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Topic: What is Crop Mulching?

Submitted to:
Dr.Javaid Iqbal
Submitted by:
Muhammad Javaid

Reg#: 2018-GU-1280

Department of Agronomy

Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan

What is Mulching?
Mulch is any covering material including either organic or inorganic applied on the
soil surface to reduce evaporation losses. This material may be grown and
maintained in place, or any material grown and modified before placement or any
material processed or manufactured and transported before placement. Mulching is
one cultural practice which can be used to addresses this problem. Covering the
ground with mulch saves water by preventing surface evaporation.

Mulches are used as a soil covering, for a variety of reasons:

1. Soil moisture retention
2. Heat trapping
3. Reduce runoff losses
4. Increases germination percentage
5. It improves soil structure
6. Weed prevention and control
7. Protecting roots from fluctuating and extreme temperatures
8. To help control soil erosion

Types of Mulches

1. Organic mulches
Organic mulches:
Organic mulch material includes grass, straw, dry leaves, bark, saw dust and
compost. These has capacity to easy degradable due to attract of insects, slugs and
cutworms that eat them and it will help to degraded rapidly and it add some
amount of organic matter and nutrient in soil.
2. Inorganic mulches
Inorganic mulches consist of synthetic materials - plastics, landscape fabrics
(geotextiles), stones, and rocks. They are generally used because the materials
don't decompose, or only break down after extended periods of time. Thus
replacement costs are reduced. Inorganic mulches are those that do not break down
over time. These can be either manmade products, such as rubber, or natural
products like slate chippings. They do not improve soil conditions as they won’t
release nutrients into the ground, and their permanence means they can be difficult
to remove if you change your mind. However, they do have many benefits, and in
some situations might be more suitable than organic mulches.

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