Foundations of Philippine Education: Task No. 2
Foundations of Philippine Education: Task No. 2
Foundations of Philippine Education: Task No. 2
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ACTIVITY. A cartoon that show the similarities and differences of a pre-colonial and present-day *Filipino teacher.
1. Imagine and draw your own cartoons of a pre-colonial Filipino teacher and a modern Filipino teacher.
2. You are given the leeway of interpreting your cartoons in terms of their colors, designs, and other artistic inputs.
Make sure that whatever you include in your drawing is meaningful and relevant.
3. Describe your two cartoons. Your descriptions must be based on the inputs you acquired from the reading
material provided in this module and other references you used. You may also base your description through your
own perspectives and experiences specifically for the cartoon of the modern Filipino teacher.
4. Based on the descriptions you have provided, make a Venn diagram, or write a paragraph that discusses the
similarities and differences of these two teacher-cartoons.
5. Use English as your medium in communicating your thoughts.
6. For purposes of readability, electronic outputs should be encoded using any non-cursive fonts. Font size will be
dependent on your choice, but you must make sure that the content should be clear and readable.
7. You may use any software to make your cartoons.
8. In case that your output is handwritten or drawn, it should be rendered in print, not in script. Be artistic. Make use
of coloring and other art materials.