Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. i
List of Table ..................................................................................................................................... v
List of Figure .................................................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF ABBEREVATIONS ....................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................ viii
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY ............................................................................................................. ix
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Back ground of the project area ...................................................................................... 2
1.1.1 Climate ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Socio Economic Characteristic ................................................................................ 3
1.1.3 Existing Sanitation condition ................................................................................... 3
1.1.4 Existing Water Supply ............................................................................................. 4
1.1.5 Problems statement faced on water supply projects ................................................ 4
1.2 Objective .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 General Objective .................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Specific Objective .................................................................................................... 5
1.2.3 Scope of the project ................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Methodology.................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Design Period ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Population Growth........................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Factors Affecting population Growth ...................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Growth Rate ............................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Base Population of the Town ........................................................................................... 9
2.4 Population Forecasting .................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Geometric increase method ...................................................................................... 9
2.5 Water Demand Assessment........................................................................................... 11
List of Table
table 2.1Water supply design periods ................................................................................. 7
table2.2Population growth rate for amhara region ............................................................. 8
table 2.3Csa country level population growth rates .......................................................... 9
table 2.4Forecasted population ......................................................................................... 10
table 2.5Projected per capita water demand by mode of service (l/c/d ............................ 13
table 2.6 Projection of the percentage of population by modes of service ....................... 14
table 2.7Population distribution by mode of service ........................................................ 15
table 2.8 Summary of growth in domestic water demand ................................................ 15
table 2.9 Climatic adjustment factors................................................................................ 16
table 2.10Adjustment factors for socio economic conditions ........................................... 16
table 2.11Adjusted domestic water demand ..................................................................... 17
table 2.12Nondomestic water demand .............................................................................. 17
table 2.13 Losses as % of production................................................................................ 18
table 2.14 Recommended water demand peak factors ...................................................... 20
table 2.15Summary of water demand ............................................................................... 21
table 3.1 Recommended values of screen diameter .......................................................... 28
table 3.2 Recommended casing diameter with various yields .......................................... 30
table 5.1Height of reservoir .............................................................................................. 40
table 5.2Coefficients for vertical moments in circular reservoirs ..................................... 41
table 5.3Coefficient for hoop tension................................................................................ 41
table 5.4Coefficient for shear at base ................................................................................ 44
table 6.1The diameter of pipe used in distribution ........................................................... 50
table 6.2Recommended cover depth ................................................................................. 52
List of Figure
figure 1 Project location topography................................................................................... 2
figure 2.1 Population forecasted ....................................................................................... 11
figure 3.1 Well .................................................................................................................. 25
figure 5.1Reservoir volume detrmination ......................................................................... 37
figure5.2 Accessory of reservoir ....................................................................................... 39
figure 5.3 Detail of base slab bottom reinforcements ....................................................... 45
figure 5.4 Section view of reservoir .................................................................................. 47
figure6.1DCI and HDPE pipe ........................................................................................... 51
figure 6.2 Distribution layout ............................................................................................ 53
First of all, we would like to thank virgin Maryam and almighty God, for giving us the
courage and endurance to start the graduate studies and finalize this thesis.
Our greatest thank and heartfelt appreciations go to our advisor Muluneh (MSc) and
Endeshaw N (BSc.) for allowing us the opportunity to work with them, for their
insightful contributions to our professional development, and for their kindness and
support. Without their assistances, the completion of this paper would have been hardily
possible. And also instructor Samuel for his helps in software application especially in
water cad software, pipe line distribution and survey data collection. Next to this we
would like to thanks our families for their contribution to be successful in our life. And
also we express our gratitude to Debre Markos University College of technology for
giving chance to learn a profession of hydraulic and water resources engineering
And also, we would also like to thank the hydraulic and water resources engineering
department for the research title identification and proposal formulation processes.
Last but not the least; we would like to thank our friends who shares their ideas as well as
giving their computers which helps to do the thesis.
Water plays an important role in making life comfortable and luxurious rich and superior
in quality. That is why we say “water is life .Since the driving force of all nature is water
so, water is the basic needs of all living things on the earth. The overall objectives of this
project is to design and implement sustainable water supply and for new fast growing
town “Bora” in Amhara region improving the quality, quantity and level of service for
this project area communities with regard to water supply the rural area has no water
supply option. The rural piped system project is designed for 20 years’ design period
from2018 to 2038G.C. The project comprises the outcome of the study and design of
water supply system, According to the socio-economic data the base population that the
project incorporate is 13650 Population projection has been made based on CSA’s
country level population growth rates and accordingly the total projected population at
the end of the design period is calculated to be 30591. Demand projections were also
made throughout the design periods. The major modes and levels of services considered
are public fountains (PF), house connection (HC), yard connections (YC) and yard shard
(YS). The maximum day demand and peak hour demand for phase I at the end of the year
2028 design period is estimated to be 15.26 L/s and 20.71 l/s respectively and 31.08l/s
and42l/s respectively for the second phase. The borehole yield is estimated 25 L/s. For
the second phase the well yield doesn’t satisfy the demand so we recommend one
borehole to satisfy the demand.The lout of the distribution is dead end system and
determine by water cad software and HDPE and DCI pipes are selected to distribute the
water to the consumer. As explained in this document components of the new water
supply system like pressure main, reservoir, pump design, Gravity distribution system
have been sized to safely accommodate the water demand of the town with in the design
Water plays an important role in making life comfortable and luxurious rich and superior in
quality). That is why we say “water is life”. The most common national requirement is for
drinking water of suitable quality, and many countries base their own standards on the World
Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality, natural water is inadequate
for certain purposes as defined by recommended or guideline concentrations, (Source WHO
2006).Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a global concern. However, developing
countries, like Ethiopia, have suffered from a lack of access to safe drinking water from
improved sources and to adequate sanitation services (As a result, people are still dependent on
unprotected water sources such as rivers, streams, springs and hand dug wells. Since these
sources are open, they are highly susceptible to flood and birds, animals and human
contamination. In addition, most sources are found near gullies where open field defecation is
common and flood-washed wastes affect the quality of water, (Source WHO). The Bora town
included the nearby villages use piped water supply which is constructed in 1976 e.c with 25m3
service reservoir, hand dug well and river for their entire water requirement. The availability of
sanitation facilities is even worst. The combined effects of the poor water supply situation and
virtually none existent sanitation facilities account diseases in the town .The negative impact that
this fact has on the economic progress of the country is obvious. The problem to design the
project area is that Funds available for the completion of the project, materials availability, less
society’s awareness to the project use etc. In the design of any water supply scheme for a town or
city it is necessary to determine the total quantity of water required for various purposes by the
city’s designing water supply for town become crucial. Based on foregoing fundamental
objectives of safe water supply, Bora town is selected as our design project. The design study
includes brief assessment of physical and social conditions of infrastructures, water sources and
potentially existing and future water requirement of the town. The study is made for the design
of water supply of peak demand project for year 2038.
1.1.1 Climate
Maximum temperatures are observed in March-April while minima are recorded in July-August.
The minimum temperature of the area estimated according to the data from Bora station is 1 7 0C
and maximum temperature 29.3 0C. The relative humidity gets maximum from July to
September while minima are usually observed from February to April. The mean annual aerial
rainfall of the project area is estimated from the Bora station is about 1200 mm the climatic
condition of the project area is hot, it is kola.
The livelihood (the financial means whereby one lives) of the majority of the population in Bora
is based on trade, small business service, agricultural production and government employees
.The main crops growing in the woreda are; chat(cash crop), mashla, ,teff etc. Education
There is one public school (Grade 1-12) Located in the centre of Bora town. This means that
There are one primary (1-8) and one secondary (9-12) schools.
Health and Hygiene
There is one government health centre. This health centre provides medical services for Bora
town and the nearby villages as well.
Most households in the project area have their own pit latrines constructed from locally available
materials (wood and mud). There are no solid waste disposal mechanisms in the town. The ten
most prevalent diseases in the area as reported by the Bora town health office are Malaria,
pneumonia, AFI (acute febrile illness), helminthiasis, parasitic diseases, Trachoma,Dysentery,
and Infection of skin, non bloody diharea.
Adequate provision of sanitary facilities such as both private and public toilets, properly sited,
carefully made and managed solid waste disposal facilities will reduce the spread of contagious.
As observed during the study, there are no enough sanitary facilities and hence, they are using
the open field for defecation mostly. Besides, most of the existing Pit latrines do not have water
supply access. The mitigation measurement is that make enough access of water for everyone.
To a great extent it will also depend on the standard of living, density of population and
understanding of the importance of sanitation by the population. So, literate the society to
increase the awareness for proper sanitation is best way to resolve the problem.
1.2 Objective
1.3 Methodology
This report is prepared mainly based on the field assessment. During the preparation of detail
engineering design, the following points were followed and modified to suit into the actual
Studying the current population information of the town.
Assessing the water demand of the town based on the current and projected population.
Studying distribution of the water users by category, and setting the nodal demand.
Designing of each scheme components based on the basic related design criteria.
Preparation of the cost estimates of the project by using the current market prices.
Data collection which are essential for demand assessment.
Using design manuals for accurate design.
Design of water supply and sanitation scheme is based on the projected population of a particular
city, estimated for the design period. Any underestimated value will make system inadequate for
the purpose intended; similarly overestimated value will make it costly. Factors affecting
changes in population are:
Increase due to births
Decrease due to deaths
Increase/ decrease due to migration
Increase due to annexation.
