calcitonin gene related
has a strong influence on treatment outcome peptide and substance P, which are released from nocic-
Intervention Behavioral changes can be prevented or Similar approaches (blocking key eptive terminals, increase vascular permeability, leading
reversed (or both) by blocking key cellular cellular elements) have had mostly
elements negative outcomes in clinical trials; long
to localized edema and the escape of the byproducts of
interval between positive results and injury, such as prostaglandins, bradykinin, growth factors,
implementation of intervention in practice and cytokines. These substances can sensitize as well as
Outcomes Considered over the course of days or Considered over the course of weeks or excite nociceptors, resulting in lowered firing thresholds
weeks; treatment response rates are higher months for clinical trials, and months or
than in clinical trials years in practice; success rates are lower and ectopic discharges. The fact that multiple substances
than in animal models, especially in clinical can sensitize nociceptors may partly explain why no drug is
practice universally effective and there is a ceiling effect for antago-
(SLGXUDOLQWUDWKHFDODQDOJHVLD 3$7,(17:,7+3267+(53(7,&1(85$/*,$
Fig 2 | Diagram showing the site(s) of action of various classes of
analgesics. NMDA=N-methyl-D-aspartate
nerve injury has been noted since the American civil war. and spatial summation (increased neuronal responses to
Although the concept of sympathetically maintained pain is repeated noxious stimulation in a time and region depend-
most commonly linked to complex regional pain syndrome, ent manner).32 Other components include expanded recep-
the same principles apply to other pain conditions, such as tive fields of nociceptors and second order neurons,33 and
postherpetic neuralgia.8 The interaction between the ana- increased neuronal excitability of ascending nociceptive
tomically distinct autonomic and somatosensory systems is pathways that send pain signals to supraspinal regions.34
complex but probably includes the expression of α adreno- These neuroplastic changes take place along nociceptive
ceptors on primary afferent sensory fibers, sympathetic pathways in the spinal cord and in multiple brain regions.35
sprouting into dorsal root ganglia, and impaired oxygena- In the neural circuit, nociceptive signals generated by
tion and nutrition in response to sympathetically mediated nerve damage are modulated by supraspinal descending
vasoconstriction.30 Clinically, sympathetically maintained inhibition or facilitation that converges onto dorsal horn
pain may manifest as temperature or color changes (or neurons (or both).36 At the cellular level, transmission of
both) in an affected extremity, swelling or atrophy, and pain nociceptive signals within the central nervous system
worsened by cold weather or stress, which enhances sym- is regulated by cellular and intracellular elements that
pathetic outflow. Among the various diagnostic tests used include37 38:
to detect sympathetically maintained pain, clinical studies • Ion (Na+, Ca++, K+) channels
have found that sympathetic blocks are more sensitive but • Ionotropic and metabotropic receptors such as
less specific than intravenous infusion of phentolamine.31 glutamatergic, GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid)ergic,
serotoninergic, adrenergic, neurokinin, and vanilloid
Spinal mechanisms receptors
An important spinal component of neuropathic pain • Inflammatory cytokines released from activated glial
mechanisms is synaptic plasticity in the form of temporal cells
63 *OX %'1)
HJ/`,/DQG,/DQG71) _ &&/ '$03VHWF
7/5 *$%$5 .
+7 +LVWDPLQH 3*( %UDG\NLQLQ ,/` 1*) $73 + PHGLDWRUV .
+HDW .&&
+75 +5 (35 %% ,/5 7UN$% HQGLQJV
Fig 3 | Diagram showing the various mechanisms involved in neuropathic pain at different sites in the nociceptive pathway. AMPA=α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-
4-isoxazolepropionic acid; ASIC=acid sensing ion channel; B1/B2=bradykinin receptor 1/2; BDNF=brain derived neurotrophic factor; CCL=chemokine (C-C motif)
ligand; CC-R2=CC-chemokine receptor; DAMPs=danger associated molecular patterns; EPR=prostaglandin E2 sensitive receptor; GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid;
Glu=glutamate; H1R=histamine receptor; 5-HT=5-hydroxytryptamine; IL=interleukin; KCC=potassium-chloride cotransporter; m-Glu=metabatropic glutamate;
NGF=nerve growth factor; NK=neurokinin; NMDA=N-methyl-D-aspartate; PAMPs: pathogen associated molecular patterns; PG=prostaglandin; P2X=purinergic
receptor channel; -R=receptor; SP=substance P; TLR=toll-like receptor; TNF=tumor necrosis factor; Trk=tyrosine kinase; TTxR=tetrodotoxin resistant sodium
channel; TTxS=tetrodotoxin sensitive sodium channel; VR=vanilloid receptor (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 TRPV-1)
serotonergic modulation.87 The manifold roles of these and the functional and practical classification. Consider-
neurotransmitters to affect pain, mood, and sleep may ing the large overlap between neuropathic and nociceptive
partially explain the high comorbidity rates between pain, pain, similar to the classification of other neurological dis-
depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.88 Monoamine orders (such as tension-type and migraine headaches) that
reuptake inhibitors such as tricyclic antidepressants are not share pathophysiological mechanisms and overlap in their
only effective for neuropathic pain and depression but also response to treatment,99 the different types of chronic pain
alleviate anxiety and improve sleep (fig 3).89 might best be viewed as points on the same continuum.
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