Francisco, Ma. Thea Victoria P.: Complete The Chart With The Information Needed. Write Your Answers On Your Answer Sheet

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Complete the chart with the information needed. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

My MI Gadgets How I Utilize these gadgets Positive Effects/ Influence Negative Effects/ Influence
for communication on my communication with on my communication with
other other

● Cellphone ● Cell Phones are the ● The key reason why ● If you put a cellphone
most portable gadget cell phones were into a social
right now. We could invented was to fulfill interaction, it does
install various one of the basic two things: First, it
applications such as human needs i.e. to decreases the quality
messenger, zoom, stay connected. It of what you talk
etc. that are useful in enables us to connect about, because you
communications with anyone, talk about things
especially in online anywhere, and at any where you wouldn't
learning. time, cell phones mind being
have completely interrupted, which
revolutionized the make sense, and,
telecommunication secondly, it
industry. decreases the
empathic connection
that people feel
toward each other.
● Laptop ● Laptops are more ● Some of the positive ● Technological
portable than the effects are faster innovations impairs
traditional computer communication, an the ability to make
set up and offer the organization of data friends and make
same functionalities and information, formidable
including computerization of connections.
communication tasks, and easier Technical
purposes such as access to the communication
using Skype. information. inhibits clients from
improving important
abilities. They
therefore end up
being scared,
withdrawn and
socially embarrassing
in person.

● Desktop Computer ● This is ideal for home ● Computers have ● Loss Of Privacy, the
set up as it offers the revolutionized the widespread use of
same function as everyday access of personal computers
laptops but is information, whether and mobile devices
cheaper and more for business, has led to an
affordable. It could be scientific or personal avalanche of personal
used for use. Computers have data in electronic
communication become easy and form such as contact
applications such as intuitive to use, giving lists and Facebook
emails, messenger, more people access posts. The internet's
etc. to the information ease of data
they want with less gathering combined
effort. with deliberate efforts
by business to exploit
personal information
has led to a
widespread sharing
of formerly private

● Television ● Television facilitates ● Television can teach ● Television was found

one-way kids important values to have a negative
communication and life lessons. impact on
between the sender Educational parent-child
and the receiver. This programming can communication and
allows me to develop young early literacy
communicate by children's compared to books
persuading, socialization and and toys. The results,
entertaining, learning skills. News, published in Human
informing and current events and Communication
empowering my historical Research, show that
audience or viewers. programming can watching TV can lead
help make young to less interaction
people more aware of between parents and
other cultures and children, with a
people. detrimental impact on
literacy and language

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