Knowing the factors which affect the growth of population is very important to predict the future
population number. Some of these factors are birth rates, death rates and migration rates. These
factors are influenced by the following:-
A) Economic and social activities of the people
b) Development of new industries
c) Improvement of transport facilities
d) Increase in educational and other public facilities
Some of the factors which affect the demand of water are:-
Climatic condition,
Size of town,
Culture of people, and religion
Cost and Quantity of water,
Pressure in the distribution system and system of supply
2.1 Design Period
It is necessary to fix the design period and forecasting population of the area in the design of any
water supply schemes. Water supply projects are usually designed for a certain period after the
completion of construction works in order to satisfy the population demand. Design period is the
number of years for which the design of water works has been done. The factors which will keep
in view while fixing the design period are.
Funds available for the completion of the project .If more funds are available design
period may be more and vice versa.
Life of the pipe and other structural materials used in the water supply Scheme
As far as possible the design period should be nearly equal to the life time rate of interest
on the loans taken to complete the project.
If the rate of Interest is less; it will be good to keep design period more. But if the interest rate is
very high the design period should be small. Anticipated expansion rate of the town for design of
water supply schemes for medium town, design period of 20-25 years is considered. For Bora
town water supply project by considering the above factors we adopt a design period of 20 years.
This period is divided in to two phases. The first phase covers the time up to the year 2018 and
the second phase up to the year 2038.
Phase I Phase II
Source: (Amhara Water Resources Development Bureau Water Supply Core Process Water
Supply Design Guideline, November 2012)
2.2 Population Growth
2.2.1 Factors Affecting population Growth
Knowing the factors which affect the growth of population is very important to predict the future
population number. Some of these factors are birth rates, death rates and migration rates. These
factors are influenced by the:
Economic and social activities of the people.
Source: (The 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia Results for Amhara Region,
Volume II Analytical Report.
Source :( The 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia Results for Amhara Region,
Volume II Analytical Report
2.3 Base Population of the Town
The base population of Bora town in 2016 is 13650 and an accurate population of the town is
absolutely necessary since a town or city population determines water requirement for the
purpose of water supply system. It includes all peoples, who utilize water for drinking, washing
clothes, cooking, bathing, and cleaning utensils (an implement for practical use (especially in a
household) and watering animals. Even though the Central Statistics Authority (CSA) is
recognized body in Ethiopia to determine the official figures and growth rate that should be
taken for any development activity periodically.
2.4 Population Forecasting
In the design of a water supply scheme, after deciding the design period the next step is to
determine population in various times. Several methods are present, but it should be point out
that judgment must be exercised by the engineer as to which method is most applicable.
2.4.1 Geometric increase method
The geometric method is found out to be appropriate for our project due to the following reasons.
It is most suitable for a newly developed area
It is commonly used to forecast the future population and it gives higher population.
This method is based on the assumption that the percent increase in population from decade to
decade remains constant. In this method the average percentage of growth of last few decades is
determined; the population forecasting is done on the basis that percentage increase per decade
will be the same.
Source: The 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia Results for Amhara Region,
Volume II Analytical Report.
Since Ethiopia isa developing country, geometric progress method is the commonly used
formula to forecast the population at the end of n years. Because the population growth is almost
constant let as see the following figures.
population versus time
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
required by human being can be supplied or obtained through different modes of services
depending on the economic level and facilities owned by the individual.
The use of water for domestic purposes may be subdivided in various categories:
For drinking , Food preparation and cooking ,
Cleaning, washing and personal hygiene
For vegetable garden watering
Stock watering, and other uses including waste disposal.
2.5.1 Mode of Service Determination
In the case of water supply system in Ethiopia, there are commonly four modes of services in
which an individual can be served:
House Connection (HC)
Yard Connection (YC) and Neighborhood connection (YS)
Public Taps (PT) and other users.
2.5.2 Capita Demand by mode of Service
The amount of water used per person per day for daily life and activity is known as per capita
water demand and it uses as a base for estimating the domestic water demand of the community.
The average daily per capita water consumption varies widely, such variations depends upon the
differences in climatic conditions, standard of living, extent of sewer system, type of commercial
and industrial activity, water pricing, resort to private supplies, water quality for domestic and
industrial purposes, distribution system pressure, completeness of meter age, and system
management. Individual house connections provide the highest level of service among those. In
the selection of the type of water supply system, finance is usually an important factor, and the
choice also depends on the location, the size of population, economic situation, living standard
and the available water source. Water use and consumption data are frequently expressed in liters
per capita per day (l/c/d).Such data neglects the fact that in a household a considerable part of the
water use is shared by all members of a family (e.g. cooking, cleaning). The demand for different
connections depends on the status of the community or the level of the town.
In estimating projected per capital water demand corresponding to each mode of service, Water
Works Design and Supervision Enterprise (WWDSE) had adopted the following growth rates.
To calculate the projected water demand by mode of service 3% for house and yard connection
and 2% for public and yard connection is considered. Source: (WWDSE)
HC = 3%, YC = 3%, PT= 2%, YCS =2%
Table 2.5Projected Per Capita Water Demand by Mode of Service (l/c/d
Phase1 Phase 2
Description Unit Rate 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038
connection L/c/d 3% 50 58.0 70 81.15 94.07
connection L/c/d 3% 20 23.19 30 34.78 40.32
yard shard L/c/d 2% 30 33.12 40 44.16 48.76
Public tap L/c/d 2% 20 22.08 25 27.60 30.47
Town under normal Ethiopian condition. Therefore, the adjustment factor will
Table 2.11Adjusted domestic water demand
Year Phase 1 Phase 2
2018 2023 2028 2033 2038
Description Unit
Total domestic
demand 316.55 447.67 680.95 959.12 1322.38
L/s 3.66 5.18 7.88 11.1 15.31
socio economic
factor 1 1 1 1 1
climatic factor 1 1 1 1 1
Adjusted domestic
demand 316.55 447.67 680.95 959.12 1322.38
L/s 3.66 5.18 7.88 11.1 15.31
E) Fire demand
Water demand for firefighting purposes shall be assessed on a town-by-town basis, depending on
the existence of equipment and the capacity of any firefighting service. Fire hydrants shall be
installed at public and municipality interest such as schools, shops, hospitals, fuel stations and at
salient points of distribution network. This demand is taken by increasing the volume of the
storage tanks by 10 %. The annual volume required for fir fighting purpose is small. However,
during periods of need, the demand may be exceedingly large and in many cases govern the
design of distribution, storage and pumping requirement
2.7 Variation of Water Use
Water use varies from season to season, from day to day and hour to hour. Water requirements in
the dry season are more than in wet season. The use of water is also more during weekends than
working days. More water is also required at rush hours when people come back from work than
on normal working hours. Therefore, to satisfy this variation of demand the average day demand
is scaled up by certain factors to get the maximum day demand and peak hour demand. These
determine the capacities of the water supply system like pump stations, rising main and pipe
distribution networks
<2,000 2.6
2,000-10,000 1.3-1.5 2.4-2.2
10,000-50,000 2.2-1.8
50,000-80,000 1.2 1.8-1.7
>80,000 <1.7
Source: (amhara water resource and development design enter prise)
After estimation of water demand the next step is to search water source which may be able to
supply the required quantity of water at the end of the design period. Choosing suitable water
sources for development into a public water supply largely depends on water demand, that is
choice of water sources for urban cities or rural community is based on different point.
number of impurities in varying amounts. The rainwater which is originally pure also absorbs
various gases, dust and other impurities while falling. This water when moves on the ground
further carries salt, organic and inorganic impurities. So this water before supplying to the public
should be treated and purified for the safety of public health, economy and protection of various
industrial processes, it is most essential for the water work engineer to thoroughly check, analyze
and do the treatment of the raw water obtained the sources, before its distribution.
3.1.4 Underground sources of water
Ground water is important source of water supply which has a number of advantages. They may
require no treatment, have uniform temperature thought out the year, are cheaper than
impounding resource and amounts of water available are more certain. Practically speaking it is
not affected by drought in the short run.
Ground water target area is may be defined as followed by mapping of significant lineaments
(qualities) using satellite images and aerial photographs and ground reconnaissance. This should
be followed by geophysical surveys of identified sites, and finally drilling.
The modes of occurrence of ground water, therefore, depend largely upon the type of formation
and geology of the area. The possibility of occurrence of ground water mainly depends upon two
geological factors i.e. the porosity (being able to absorb fluids) and the permeability of the rock.
3.1.7 Advantages of Ground Water for water supply
Ground water is important source of water supply which has a number of advantages. They may
require no treatment, have uniform temperature throughout the year, are cheaper than
impounding reservoirs, and amounts of water available are more certain. Practically speaking
they are not affected by drought in short run, since modern methods of ground water
investigation will permit a close approximation of ground water resources for long- time
production. The selection of source of water is done on the above factors, but that source should
be selected which is big in quantity and good in quality at the comparative least cost. It is true
that when pumping head is large, energy costs may be significantly high. However, if one
considers relatively high investment required for hydraulic structure such as dam, weir, and
pipes, the overall economic pictures will show a clear advantage of ground water.
3.2 Well
Important considerations in locating well site both well location and construction is major
importance in protecting the quality of water derived from a well. Minimum distances from
known potential sources of pollution should be carefully considered in deciding upon well
location. Recommended minimum distances for well sites, under favorable geological
conditions, from commonly encountered potential sources of pollution Conditions are considered
favorable when the earth materials between the well location and the pollution source have the
filtering ability of fine sand. Where the terrain consists of coarse gravel, limestone, or
disintegrated rock near the surface, the distance guides given above are insufficient, and greater
distances will be required to provide safety. Because of the wide geological variations that may
be encountered, it is impossible to specify the distance needed under all circumstances.
Figure 3.1well
of water bearing stratum and contain very thin grain size, it will be advantageous to construct
slotted type rather than strainer type.
Depending up on the entry of the water through a cavity or a screen, the tube wells can be
broadly classified in to the following categories:
Screened wells
Screened with gravel pack (gravel packed wells)
Cavity wells
The wells of the third category can only be used in some special geophysical condition of strata.
The first two are of universal application and are deals with in the following. The aim of both
screened wells and gravel packed wells are to draw clear water from the aquifer without
excessive head loss and at the same time to keep the aquifer material. For obtaining more yield
tube wells are commonly used. These wells essentially consist of blind pipes and strainer pipes,
and their supply of water is from large number of aquifer. Now a day, tube wells are becoming
more and more popular for supplying water to cities, colonies, private state, factories, industrial
areas etc. The depth of the tube wells may vary from 50-500m.
3.2.2 Well location
The well or wells should be located on the highest ground practicable, certainly on ground higher
than nearby potential sources of pollution. The well casing should be carried at least 12 inches
above the elevation of the ground surface at the site and the surface near the site should be built
up, by fill if necessary, so that surface drainage will be away from the well in all directions.
Where flooding is a problem, special well design will be necessary to insure protection of wells
and pumping equipment from contamination and damage during flood periods and to facilitate
operation during a flood. After selecting the borehole site we have to know how many bore holes
are enough to satisfy our Maximum Day demand.
Since, Bore hole yield=25L/sec (given)
Number of bore hole at the end of design period i.e. at 2038.
No Bore hole =2(1existing +1new) that means take One (1) borehole additional which has yield
of 6.08L/S and one wet well is required for the second phase at the end of the design
period@2038 to satisfy the demand.
3.3 Water well design
Well design is the process of specifying the physical material and dimension for a well. This
includes the selection of a suitable material diameter and thickness of pipe. The size of the well
should be properly chosen since it is significantly affects the cost of well construction. It must be
large enough to accommodate the pump that is expected to be required for the head and
discharge (yield) with proper clearance. The diameter must also be chosen to give the desired
percentage of open area in the screen so that the entrance velocities near the screen do not exceed
certain values so as to reduce the well losses and hence the draw down. Good water well design
aim is ensuring an optimum combination of performance and long service life at reasonable cost.
The use of correct sizes of well casing and well screen, choice of good quality materials, and
strength and proper development of the well, will reduce long term power costs due to higher
costs of pumping and maintenance costs and increases the useful life of the well.
The principal objective of good design should ensure
The highest yield with minimum draw down consistent and aquifer capability.
Durability of the well so as to coincide with design period.
Reduction of operation and maintenances cost to a certain extent.
Good quality of water with proper protection.
3.3.1 Well screen length
The optimum length of well screen is based on the thickness of the aquifer, available draw down
and nature of stratification of the aquifer. In virtually every aquifer, certain zones will transmit
more water than others. Thus, the intake part of the well must be placed in those zones having
the highest hydraulic conductivity.
The basic requirements of well screen are
It should be resistant to corrosion and deterioration
It should be strong enough to prevent collapse of a hole
It should offer minimum resistance to the flow of water etc
0-475 10
475-1125 15
1125-3000 25
3000-5250 30
5250-9500 35
9500-13300 40
The diameter of the well pipe (or well tube) depends up on the discharge and permissible
velocity of flow through the perforation or slots of screen. The permissible velocity is usually
limited b/n 1.5 to 4.5 m / sec, based on the gross cross sectional area of the pipe. The cross-
sectional area of the pipe can be determined from the relation:
A= Q/v where Q-yield of the well
V-permissible velocity
Q= 25 L/sec and
Take, V=4m/sec (safe limit)
A= [25*10-3m3\s]/ [3m\s]
A=83cm2 but,
A= πd2/4, d=10.56 cm
Take, d=11cm
The diameter of the casing must be sufficient to accommodate the required discharge form the
The casing must be large enough for installation and efficient operation of the pump with enough
Table 3.2 recommended casing diameter with various yields
Anticipated well Nominal size of Size well casing (cm)
yield L/min pump bowl (cm) Minimum Optimum
< 400 10 12.5 15
400 – 600 12.5 15 20
600 – 1400 15 20 25
1400 – 2200 20 25 30
2200 – 3000 25 30 35
3000 – 4500 30 35 40
4500 – 6000 35 40 50
6000 – 10000 40 50 60
From the given test data the proposed site for development of well is 25L/s which are 1500
From the given well yield and casing diameter relationship the recommended optimum size of
casing hill is 30cm.
The primary function of a pump is to add hydraulic energy to certain values of fluid. This is
accomplished which the mechanical energy imparted to the pump from a power source is
transferred to the fluid, there by becoming hydraulic energy. Thus, a pump serves to transfer
energy from a power source to a fluid, thereby creating flow or simply creating greater pressures
on the fluid. Pumps are installed in water wells to lift the water to the ground surface and deliver
it to the point of use. Many types and sizes of pumps are available, ranging in power from a
fraction of one horse power to the several thousand horse power.
A pump is a mechanical device which converts the mechanical energy supplied to hydraulic
energy &transfers the liquid through the pipe line there by increasing the energy of the flowing
liquid. In a water supply works pumps are required for the following reasons:
To lift water from its sources to an elevated installation such as reservoirs and elevated
To lift water from a low water demand area to a high water demand area
To lift water to upper floors of multistory (having more than one story) buildings
To supply water under pressure directly to the consumers, for pumping chemical solutions
at treatment plant.
4.1 Pump Selection Criteria
For proper selection of pump,we should consider the following points
Number of pump units required
Capacity of pump
Discharge conditions
Total head
Location geographical, in door, outdoor elevation etc.
After having the idea of essential data on the pump installation, the following points may be ket
in mind while selecting any pumping machinery for water works.
4.2 Submersible pump
It is the modification on the deep well pump as the name indicates this, electric motor and pu
mp both are submersed in the water .By submersing electric motor,large economy can be made
by avoiding long shaft, large number of bearing (the direction or path) and large size
ofrising main etc.
4.2.1 Installation of Submersible pump
Before a submersible pump is installed, the motor must be filled with clean non acidwater(not
distilled water) free from sand for the purpose of pump.Generally, submersible pumps are instal
led three to four meters below down water lable.
4.3 Pumping Design Parameter Capacity
Pumps are mechanical equipment’s that are used for lifting water from lower position to a higher
position. The capacity of a pump is the volume of liquid pumped per unit of time which usually
is measured in liter per second or cubic meters.
4.3.1 Head
In pump system the head refers to both pump systems having one or more pumps and
corresponding piping system. The height to which a pump can raise liquid is the pump head and
the head required to overcome the losers in a pipe system at a given flow rate is the system head.
The head against which the pump must work when water is being pumped is called total dynamic
4.3.2 Efficiency
The pump should be selected to operate near its peak efficiency point. In typical water supply
applications, pumps operate over a bond of head conditions. Therefore they cannot operate at
their peak efforts all the time.
4.3.3 Shut off and Run out
Continued operation condition will result in damage to the pump from overheating. The higher
discharge head can damage pipes and valves from excessive pressure and higher power
requirements can overload pump driver.
4.4 Pumping power calculation
To calculate or design the pumping power we have to first know the total head i.e. losses and
elevation differences between the places.
The total head against which the pump should work includes static head against total loss of head
due to friction, entrance, exits etc. in suction and raising
mains.Q=31.08*24/16=46.62L/sec=0.04662m3/sec for phase II
Then we use a diameter of raising main 250mm to decrease the loss and it is market available
check the velocity as follow that must be between 0.6m/s and 1.5m/s.
Experience shows that a pipe designed to flow at a velocity between 0.6 and 1.5 m/sec,
Source: (MoWR, 2006).Check the velocity
V=Q/A, A=Πd2/4=3.14*0.252/4=0.0491m
V=0.04662/0.0491=0.9502m/sec so, it is safe because for DCI pipe velocity is between 0.6 and
1.5m/sec Layout of raising main passes mostly through farmer’s private lands and main road
side, it should be below ground. A trench about 60*80 cm size should be excavated along the
alignment. In the project area there is river and road crossing. The road crossing pipe in the
rising and distribution are crossing gravel road and this is no need of detail.
Distribution reservoir is also called service reservoir. Service reservoirs are used for storing the
treated water with in or near to the demand (distribution) area, distributing the treated water to
the customers. They are also designed to meet the water demand during fire break, pumps
failure, repair, etc and used to balance the hourly fluctuation of water demand. Water storage
requirements should take in to consideration of the peak daily water uses and maximum hourly
demand, the capacity of the normal and stand by pumping equipment, the availability and
capacity of auxiliary power, the probable duration of power failure and promptness with which
repairs can be made, and to furnish water for such emergencies as firefighting or accidental break
downs. Additional considerations are land use, topography, pressure need, distribution system
capacity and demand.
5.1 Functions of Service Reservoir:
5.2 DesignCapacity
The required reservoir capacity is determined by using
mass curve methods tosatisfy the peak hour demand of the population.
To plot mass curve diagram first we should have calculate the cumulative hourly supply and
cumulative hourly demand.
Hourly Supply =maximum daily demand/pumping hour=1334.63/16hr=83.41m3/hr.
Hourly demand= maximum daily demand/24hr=1334.63/24hr=55.61m3/hr. but since the demand
through 24hr is different we should multiply by hourly factor in order to balance supply and
Analytical method for phase I
1000.00 maximum
supply Cumulative Hourly
Demand (m3)
600.00 Cumulative Hourly
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Time in (Hr)
Figure 5.1Reservoir volume detrmination
Maximum demand=289.22m3
Maximum supply= 50.6m3
Capacity of reservoir =289.22m3+50.6m3 =339.82m3
Take 10%of capacity of reservoir for fire demand=10%*339.82m3 =33.98m3
Total capacity of reservoir =339.82m3+33.98m3 =373.8m3
Provide for safety 380m3 but since there is no form work for constructing reservoir so we use
Simple Method
Out flow
Figure5.2accessory of reservoir
5.4 Structural Design of Service Reservoirs
From circular and rectangular shape of service reservoir, we adopt circular reservoir for our
design, because of the following reasons: In a circular reservoir, small moment and shear force in
the slab will accommodate the horizontal water pressure against the lower part of the wall. In the
upper part of the wall, the horizontal water pressure will be countered by the hoop tension force
in the wall. In circular reservoir, the sheer force is smaller than the rectangular reservoir so it is
also more economical to construct circular reservoirs.
5.4.1 Reservoir Design Consideration
The primary purpose of design is to achieve acceptable probabilities that the structure being
designed will not become unfit in any way for the use it is intended. To accommodate the
required amount of water and to ensure water tight structure, the reservoir must be designed
using reinforced cement concrete that accounts for tensile forces as well as those due to bending.
The different types of reservoirs depending on the geometry (Circular and Rectangular), supports
(resting on the ground, underground and elevated), and end restraints (free sliding, hinged and
fixed at top and/or base) should be compared and selected based on their suitability and
economic condition during the design of water containing reservoirs. The design has to take
careful account of the construction methods to be used. The requirements for the elastic design
method are listed as follows.
Concrete grade class as C- 30 with a minimum cement content of 330 kg/m3 and has maximum
water cement ratio (W/C) = 0.55, but the concert should not be more than the maximum cement
content to keep the shrinkage down.
Minimum cover = 40mm
Maximum bar spacing = 300mm
The allowable tensile stresses in concrete than control cracks in concrete grade of C-30 shall be
1.44 N/mm2 and 2.02 N/mm2 due to direct tension and bending respectively.
The allowable tensile stress of steel is taken as100 N/mm2 using deformed bars for alternate
wetting and drying exposure conditions.
The maximum steel area in each of the two directions at right angle are 0.3% of the concrete area
(0.15% near each face) for deter med bars
5.4.2 Structural Detail Design of Service Reservoir for Bora town
Type: Fixed base and free ends at the top of the wall, shear force and bending moments are zero,
and at the base of the wall, slope and deflection is zero.
Table 5.1Height of reservoir
Size (m3) Depth of water (m)
Up to 3500 2.5 – 3.5
Source: (MOWR)
Let’s take class I (C-30) concrete and steel strength S-300MPA
Assume thickness at the bottom = 230mm
At the top =200mm
tavg= (230+200)/2=215mm
Capacity of reservoir =380m3 but no form work available for it use 400m3 for form work
Height of reservoir (depth of water) = 3.47m
Assumed free board = 0.3m
Total height of reservoir = 3.47m+0.3m =3.77m
For determining internal forces of the tank wall of fixed base and free top tank coefficients are
5 0.025 0.137 0.245 0.346 0.428 0.477 0.409 0.398 0.259 0.092
Source: Considering alternative exposure of wetting and drying the allowable stress based on
BS: 5337(elastic design method
For strength design Assuming, simply supported around edge allowable stresses used for
strength calculation
Hoop Reinforcement:
For the depth b/n 0.0h to 0.5h, (form max.Water level).
Water level form the above table, t is maximum at a depth 0.5H
As (Hoop) = = =974.2mm2
Act-Area of concrete and steel= (total area) for one strip) = b* Tavg.
=1m*tavg= 1000*215=215000 mm2
fct = ( )
Number of bar=As/as=974.2/200.96=4.85~5
Provide 5 16 hoop steel @ 200mmc/c placed in one layer applied for a depth 0.0h to 0.5h.
Vertical Reinforcement
a) Negative vertical reinforcement
(-ve) M max = - αt
Rb = *0.6226*0.7924 =2.7136
Dreq =√ =√ =57.65mm
(-ve)As = = = 689.88mm2
= =163.85mm <215……………..ok
Number of bar=As/as=689.88/113.04=6.1~7
Provide 12 vertical steel bars @ 215mm c/c placed on water face.
b Positive vertical Reinforcement
(Ve) M max = αm+ Where m =Max. Moment coefficient at depth 0.6h
( m=0.0059)
(+ve) As = 645mm2
Number of bar=As/as=645/113.04=5.7~6
Provide 6 12 vertical steel bars @ 215mmc/c placed on outer face.
Design of base slab
Assuming, simply supported around edge allowable stresses used for strength calculation
Fc, allow = 11N/mm2 (c-30Mpa)
Fs, allow = 130N/mm2 (continuous liquid contact S-300), n = 15
Design constant of balanced section for flexural wall
jb=(1- )=0.8136
Rb= = N/mm2
Load on base slab:
Shear at the base of wall
Table 5.4Coefficient for shear at base
4 4.137 5
Assume t = 400mm
Th = 0.234*9.81*3.47 = 7.97KN/m2
Wd = 0.4*24 +3.47*9.81 = 43.64KN,
Mr =Mo= = =294.6KN-m
Mθ= =196.4KN-m
Dreq=√ =√ =342.8mm
As= = =7964mm>Asmin
Take As=Asmax=7964mm
S =314*1000/7964mm = 39.43mm~40mm
Number of bar=As/as=7964mm /314=25.36~26
Provide 26 20 @c/c 40mm placed at the edge of the bottom slab .
Provide26 20 @c/c 40mm
Vc = 0.4*fctd*(1+50σ)*(b*d)
VC = 0.4*1.278*(1+50*0.0193)*(1000*350)
= 351.57KN-m
dreq=√ =√ =109mm
Using ø16 bars and cover of 15mm
Treq= dreq+ 15 + 16/2= 109 + 15 + 8= 132mm< t assume
The trial thickness is adequate.
Use t = 200mm
d = 200-15-8 = 177mm
(+ve) As = = =1417mm2
Spacing of bars
= = =
out let pipe
For efficient distribution it is required that water should reach to every consumers with
required rate of flow. Therefore, some pressure in pipe lines is necessary which should
force the water to reach at every place.
Table 6.1The diameter of pipe used in distribution
PN16 PN16
OD Thickness ID
32.0 3.4 25.2
50 5.2 39.6
75 7.6 59.8
90 9.2 71.6
110 11.1 87.8
125 12.7 99.6
315 31.6 251.8
System for the following reason. It is the most commonly used plastic pipe for supplying the
mains water to a dwelling HDPE.
is durable
is corrosion resistant
has good flow characteristics
is lightweight and flexible
is easy to install
has a good bending radius
is inexpensive
Requires few fittings.
DCI pipes are used from the borehole to the service reservoir due to its strength, resistance
to load & long life
Water meter
6.5.1 Water Meter
These are the devices which are installed on the pipes to measure the quantity of water flowing at
a particular point along the pipe. The readings obtained from the meters help in working out the
quantity of water supplied and thus the consumers can be charged accordingly. The water meters
are usually installed to supply water to industries, hotels, big institutions etc. metering Prevents
the wastage of purified water.
6.5.2 Types of Valves
In water works practice, to control the flow of water, to regulate pressure, to release or to admit
air, prevent flow of water in opposite direction valves are required.
Check Valves (CVs): are used to maintain flow in only one direction by closing when the flow
begins to reverse.
Flow Control Valves (FCVs): FCVs are used to limit the maximum flow rate through the valve
from upstream to downstream.
Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs): Pressure reducing valves are often used for separate pressure
zones in water distribution networks. These valves prevent the pressure downstream from
exceeding a specified level in order to avoid pressures that could have damaging effects on the
Pressure Sustaining Valves (PSVs): Pressure sustaining valves maintain a specified pressure
upstream from the valve. Similar to the other regulating valves, these are often used to ensure
that pressures in the system (upstream, in this case) will not drop to unacceptable levels.
Pressure Breaker Valves (PBVs): Pressure breaker valves create a specified head loss across the
6.6 Computer Analysis of the distribution system
The simulation of the distribution system was done using water cad. It was carried out for
extended period analysis by taking in to consideration the hourly demand fluctuation pattern on
average and maximum day. The analysis began by feeding assumed diameters of the pipe, pipe
material, pipe length; and the pressure, velocity and head loss are checked for peak & average
flow. The results of this analysis are shown in the appendix.
8.2 Recommendations
Adequacy and consistency of Water supply is important for socio-economic wellbeing of
residents of a town. Therefore, to reverse the existing inadequacy and inconsistency of water
Supply and to ensure the socio-economic wellbeing of the residents of Bora town the following
measures should be taken. Environmental researches that point out the recharge areas of the
existing and expected water supply sources should be conducted. This has to be followed by
integrated and continuous management of the recharge areas. Environmental impact assessment
should be done for both the projects on the upstream of the source and expansion of the source.
Long term investments on water supply of the town should be given due attention by all
Concerned bodies including the users. Wider Institutions and commercial centers should better
develop their own water sources if available.
All important data for town water supply designs should be recorded and managed appropriately
in order to avoid unreliable estimations during designing, constructing and expanding the water
supply system. For community management model to be effective, clear guidelines and
regulations must be established on the extent of operation and maintenance activities that should
be covered by beneficiary communities. The government should compensate the land used by
project. The construction period should be in winter because access road affects farm lands.
Water supply service needs to be measurable beyond plans and reports on its achievement.
Therefore, further studies recommended to Evaluate communities economic characteristics and
appropriate financing mechanisms for ongoing O&M with in a specific community, Compare
water consumption, need and service criteria given by various organizations.
Generally, In order to optimize benefits and minimize the negative impacts of the proposed water
supply project, Provision of clean and adequate water to the public users should be supported by
improving the sanitation facility. Therefore, the community should be educated in keeping
his/her sanitation and personal hygiene.
1. BC .Punimia, A Shock, Jain and Arun Jain, Environmental Engineering 1.Water supply
2. BSN, Raju water supply and waste water engineering.
3. Engineering, B. R. (n.d.). water supply.
4. Principle of Water quality control, 3. e. (n.d.). water supply.
5. Urban water supply universal access plan
6. Water supply Design guide line November 1987.
7. Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise (WWDSE)
Annex 1 analytical determination of reservoir volume
Ti Cumulat Cumulati
m Hourly ive ve Supply/S Demand
Hourly Rate/Hou
e( Demand Hourly Hourly urplus(m /Deficie
Factor rly
H (m3) Demand Supply( 3) ncy(m3)
r) (m3) m3)
1 0.39 21.69 21.69 0 0.00 -21.688
2 0.41 22.80 44.49 0 0.00 -44.49
3 0.41 22.80 67.29 83.41 83.41 16.12
4 0.44 24.47 91.76 83.41 166.82 75.06
5 0.44 24.47 116.22 83.41 250.23 134.01
6 1 83.41 199.64 83.41 333.64 134.00
7 2.35 90.09 289.73 83.41 417.05 127.32
8 1.62 130.68 420.41 83.41 500.46 80.05
9 1.36 75.63 496.04 83.41 583.87 87.83
0 56.72 552.76 83.41 667.28 114.52
1 89.53 642.29 83.41 750.69 108.40
2 91.76 734.05 83.41 834.10 100.05
3 81.19 815.24 83.41 917.51 102.27
4 80.08 895.31 83.41 1000.92 105.61
5 83.41 978.73 0 1000.92 22.19
1 1.6 88.98 1067.70 0 1000.92 -66.78
7 83.41 1151.12 0 1000.92 -150.20
8 83.41 1234.53 0 1000.92 -233.61
9 27.80 1262.34 0 1000.92 -261.42
0 27.80 1290.14 0 1000.92 -289.22
1 38.93 1329.07 83.41 1084.33 -244.74
2 11.12 1340.19 83.41 1167.74 -172.45
3 11.12 1351.31 83.41 1251.15 -100.16
4 11.12 1362.43 83.41 1334.56 -27.87
5 80 J77 40.84 99.6 HDPE 8.74 130 0.47 1.12
50 80 J79 14.33 87.8 HDPE 3.61 130 0.06 0.6
75 115 J111 12.19 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.03 0.19
2 185 WP-2 23.47 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.18 0.38
3 185 187 17.07 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 0.73 0.95
4 187 WP-8 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 2.13 0.95
9 224 J226 51.51 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.85 0.57
22 J-
6 164 J-165 28.35 75.6 HDPE 1.52 130 0.05 0.34
22 J-
7 165 J-169 32.61 75.6 HDPE 1.52 130 0.06 0.34
22 J- WP-
9 167 21 39.32 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 1.11 0.76
P- J-
23 169 J-170 29.87 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.2 0.46
22 J-
8 169 J-167 43.59 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 1.23 0.76
23 J- WP-
1 170 22 49.38 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.33 0.46
P- J-
88 277 J62 26.52 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 1.21 1.31
P-2 J2 J3 15.85 251.8 HDPE 24.8 130 0.01 0.5
P-3 J3 J4 11.89 251.8 HDPE 24.8 130 0.01 0.5
P-6 J4 J245 21.64 99.6 HDPE 7.78 130 0.2 1
P-4 J4 J244 18.9 159.6 HDPE 17.01 130 0.08 0.85
21 J6 J12 20.12 127.6 HDPE 13.4 130 0.15 1.05
35 J6 J7 15.85 99.6 HDPE 3.04 130 0.03 0.39
36 J7 J8 12.5 99.6 HDPE 3.04 130 0.02 0.39
37 J8 J282 20.12 87.8 HDPE 3.04 130 0.06 0.5
80 J10 J33 33.83 75.6 HDPE 2.94 130 0.2 0.66
22 J12 J14 23.77 127.6 HDPE 13.4 130 0.18 1.05
23 J14 J16 31.39 143.6 HDPE 13.4 130 0.14 0.83
24 J16 J17 32.92 127.6 HDPE 13.4 130 0.25 1.05
P- J17 J23 20.73 127.6 HDPE 13.4 130 0.16 1.05
32 J19 J20 31.09 127.6 HDPE 12.64 130 0.21 0.99
33 J20 J21 22.25 99.6 HDPE 12.64 130 0.51 1.62
34 J21 J22 16.46 99.6 HDPE 12.64 130 0.38 1.62
1 J22 J46 60.96 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.48 0.38
48 J22 J81 39.32 99.6 HDPE 12.35 130 0.87 1.59
31 J23 J19 18.29 99.6 HDPE 12.64 130 0.42 1.62
26 J23 J25 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.3 0.38
27 J25 J304 35.97 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.28 0.38
P-8 J27 J28 39.62 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.31 0.38
P-9 J28 J29 31.7 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.25 0.38
10 J29 J30 37.8 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.3 0.38
P- WP-
11 J30 14 22.25 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.17 0.38
81 J33 J34 21.95 75.6 HDPE 2.94 130 0.13 0.66
82 J34 J35 34.14 75.6 HDPE 2.94 130 0.2 0.66
83 J35 J52 13.41 59.8 HDPE 2.94 130 0.25 1.05
18 WP-
7 J48 23 25.91 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.2 0.38
0 J49 J42 17.07 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.48 0.76
6 J50 J48 19.2 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.15 0.38
84 J52 J54 31.39 59.8 HDPE 2.94 130 0.58 1.05
3 J53 J57 43.59 39.6 HDPE 1.33 130 1.38 1.08
85 J54 J56 21.95 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 1 1.31
2 J54 J53 7.92 39.6 HDPE 1.33 130 0.25 1.08
86 J56 58 22.86 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 1.04 1.31
4 J57 J61 47.55 39.6 HDPE 1.33 130 1.51 1.08
5 J61 J63 33.22 39.6 HDPE 1.33 130 1.06 1.08
89 J62 J64 35.36 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 1.61 1.31
P- J63 J65 61.87 75.6 HDPE 1.14 130 0.06 0.25
90 J64 J66 60.05 75.6 HDPE 1.61 130 0.12 0.36
7 J65 J67 59.44 39.6 HDPE 1.14 130 1.42 0.93
91 J66 J68 60.96 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 2.77 1.31
8 J67 J69 49.99 39.6 HDPE 1.14 130 1.19 0.93
92 J68 J70 49.68 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 2.26 1.31
9 J69 J194 57.61 75.6 HDPE 1.14 130 0.06 0.25
93 J70 J180 54.25 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 2.47 1.31
5 J73 J50 22.86 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.18 0.38
0 J73 J124 41.15 75.6 HDPE 7.6 130 1.41 1.69
8 J74 71 19.51 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.55 0.76
17 J75 J74 29.26 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.83 0.76
4 J76 J73 37.49 99.6 HDPE 8.36 130 0.4 1.07
6 J77 J75 21.64 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.61 0.76
2 J77 J78 8.84 75.6 HDPE 8.36 130 0.36 1.86
3 J78 J76 23.47 99.6 HDPE 8.36 130 0.25 1.07
51 J79 J83 12.5 87.8 HDPE 2.94 130 0.04 0.49
61 J79 J96 17.37 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.04 0.2
49 J81 80 30.78 99.6 HDPE 12.35 130 0.68 1.59
52 J83 J84 14.33 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.24 0.77
68 J83 J97 24.38 39.6 HDPE 1.42 130 0.88 1.16
53 J84 J85 15.54 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.26 0.77
54 J85 J86 18.29 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.31 0.77
55 J86 J87 22.86 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.39 0.77
P- J87 J94 22.86 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.39 0.77
59 J90 J92 48.46 39.6 HDPE 0.38 130 0.15 0.31
P- WP-
60 J92 19 21.34 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.6 0.76
57 J94 J95 12.19 39.6 HDPE 0.76 130 0.14 0.62
58 J95 J90 24.99 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.71 0.76
62 J96 J99 24.38 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.06 0.2
69 J97 J105 21.34 75.6 HDPE 1.42 130 0.03 0.32
63 J99 J101 32.61 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.08 0.2
76 J100 J119 54.25 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 1.53 0.76
71 J100 J103 34.75 25.2 HDPE 0.66 130 2.76 1.33
64 J101 J102 18.9 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.05 0.2
65 J102 J104 32.92 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.08 0.2
72 J103 J107 42.67 25.2 HDPE 0.66 130 3.39 1.33
66 J104 J108 28.35 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.07 0.2
70 J105 J100 21.34 39.6 HDPE 1.04 130 0.43 0.85
P- J107 J109 21.34 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 0.91 0.95
67 J108 J110 37.8 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.09 0.2
74 J109 115 21.95 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 0.94 0.95
23 WP-
7 J110 16 44.5 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.11 0.2
23 WP-
6 J111 17 34.75 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.08 0.19
77 J119 J121 36.58 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 1.03 0.76
P- WP-
78 J121 18 23.77 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.67 0.76
1 J124 J126 41.76 75.6 HDPE 7.6 130 1.43 1.69
0 J126 J143 38.71 75.6 HDPE 4.75 130 0.56 1.06
2 J126 J129 53.04 75.6 HDPE 2.85 130 0.3 0.63
9 J129 J130 13.11 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.09 0.46
3 J129 J131 48.16 39.6 HDPE 1.71 130 2.44 1.39
4 J131 J134 45.72 39.6 HDPE 1.71 130 2.31 1.39
5 J134 J136 49.68 39.6 HDPE 1.71 130 2.51 1.39
8 J136 J137 23.16 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 0.65 0.76
6 J136 J139 43.89 39.6 HDPE 1.14 130 1.05 0.93
20 WP-
7 J139 20 11.28 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.07 0.46
1 J143 J144 33.83 75.6 HDPE 4.75 130 0.49 1.06
0 J144 J145 17.68 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.29 0.57
2 J144 J147 55.17 75.6 HDPE 4.18 130 0.63 0.93
8 J147 J155 27.74 39.6 HDPE 1.14 130 0.66 0.93
3 J147 J153 35.05 59.8 HDPE 3.04 130 0.69 1.08
5 J149 J159 41.45 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.32 0.38
1 J149 J150 26.52 87.8 HDPE 1.71 130 0.03 0.28
2 J150 J152 40.54 39.6 HDPE 1.71 130 2.05 1.39
3 J152 J161 54.56 39.6 HDPE 1.71 130 2.76 1.39
4 J153 J149 15.54 59.8 HDPE 2.47 130 0.21 0.88
9 J155 J157 26.82 39.6 HDPE 1.14 130 0.64 0.93
0 J157 J156 16.46 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 0.98 1.14
6 J159 J160 45.11 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.35 0.38
7 J160 wp-7 21.03 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.16 0.38
4 J161 J162 33.83 39.6 HDPE 1.71 130 1.71 1.39
1 J162 J176 58.52 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.46 0.38
5 J162 J-164 37.8 75.6 HDPE 1.52 130 0.07 0.34
4 J174 WP-3 28.65 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.22 0.38
3 J175 J174 26.82 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.21 0.38
2 J176 J175 33.22 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.26 0.38
94 J180 J181 32 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 1.46 1.31
95 J181 J182 23.47 39.6 HDPE 1.61 130 1.07 1.31
96 J182 J183 17.98 39.6 HDPE 1.04 130 0.37 0.85
1 J183 185 49.99 39.6 HDPE 1.04 130 1.02 0.85
1 J189 J190 32 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 1.91 1.14
2 J190 J192 25.91 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 1.55 1.14
3 J192 J193 47.24 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 2.82 1.14
4 J193 J202 37.19 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.25 0.46
0 J194 J189 20.12 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.13 0.46
2 J196 J215 46.63 39.6 HDPE 0.85 130 0.65 0.69
1 J197 J196 37.19 39.6 HDPE 0.85 130 0.52 0.69
0 J198 J197 61.26 39.6 HDPE 0.85 130 0.85 0.69
9 J199 J198 46.94 39.6 HDPE 0.85 130 0.65 0.69
8 J200 J199 26.52 39.6 HDPE 0.85 130 0.37 0.69
7 J201 J200 50.29 39.6 HDPE 0.85 130 0.7 0.69
4 J201 J301 40.23 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.64 0.56
5 J202 J204 46.02 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.3 0.46
6 J204 J206 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 2.99 1.14
7 J206 J208 42.67 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 2.55 1.14
8 J208 J216 28.96 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.19 0.46
6 J209 J210 40.54 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.65 0.56
7 J210 J211 21.34 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.34 0.56
8 J211 J240 36.27 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.58 0.56
5 J212 J209 54.25 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.87 0.56
4 J213 J212 34.44 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.55 0.56
3 J215 J213 71.02 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 1.14 0.56
9 J216 J217 23.47 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 1.4 1.14
0 J217 J219 52.43 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 3.13 1.14
6 J218 J220 41.76 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.69 0.57
5 J219 J218 7.32 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.12 0.57
1 J219 J221 41.15 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.68 0.57
7 J220 J222 50.29 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.83 0.57
2 J221 J223 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.83 0.57
8 J222 224 56.08 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.93 0.57
3 J223 J225 59.44 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.98 0.57
4 J225 J227 48.77 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.81 0.57
1 J226 J228 82.6 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.37 0.57
8 J227 J229 72.85 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.21 0.57
2 J228 J230 81.69 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.35 0.57
9 J229 J231 89.31 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.48 0.57
3 J230 J232 94.18 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.56 0.57
0 J231 J233 93.27 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.54 0.57
7 J232 J234 78.64 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.3 0.57
4 J233 J235 72.24 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.2 0.57
8 J234 J236 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.83 0.57
5 J235 J237 66.75 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 1.11 0.57
9 J236 WP-6 48.46 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.8 0.57
19 WP=
6 J237 5 39.01 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.65 0.57
9 J240 J241 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.61 0.56
0 J241 J242 30.48 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.49 0.56
1 J242 WP-9 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.61 0.56
P-5 J244 J6 19.51 143.3 HDPE 16.45 130 0.12 1.02
P-7 J245 J27 31.39 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.25 0.38
12 J245 J246 41.76 87.8 HDPE 7.59 130 0.69 1.25
13 J246 J247 22.86 87.8 HDPE 7.59 130 0.38 1.25
46 J247 J249 24.08 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.16 0.46
14 J247 J248 33.53 87.8 HDPE 6.46 130 0.41 1.07
15 J248 J253 15.85 87.8 HDPE 6.46 130 0.19 1.07
47 J249 J250 38.1 39.6 HDPE 0.57 130 0.25 0.46
P- J252 J259 24.69 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.42 1.16
16 J253 J252 22.56 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.39 1.16
19 J253 J254 31.7 39.6 HDPE 0.67 130 0.28 0.54
20 J254 J258 40.23 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.1 0.2
18 J259 J261 31.7 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.54 1.16
97 J261 J262 51.82 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.89 1.16
98 J262 J263 35.66 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.61 1.16
99 J263 J264 57.91 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.99 1.16
0 J264 J268 46.94 75.6 HDPE 5.21 130 0.8 1.16
8 J265 J276 45.42 75.6 HDPE 3.03 130 0.28 0.68
3 J267 J277 35.05 39.6 HDPE 0.76 130 0.39 0.62
1 J268 J269 14.94 59.8 HDPE 2.19 130 0.16 0.78
7 J268 J265 42.06 59.8 HDPE 3.03 130 0.82 1.08
2 J269 J270 20.42 39.6 HDPE 1.62 130 0.93 1.31
3 J270 J271 17.98 75.6 HDPE 1.05 130 0.02 0.23
4 J271 J272 18.9 39.6 HDPE 0.47 130 0.09 0.39
5 J272 J273 33.22 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.55 0.57
10 WP-
6 J273 11 43.59 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.72 0.57
2 J275 J267 20.12 39.6 HDPE 1.33 130 0.64 1.08
0 J275 J297 40.54 39.6 HDPE 1.13 130 0.95 0.92
9 J276 J275 38.4 87.8 HDPE 3.03 130 0.12 0.5
4 J277 J292 40.54 39.6 HDPE 0.76 130 0.46 0.62
7 J279 J293 48.46 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.38 0.38
6 J280 J279 20.12 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.16 0.38
79 J282 J10 22.25 75.6 HDPE 2.94 130 0.13 0.66
38 J282 J283 27.74 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.06 0.19
39 J283 J285 51.21 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.11 0.19
40 J285 J286 39.93 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.09 0.19
41 J286 J287 35.66 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.08 0.19
P- WP-
42 J287 12 31.39 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.07 0.19
5 J292 J280 19.81 39.6 HDPE 0.76 130 0.22 0.62
8 J293 J294 47.24 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.37 0.38
9 J294 WP-4 27.43 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.21 0.38
1 J297 J298 46.33 39.6 HDPE 1.13 130 1.09 0.92
2 J298 J300 39.32 39.6 HDPE 1.13 130 0.92 0.92
3 J300 J201 81.08 39.6 HDPE 1.13 130 1.9 0.92
5 J301 J302 58.83 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 0.94 0.56
11 WP-
6 J302 10 73.15 25.2 HDPE 0.28 130 1.17 0.56
28 J304 J305 47.85 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.37 0.38
29 J305 J306 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.3 0.38
30 J306 J307 39.32 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.31 0.38
44 J307 J308 68.28 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.53 0.38
P- WP-
45 J308 15 53.64 25.2 HDPE 0.19 130 0.42 0.38
P-1 tank J2 18.9 251.8 HDPE 24.8 130 0.02 0.5
J273 J273 614,298.51 1,180,728.49 1,562.87 0 48.029
J107 J107 613,715.24 1,181,010.63 1,559.41 0.19 47.995
J64 J64 614,166.90 1,181,111.13 1,563.72 0 47.727
J137 J137 613,913.83 1,181,389.26 1,554.74 0.38 47.719
J162 J162 614,043.52 1,181,359.00 1,553.93 0 47.616
J61 J61 614,147.83 1,181,080.18 1,566.65 0 47.56
J62 J62 614,137.30 1,181,091.71 1,565.80 0 47.26
J157 J157 614,016.78 1,181,166.31 1,560.45 0.57 47.249
J300 J300 614,381.51 1,180,901.31 1,561.35 0 47.114
J103 J103 613,743.74 1,181,042.58 1,564.15 0 46.65
J121 J121 613,708.03 1,181,126.66 1,564.81 0 46.191
J87 J87 613,821.22 1,181,180.45 1,567.55 0 46.15
J100 J100 613,762.46 1,181,071.91 1,567.48 0 46.083
J57 J57 614,106.43 1,181,056.61 1,569.80 0 45.929
J134 J134 613,890.53 1,181,342.72 1,559.74 0 45.89
58 58 614,101.79 1,181,067.48 1,569.49 0 45.828
J292 J292 614,244.56 1,180,995.02 1,564.50 0 45.436
18 WP-18 613,709.68 1,181,150.30 1,564.96 0 45.38
J271 J271 614,308.28 1,180,778.65 1,566.48 0.57 45.064
J99 J99 613,781.92 1,181,079.02 1,569.86 0 44.995
J56 J56 614,080.65 1,181,058.86 1,571.40 0 44.968
wp-7 wp-7 614,156.11 1,181,272.30 1,562.36 0.19 44.904
J280 J280 614,233.89 1,181,011.57 1,564.87 0.57 44.846
J54 J54 614,060.32 1,181,050.70 1,572.56 0 44.801
J-277 J-277 614,110.86 1,181,088.86 1,569.50 0 44.769
J279 J279 614,242.63 1,181,029.62 1,564.85 0 44.707
J130 J130 613,880.04 1,181,247.31 1,565.77 0.57 44.525
J86 J86 613,818.10 1,181,157.80 1,569.69 0 44.403
174 187 WP-8 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.29 130 0.83 0.57
159 224 J226 51.51 25.2 HDPE 0.38 130 1.45 0.76
P- J-
226 164 J-165 28.35 75.6 HDPE 2.66 130 0.14 0.59
P- J-
227 165 J-169 32.61 75.6 HDPE 2.66 130 0.16 0.59
P- J- WP-
229 167 21 39.32 25.2 HDPE 0.76 130 4 1.52
P- J-
230 169 J-170 29.87 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.51 0.77
P- J-
228 169 J-167 43.59 25.2 HDPE 0.76 130 4.44 1.52
P- J- WP-
231 170 22 49.38 39.6 HDPE 0.95 130 0.84 0.77
P-88 277 J62 26.52 39.6 HDPE 3.13 130 4.12 2.55
P-2 J2 J3 15.85 251.8 HDPE 47.46 130 0.05 0.95
P-3 J3 J4 11.89 251.8 HDPE 47.46 130 0.03 0.95
P-6 J4 J245 21.64 99.6 HDPE 17.49 130 0.91 2.24
P-4 J4 J244 18.9 159.6 HDPE 29.98 130 0.22 1.5
P-21 J6 J12 20.12 127.6 HDPE 23.8 130 0.45 1.86
P-35 J6 J7 15.85 99.6 HDPE 5.22 130 0.07 0.67
P-36 J7 J8 12.5 99.6 HDPE 5.22 130 0.06 0.67
P-37 J8 J282 20.12 87.8 HDPE 5.22 130 0.17 0.86
P-80 J10 J33 33.83 75.6 HDPE 5.03 130 0.54 1.12
P-22 J12 J14 23.77 127.6 HDPE 23.8 130 0.53 1.86
P-23 J14 J16 31.39 143.6 HDPE 23.8 130 0.39 1.47
P-24 J16 J17 32.92 127.6 HDPE 23.8 130 0.73 1.86
P-25 J17 J23 20.73 127.6 HDPE 23.8 130 0.46 1.86
P-32 J19 J20 31.09 127.6 HDPE 22.38 130 0.62 1.75
P-33 J20 J21 22.25 99.6 HDPE 22.38 130 1.47 2.87
P-34 J21 J22 16.46 99.6 HDPE 22.38 130 1.09 2.87
181 J22 J46 60.96 25.2 HDPE 0.1 130 0.13 0.19
P-48 J22 J81 39.32 99.6 HDPE 22.23 130 2.57 2.85
P-31 J23 J19 18.29 99.6 HDPE 22.38 130 1.21 2.87
P-26 J23 J25 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 1.63 0.95
P-27 J25 J304 35.97 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 1.53 0.95
P-8 J27 J28 39.62 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 2.37 1.14
P-9 J28 J29 31.7 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 1.9 1.14
P-10 J29 J30 37.8 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 2.26 1.14
P-11 J30 14 22.25 25.2 HDPE 0.57 130 1.33 1.14
P-81 J33 J34 21.95 75.6 HDPE 5.03 130 0.35 1.12
P-82 J34 J35 34.14 75.6 HDPE 5.03 130 0.55 1.12
P-83 J35 J52 13.41 59.8 HDPE 5.03 130 0.67 1.79
P- WP-
187 J48 23 25.91 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 1.1 0.95
180 J49 J42 17.07 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 0.73 0.95
186 J50 J48 19.2 25.2 HDPE 0.47 130 0.82 0.95
P-84 J52 J54 31.39 59.8 HDPE 5.03 130 1.58 1.79
133 J53 J57 43.59 39.6 HDPE 1.9 130 2.68 1.54
P-85 J54 J56 21.95 39.6 HDPE 3.13 130 3.41 2.55
P- J54 J53 7.92 39.6 HDPE 1.9 130 0.49 1.54
P-86 J56 58 22.86 39.6 HDPE 3.13 130 3.55 2.55
134 J57 J61 47.55 39.6 HDPE 1.9 130 2.92 1.54
135 J61 J63 33.22 39.6 HDPE 1.9 130 2.04 1.54
P-89 J62 J64 35.36 39.6 HDPE 3.13 130 5.5 2.55
136 J63 J65 61.87 75.6 HDPE 1.9 130 0.16 0.42
P-90 J64 J66 60.05 75.6 HDPE 3.13 130 0.4 0.7
137 J65 J67 59.44 39.6 HDPE 1.9 130 3.65 1.54
P-91 J66 J68 60.96 39.6 HDPE 3.13 130 9.48 2.55
138 J67 J69 49.99 39.6 HDPE 1.9 130 3.07 1.54
P-92 J68 J70 49.68 39.6 HDPE 3.13 130 7.72 2.55
139 J69 J194 57.61 75.6 HDPE 1.9 130 0.15 0.42
P-93 J70 J180 54.25 39.6 HDPE 3.13 150 8.43 2.55
185 J73 J50 22.86 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 0.98 0.95
200 J73 J124 41.15 75.6 HDPE 12.73 150 3.67 2.84
178 J74 71 19.51 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 0.83 0.95
177 J75 J74 29.26 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 1.25 0.95
184 J76 J73 37.49 99.6 HDPE 14.15 150 1.06 1.82
P- J77 J75 21.64 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 0.92 0.95
182 J77 J78 8.84 75.6 HDPE 14.15 150 0.96 3.15
183 J78 J76 23.47 99.6 HDPE 14.15 150 0.67 1.82
P-51 J79 J83 12.5 87.8 HDPE 6.36 150 0.15 1.05
P-61 J79 J96 17.37 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.29 0.57
P-49 J81 80 30.78 99.6 HDPE 22.23 150 2.01 2.85
P-52 J83 J84 14.33 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 1.87 2.31
P-68 J83 J97 24.38 39.6 HDPE 2.56 150 2.61 2.08
P-53 J84 J85 15.54 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 2.03 2.31
P-54 J85 J86 18.29 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 2.38 2.31
P-55 J86 J87 22.86 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 2.98 2.31
P-56 J87 J94 22.86 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 2.98 2.31
P-59 J90 J92 48.46 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.83 0.77
P-60 J92 19 21.34 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 3.29 1.9
P-57 J94 J95 12.19 39.6 HDPE 1.9 150 0.75 1.54
P-58 J95 J90 24.99 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 3.85 1.9
P-62 J96 J99 24.38 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.4 0.57
P-69 J97 J105 21.34 75.6 HDPE 2.56 150 0.1 0.57
P-63 J99 J101 32.61 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.54 0.57
P-76 J100 J119 54.25 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.53 0.76
P-71 J100 J103 34.75 25.2 HDPE 1.23 150 8.7 2.48
P-64 J101 J102 18.9 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.31 0.57
P-65 J102 J104 32.92 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.55 0.57
P-72 J103 J107 42.67 25.2 HDPE 1.23 150 10.68 2.48
P-66 J104 J108 28.35 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.47 0.57
P-70 J105 J100 21.34 39.6 HDPE 1.62 150 0.97 1.31
P-73 J107 J109 21.34 25.2 HDPE 0.67 150 1.7 1.33
P-67 J108 J110 37.8 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.63 0.57
P-74 J109 115 21.95 25.2 HDPE 0.67 150 1.75 1.33
P- WP-
237 J110 16 44.5 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.74 0.57
P- WP-
236 J111 17 34.75 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.58 0.57
P-77 J119 J121 36.58 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.03 0.76
P-78 J121 18 23.77 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 0.67 0.76
201 J124 J126 41.76 75.6 HDPE 12.73 150 3.73 2.84
210 J126 J143 38.71 75.6 HDPE 7.98 150 1.46 1.78
202 J126 J129 53.04 75.6 HDPE 4.75 150 0.76 1.06
209 J129 J130 13.11 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.22 0.77
203 J129 J131 48.16 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 6.27 2.31
204 J131 J134 45.72 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 5.96 2.31
205 J134 J136 49.68 39.6 HDPE 2.85 150 6.47 2.31
208 J136 J137 23.16 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 1.38 1.14
206 J136 J139 43.89 39.6 HDPE 1.9 150 2.7 1.54
P- WP-
207 J139 20 11.28 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.19 0.77
P- J143 J144 33.83 75.6 HDPE 7.98 150 1.27 1.78
220 J144 J145 17.68 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 0.75 0.95
212 J144 J147 55.17 75.6 HDPE 7.03 150 1.64 1.57
238 J147 J155 27.74 39.6 HDPE 1.9 150 1.71 1.54
213 J147 J153 35.05 59.8 HDPE 5.13 150 1.82 1.83
215 J149 J159 41.45 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.69 0.57
221 J149 J150 26.52 87.8 HDPE 2.94 150 0.08 0.49
222 J150 J152 40.54 39.6 HDPE 2.94 150 5.61 2.39
223 J152 J161 54.56 39.6 HDPE 2.94 150 7.55 2.39
214 J153 J149 15.54 59.8 HDPE 4.18 150 0.55 1.49
239 J155 J157 26.82 39.6 HDPE 1.9 150 1.65 1.54
240 J157 J156 16.46 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 2.53 1.9
216 J159 J160 45.11 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.75 0.57
217 J160 wp-7 21.03 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.35 0.57
224 J161 J162 33.83 39.6 HDPE 2.94 150 4.68 2.39
P- J162 J176 58.52 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.97 0.57
225 J162 J-164 37.8 75.6 HDPE 2.66 150 0.19 0.59
244 J174 WP-3 28.65 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.47 0.57
243 J175 J174 26.82 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.44 0.57
242 J176 J175 33.22 25.2 HDPE 0.29 150 0.55 0.57
P-94 J180 J181 32 39.6 HDPE 3.13 150 4.97 2.55
P-95 J181 J182 23.47 39.6 HDPE 3.13 150 3.65 2.55
P-96 J182 J183 17.98 39.6 HDPE 2.19 150 1.43 1.77
171 J183 185 49.99 39.6 HDPE 2.18 150 3.98 1.77
141 J189 J190 32 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 4.93 1.9
142 J190 J192 25.91 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 3.99 1.9
143 J192 J193 47.24 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 7.27 1.9
144 J193 J202 37.19 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.63 0.77
140 J194 J189 20.12 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.34 0.77
122 J196 J215 46.63 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 1.9 1.23
121 J197 J196 37.19 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 1.51 1.23
120 J198 J197 61.26 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 2.49 1.23
119 J199 J198 46.94 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 1.91 1.23
118 J200 J199 26.52 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 1.08 1.23
117 J201 J200 50.29 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 2.05 1.23
114 J201 J301 40.23 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.41 1.14
145 J202 J204 46.02 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.78 0.77
146 J204 J206 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 7.7 1.9
147 J206 J208 42.67 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 6.57 1.9
148 J208 J216 28.96 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.49 0.77
126 J209 J210 40.54 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.42 1.14
127 J210 J211 21.34 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 1.28 1.14
128 J211 J240 36.27 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.17 1.14
125 J212 J209 54.25 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 3.24 1.14
124 J213 J212 34.44 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.06 1.14
123 J215 J213 71.02 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 4.25 1.14
149 J216 J217 23.47 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 3.61 1.9
150 J217 J219 52.43 25.2 HDPE 0.95 150 8.07 1.9
156 J218 J220 41.76 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.18 0.76
155 J219 J218 7.32 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 0.21 0.76
151 J219 J221 41.15 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.46 1.14
157 J220 J222 50.29 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.42 0.76
152 J221 J223 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.99 1.14
158 J222 224 56.08 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.58 0.76
153 J223 J225 59.44 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 3.55 1.14
154 J225 J227 48.77 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.92 1.14
191 J226 J228 82.6 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 2.33 0.76
188 J227 J229 72.85 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 4.36 1.14
192 J228 J230 81.69 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 2.3 0.76
189 J229 J231 89.31 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 5.34 1.14
193 J230 J232 94.18 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 2.66 0.76
190 J231 J233 93.27 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 5.58 1.14
197 J232 J234 78.64 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 2.22 0.76
194 J233 J235 72.24 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 4.32 1.14
198 J234 J236 49.99 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.41 0.76
195 J235 J237 66.75 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 3.99 1.14
199 J236 WP-6 48.46 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.37 0.76
P- WP=
196 J237 5 39.01 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.33 1.14
129 J240 J241 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.28 1.14
130 J241 J242 30.48 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 1.82 1.14
131 J242 WP-9 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.28 1.14
P-5 J244 J6 19.51 143.3 HDPE 29.03 150 0.36 1.8
P-7 J245 J27 31.39 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 1.88 1.14
P-12 J245 J246 41.76 87.8 HDPE 16.92 150 3.05 2.79
P-13 J246 J247 22.86 87.8 HDPE 16.92 150 1.67 2.79
P-46 J247 J249 24.08 39.6 HDPE 1.9 150 1.48 1.54
P-14 J247 J248 33.53 87.8 HDPE 14.07 150 1.74 2.32
P-15 J248 J253 15.85 87.8 HDPE 14.07 150 0.82 2.32
P-47 J249 J250 38.1 39.6 HDPE 0.95 150 0.65 0.77
P-17 J252 J259 24.69 75.6 HDPE 11.97 150 1.97 2.67
P-16 J253 J252 22.56 75.6 HDPE 11.97 150 1.8 2.67
P-19 J253 J254 31.7 39.6 HDPE 1.15 150 0.77 0.93
P-20 J254 J258 40.23 25.2 HDPE 0.2 150 0.35 0.4
P-18 J259 J261 31.7 75.6 HDPE 11.97 150 2.53 2.67
P-97 J261 J262 51.82 75.6 HDPE 11.02 150 3.54 2.45
P-98 J262 J263 35.66 75.6 HDPE 11.02 150 2.44 2.45
P-99 J263 J264 57.91 75.6 HDPE 10.07 150 3.35 2.24
100 J264 J268 46.94 75.6 HDPE 10.07 150 2.72 2.24
108 J265 J276 45.42 75.6 HDPE 5.51 150 0.86 1.23
163 J267 J277 35.05 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 1.43 1.23
101 J268 J269 14.94 59.8 HDPE 4.56 150 0.62 1.62
107 J268 J265 42.06 59.8 HDPE 5.51 150 2.5 1.96
102 J269 J270 20.42 39.6 HDPE 3.61 150 4.12 2.93
103 J270 J271 17.98 75.6 HDPE 2.66 150 0.09 0.59
104 J271 J272 18.9 39.6 HDPE 1.71 150 0.96 1.39
105 J272 J273 33.22 25.2 HDPE 1.33 150 9.54 2.67
P- WP-
106 J273 11 43.59 25.2 HDPE 0.38 150 1.23 0.76
162 J275 J267 20.12 39.6 HDPE 2.47 150 2.01 2.01
110 J275 J297 40.54 39.6 HDPE 2.09 150 2.97 1.7
109 J276 J275 38.4 87.8 HDPE 5.51 150 0.35 0.91
164 J277 J292 40.54 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 1.65 1.23
167 J279 J293 48.46 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.9 1.14
166 J280 J279 20.12 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 1.2 1.14
P-79 J282 J10 22.25 75.6 HDPE 5.03 150 0.36 1.12
P-38 J282 J283 27.74 25.2 HDPE 0.19 150 0.22 0.38
P-39 J283 J285 51.21 25.2 HDPE 0.19 150 0.4 0.38
P-40 J285 J286 39.93 25.2 HDPE 0.19 150 0.31 0.38
P-41 J286 J287 35.66 25.2 HDPE 0.19 150 0.28 0.38
P-42 J287 12 31.39 25.2 HDPE 0.19 150 0.25 0.38
165 J292 J280 19.81 39.6 HDPE 1.52 150 0.81 1.23
168 J293 J294 47.24 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 2.82 1.14
169 J294 WP-4 27.43 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 1.64 1.14
111 J297 J298 46.33 39.6 HDPE 2.09 150 3.4 1.7
112 J298 J300 39.32 39.6 HDPE 2.09 150 2.88 1.7
113 J300 J201 81.08 39.6 HDPE 2.09 150 5.95 1.7
115 J301 J302 58.83 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 3.52 1.14
P- WP-
116 J302 10 73.15 25.2 HDPE 0.57 150 4.37 1.14
P-28 J304 J305 47.85 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 2.04 0.95
P-29 J305 J306 38.1 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 1.63 0.95
P-30 J306 J307 39.32 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 1.68 0.95
P-44 J307 J308 68.28 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 2.91 0.95
P-45 J308 15 53.64 25.2 HDPE 0.47 150 2.29 0.95
P-1 tank J2 18.9 251.8 HDPE 47.46 150 0.06 0.95